Wednesday, July 3, 2024


1Timothy 6:9

People who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.


Click the website below to learn how to better your finances and prosper.


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The following link contains helpful videos and information to enhance your business and includes a list of The King’s Group business members who offer products & services you may need. @everyone


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Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Proverbs 21:20

A wise person saves and invests for the future, whereas foolish ones spend everything they get.


Click the website below to learn how to better your finances and prosper.


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Monday, July 1, 2024

7-13-24 Men's Prayer Meeting followed by CARE CLINIC with Dr. Jean Guy

Both meetings are at:

Gilead Healing Center, 
306 S. Creyts Rd.
Lansing MI 48917
(see below)

Men's Prayer Meeting
8am to 9am

This powerful monthly gathering for worship, discipleship, and prayer is led by Elder Larry Ford.

Mount Hope Church and Gilead Healing Center CARE CLINIC
10am to 12noon

Stressed? Need prayer? Need help? or Refreshing?

Come and receive prayer and guidance for exactly what you need. Come ready for a time of worship, teaching on biblical healing, and individual prayer with our healing ministers. 

Listen as Dr. Jean Guy shares how you can get your spirit, soul, and body to work together in healing your whole person.

The next CARE CLINIC will be on Saturday, October 5th


Exodus 22:25

If you lend money to any of My down-and-out people among you, don’t come down hard on them by gouging them with usurious interest.


Click the website below to learn how to better your finances and prosper.


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