Over 50% of marriages are ending in divorce with most divorcees saying that financial problems caused their marriages to end. People's indebtedness to business establishments continues to rise at a horrendous rate and many say bankruptcies and business failures were the result of not being able to pay the large loans they took on to purchase buildings, equipment, and other desires.
Many children are more selfish and disrespectful to parents and elders than they've ever been. Children continue to set their parent’s teeth on edge even though they provide them with the finest homes, cars, and clothes that debt can buy. The savings rate continues to plunge. More people than ever before are having cars repossessed, homes foreclosed on, and filing for bankruptcy.
These devastating situations are only symptoms of the underlying problem that most people perpetuate: failure to use biblical money management principles. They thought purchasing expensive houses, cars, and other items would make them happy, show people that they are blessed, and be the answer to their problems. However, real peace and joy can be imparted only by the Lord through relationship with Him.
Debt is nothing but a silent killer that eventually leads the masses into poverty, despair, hopelessness, and life beneath the prosperous privilege God desires for you. Not realizing this many people continue to make the same mistake over and over thinking that more income and more material things will take care of the void they feel inside and the problems they see on the outside. Sometimes, they think these things will bring them the respect they want from other people and will eliminate the insecurity they feel deep down.
Now, we shouldn’t focus much on the past failures that are behind us, rather we should look to the One whose blood and principles can change our lives forever starting on earth. Let our past be an indication that I need the One who is wiser than I. While I may be endowed with some great gifts and abilities, I am not Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent and thus I need a deep abiding relationship with the one who is all these things.
The silent killer is our lack of knowledge and understanding of biblical principles for living and managing money and failure to obey the commands and principles of scripture. However, Jesus Christ offers you a way to turn this situation around and make your life purposeful and truly worthwhile. He is the only way, the truth, and the life.
No man can do anything eternally worthwhile except it come from the empowerment of a relationship with Him. So, freely offer yourself to Him today and never turn back on that commitment. Seek to know Him better throughout your life and know His principles and He is sure to lead you to a non-indebted, fruitful, purposeful life where you are able to complete the work He gave you to do.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 15:9-11, Proverbs 11:24-26, Matthew 6:19-21, John 4:34, 1Timothy 6:17-21
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at www.Amazon.com.
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