As have most people, you have tried to fix something and couldn't fix it or purchased something only to find out later that you paid way too much for it. Such times in our lives help remind us that no person is an island unto him or herself. God designed creation and determined each person’s interaction with it in such a way that each person must help and receive the help of others in order to accomplish what God made him / her to do.
Knowing your limitations and seeking out people who have the skills you need to get the job done effectively, efficiently, and less costly than what it costs you to do it will resolve the frustration you feel when trying do something that you are not equipped to do. In addition, using the right person will save you lots of time and money and in most instances get the job done right the first time.
For many people it is not cost effective or emotionally stimulating to try and study every manual in order to reduce the cost of performing certain tasks by doing it yourself. So, you need to determine whether the cost is higher to you in the long run by not having a gifted person perform the task the right way from the start. In addition, you will need to measure your current situation to determine what you can afford to pay a person for the needed service.
Certainly, you should spread your wings and try to do things you’ve never done before. However, you need to determine if you truly desire to do such things otherwise you’re likely to put in lackluster performance completing them. For example, if you’re not the handyman type, it is not likely that you have a desire to build extra rooms onto houses or remodel them. When you cannot muster the necessary desire and skill it is better to let a licensed builder erect a new room onto your house rather than taking the do-it-yourself route.
While each of us has many areas in which we are able to learn and successfully complete tasks, we also have a number of areas in which we are not gifted or able. Generally, there are people all around us who know how to do the things we cannot do well. There are also people and resource guides that can direct us to gifted people and businesses that have or do what we need or desire.
When you know you don't have the skills to do certain things, search for a person with the skills you need, who will allow you to pay less than the normal rate until you're financially able, and who will do a great job completing the projects. By all means, when you are able you should pay once the service is completed and at a win-win price for everyone involved, and that will keep you and the gifted person on each other's contact list for future projects.
Don't be a lazy freeloader who relies on other people to provide for you at no cost when you can do for yourself. You should do the daily things you need to do and can do to survive, build the kingdom of God in the hearts of men, and make a positive impact on others in this world. Otherwise, the negative consequences of slothfulness will be great upon your life and finances.
Never look at having to hire someone to perform tasks for you as a negative because God designed that you would interact in that way in order that you would benefit one another in ways we you both need. When you're faithful to trust God, even when that means holding off until you’re financially able to pay a gifted person to perform the task, God will supernaturally bless you and the person you hire with exactly what you both need.
In fact, whenever you really need something and aren’t able to afford the cost to obtain it or do it, the Lord prepares people to provide that thing for you to help you care for yourself and your family, and achieve the purpose He has for you at the moment or in the future. The reality is if He doesn’t provide what you think you need when you’re in a bad financial condition, then you don’t really need it.
One other aspect of the “no man is an island principle” is that those considered elite in our society should also recognize the collaboration they must have with many other people and the great service others provide for them. I’m talking to business owners, politicians, entertainers, and other famous, powerful, and/or rich people. Unfortunately, many believe they are self-made. Their attitudes are so prideful, egotistical, and arrogant that they believe they attained their positions in this life and obtained all the material things they have through the ability of their minds and the work of their hands and that other people were not really all that important in helping them get the job done or building their fortune. They think people are interchangeable and of no specific benefit because they believe they can easily replace one person with another and still get the job done.
Many people with this mind-set believe if it wasn’t for their overarching intellect, prowess, and ability to pay others, their employees wouldn’t even have their current material possessions. In other words, “You’d be a pauper if it wasn’t for me.” Unfortunately, many still are paupers because they oppress and take advantage by underpaying them using excuses like “pay is based on the market” while heaping massive riches unto themselves. This is done most times due to underlying pride, arrogance, and greed because they’re only interested in what they can get out of people in order to fulfill their dream and build their wealth. They don’t tend to be very interested in what they can do to provide livable income and really help other people become who God wants them to become.
The teaching of scripture, constant interaction of people therein helping others accomplish great things, the fact that scripture teaches you shall not muzzle the ox that treads the corn and that you should extend yourself in blessing others especially other believers, along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit should lead each believer to recognize other people’s contributions and seek to bless them significantly in recognition that no one can accomplish anything of value without the assistance of many other people who provide meaningful mental and physical labor and collaboration.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Exodus 18:17-23, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, Matthew 25:27, Luke 5:4-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
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