You are loved by the LORD and special. You were born with unique abilities that fit the purpose He has in mind for your life per the life race He desires you to run and the destiny He desires for you. When nurtured by you via intimate fellowship with Him while obeying His voice as He directs your path, you will find your wealthy place of success and fruitfulness. That place, God long ago designed for you, is ministry whether thru business, preaching, government service, music, art or other and varying vocations throughout your life.
Along your journey other people will try to convince you there's a higher calling or another area of work for you than what you know the LORD has called you to do. They will present the fruit from what they have seeded, implore you to give all you have into their ministry, and thus let them do everything that is needed so it can be done right by the one they believe has the great anointing. There are ministries He wants you to give to (money and a helping hand) and to become a disciple of to learn ways in which one can properly follow Christ. Yet, one day you may be called to venture out of that nest to walk the path He prepared you to engage for enhanced fruitfulness in your life that others can eat from and be drawn closer to Him.
By biblical standards you need to measure the lifestyle and fruitfulness of anyone who is or would be your mentor, lest you look upon their fruit, that seems outwardly good to eat, when inwardly it may be full of worms and poisons leading you down a path of destruction and death. Yet, when intimate relationship with someone displays truly good fruit then learn of them by identifying the biblical principles they employ and ask the LORD which methods you should engage to bring these principles alive in your life. Methods are many, principles are few, methods often change, but principles never do. Often various methods they use can successfully be employed in your life, especially in the early stages of your endeavors, and that is one of the reasons He connected you with their ministry.
It is worth repeating that you are loved by the LORD and have been given unique gifts and talents to help you serve other people. You are not your neighbor and God did not create you to be his clone and act exactly like him / her. When you fulfill God's plan for your life and your neighbors do also, together you fit within the perfectly designed body of Christ of which He is the head and all in all who will bring success to the body and every part through all they do.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Genesis 25:23-26, Romans 12:3-8, 1Corinthians 12:4-14, Ephesians 4:11-32
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