Saturday, January 6, 2018

MoneyWalk 425 The Right Way To Build Wealth

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

A Christian is passionate about seeking first the LORD and by grace through faith receiving His righteousness and kingdom to guide his/her life. It is through this love relationship with Him that all other things we need and many things desired will be added to us. However, these things will never be our real treasure. For where your treasure is (in Christ in God), there will your heart be also.

There are some in the world who God called to positions of prominence (power, fame, wealth) and others He allows to be in such positions. You are no less highly regarded by the LORD if you do not attain similar earthly positions, goods, or notoriety. Each of our jobs and the abilities and skills we use to do them (when they are not of a sinful nature and regardless of whether we call them ministry or secular endeavors) are gifts from and ministry to the LORD that greatly benefit many other people. Those truly intimate with Him will lead others to His saving and sanctifying grace.

Now, His blessings and rewards on earth can be two-fold. First, He rains on the just and unjust alike. Some things He will do for you just because He loves you whether you are a believer or not. Some things He might do only for believers in Christ, like grant them salvation and eternal life. Some rewards may be provided only in accordance with spiritual laws as we live out biblical principles (sowing & reaping, counting the cost, saving & investing, asset diversification, etc.). Our job is not to worry about how to get things. It is to seek Him while He is near and call upon Him while He may be found. As we move along the path on which seeking, relating, and becoming intimate with Jesus Christ is our greatest priority in life, then we find that He adds all the other things to us that we need to fulfill His will, purpose, and calling for our life and to be a blessing to many others.

This is very important to know because otherwise we try to live someone else's life or the way they told us scripture requires us to live. Seeking Him first tunes our ears to hear what the bible and Holy Spirit are actually saying to our hearts. While I have a need to be taught by God and know this will often be delivered through man, I have a greater need to receive understanding from the Holy Spirit so I can walk in wisdom. He is the Spirit of Truth who will tell me all things (John 14 and 15).

He lets me know monetary wealth is possible when I work in a godly manner and properly managing income received. However, I must in all cases be attuned to using that wealth for the glory of God by helping to spread His gospel throughout my family, community, nation, and world and in greater proportion as my income and wealth increase. This helps keep us in a humble place recognizing that God owns all the money and resources we will ever receive and that we are to do His will with it. We must also recognize we are no better than anyone else because we have received seemingly greater blessings and rewards on earth.

God is just as happy with the widow who glorified Him by giving all she had (two pennies relatively speaking) in the worship service collection as He is with the rich man who glorified Him by preparing Christ’s body and burying Him in his tomb. So, focus on glorifying His name in the earth by following His vision for your life, working as unto the LORD, abundantly funding gospel ministry, budgeting, properly caring for your family, pursuing debt-freedom, spending within your means, saving, investing, and diversifying assets. Then, you will look up and find yourself in the wealthy place.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 13:21-23, Proverbs 21:20, Matthew 6:33, Luke 21:1-4, Luke 23:50-53

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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