Sunday, June 14, 2020

MoneyWalk 53 How Much Is Enough?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible warns everyone not to love money, no matter the income they earn or assets they accumulate in life, because loving money will fail you. While money can help you properly care for many situations, just when you think you’ve earned or accumulated enough, you’ll experience a problem too big for money to resolve.

The bible tells everyone to trust in Jesus Christ because he provides the salvation for everyone who believes in Him that take cares of everything you need eternally. Also, His Spirit living in believers guides you in the way to live out His will on Earth so you can help provide everything needed to take care of your natural earthly responsibilities. In addition, He lets you know only what you do for Him will last. He will not forget your labor of love toward Him and His people. Through relationship with Christ and obedience to His will and ways you are helping build an eternal habitation in Heaven and a portal on Earth for other people to find Him and experience the depth of love and prosperity in Him you’ve come to know.

The bible identifies lifestyle principles and general areas of blessing that all believers can experience while on Earth. There are also some material things He provides for the faithful (rich and poor) that they don't have to pay for. Yet, there are some rewards that even believers do not get when they are lazy, slothful, apathetic, and disobedient in following biblical instruction and the Holy Spirit’s guidance concerning engaging daily / regular spiritual tasks (worship, praise, thanksgiving, prayer, bible study, fellowship with saints, declaring proclaiming His will, vision-casting, evangelizing, making disciples) and natural earthly tasks (working hard, building good relationships, pursuing worthwhile higher education, learning valuable skills and trades, pursuing godly opportunities, promotions, and benefits that are progressively more profitable for you and the Kingdom of God, etc.). Such profitability along with good financial stewardship allows you to tithe and give more discretionary income as offerings to your local church and other ministries so the gospel can be spread in your community and worldwide and be a blessing to many others.

Live in love, humility, and concern for others while you engage good stewardship and the profitability and prosperity it produces. Then you will understand you should never have feelings of superiority toward other people no matter the amount of money, material things, position, power, fame, or prestige you acquire. Fulfilling His purpose for your life according to the gifts and callings He gives you will glorify Him, give you more from which to serve others, and allow you to experience the fulfillment He desires for your life. Following His instruction helps draw into your life the people, resources, money, etc. you need to be the Great Commission partner He wants.
The parable of the talents and minas show He expects you to properly manage your talent, mind, income, and assets according to His commands. No matter the size of your income you can, in an abundant way, deliver the gospel to other people. You can expect great blessings when you follow His instructions.

The opposite form of lifestyle and money management (many people unfortunately choose) is predicated on the belief that the winner of life’s race is the one with the most money, stuff, position, power, and earthly influence. It brings eternal if not earthly destruction and fails to provide you and other loved ones with the principles, fortitude, and activities necessary to be truly successful in God’s eyes.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 3:5-24, 27:23-27, Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-27

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

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