Sunday, October 24, 2021

MoneyWalk 124 Problem Solving

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In order to reach your highest potential of blessing and usefulness to God as well as prepare for and make it through crisis times, you must employ a daily routine of reading scripture, praying, and regularly attending local church services. In addition, you must develop plans for dealing with problems by:

1.    Trusting the LORD completely.

2.    Understanding emergencies will occur.

3.    Recognizing you can overcome them by God’s grace and empowerment.

4.    Identifying your present financial condition.

5.    Exhibiting self-control in your spending in order to save at least six months of income to cover emergencies.

6.    Diligently paying off debts.

7.    Investing remaining disposable income in order to produce greater growth.

When you trust the LORD, a loss of money and other possessions will not hamper your joy and peace. In most instances, if you remain a good steward of possessions He entrusts to you, then losses will likely be short-term. In addition, you’ll continue to glorify Him by leading the lost to Jesus Christ and by serving others. You greatly enhance your ability to weather storms and eliminate stress when you build wealth by saving for emergencies, eliminating debt, and maintaining a lifestyle of investing in diversified instruments. Such stewardship also helps you overcome temptations to obtain money in ways that displease God (deceit, oppression of others, illegal occupations, under-the-table payments, etc.).

When you live this way, losses will be temporary instead of permanent setbacks. The trials you endure will be situations that help you move into a much greater place of faith and abundance. You’ll live in Joseph’s experience - what the enemy means for bad for you, God will turn it for your good and bring you into The Wealthy Place. Pre-planning and employing good stewardship practices may well determine whether others come to your rescue. Sometimes, we think the neediest get the greatest amount of help. However, the Bible says, “to him who has the most will more be given.” Greater faith, greater devotion to God, and greater commitment to good stewardship usually bring greater avenues of help and resources in times of trouble.

Over time, the good steward usually finds that he doesn’t need help for what would be an emergency at another point in time in his life because his continued godly stewardship allows him the ability to cover the costs of these situations. It’s a great feeling knowing that emergencies that would have crippled you financially a little while ago are now just blips on the screen. Don't miss your opportunity to exhibit trust in God, daily devotion to Him, and planning to protect and preserve your family. Not only will this bless you immensely, it will be a godly example for others to follow with regard to problem solving, making it through crisis, and avoiding financial pain emergencies otherwise produce.

1Kings 17:9, Proverbs 16:9, Matthew 25:28, Luke 14:28-32

Please pray for this ministry and email questions to and share the links below with others who need guidance. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Share weekly with family and friends so these bondage-breaking articles and other financial information can help them gain helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to you!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

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