Sunday, January 3, 2021

MoneyWalk 82 Overcome Trouble

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You should begin a daily routine of reading scripture, praying, and regularly attending local church services. In addition, you should develop plans for dealing with problems, economic and otherwise, by seeking counsel from godly people. Those who are spiritually mature, industrious, creative, business-minded, and financially savvy will help you understand ways to employ faith & self-control that will greatly enhance your spiritual and economic future by:

·       Placing your whole trust in the LORD so much that the loss of money and other possessions, if the LORD so allows at a given time, does not hamper your joy in glorifying Him, witnessing to the lost, and ministering to the saints.

·       Identifying your present financial condition and determining how you can best stabilize, overcome problems, and experience future growth.

·       Writing your strategy for dealing with troubles that will come. This plan will be a guide to help you utilize your faith in God and His principles to overcome the inevitable storms and make them short-lived in your life.   

Although you cannot avoid troubles within your lifetime, you can do a number of things like (A) tithing and sowing to honor the LORD and build His kingdom, (B) establishing a budget, (C) pursuing debt-free living, (D) saving for rainy days, and (E) investing in diversified no-load low-expense stock index mutual funds and other assets.

Doing your part to establish greater intimacy with Jesus Christ helps you better weather storms of life and increase maturity, income, and wealth along the way and be a more integral part of the Church meeting its Commission to love people, evangelize, and make disciples. He helps you engage these processes to have victory over every attack of the enemy, ungodly temptation, and problem. Let us not miss this opportunity for planning to preserve and grow ourselves and minister to the massive number of people who are in need of salvation, sanctification, and the way out of spiritual and economic troubles.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

1Kings 17:9, Proverbs 16:9, Luke 14:28-33, 2Corinthians 9:1-10

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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