This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Four of the Ten Commandments are directly related to our vertical responsibility to God. It is very important for our peace, health, and well-being throughout life that we allow the Holy Spirit to mold us into people who adhere to these commands. We should be encouraged to apply these commands in the financial arena of our lives as well as other arenas. When we don’t allow our lives to follow this path we receive the earthly and eternal consequences of the other path we have chosen. The first of these commands is to have no other God.
This should be really easy as there really is no other God. Your Creator is the maker of heaven and earth, who existed before time in the person of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The bible explains that our Triune God is one God and beside Him there is no other. In His perfect counsel, He chose to cloth the Son in flesh to live upon the earth as a man named Jesus Christ who put down his glory and power. He was sinless in all that He did on earth just as in heaven. He is our example of how we can hear and obey God’s instruction. He was crucified with his blood pour out so that we could be redeemed from the sinful path that we have chosen. Then, He was resurrected by the Father as firstborn of many brother/sisters as a guarantee that all who believe Him to be Savior and Lord will receive the same resurrection from the dead and eternal life.
There is no other name in heaven given among men whereby we can be saved. This principle of having no other God should emanate throughout our lives even into the financial arena. You put nothing else in the place of God when you recognize that He owns everything even all of the money and resources that come into your hands at any point in your life. In fact, He owns you and has the right to direct your steps: to tell you the principles that He wants you to live by and the methods that He wants you to use to manage the resources He has bestowed upon you. Thank God He does so for your good. You will be better off on earth and in eternity when you follow His principles and obey methods He has specifically directed you to use.
You make nothing else a god when you find out what His Word has to say about how you live and manage finances, when you pray asking Him to help you understand what His Word directs you to do, and when you obey His instructions and make plans to help solidify them in your life. Money does not become your god when you utilize the following biblical principles to do His will and direct your steps:
1. Work as unto the Lord in your chosen career path.
2. Work as unto the Lord in ministry doing good inside and outside the church walls.
3. Don’t be fooled into pursuing get-rich- quick and more-money-at-all-cost schemes.
4. Regularly tithe of your income.
5. Regularly give an offering from your income.
6. Regularly help the poor and oppressed including widows and orphans.
7. Consistently budget your income so you are keenly aware of how much comes in each pay period and how much you are expending each pay period for six months to one year in the future.
8. Eliminate debt and resist future debt that is not tied to appreciating assets and a level of income on which you can afford the debt payment if your economic climate does not turn out like you expect.
9. Refuse to cosign for others. Instead, give those who are trustworthy what you can afford to give them in cash to help them when they are truly in need.
10. Diligently save a portion of your income advancing to a point where down the road you are saving at least 10% to 15% of your gross income.
11. After you have built a substantial emergency fund, invest additional savings into assets that have a normal history of appreciation over 10-20 year periods (stocks, real estate, etc.).
12. Always believe that God has His best in mind for you and that He will bless you regardless of all the obstacles that confront you in order to help you carry out His will for your life on earth. This mindset may help you move into an entrepreneurial endeavor that really blows your socks off with regard to the income it produces and blessing it allows you to be in the lives of other people.
When you do these things you will have money and a guarantee that money will not have you and thus money will not be in a position to become your god.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Exodus 20:3, Isaiah 43:10-11, Mark 12:30, Luke 16:13, Acts 4:12
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
MoneyWalk 439: Love your neighbor as yourself
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Many people have been socialized by their family, neighbors, and society to believe that a person must take care of himself/herself first and only when he/she are self-sufficient can he/she then possibly help someone else. This man-made made belief has touched each one of us in some way. However, it is contrary to the law of God and we must remember that what God said is what is truly for our benefit. Things that we think and what others say that have no foundation in God’s Word can wind up ruining our lives on earth and possibly throughout eternity.
The plan of God is that we will love Him by way of Jesus Christ with all our hearts, souls, mind, and strength and because His love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit we will love our neighbors as ourselves. Each one of us can do this and have an obligation to do this and is better off for doing it as directed by God. Such love does not mean that you simply do anything that a person asks of you or requires of you. Rather, it means you study scripture to find out the types of things that the Lord commands you to do and what it shows is good for you to do. Also, that you ask him daily and throughout the day what He would like you to do and listen intently to the Lord’s voice to direct you. Then, simply obey his guidance received from scriptural understanding and His voice speaking inside you.
Ways in which you carry this out are:
1. Being respectful, kind, and cordial to everyone around you making sure that you are not a respecter of persons based on people’s position or power in the workplace, politics, society, etc.
2. Having an attitude of heart that desires and seeks opportunities that connect people with the Lord, recognizing that they need His loving guidance, correction, and blessing just as you do.
3. Being responsible to live according to biblical principles so that you are focused on doing the will of God personally and among your family, neighbors, co-workers, and other relationships.
How you handle the financial part of your life plays a great role in your ability to accomplish these three goals to the greatest degree possible. It’s not about “he who has the most money and toys win the game.” You can accomplish these three goals without having much money in your possession on earth at any given time. First, you must remember that those whose lives are hid in Christ through salvation have the heavenly treasures at their disposal when truly needed. Isn’t it great to know you have a Father who has everything you’ll ever need and that nothing is impossible with Him. Second, you must understand that God never judges you on the basis of what you do with what you don’t have but rather on the basis of what you do with what you do have.
So, the question you must ask yourself is am I doing what I should be with the income and resources that I have so that I am able to bear much fruit in accordance with God’s will? This should lead you to begin or continue to manage your finances in such a way that you budget income and expenses, that you eliminate debt and refuse to enter new debt situations, that you refuse to co-sign on debts, that you save and ultimately invest a reasonable portion of your income, and that you treat other people in the manner that you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes, having mercy on many who don’t even deserve it based on your skewed view of what they should or shouldn’t be doing (working hard, producing at breakneck speed, rising up the corporate ladder, being responsible with their finances, etc.).
Remember, we are created and called by God to be helpers one of another and only to be judges when we have had such trust and authority put in us by ordained authorities (God thru parents, churches thru elders, businesses thru owners and managers, and government (we the people) through elected/appointed positions and managers they appoint). Adhering to these principles of spiritual authority and managing money will allow you to carry out the goals through:
1. Living in a committed relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Fellowshipping with His saints (those who have confessed Him as Lord and Savior) in a local bible believing church.
3. Tithing and offering in the local church and through para-church ministries that spread the gospel and practical help in your community and around the world.
4. Putting your hands to the ministry work plow showing that your faith has action behind it which means it is not dead. This is done not only in the church but in your home, neighborhood, and employment.
5. A greater ability to directly help some who are truly in need. Taking into account that money and resources that you do have that can help others is for the needy and not the greedy.
Never be ashamed of the income, possessions, and influence God has allowed you to obtain when you have sought to do the will of God and have not greedily grafted after gain, power, position, and fame and/or torn and pulled others down to get there. Simply continue to learn more about biblical principles, use them, and use the fruit of His blessings and your labor to meet the goals and produce the results mentioned above. Whether you are a business owner, executive, politician, or manager you should refuse to think more highly of yourself than you do of other people You should always refuse to oppress people and work them like slaves and you should pay them fair wages based on God’s standards whenever it is in your power to do so. Also, when sacrifices need to be made you should make deep and sometimes greater sacrifices than you ask of those under your authority.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Leviticus 19:18, Proverbs 21:13, Mark 12:31, Romans 13:8, Galatians 6:2
Many people have been socialized by their family, neighbors, and society to believe that a person must take care of himself/herself first and only when he/she are self-sufficient can he/she then possibly help someone else. This man-made made belief has touched each one of us in some way. However, it is contrary to the law of God and we must remember that what God said is what is truly for our benefit. Things that we think and what others say that have no foundation in God’s Word can wind up ruining our lives on earth and possibly throughout eternity.
The plan of God is that we will love Him by way of Jesus Christ with all our hearts, souls, mind, and strength and because His love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit we will love our neighbors as ourselves. Each one of us can do this and have an obligation to do this and is better off for doing it as directed by God. Such love does not mean that you simply do anything that a person asks of you or requires of you. Rather, it means you study scripture to find out the types of things that the Lord commands you to do and what it shows is good for you to do. Also, that you ask him daily and throughout the day what He would like you to do and listen intently to the Lord’s voice to direct you. Then, simply obey his guidance received from scriptural understanding and His voice speaking inside you.
Ways in which you carry this out are:
1. Being respectful, kind, and cordial to everyone around you making sure that you are not a respecter of persons based on people’s position or power in the workplace, politics, society, etc.
2. Having an attitude of heart that desires and seeks opportunities that connect people with the Lord, recognizing that they need His loving guidance, correction, and blessing just as you do.
3. Being responsible to live according to biblical principles so that you are focused on doing the will of God personally and among your family, neighbors, co-workers, and other relationships.
How you handle the financial part of your life plays a great role in your ability to accomplish these three goals to the greatest degree possible. It’s not about “he who has the most money and toys win the game.” You can accomplish these three goals without having much money in your possession on earth at any given time. First, you must remember that those whose lives are hid in Christ through salvation have the heavenly treasures at their disposal when truly needed. Isn’t it great to know you have a Father who has everything you’ll ever need and that nothing is impossible with Him. Second, you must understand that God never judges you on the basis of what you do with what you don’t have but rather on the basis of what you do with what you do have.
So, the question you must ask yourself is am I doing what I should be with the income and resources that I have so that I am able to bear much fruit in accordance with God’s will? This should lead you to begin or continue to manage your finances in such a way that you budget income and expenses, that you eliminate debt and refuse to enter new debt situations, that you refuse to co-sign on debts, that you save and ultimately invest a reasonable portion of your income, and that you treat other people in the manner that you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes, having mercy on many who don’t even deserve it based on your skewed view of what they should or shouldn’t be doing (working hard, producing at breakneck speed, rising up the corporate ladder, being responsible with their finances, etc.).
Remember, we are created and called by God to be helpers one of another and only to be judges when we have had such trust and authority put in us by ordained authorities (God thru parents, churches thru elders, businesses thru owners and managers, and government (we the people) through elected/appointed positions and managers they appoint). Adhering to these principles of spiritual authority and managing money will allow you to carry out the goals through:
1. Living in a committed relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Fellowshipping with His saints (those who have confessed Him as Lord and Savior) in a local bible believing church.
3. Tithing and offering in the local church and through para-church ministries that spread the gospel and practical help in your community and around the world.
4. Putting your hands to the ministry work plow showing that your faith has action behind it which means it is not dead. This is done not only in the church but in your home, neighborhood, and employment.
5. A greater ability to directly help some who are truly in need. Taking into account that money and resources that you do have that can help others is for the needy and not the greedy.
Never be ashamed of the income, possessions, and influence God has allowed you to obtain when you have sought to do the will of God and have not greedily grafted after gain, power, position, and fame and/or torn and pulled others down to get there. Simply continue to learn more about biblical principles, use them, and use the fruit of His blessings and your labor to meet the goals and produce the results mentioned above. Whether you are a business owner, executive, politician, or manager you should refuse to think more highly of yourself than you do of other people You should always refuse to oppress people and work them like slaves and you should pay them fair wages based on God’s standards whenever it is in your power to do so. Also, when sacrifices need to be made you should make deep and sometimes greater sacrifices than you ask of those under your authority.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Leviticus 19:18, Proverbs 21:13, Mark 12:31, Romans 13:8, Galatians 6:2
Saturday, February 14, 2009
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Reaching financial goals doesn't come overnight. You must start the wealth building process in order for your efforts to bear fruit later. Your situation will get better much sooner than anticipated the sooner you consistently use biblical money management principles. This process will help you progressively get rid of negative money management habits that have previously been formed.
The godly seed you'll sow by budgeting your expenses, living within your income, giving to the church, and helping others will be multiplied back to you many times over. You'll experience prosperity blooming in your life even as financial struggles and difficult situations present themselves. Satan and his demonic forces don't want you to prosper, because prosperity allows you to properly minister to yourself, your family, others, and spread the gospel. Patiently use God's money management principles, especially tithing, when trials come and go and Daddy God will rebuke the devourer of your finances and pour you out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive.
An abundant financial harvest awaits you when you diligently use biblical money management principles. Don't be weary in doing what God said is right because in due season you shall reap if you continue doing what’s right no matter the circumstances!
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 20:21, Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 5:3, Galatians 6:9, James 1:1-3
Reaching financial goals doesn't come overnight. You must start the wealth building process in order for your efforts to bear fruit later. Your situation will get better much sooner than anticipated the sooner you consistently use biblical money management principles. This process will help you progressively get rid of negative money management habits that have previously been formed.
The godly seed you'll sow by budgeting your expenses, living within your income, giving to the church, and helping others will be multiplied back to you many times over. You'll experience prosperity blooming in your life even as financial struggles and difficult situations present themselves. Satan and his demonic forces don't want you to prosper, because prosperity allows you to properly minister to yourself, your family, others, and spread the gospel. Patiently use God's money management principles, especially tithing, when trials come and go and Daddy God will rebuke the devourer of your finances and pour you out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive.
An abundant financial harvest awaits you when you diligently use biblical money management principles. Don't be weary in doing what God said is right because in due season you shall reap if you continue doing what’s right no matter the circumstances!
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 20:21, Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 5:3, Galatians 6:9, James 1:1-3
Saturday, February 7, 2009
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Getting yourself in debt, failing to tithe, and spending more than your income are all ways that you dishonor God. Not to mention you dishonor yourself because you’re not operating in accordance with who God made you to become: a lender not a borrower; a giver not stingy; a leader and example not a follower being led by the blind!
You must make war against these poor money management habits because they rob you of the potential to fulfill God's purpose and have financial peace in your life. When you fail to follow godly money management habits such as eliminating debt, tithing, and living within your means you are being set up by satan for a great fall. He cannot take God’s throne and become God and is destined to live out eternity in the pit of hell, so he is intent on taking as many people with him as possible through deceit, lies, trickery. Others who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, he wants to influence them to halt Christ’s lordship in their lives so they fail to be an influence for Christ on earth to other men, women, and children around them.
One avenue he has used as a negative influence in a great way in finances. By convincing Christians that God has no money management standards and instructions, nor special blessings for those who adhere to them. In such Christians, giving to spread the gospel is almost null and void when measured against the income they receive. Not only are they not spreading the gospel with their mouths, they’re also not involved in giving to a local church and missionary endeavors. This is an all out war and we must recognize it in order to have victory over the enemy!
You must commit to following God's money management plan and let the Lord shape your prayers to take on a warlike tone to overcome negative habits. Potentially costly situations will face you in the early stages of this war because the enemy wants to try to turn you to his side by influencing you to choose money over God. Once you’ve overcome mammon and recognize that God can richly provide you with all things that you need as you seek His kingdom and righteousness, complacency, pride, and arrogance will face you in the later stages because the enemy wants to strip you of humility to make you think it was God who blessed you but solely the work of your own hands. He believes he might be able to convince you to come back to his side.
Remember, you aren't wrestling against people, banks, and creditors, rather you're wrestling against satanic principalities and powers that want to keep you from fulfilling God's awesome plan for your life. Place your attitude under submission, agreement, and obedience to God's money management standards and your eternal and financial burdens will be relieved because God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. Keep the word of God in your mouth and He’ll give you the ability to use it to bind the devourers of your money to loose prosperity for the pursuit of your vision and goals. Also, He’ll protect you with spiritual armor that will allow you to face the enemy head on and defeat the enemy in every battle. So wage war against the dishonor the enemy has or is trying to bring into your life. Only then can you win the war being waged against you.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:33, 16:18-19, 2Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-18
Getting yourself in debt, failing to tithe, and spending more than your income are all ways that you dishonor God. Not to mention you dishonor yourself because you’re not operating in accordance with who God made you to become: a lender not a borrower; a giver not stingy; a leader and example not a follower being led by the blind!
You must make war against these poor money management habits because they rob you of the potential to fulfill God's purpose and have financial peace in your life. When you fail to follow godly money management habits such as eliminating debt, tithing, and living within your means you are being set up by satan for a great fall. He cannot take God’s throne and become God and is destined to live out eternity in the pit of hell, so he is intent on taking as many people with him as possible through deceit, lies, trickery. Others who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, he wants to influence them to halt Christ’s lordship in their lives so they fail to be an influence for Christ on earth to other men, women, and children around them.
One avenue he has used as a negative influence in a great way in finances. By convincing Christians that God has no money management standards and instructions, nor special blessings for those who adhere to them. In such Christians, giving to spread the gospel is almost null and void when measured against the income they receive. Not only are they not spreading the gospel with their mouths, they’re also not involved in giving to a local church and missionary endeavors. This is an all out war and we must recognize it in order to have victory over the enemy!
You must commit to following God's money management plan and let the Lord shape your prayers to take on a warlike tone to overcome negative habits. Potentially costly situations will face you in the early stages of this war because the enemy wants to try to turn you to his side by influencing you to choose money over God. Once you’ve overcome mammon and recognize that God can richly provide you with all things that you need as you seek His kingdom and righteousness, complacency, pride, and arrogance will face you in the later stages because the enemy wants to strip you of humility to make you think it was God who blessed you but solely the work of your own hands. He believes he might be able to convince you to come back to his side.
Remember, you aren't wrestling against people, banks, and creditors, rather you're wrestling against satanic principalities and powers that want to keep you from fulfilling God's awesome plan for your life. Place your attitude under submission, agreement, and obedience to God's money management standards and your eternal and financial burdens will be relieved because God will rebuke the devourer for your sake. Keep the word of God in your mouth and He’ll give you the ability to use it to bind the devourers of your money to loose prosperity for the pursuit of your vision and goals. Also, He’ll protect you with spiritual armor that will allow you to face the enemy head on and defeat the enemy in every battle. So wage war against the dishonor the enemy has or is trying to bring into your life. Only then can you win the war being waged against you.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:33, 16:18-19, 2Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-18
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