Sunday, April 27, 2014

MoneyWalk 238: Your Worth

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Your true net-worth is not based in the things that you possess on earth, rather it’s determined by whether or not you’re a believer in Jesus Christ whose heart is in tune to the vision on His heart. Christians seek to glorify Him, lead unbelievers to Him, and educate people on the virtue of living by His principles. When you have His heart you take on the mind of Christ and are motivated to be the best steward (manager) you know how to be with the money, resources, gifting, and abilities the LORD entrusts to you while on earth. You continually seek to become more skillful in doing so.

Like most people, you probably think the current state of your stewardship is probably more broadly based on getting most of the things you want on credit and still having the bills to show for it years later when sometimes you cannot even remember what you used the loans / credit cards to purchase. The depreciating value of your cars, appliances, furniture, clothing, and jewelry should motivate you to exercise godly wisdom when purchasing such items in the future. You may have previously been pressured by smooth-talking sales people, friends, or family into buying such items on credit, but now realize these items depreciate in value. It certainly was not wise to use loans to get these items when you did not have cash available in reserve accounts to purchase them or immediately pay off the total amount of the loan at any time. Even if you could pay it off at anytime, it is not wise to get installment or balloon loans or to let the charge revolve month to month because the interest charged on the loan will be greater than what your reserve account will pay you each month and you will encounter other problems you could have avoided.

God is for you achieving financial freedom and building wealth and has given you instructions / principles to lead you there. It's important to understand that some of the men and women of honor spoken of in scripture, who drew near to Him and displayed His heart in ministry (service to others), had great material riches. Likewise, the LORD will allow you to have many nice things over the course of your life, but more importantly He wants you to draw closer to Him. Biblical instructions and the stories of these saints give a clear picture that we should seek the Creator more than the things He created.

Do not layup treasures for yourself on earth that tend to corrupt, decay, and be stolen! Rather, layup for yourself treasures in Heaven that cannot be corrupted, decayed, or stolen. This only happens via properly managing money and resources in order to give abundantly for the spread of the gospel, to properly take care of your family needs, and to be rich in good works that serve other people. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. An intimate relationship with God makes the things He allows you to have truly valuable to you because you will use them for the right purpose.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Matthew 6:33-34, Luke 12:32-33, and 1Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19, James 5:1-6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 20, 2014

MoneyWalk 237: The Only Way, Truth, and Life

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

I can teach you practical strategies to employ biblical money management principles in your life such as vision casting, planning, organizing, budgeting, and record-keeping and I can teach the principles of tithing, offering, debt-free living, smart lending and cosigning. However, you won’t receive the most important type of wealth if you only accept the teaching as a mechanism to help you accumulate money on earth.

The only wealth you need is eternal life starting now with a heavenly home prepared for you when you finally leave this earth. In addition, wealth is to be desired that is gained by fulfilling the purpose for which the LORD made you, so you can please Him and positively affect other people throughout the remainder of your life. Only one person can provide this great salvation and sanctification and that is Jesus Christ the Savior and LORD who is resurrected from the dead and alive for evermore.

You've sinned and cannot access God’s kingdom without exercising faith in Jesus. The wages of your sin is natural destruction, death, and eternal damnation if you do not believe in Him before you die. Sin has produced negative results in your life and rendered you unable to achieve lasting inner peace and joy in good and bad times. It's good to know the gift of God is eternal life for you. You only have to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD.

Then, you’ll receive eternal life and He will help you utilize biblical principles, so you can successfully navigate life’s temptations and trials. You will mature over time to fulfill the purpose God gave your life. You’ll be enriched on earth, enrich others, and build treasures in Heaven that no one can take away.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Acts 4:10-12, 2Peter 3:9, John 3:16-17

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 13, 2014

MoneyWalk 236: Don’t Be Deceived

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people want expensive homes, cars, and clothes. Many have dreamed of being super rich. Money and possessions are not evil. However, in the hands of people with unclean intentions they will be used to support and carry out ungodly activities that negatively affect the lives of other people.

A lack of desire to use money and other resources in a manner that glorifies God and supports His gospel puts you to a greater and greater degree on the path toward unclean intentions. Such intentions produce get-rich-quick and wealth-by-any-means attitudes that ensnare you in Satan's destructive plan. If you obtain wealth while having these attitudes, it’s easy to regress into arrogance, pride, criminal, and detrimental activities that are unacceptable to God.

You may outwardly appear successful, but you'll be judged bankrupt by God and ultimately He must bring down everyone whom He has not exalted, either while they are on earth or at the Great White Throne Judgment.

As your mind searches out the methods you can use to obtain wealth, be sure to make God’s will for your life the first priority. This will help you find many opportunities that are uniquely fitted to the abilities, gifting, and calling God created you with. Pursuing these avenues brings eternal rewards.

On the other hand, gaining the world now may seem fun for a short time, but losing your soul while doing so will bring negative eternal consequences that you will not be able to handle.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ecclesiastes 10:19, 12:13-14, Luke 12:13-21, I Timothy 6:6-10, Revelation 3:17-22

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, April 6, 2014

MoneyWalk 235: Bargain Shopping Can Help You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You can save money by bargain shopping for homes, cars, computers, clothes, and other merchandise. This consists of searching various outlets until you find the items you want at a price that's well below what others normally pay.

If you have a respecter of persons mindset that only allows you to purchase items in upscale stores with high prices, you’ll inevitably spend more money than you should for merchandise you want and you’ll probably go into debt. This will keep you from building the level of wealth that God intends for you and thus will affect your ability to give abundantly to support gospel ministry and establish the good stewardship pattern that will open the windows of Heaven and have abundant blessing continually poured out on you.

Your mind must be renewed by Christ to realize that there is quality, lower priced merchandise that can meet your needs and desires. You simply have to look for it. A thorough search (asking friends, searching websites, looking at merchandise at a variety of stores) will often reveal that like goods (sometimes with different brand names and lower prices) are offered at different stores.

You may find that different stores are selling the goods at different prices. Look in dollar stores and department stores for less expensive merchandise and give those products and services an opportunity to show you whether or not they are just as good. While you may find that some things are not as good as higher priced ones at other stores, you will likely find that many things like household utility items are just as good.

Without proof, don't believe that high priced merchandise is necessarily better in quality without testing it against lower price goods of the same kind. Also, don’t waste money over brand name loyalty without the proof of better quality and affordability within your financial situation. Ultimately, your wise, good steward habits will put you in a position where at a certain point in life you are able to purchase a variety of goods without having to fret over the cost or even look for lower cost alternatives. It may still be wise to do so, but you will be in a position where you do not have to and can simply indulge from time to time without searching far and wide to see if the goods are offered at a lower price elsewhere.

Remember, a great result of your good stewardship exhibited by not becoming an unqualified “respecter of brands” and not ruling out that dollar, discount , department stores may have what you can use at lower prices is to put yourself in a position where you have more to give to spread the gospel and more to save and invest throughout the length of your life When the additional disposable income is properly invested, over time you will build immense wealth for your situation that puts you far ahead of most if not all of your peers.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Exodus 12:35-36, Proverbs 13:23, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 14:28, Romans 12:3, 1Corinthians 10:12-13

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at