Monday, May 31, 2021

5-31-21 Daily Word

Prudent people foresee evil and avoid it, but foolish and wicked people move toward it and experience grave consequences.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

MoneyWalk 103 The Joy Of Good Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

There are two ways to manage money:

1.    You can follow the world's way of managing money which appeals to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life by presenting you with a seemingly quick way, outside of the will of God, for obtaining high income, many assets, and opulent material things (homes, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.).

2.    You can utilize God's instructions for managing money which puts seeking Him first in fellowship and service as the number one priority in your life with an understanding that He will grow you and show you when and how to gain income and material blessings in a way that allows your joy to be full at all times and your purpose to be fulfilled.

The world's way of managing money leaves you unfulfilled because it is destructive and does not lead to joy and peace. It makes you a slave to workaholism, material things, retailers, sales people, bankers, and creditors. Also, it often leads you to lose inordinate amounts of money on get rich quick schemes and can lead to prison when you get caught up in money making schemes that are ungodly and illegal.  

Retailers and lenders continually advertise that you deserve the best and should spend and borrow as much as necessary to get it. However, the Lord Jesus wants you to recognize that if you make Him the desire of your heart then He will provide the desire of your heart. 

You should recognize that people who have been sent to prison for financial crimes would not have been convicted had they operated their lives based on godly principles instead of worldly desires. People often idolize people they believe are millionaires and seek to be like them in positions, power, fame, notoriety, wealth, and material trappings. Many have bound themselves up in lifestyle and financial struggles trying to live like them on a smaller scale hoping that scale would get bigger. Ultimately, they are devastated when they find they do not get the same results or that getting lots of money does not sooth the savage beast within.

It is certainly good to have vision and goals that encourage you to use good stewardship methods and processes for personal and business finances and there are some wealthy people who can show you how to become wealthy within moral and legal boundaries and in ways that please the LORD according to your giftings, abilities, and skills. Be ever mindful that the only way to obtain lasting joy, peace, fulfillment, prosperity, and meaningful treasure throughout your life is to seek Jesus Christ first and let the things of this world be strangely dim to the point where you pursue His will and refuse to do things that would cause you to become a poor steward. 

Many Christians now understand it is God’s stated desire in scripture that they (a) use a giving / saving / spending plan or budget, (b) have surplus funds available for emergencies, (c) live debt-free, (d) invest in businesses and other things that grow exponentially in value, e) diversify assets over time to provide an element of safety in down economic cycles. Rewards for good stewardship are obtained by living out biblical principles, financial and otherwise. They truly make you rich and no sorrow comes with it; only an abundance of joy.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Zephaniah 3:17-20, Matthew 25:14-30, John 15:9-11, Luke 19:11-27

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can connect with Randy Parlor on




You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at


5-30-21 Daily Word

Reverencing & honoring the LORD with humility prospers you and produces abundant life.

Friday, May 28, 2021

5-29-21 Daily Word

Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse, but those who allow the Holy Spirit to guide their souls will avoid them.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

5-28-21 Daily Word

Train children to love & honor the LORD, so if they turn from Him as adolescents or young adults, they know the narrow path to return to Him before it’s everlasting too late.

MoneyWalk 102 You Are Not A Second Class Citizen

Matthew 6:33, Galatians 1:6-10, James 4:4-10, 1Peter 5:8-11

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions to May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Forward this video or article to other people who can use helpful insight!

Power To Get Wealth
My book provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. In 1992 I had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation.

I have been constructively debt-free since 1998, mortgage free since January 2004, a millionaire by 2012, and a multi-millionaire shortly thereafter while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you break chains of bondage and enter The Wealthy Place!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
You can also connect with Randy Parlor on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Google Bloggers, WordPress, Pinterest, Tumblr

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

5-27-21 Daily Word

The rich rule over the poor and borrowers are slaves to lenders. Owing no man anything, but love, is the best position to be in.

5-26-21 Daily Word

Blessed & rewarded is the truly generous person who gives abundantly to spread the gospel and help those in need.

Monday, May 24, 2021

5-25-21 Daily Word

Cast out mockers, scoffers, and troublemakers and do not follow their example, then contention will cease and strife & reproach will leave your life.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

5-24-21 Daily Word

Foolishness is bound up in the heart of children and those who act like children; only the mind of Christ & godly discipline will rid them of it.

MoneyWalk 102 You Are Not A Second-Class Citizen

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Satan spreads lies to move you off the LORD’s path and stop your fruitfulness and success. It’s the same tactic he used against Adam. Ignorant people become tools that spread his message. Sometimes the messages are appealing because of the person’s fame, wealth, business success, family connection, smiling face, etc. However, you must remember that Satan and his messengers (even the human ones) are wolves who walk around in sheep's clothing appearing to be good, knowledgeable, successful people.

To get you or keep you on their side, they'll say many things your flesh wants to hear. When that doesn't work, they'll hit you with a bunch of opinions aimed at guilt-tripping you into their way of doing things. Since everyone wants to be a first-class citizen, accepted and honored by others around them (especially influential people), they believe you'll come over to their side of the fence if they can convince you their way of obtaining positions, notoriety, fame, large incomes, money, and material things is better than your understanding of scriptural instruction concerning good stewardship. They desire to convince you that you’re currently living like a second-class citizen.

Their way of getting wealth on earth might be better than your way, but it does not come close to the peace, joy and fulfillment of biblical financial instruction, which benefits your earthly and eternal life. For what does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul? The only way you'll know God’s way (the right path) is by daily bible study to determine whether you're doing things important to God and necessary for success in His eyes, such as:

·                   Loving God and neighbor enough to tell them about Christ.

·                   Attending a local church.

·                   Worshipping daily, including thanks, praise, and prayer.

·                   Living holy.

·                   Tithing to your church.

·                   Giving abundantly to other worthwhile ministries.

·                   Properly managing income, eliminating debt, saving, and investing.

Don’t believe the hype of the messengers who try to make you feel like you’re a second-class citizen or that their way is the only way to prosper. Learn scripture well and become intimate with the Holy Spirit in prayer and meditation, so you can see where mens’ instruction deviates from scriptural instruction and faith. Everyone who has repented of sin and accepted Jesus Christ as LORD & Savior spends time with and lives to please Him and is a first-class citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven no matter his/her stature, position, notoriety, income, assets, or material possessions on earth.

Rest in His promise that what you need and many things you desire will be provided to you in God’s perfect timing as you continue to seek His will by faith, biblical instruction, and corresponding action.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Matthew 6:33, Galatians 1:6-10, James 4:4-10, 1Peter 5:8-11

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can connect with Randy Parlor on




You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

5-23-21 Daily Word

One will surely lose what he thinks he has gained & end in spiritual poverty when he seeks to increase riches by oppressing & disparaging the poor & favoring the rich.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

5-22-21 Daily Word

Never hang with people who cannot control anger and are full of fury, otherwise you will ensnare your soul via the consequences that result from being an accomplice to evil and taking on the same tendencies.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

5-21-21 Daily Word

Do not cosign on debts for others without having ample assets to cover your personal obligations and the loans. Otherwise, when the borrowers fail to pay, you’ll be thrust into financial bondage & disarray.

MoneyWalk 101 Rightly Divide The Word Of Truth

Psalm 1:1-3, John 14:15-17, 2Timothy 2:15, 1John 4:1-6

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions to May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Forward this video or article to other people who can use helpful insight!

Power To Get Wealth
My book provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. In 1992 I had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation.

I have been constructively debt-free since 1998, mortgage free since January 2004, a millionaire by 2012, and a multi-millionaire shortly thereafter while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you break chains of bondage and enter The Wealthy Place!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
You can also connect with Randy Parlor on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Google Bloggers, WordPress, Pinterest, Tumblr

5-20-21 Daily Word

A person who excels at work, in due time, will be honored, promoted, and have great influence in his / her field of endeavor.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

5-19-21 Daily Word

Don’t make your priority becoming rich, rather seek to faithfully do the LORD’s will & serve others & you shall prosper immensely.

Monday, May 17, 2021

5-18-21 Daily Word

Desire to get wealth the LORD stored up for you; envying & desiring the wealth of other people brings danger via ethical & immoral lapses.

5-17-21 Daily Word

Do not withhold godly & appropriate discipline from your child, it will save him/her from a life of pain & ruin.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

MoneyWalk 101 Rightly Divide The Word Of Truth


This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do you believe the LORD or do you believe man? He alone knows fully the ills (a) of not giving to share the Gospel with other people and helping to meet needs, (b) of carrying debt and leveraging your livelihood on it, (c) of not keeping your spending well within your net income, (d) of not setting aside a reasonable emergency fund, (e) of not investing for long-term growth, and (f) of not diversifying assets. There have been millions of instances of people going bankrupt and experiencing home foreclosures, vehicle repossessions, and incessant bill collector calls that show us He knows the truth and the complete picture of what will happen in the future when you take a path opposite His instructions.  

In many instances, these situations would not happen when people rightly divide the word of truth and follow biblical financial guidance instead of pursuing the lust of the eyes, flesh, and pride of life. People who manage their income to live well beneath their means get to the point of living debt-free, abundant giving, and growth. They get out and stay out of financial bondage because they owe no man anything but love and seek to honor the LORD with their lives including finances.

There’s a small percentage of people who only care about making money off people, and not about clients’ overall well-being, and thus will instruct them to frequently move from one commission paying investment to another (churning accounts) in order to make as much money as possible, all while perpetuating the myth that such moves are in clients’ best interest. Harmful advice also comes from people who rub elbows with the investing elite and those who are famous, rich, and powerful (remember Madoff).

In addition, many people continue to be manipulated into poor financial decisions by marketing campaigns that point out all the material things they do not have. They are often made to feel like second-class citizens when they don’t keep up with the Joneses – often feeling unhappy when they do not obtain the “so-called best” and the same types of positions and notoriety as those society considers successful.

You should never follow a course of action, financial or otherwise, without studying the bible to see if it is aligned with God’s will and pleasing to Him. You should also consider whether the guidance, at any point in time, would cause you to engage in activities that keep you from regular fellowship with God and His people (the Church). Otherwise, you will fail to plant and water the gospel in other people’s lives, build them up in the faith, and be the good example He wants you to be.

Most people who dish out or follow ungodly advice lack peace, joy, and fulfillment in this life no matter what it seems like to other people and no matter the testimonial they give to others. Remember, the devil would have you believe he is living a better life than the one God originally had planned for him. When you follow the devil’s guidance you reap the consequences meant for him. This has unfortunately lead millions of people into godless and unwise pursuit of material things which resulted in bankruptcies, foreclosures, and sometimes even suicide.

Some people gain opulent material things and prominence among men in this life, but they will be insignificant and unsuccessful in God’s eyes and will suffer a devastating eternal fate because they have not accepted Him as LORD & Savior and do not adhere to His will by asking for His wisdom, living within His commands, and employing His lifestyle and financial principles. So, rightly divide the Word of Truth so you can experience His blessing and reward and be a godly example to others.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 1:1-3, John 14:15-17, 2Timothy 2:15, 1John 4:1-6

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. I was broke, busted, and disgusted in 1992 with $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation. I have been debt-free since 1998 and became a multi-millionaire within 25 years while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can connect with Randy Parlor on




You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

5-16-21 Daily Word

I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ’s sake.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

5-15-21 Daily Word

Shiftless people and gluttons will live in poverty and be clothed with rags, even though you try to help them; target your help in ways more likely to lead them out of lifestyle and financial bondage.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

5-14-21 Daily Word

People who use flattery to gain advantage are a deep pit that trap those who succumb to such trickery; their skill is often lacking and later, they will criticize you, hoping to gain greater benefit elsewhere.

5-13-21 Daily Word

Hold fast to the truth of the gospel and never discard it, for it comes with knowledge, understanding, & wisdom that greatly prospers you in this life and eternity.

5-12-21 Daily Word

Never partner with those that have an evil eye nor desire their trinkets, otherwise you will suffer the same calamity and won’t see it coming.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

MoneyWalk 100 Who Leads You?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You should discover what part of your current character drives you to desire success and riches on earth. Is it expensive homes, fancy cars, and toys you can have while on earth? Is it notoriety, fame, or power? When you hear stories about people owning businesses and making millions of dollars does your heart stir within you to do the same kind of thing? It is godly for a heart to be stirred to be productive, take care of family, and provide for others (i.e., church, charity, and employees).

The vast majority of material things you could purchase are not immoral neither is moving into or being selected for positions and platforms that come with notoriety, fame, and power. Sometime, people denigrate such things as though they are automatically ungodly or look at the person who has them as one who must have done something ungodly to get them.

It is true that people sometimes pursue these things for ungodly reasons because their motives for getting them and maintaining them are wrong.  They may want them in order to feel more important or powerful than others around them. Yet, this does not mean the things obtained are ungodly. It only means the person’s motives are inappropriate and need to be repented of. Then, he/she will understand, in the LORD’s eyes, these things do not make him/her more important or special than anyone else.

You can stay focused on what's truly important (loving and serving Him and other people) while pursuing business and entrepreneurial opportunities by making the following declaration in your prayer times.

LORD, like Jesus Christ my pursuit of dreams and goals will be according to Your will. You give me knowledge, understanding, and discipline to successfully market my skills and abilities to be profitable and serve many people. Your word affirms You prosper people who help me prosper, both investors, workers, and intercessors. I will be a godly example to all those in my sphere of influence and glorify You on every platform.

Now, go forward and multiply using the skills, abilities, and spiritual gift He gave you, serving Him and other people, putting yourself and them in position to greatly prosper and enjoy the fruits of your labor He so richly provides. 

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 8:18, Psalm 72, Jeremiah 27:5, Matthew 6:33, James 4:3, 1Peter 5:1-5

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. I was broke, busted, and disgusted in 1992 with $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation. I have been debt-free since 1998 and became a multi-millionaire within 25 years while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can connect with Randy Parlor on




You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at


Monday, May 10, 2021

5-11-21 Daily Word

Don’t be envious of wicked people or do what they do to receive of their spoils, for their lips speak trouble and hearts plan violence and all they have will surely be spoiled.

Power To Get Wealth

My book provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. In 1992 I had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation. 

I have been constructively debt-free since 1998, mortgage free since January 2004, a millionaire by 2012, and a multi-millionaire shortly thereafter while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you break chains of bondage and enter The Wealthy Place!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

5-10-21 Daily Word

A house is properly built using wisdom, by understanding it is established, and by knowledge all its rooms are filled with precious, pleasant riches.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

5-9-21 Daily Word


When you walk in the light as He is in the light, you have fellowship with believers, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all sin.

5-8-21 Daily Word

A wise person becomes fruitful, stronger, & more successful via knowledge & understanding; consulting with other wise ones he / she overcomes temptations and obstacles and creates an eternal legacy.

Friday, May 7, 2021

MoneyWalk 99 When To Purchase Desires

Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, 7:18, Matthew 6:19-21, 2Corinthians 9:6-15, Colossians 3:1-11

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions to May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Forward this video or article to other people who can use helpful insight! 

Power To Get Wealth

My book provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. In 1992 I had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation. 

I have been constructively debt-free since 1998, mortgage free since January 2004, a millionaire by 2012, and a multi-millionaire shortly thereafter while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you break chains of bondage and enter The Wealthy Place!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

5-7-21 Daily Word


The wicked who devise schemes to oppress the righteous shall fall by calamity with no ability to rise again, whereas a righteous man may fall a number of times but always rises back to the top.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

5-6-21 Daily Word

Don’t rejoice when others fall or stumble, this displeases the LORD; pray the wicked will be turned from their way and onto His path.

5-5-21 Daily Word


Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of their earthly wealth, for the unrepentant person’s lamp will soon be snuffed out; their riches will fail to get them what is most important – salvation & eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Monday, May 3, 2021

5-4-21 Daily Word


Make yourself fit for reward by gainful employments & soon you will build a suitable house & fill it with needed & desired substance.

Power To Get Wealth

My book provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. In 1992 I had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation. 

I have been constructively debt-free since 1998, mortgage free since January 2004, a millionaire by 2012, and a multi-millionaire shortly thereafter while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you break chains of bondage and enter The Wealthy Place!

5-3-21 Daily Word


The vineyard of the slothful, devoid of understanding, is overgrown with thorns & thistles; failure to work when you are able insidiously erects the poverty stronghold.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

MoneyWalk 99 When To Purchase Desires


This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Most products and services are amoral, having no good or bad implications. The reason people get them and the way they’re used determines whether they serve a moral or immoral purpose. Yet, you must understand some products are satanically conceived and the inventors and salespeople would have you partake of immorality by engaging things such as pornography, impure movies and plays, foul mouthed radio programs, devices designed to steal business services, etc. Engaging these things encourages one to separate from Jesus Christ because they are unlike His character and easier to engage when you have no fellowship with Him.

Fulfilling such desires also works to destroy your financial well-being. When you do not properly budget and carefully plan purchases, your push to buy everything that seems good to your eyes, flesh, and pride will put you in debt bondage. It will obstruct your ability to honor God, fulfill your calling, and responsibly provide for your family. 

Desires rage because we are fallen humans, yet we are also pushed these days via millions of advertisements to buy or rent thousands of products and services we really don’t need. They tend to show us only the glamorous side of having them but not the burden of being debt-ridden trying to purchase it all. Nor do they show the fallacy of thinking these things make you special or prosperous. You are special because God created you, never because of material things you’ve obtained. You are prosperous when your lifestyle and stewardship of money is pleasing to Him. So, make sure your outgo does not exceed your income, making your upkeep your downfall.

Before they make a purchase, many people don’t measure their ability to truly afford things they desire nor the cost that constant indebtedness will have on them and their families. They also don’t measure whether the purchase is wholesome in God’s eyes and will help propel the gospel or truly take care of a responsibility important to Him (such as caring for family, serving others, etc.). This brings grave financial problems into their lives.

To avoid this predicament, ask the following questions. First, is the desire, product, and/or service moral according to the bible? Second, will it augment godly relationships? Third, will the purchase impede my ability to tithe and give abundantly? Fourth, can I purchase it without taking on debt? Fifth, will the purchase hamper my ability to provide for family needs? Sixth, after the purchase will I still have a reasonable amount of emergency funds and investment assets? Purchasing only after “yes” answers to these questions will help you maintain good stewardship, eliminate financial bondage, and build wealth.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, 7:18, Matthew 6:19-21, 2Corinthians 9:6-15, Colossians 3:1-11

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power To Get Wealth. I was broke, busted, and disgusted in 1992 with $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. I’ve written and lectured on managing finances since 1993 when I began to learn appropriate ways to better our family financial situation. I have been debt-free since 1998 and became a multi-millionaire within 25 years while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to help you!

You can find other books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can connect with Randy Parlor on




You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at