Sunday, November 13, 2011

MoneyWalk 121: Do Not Compromise With Debt

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

God desires that you be debt-free. He wants this for your personal life and business ownership. Many have ignored God's instructions and warnings about debt and others have compromised His standards not believing that it is possible to be debt-free. While a few people wind up appearing better off because they leveraged consumer debt, the vast majority of people are destroying peace and joy in their lives by taking on excessive debt.

A legitimate reason for taking on debt is when parents have no way to provide food and/or shelter during a period of poverty in which severe hardship has overtaken the family. It may also be acceptable to use debt instruments whenever you have fixed assets of an amount that covers the total loan plus interests and costs and enough stable income or cash flow to cover the monthly payments. This scenario describes many real estate purchases whether for a family’s primary home, rental property, flipping, or commercial property.

The latter type of indebtedness (real estate purchase) is considered shrewd by some people because the asset may increase in value to be far greater than the outstanding amount of the loan and because renting the property may create enough cash flow (income) to more than cover the monthly loan payment and any other expenses resulting from ownership of the assets. In such situations, you earn more on your money than you pay out in interest on the loan. Some call it using the world’s money to make a fortune for the kingdom.

Yet, you must be very careful when walking this path because many people with good intentions were not able to produce enough cash flow to cover the loan payments and/or the value of the asset dropped due to market conditions. In many such situations, people (even Christians) were forced to file bankruptcy or had the properties foreclosed on and wound up with huge amounts of debt still being pursued by bill collectors and in some cases the government.

When people compromise by taking on debt instruments without the net worth to cover the entire amount of indebtedness, they usually shortchange the kingdom of God and the church and bring financial hardship upon their families. Unfortunately, one bad choice is never enough for them, so they enter into such situations with many creditors for mortgages, car notes, visas, charge cards, etc. This eliminates disposable income that could be used to invest and grow wealth and puts them in a position where they choose to pay creditors instead of paying tithes to their local church to help lead people to Jesus Christ and teach them how to walk in His ways.

While most people want blessings and rewards from God they unfortunately make financial pacts with the devil and give his methods more allegiance than they give God's principles. Your vision should be focused on the fact that God is able to prosper you and grow great wealth for your family without you getting into debt. He wants to bring you out of debt, not further encumber your life with debt. Debt freedom is truly the best position to work yourself into. It’s wonderful to know that we have a God whose vision for you is that large and who is powerful enough to help you make it happen!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 28:12-13, Psalms 37:21-22, Proverbs 22:6-7, Romans 13:8

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Monday, November 7, 2011

MoneyWalk 120: Mission Focused Money Management

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

If all God wanted was for you to have everything that appeals to your natural no matter what the cost mind (big houses, fine cars, expensive clothes, and fine jewelry), then you'd be on the right road by spending all your net income and using credit to get such things and more of them all the time. However, the bible reveals that we should seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (the life that is according to His standards) and everything we need for life, godliness, and ministry will be given to us. This includes provision for the ministry of cultivating family, friend, church, business, employment, and financial relationships, etc. in a manner that glorifies God.

Christians should not live their lives pursuing material blessing, rather we should pursue Father God and His will for our lives whatever careers, business endeavors, and ministry that entails. We must know that Daddy God will bestow greater blessing upon on us as we seek to do His will and follow the directions He gives us: in His Word (logos) and by His Spirit speaking in us what He wants us to do (rhema).

No sorrow will be added to the blessing when wealth is provided by God and brought about by through intimacy with Christ. Many people experience lack of peace, joy, and fulfillment even though they amassing riches: All because they refused to adhere to God’s lifestyle and financial standards. Many look good on the outside having plenty of stuff their flesh (carnal soul-led nature) craves, but they are full of decay and destruction internally and eternally, not able to maintain marriages and moral behavior in a way that truly serve them, spouses, children, and other people.

Unsaved people try to obtain the best by avoiding relationship with Jesus Christ and trying to do everything on their own to get such things including constantly taking out more loans to get it and looking at most situations from a “what can I get out of it” perspective. The pressure of this lifestyle brings sorrow, anxiety, and fear. But, it is not so for those whose relationship and pursuit is found in Jesus Christ because the bible declares that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. The person in pursuit of Christ thinks “what does the Father want me to do” and “how can I use this job, business, career, or resource to bring the glorious light of the gospel into more people’s lives.”

Unfortunately, through misinformation and self-serving interpretations of bible passages many believers use the world system to try and bring blessing upon themselves. They wind up with sorrows instead, at least while on earth. Hopefully, they will soon recognize that they should first seek relationship with God and the Holy Spirit’s guidance in every area of life including their finances. His scriptures identify a financial plan (principles that help you manage money in a way that is pleasing to Him and truly helpful to others). He wants you to know that you’ll be a slave to satan and selfish thinking when you follow any other plan.

He created you to support ministry with a great portion of your money. Your stewardship of money should be mission driven based on the fact that you, like God, don't want anyone to perish but all to repent for their sins, accept Christ as Lord, inherit eternal life, and be truly fruitful while on earth. True fruitfulness can only happen when you:

1) Seek the Lord’s will for your life through daily reading scripture, praying, praising, and worshipping Him.

2) Fellowship weekly with local church believers.

3) Work in legitimate endeavors in order to have seed to sow and bread to eat.

4) Consistently tithe and give offerings.

5) Live on less than your net income (take home pay).

6) Eliminate debt on depreciating assets.

7) Refuse to use loans to obtain depreciating assets.

8) Forsake co-signing for other people.

9) Establish suitable savings for emergencies and unusual expenses.

10) Invest in assets that show a history of appreciation (real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.).

11) Employ deferred gratification until you’re able to buy with cash things you desire. Trust God to provide things you need through your income or the goodwill of other people.

This pattern fits the Great Commission, lifestyle, and stewardship that scripture directs us to employ. Through it, godly wealth accumulation will be the order of your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 8:18-20, Psalms 2:8, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 26:15-18, 2Timothy 1:7-11

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at