Sunday, November 25, 2012

MoneyWalk 171: God Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek Him

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

With regard to managing the money the Lord entrusts to you, there are two options. One is to use worldly financial principles. This option will not work toward the eternal purpose that God desires your life to pursue and may lead you to deceive, cheat, and abuse people to make your life better and achieve your selfish goals.

The wages of sin is death, so you can expect that you will lack peace and joy in life and suffer negative eternal consequences when you don’t repent and change your actions to follow God’s plan using His principles. Your income and financial situation could get better on earth; this occurs for less than 1% of those that use worldly methods. However, the other 99% of those that employ the world’s financial principles never make it anywhere near the level they envision for themselves and along the way they lose their souls (by refusing relationship with Jesus and eternal life) and cause many other people to stumble.

The second option is guaranteed to have an eternal purpose and earthly rewards; it is using biblical money management principles. You will be helping support the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the whole earth. Also, you will be bettering your financial situation at the same time.

You will mature so that you are not moved by the economic ups and downs our nation and some individuals experience. In your heart you will know without a doubt that God will make a way even when your natural eyes see uncertainty. As you put your complete trust in the Lord and diligently seek Him through prayer and the action of utilizing His principles, the supernatural power of God will greatly prosper you and relieve worries and anxieties that would otherwise engulf your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 1:32-33, John 3:16-21, Philippians 3:7-9, Hebrews 11:6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, November 18, 2012

MoneyWalk 170: Learn From Others But Walk Your Path

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The Lord made you with unique gifts and talents, gave you the capacity to enhance them and learn other skills, and designed you to use all of them in service to other people in the arenas of business, music, arts, entertainment, preaching, government service, politics, etc.

Some people will try to convince you that there is a higher calling or another area for you. They will present the fruit from what they've seeded and pressure you to follow their lead in network marketing, medical, legal, real estate, or another field that you may not be gifted and skilled for or meant to operate in.

Beware, lest you look upon their fruit and forsake the path that God intends for you to walk and serve along. When someone is rich or appears to be, the arena that person operates in and the method used to pursue riches has great appeal. Yet, you must remember that some fruit looks good to eat on the outside but inwardly it is full of worms and poison that will lead you down a path of destruction and death.

Even when their arena, methods, and fruit are good you must recognize that they are not necessarily the pathway you should take to fulfill your God-given service to others. You may be able to learn something from them, their books, tapes, and life but you should continually seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to ensure that you stay on the path intended for your life. He will let you know how to use the good lessons and discard the bad examples from their lives and methods in order for you to prosper on the road ahead and possibly even enhance the path upon which they walked.

Never, ever look at anyone’s earthly riches and possessions as the measure of godliness, righteousness, or integrity. For a person can be rich, extremely rich, and be unrighteous and unsaved. The Lord wants you to choose to be both saved and a good steward of money He entrusts to you, so you can be a prime example to other people of how to live, serve, and prosper.

Remember, Lot chose the land containing the glittering cities of Sodom and Gomorrah whose fields looked better than those left to Abraham. However, Lot’s choice resulted in great future loss after appearing so promising in the beginning; he though he had chosen a lot, yet in reality it amounted to nothing at all. At the end of his time in Sodom, he lost everything and Abraham had to rescue him from the enemy. As the old saying goes, everything that glitters ain’t gold!

You are not your neighbor and God didn't create you to be, so cease comparing yourself with them or trying to mimic their every move. Instead, seek to fulfill God's particular plan for your life and encourage other believers to fulfill God’s particular plans for their lives. Then, you make up a perfectly designed body with Christ as the brain and leader of the organism. With Christ as the head, you cannot lose. You are automatically a winner and eternally successful because all things work together for your good because you love God and are called according to His purpose.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 25:23-26, Romans 12:4-8, 1Corinthians 12:4-13, Ephesians 4:15-16

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, November 11, 2012

MoneyWalk 169: Your Place of Prosperity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Prosperity is the will of God! He desires that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Our souls need to be led and taught by the Holy Spirit to our spirit the will of God and the way He wants us to live and take action. The Lord does not want you to be broke, busted, and disgusted. That is the plan of the enemy. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But, relationship with the Lord is available so that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

Except for each person utilizing biblical principles for living and managing money, it is a misconception that every person will be prosperous using the same industry, vehicle, or technique. Biblical principles are the only avenue that allows every possible legitimate means to work to prosper people, yet each individual will be guided by the Holy Spirit to the industry, vehicle, or technique that fits the purposes for which he is made and that God wants him to operate in based upon the part of the body of Christ they are meant to represent.

Not everyone will become prosperous creating computer apps or developing oil refineries or owning a restaurant or engaging in multi-level marketing, etc. In fact, it has been historically true that the vast majority of prosperous people never become prosperous via the same industry, vehicle, or technique though most every legitimate industry is directly or indirectly connected in some way in the economic systems used by the world; just as those in the body of Christ are different and unusual, yet interconnected and used by Jesus, the head, to fulfill his purpose in the earth.

Many people who are identified as successful leaders and examples for others to follow have pursued earthly riches and material things at all costs using the excuse that it's alright to do so because being prosperous is the will of God. They believe the desire to succeed and expectations of future profit gives them the moral high ground to divorce spouses, neglect their families, and deceive other people when necessary in order to have what they want to have.

People that don't pursue the same level of profit or high-living are called un-ambitious, even lazy, and declared to be operating outside of the will of God and of nature. Many of the so called "elite" cannot stand to be around people for very long when they don't consider them high achievers, high income, or in pursuit of such. Given this respecter of persons' attitude, they wind of following worldly advice instead of biblical principles and separate themselves from fellowship with men of low estate that they were intended to have relationship with. Common people serve only as stepping stones to use / abuse to get more of the earthly riches they seek.

Don't let the motivations, attitudes, and endeavors of the elite influence you, when they are operating via principles outside of biblical instruction. You were created to be successful using skills and abilities that God gives you. He does not intend that you mimic the lives of those who have gone astray, even when they are rich, famous, and considered to be wise by the world. Every person that men call successful is not successful in God's eyes.

Your prosperous place is unique and you can only please God in your pursuits when your attitude, action, and motivation lines up with biblical principles. The Word promises that you will come into your prosperous place when you pursue godliness, use biblical principles to guide your life and money management, treat all people well no matter their station in life, and seek to use your gifts and abilities in service to others.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalm 1:1-6, 139:13-18, Matthew 6:31-33, 25:14-15, Revelations 5:9-10

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, November 4, 2012

MoneyWalk 168: Tithing By Grace Through Faith

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

There are lots of forums in which people rail vehemently against tithing; believing it to be under the Old Testament law and done away by the New Testament. They do not believe tithing is a priority in a Christian’s life nor that is part of pleasing God and helping to expand His will in the lives of people in our communities and around the world.

I have seen vitriol that judge preachers to be non-Christian, heretics, money-grubbers, and Hell-bound when they teach tithing as a current practice. However, there are charlatan preachers that do not teach tithing. In fact, there are scam artists in every microcosm of life. We need to learn to avoid them all, yet teaching tithing is not a measurement. However, with all the vitriol it's no surprise that 80% of regular church attendees do not tithe, 37% do not give any more than a few dollars per year to the church they attend, and the average giving for all proclaimed Christians is at an all-time low of approximately 2.4% of annual income.

Even with giving at such an anemic level, most people expect an awful lot from the local church they attend and from the universal body of Christ (the Church) when they and others in the community have problems. They believe the church should be all things to all people in need and thus should be able to meet the needs of the members and communities when their personal or local economies are in turmoil.

The problem with this thinking is that they expect the church to do too much when they are unwilling to give a proportionate share of their income to the Church but are more than willing to consume upon their own lusts, spending the lion’s share of the money God entrusts to them on their desires. Wanting the church to be all things to all people, they should be more than willing to give the share instructed by faith toward spreading the gospel throughout the earth and toward disciplining believers to sharpen one another for the work of ministry.

Certainly, the Lord can move supernaturally to accomplish His will, yet He chose believers as His body that would bring forth His will in the earth by doing those things like tithing and giving and being involved in the church and in the marketplace in a way that accomplishes His purpose. In many instances, scripture points out that His super power is ushered in by our natural obedience to His principles for living and giving.

When a church has an overwhelming number of members who won’t tithe and give offerings then that local body will be limited in the endeavors and services that it can provide members and outsiders. And, it will generally be limited in ushering in God’s super-natural power to help accomplish the purpose He desires for it to pursue. The lack of His super-natural power in their endeavors is not a result of the amount of money that one gives or a Church collects, but rather their obedience to His principles in proper proportion to the income He entrusts to them.

By faith Abraham tithed and Jacob also. Do we really believe that the grace, faith, and spiritual freedom provided in New Testament time leads us to support the spread of the gospel with less than a faithful amount as shown by Abraham the father of our faith that he obviously imparted to His children’s children.

I understand that believers are not under the Old Testament law of tithing and thus are not responsible for giving the three types of tithes required by that law. And, I do believe that in the present age we have the ability to not prioritize the tithe into our lives and money management and we will not be instantly struck down by God or stoned by other believers for not doing so. Yet, these beliefs should not lead anyone to think that God desires that we do less in the New Testament time to spread His Word, knowing that the end of this present age is near and that our ministry will help determine whether men hear the gospel, come to Him, inherit eternal life, and bypass Hell.

That is why I believe that the scripture shares, in both Old and New Testament, the example of the father of our faith, Abraham, and his giving of the tithe to Melchizedek the high priest (a signification of Christ). In the New Testament it is specifically communicated that people give tithes to men on earth, yet “the One of whom it is witnessed that He lives” receives the tithe that we give. The concept that “He lives” is one for New Testament believers and indeed the Church to understand and gravitate toward in terms of honoring Christ by presenting back to Him a meaningful portion of what He entrusts to us. After all, Jesus Chris is the One of whom it is witnessed that He lives.

Tithing does not make you spiritual, nor does it necessarily show you are saved, nor can it or anything else you do ever earn you eternal life – that is a gift from Christ received by acceptance of Him as Savior. However, I believe that scripture is clear that there are commands given to us that live in the Age of Grace by faith (see Matthew 28:19-20 and Romans 8:2). Tithing is one of the commands that the Lord knows will help you eliminate the love of money and material things from our hearts and become disciplined to put a greater focus upon using your life and money in a way that glorifies Him and spreads His gospel throughout the earth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 14:20, Genesis 28:22, Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7:8

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at