Sunday, December 16, 2018

MoneyWalk 463b Teach Your Children To Be Good Stewards

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Allowance for children and teens should not be tied to everything they are expected to do around the home or elsewhere. Some responsibilities are simply the privilege of being in the family and having parents or guardians meet their needs (washing dishes, taking out garbage, vacuuming, dusting, etc.). They should not be able to opt out of any duties you deem necessary for them to share that teach them how to progressively become responsible, disciplined, diligent, and fruitful members of the home and society at-large.

You can identify types of work that are optional that can provide minor amounts of pay that fit within the parent or guardians financial wherewithal, such as helping clean the pool, mowing grass, shoveling snow, etc. You could provide an extra $5 or $10 per month for thorough completion of such tasks. This will help them have extra money for hanging out with friends or engaging passions (drawing, painting, crafts, music, etc.).

Teach them the following principles and order of priority for managing allowances and other money received:

(1) God owns everything including any money the parents or they will ever have via gifts, work, allowances, bonuses, and any other income or asset. Therefore, they should look to His commands and principles to learn how to spend money that reaches their hands or bank accounts.

(2) Giving to help share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others who do not know Him and to helps those that do know Him become fruitful disciples should be the first thing they do each time they receive money. Preferably, they should be taught through your communication of bible passages and your personal example to give a tithe and free-will offering to the local Church you all attend and other worthwhile ministries / charities that please the heart of God, like rescue missions for the homeless, Christian orphanages, and Christ-center homes that care for widows without the resources to care for themselves. Explain the great benefits that God said tithers and givers would receive, such as give and it will be given unto you full measure, running over, Heaven’s windows opened over you pouring down overflowing blessings.

(3) Saving and investing to put money away for rainy days, later in life when you need living comfort the most, and simply because the LORD said it is wise to do it because we never know the moment or duration at which economic trouble will come upon the land. Each time they receive allowance or income from jobs, they should save at least ten percent in an emergency fund until they have at least three months of their gross allowance and income saved. After the emergency fund is built the ten percent should be aimed at investments such as no load low expense stock index mutual funds at brokerages that allow low dollar monthly investments. Such accounts may have to be kept in the parent’s or guardian’s name with the kids as beneficiaries until the kids are adults. Beyond this, you can teach them to put away an additional five percent for short-term goals, like buying a gamebox, giving birthday and holiday gifts to other people, and purchasing a used car after getting their driver’s license. In the meantime and in-between time, expose them to people and books that can explain how the U.S. banking and investment systems work. You should explain the wisdom and blessing that God said savers have: a wise man maintains stores of treasure but a foolish man spends everything he gets.

(4) Spending is the final step in the children’s good stewardship teaching process even though it will occur throughout their lives and often be a greater percentage of their income even while tithing, giving, saving, and investing. They should be told to stay away from using debt to obtain anything (no loans from Dad, Mom, or others) and to stick to using their own cash for purchases they make. If they cannot at the moment afford something, instruct them to set a future purchase goal and then save the entire amount of money before purchasing the item. You should explain that spending is a process that God established to allow us to receive many blessings. Yet, He tells us which spending pathway / decisions allow us to be blessed. Walking off this pathway (using consumer / non-mortgage loans) is not wise and brings curses into our lives that show up not long thereafter as poor credit histories, foreclosures, repossessions, and bankruptcy. This will put them in bondage, hamper them from pursuit of the LORD’s purpose for their lives, and give money to creditors He intended for them to put toward building a legacy of wealth for themselves and their future family.

The above good stewardship principles / priorities process requires that you help them establish a budget, maintain it, and over time help them take the major responsibility for updating it and following it. You should label three jars: one for giving (at least 11% of gross allowance and income), one for saving (at least 10%), and one for spending (at most 79%) and help them learn to put the correct portion of their allowance and income in each jar and spend it during the month or year for the particular associated budget items. When your income grows and the children mature, you will likely be able to give them more allowance and higher pay for optional duties.

When they reach age twelve you will want to increase their responsibility for purchasing basic needs (clothing, shoes, etc) while providing optimal guidance so they stay within reasonable, godly parameters in cost and style. Turning this responsibility over to them to a greater degree (by giving them a portion of what you budget to spend on them) will help them learn to make appropriate choices within money they receive and will grow them into adulthood by imparting responsibility and wisdom that will bless them throughout their lives.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Galatians 6:7, Ephesians 6:1-4, 1Timothy 3:4-5, Titus 1:6

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Sunday, December 9, 2018

MoneyWalk 463a Teach Your Children To Be Good Stewards

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Children do not learn by osmosis how to walk uprightly in life. They must hear the truth and see godly examples from parents and be encouraged to make choices and initiate processes, in a manner that pleases the LORD, that will make them fruitful and successful throughout their lives. They are going to make mistakes because they are human, but through these mistakes and continual parental guidance they will learn which is the best path to reach their goals.

God has placed in each of us a knowledge of right (good) and wrong (evil) and we know there are consequences we will ultimately have to pay when we consistently choose wrong. His principles for being good stewards provide parameters that allow each person flex-ability to make different decisions and still be within His will. You walk in rebellion against His righteous path when you choose to go outside the parameters of His principles that tell us not to commit sinful acts (coveting, stealing, fornicating, adultery, etc.). You will bring negative consequences upon yourself when doing so. This needs to be continually shared with children via scripture, so they understand Daddy God is speaking to them for their benefit because he does not want to see them hurt and disadvantaged.

You should speak and act under the moral authority of Jesus Christ. His example was (after a time of teaching and exampling how to serve people) to let His disciples go into surrounding communities without Him to serve the resident the Kingdom of God. This constituted sharing the gospel, teaching His commands and principles, and using the power of the Holy Spirit to meet physical needs (healing, deliverance from bondage, giving to help the poor, etc.).

In order to establish a solid foundation for your children’s future, you should utilize age appropriate allowances that allow children to manage a portion of the money you plan to spend on them each month. As members of the household, they should automatically be expected to do some tasks without pay. But others should be optional tasks they can perform in order to develop skills they will need to be fruitful and prosper when they are old and to purchase some desirable, wholesome products and experiences. They should be taught that payment can only be expected for tasks completed well.

Your adherence to a giving, saving, spending plan should be an example of how to properly manage money. Children should also be encouraged to draft and follow a giving, saving, spending plan for displaying and planning allowance and work income, abundant giving from these resources, and right-sized spending according to the income they have each month. They will do well throughout life when they understand their upkeep will be their downfall when outgo exceeds income.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Galatians 6:7, Ephesians 6:1-4, 1Timothy 3:4-5, Titus 1:6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, December 2, 2018

MoneyWalk 462 Be Ready For Season Changes

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do not be afraid of seasons and circumstances changing around you. Politicians come into office in a blaze and then are swept out just as quick. Laws get passed that change what we must comply with and sometimes laws get overturned or changed that we thought were best for our nation. Some business people operate in change mode out of godly vision and love for the people they serve while other business people bring about change based on immoral, oppressive, prideful, or greedy objectives. Not to mention that impure motivations we have had from time to time caused someone else to deal with change that wasn’t good for them or us.

God allows men to make trillions of choices each day that interact. You cannot stop change from occurring. What you can and must do is pray activities that would cause negative change be stopped in their tracks and that activities you, society’s appointed leaders, and other people engage would be pure as directed by the heart of God for the betterment of His kingdom and the people you are to affect in this world. Now, put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to stop worrying about the ultimate outcome of the political race, economic situation, job market, or other change that He might still allow to take place. In this way, you will be free from bondage to negativity that would otherwise immobilize many great opportunities that God wants to bless you with during season changes or storms.

God is more than able to take care of your need according to His riches in glory and will do so when you delight yourself in Him more than anything else. This must be in everlasting covenant with and commitment to God instead of a short-term activity meant to get the goods from Him then return to self-centered ways. Remember, He knows every heart and is the Judge of the motives and intent of every action. Unbelief and disobedience in following His ways will be found out and will ultimately destroy you if not repented of.

The key to peace and joy, financially and in other areas of life, is to recognize that God has not given you a spirit of fear. He has given you power, love, and self-control - The mind of Christ that, when listened to and obeyed, will lead you to follow scriptural principle in every circumstance and area of life. He will also, by the Holy Spirit, teach you to avoid ungodly activities so you can be fruitful in every good work.

Many are the methods that could be given to follow the few principles contained in the bible that describe how we should live and manage money in order to be fruitful. Yet, the most important thing is to seek the Lord with all your heart, asking Him what He specifically wants you to do to serve His kingdom and other people, then start doing it step by step while you also engage the main lifestyle principles He instructed every believer to be engaged in: daily prayer, daily bible reading, weekly fellowship with a family of believers (a local church), serving in the local church and workplace.

Now, mix these elements of a godly life with telling family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and others what Christ means to you and how He changed your life. As you draw closer to Christ doors of opportunity will begin to open for you for evangelism, making disciples of others, and engaging in the ministry for which you are gifted.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 145:14-15, Proverbs 3:5-15, Philippians 4:16-20, 2Timothy 1:7-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

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MoneyWalk 461 Create A Giving, Saving, Spending Plan

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Some advisors say people should budget by saving as much as they can afford and then be free to spend all the rest of the money at their disposal, but I say unto you create a giving, saving, spending plan. They say start with 2 to 3% of your pay, if you can, and later save more when you can afford to, but I say unto you do everything you can to increase your income and right-size your spending to enable you to tithe to the LORD's Church and save at least 10% of your gross income. They say a budget recognizes that taking out some types of loans to get what you want when you want it is alright, but I say unto you the better situation you can be in if you really want to is to owe no man anything but love and refuse to be a slave to lenders because for the majority of people debt reduces the ability to properly care for things important to (1) the LORD, (2) their families, (3) wealth-building.

The problem with these advisors' point-of-view is (a) the priority they put on doing all you can to first get all the temporal material things you want, (b) it motivates you to put off saving when you do not feel like you can do it, and (c) it has no spiritual focus that pleases the LORD such as giving to spread the gospel, make disciples, and help others that are truly in need. This is not the proper priority of heart and mind for you. You should think and act upon GIVING first, SAVING next, and then upon SPENDING to care for responsibilities. Fulfilling the bulk of your desires through spending should come well after you are adhering to the first two principles.

The improper spending-based view of managing money makes it easy to condone taking on debt to keep up the lifestyle you want instead of shedding debt in order to be in good financial condition. In the spending-based form of budgeting (which some people try to masquerade as saving-based budgeting) the debt monster will eat you up and bring turmoil into your life. Because the focus is much too much on the spending side of the equation, you will set aside only a little savings and later must deplete those savings to pay on debts you should not have incurred in the first place. Finally, not knowing what to do, you will inevitably stop saving altogether and continue to take on more debt to do your own thing until you are stressed out and pressed out with monthly debt payments, high finance charges, and credit scores spiraling down as your ability to pay all the debts decreases.

Satan always attacks by tempting us to fulfill the lust of the flesh and eyes and to operate in the pride of life. He wants us to have our priorities in the wrong order and to keep them there. He knows that when he can keep you focused upon your material desires your ability to serve and be an example of Christ-likeness will remain hidden from view and may be entirely non-existent.

How you manage money that comes into your life is a very telling barometer of your spiritual condition because if you love Jesus Christ you will keep His commandments for where your treasure is, there your heart dwells also. The Word has given us specific instructions as to how true faith motivates us to good works through the acquiring of income and the giving, saving, and spending of it.  No one can serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Budgeting does not have to be complicated. If you will remember the priority that is in God’s heart and faithfully use it as you write down on paper / computer how you will manage the income God has entrusted to you, then you will do well in the budgeting arena and thus bring more blessing into your life.

GIVING to the work of Christ via tithing and a free-will offering should be accounted for first in your budget and given to your local Church and worthwhile gospel teaching / preaching / good works ministries.

Next, you should SAVE a reasonable portion of your income. First as a $1,000 emergency fund to help cover rainy days. After all consumer debt is eliminated you should grow it to $10,000. Then focus on creating a wealth building foundation by investing at least 10% of your gross income in a diversified array of at least seven different no load low expense stock index mutual funds that over the past several decades have historically produced returns equivalent to the average annual growth of the American stock market over the past hundred years (approximately 11%). Remember, you will get older, desire to live comfortably, travel, care for yourself when inevitable rainy days and health issues arise, and give abundantly to gospel work throughout your life.

Finally, you should focus on making sure you SPEND without taking on debt. Spending should be primarily focused on taking care of the most important priorities such as reasonable housing, food, clothing, and transportation. Fulfilling desires can and will come once you have put yourself on good financial footing and find that you have much greater disposable income.

Right-sizing spending means right now you may be unable to purchase unnecessary material things. You can use your Giving, Saving, Spending plan (income statement / cash flow plan) and wealth building statements (net worth / balance sheet) to help you determine when to purchase specific desirable things in a manner that will not put your finances in jeopardy or derail the LORD's plan for you to enter the Wealthy Place. Getting in God’s financial flow will please Him and allow you to afford some of these things in the future while you are also able to avoid irresponsible money management behavior that leads to foreclosure, bankruptcy, and the inability to properly care for your family and personal responsibilities. Faith in Him and His way of managing finances also causes Him to move in the hearts of other people (at times when it would truly be a blessing to you) to give you desired goods without you having to purchase them or engage debt bondage to get them.

  Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Luke 6:38, 12:29-34, 14:28-30, John 14:15, 2Corinthians 9:6, 1Timothy 6:5-19

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and LinkedIn

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MoneyWalk 460c A Work Plan For The Unemployed

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Spend time fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in worship via thanksgiving, praise, and prayer petitions to Him to help you find work that provides great income. Never forsake the Church assembly with other believers because, as you share your need/desire with them, they will provide encouragement, uplift, and help.

Augment your physical job search with resume mailing to businesses located in places you can travel to when an interview or job is offered and at which you desire to work due to gifting, talent, skill, etc. Quickly and often follow up with phone calls and visits and do so every few weeks asking to speak with managers who would hire prospective employees and who would be willing to share more about the employer. This shows prospective employers your work ethic, perseverance, and passion that will benefit them.

One of the best ways to find employment is networking with other people. List all your family, friends, and associates in the locations in which you are applying for work and let them know you are out of work and looking for employment. Ask them to put in a kind word for you with their employers and any other business-owners / employers with whom they have rapport. Also, ask if they have insight into job openings and opportunities you could take advantage of. Contacts with people in your network should be made over and over every few weeks until employment is found because you want to keep it foremost in their mind that you are still searching for employment to provide income to help you care for yourself and family.

Look for opportunities to volunteer at churches and charities and do part-time internships / apprenticeships with business. Via computer and mobile phone apps you may be able to do on-line part time contract work (Fiverr, Damongo, Zaarly, TaskRabbit, Upwork, etc.). These opportunities help you sail until you can transfer to a bigger / better ship and they provide networking opportunities for the future.

Unfortunately, some say they aren’t going to work for the little bit someone might pay them for personal services. They remain in financial bondage and suffer because it is never better to sit around doing nothing during the day than to make the few dollars you can doing any type of morally acceptable work. Look for a job like that is a job because this help unearth resources that release you from financial bondage.

When you take reasonable daily steps to find gainful work God will provide helps and tools to get you to your destiny. The determination of how long and how much other people will lend themselves to help you is based on the effort they see you putting into making your situation better. Remember, when an able-body man will not work he is showing that other people should not feed him. So, give those who can help reason to believe you truly desire to be fruitful and profitable.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 2:15, Proverbs 19:24, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 25:20-21, Luke 19:16-17, Romans 12:6-13

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, November 4, 2018

MoneyWalk 460b A Work Plan For The Unemployed

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Write a plan in which the first four hours of the day Monday thru Saturday (after prayer and bible study) is designed to be spent going from business to business in a two to three-mile radius.

Choose a radius that you can get to daily and where you can walk from business to business, if you do not have a car or so you can save on gas. In such commercially rich districts you will normally find 50+ employers to reach out to.

You should complete applications, and sometimes re-complete them each week or show up and ask to speak with a leader-in-charge until you saturate these employers with the knowledge that your value to them is far above all the other people who complete applications and then sit at home waiting for their phone to ring.

Ask each receptionist for the name, phone number, and business email address you can use to contact the leader / hiring managers and make sure you do follow-up communications frequently.

After a month, if you get no bites then choose another commercially rich location to augment your search. When you treat a job search during unemployment like it is a job and do it day in and day out Monday thru Friday and maybe Saturday you will find paid work offered to you because of the passion and hard-work ethic you display while currently unemployed.

After a lunch / rest / meditation period, the next four hours of each day should be spent going door to door in residential areas with business cards or flyers offering to provide a personal service you are able to perform.

Do not underestimate the mass numbers of people who need or want personal services performed for them and their families. Services such as hair braiding, pet walking / watching, handyman services, lawn maintenance, snow removal, painting, mural painting, babysitting, home health aide, cleaning, cooking, etc. can be performed for paying clients in your home or theirs. You do not need an employer to do them. They are perfect opportunities for creating self-employment and for developing people skills and abilities that can serve you now to produce greater income and to build great wealth for the future.

Many people have used them to create high-income businesses or help them bring income into their home, until an employer hired them at a higher income. Some have even realized that self-employment for them is better than seeking to be employed in someone else’s business. It is good to let the people / businesses on whose doors you knock know you are out of work and would appreciate them giving you an opportunity to work hard performing a service that is helpful to them. God will help you through unemployment and help others see you are truly deserving of gainful employment, because you are willing to right-size your ego and communicate your truth, so His glory can be revealed.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 2:15, Proverbs 19:24, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 25:20-21, Luke 19:16-17, Romans 12:6-13

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and LinkedIn

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

MoneyWalk 460a A Work Plan For The Unemployed

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people have complained that no one is hiring and that as hard as they’ve tried they cannot find a job or a better job. I’m very empathetic toward them because I understand the economy goes through cycles of high unemployment at times and people need income to be able to provide for themselves and their families. However, I’m always optimistic because the LORD always makes a way where there seems to be no way.

People share how they’ve applied at a few places and haven’t received return calls offering them jobs. A few tell me they’ve sent out a few resumes and have not received responses from employers. However, it seems some of them have not followed a few important principles and methods for creating income in their lives.

1) They often speak negatively about their outlook, current and past employers, and the economy. Thus, they tend to have only rotten stuff produced by the fruit of their lips. Negative thinking, complaining, and murmuring will not get your situation back on track when you are in a poor personal economic cycle.

2) They do not recognize the gifts, talents, skills, and abilities they are endowed with. Some they have used in the past and some are latent. But, they only look to employers for opportunities to make money instead of finding ways to be their own boss and start making money on their own.

3) They fail to look for a job like it’s a job.

4) They fail to stop the flow of spending they engaged when they were employed and have not set proper priorities for funds they have access to while unemployed. Some engage in habits that unnecessarily siphon off lots of money like smoking, drinking, gambling, shopaholic spending, eating out, daily expensive treats, etc. more comfortably through the period of unemployment they are experiencing.

5) They fail to recognize that blessings often come in small packages before they will experience the much larger rewards. Do not despise the day of small beginnings just because you were on a larger stage previously and would like to continue in that stature.

You must remember that your actual worth and stature is not based on the position, notoriety, fame, or income you have or had in the past. It is based on being a creation of God almighty and should be augmented by your born-again relationship with Jesus Christ. If you continue to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities door-to-door and business-to-business if necessary and submit applications and contact employers on a consistent basis several hours each day you will begin to gain traction and bring income in that will help you move more comfortably through this period of unemployment and season where your skills can be better utilized.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 2:15, Proverbs 19:24, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 25:20-21, Luke 19:16-17, Romans 12:6-13

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, October 21, 2018

MoneyWalk 459 It Is Most Profitable To Work Unto The LORD

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Making success on your job or entrepreneurial venture your number one priority is a means satan uses try and draw you away from Christian fundamentals. He will say you should not mix business with witnessing and disciple-making. He never wants you to speak about your trust in the LORD and how He’s making you better by guiding you to the purpose for which He created you.

Rightfully, your supervisors should expect you will spend your working time making the widgets and providing service you have been hired to do. The LORD commands you to work as unto Him which includes doing the best you can to please your employer and help make it profitable. Often, you can please the LORD and your employer by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your life and work. He provides lunch and break time opportunities to communicate the gospel with those who may ask about your life or share circumstances in their lives where your experiences may be helpful to them. This will be a great witness and discipleship tool to others in your workplace.

Being a Christian does not mean you will do everything right or be liked by co-workers, supervisors, or other delegated authorities. There will be times when others oppose you and disagree with your view. Just remember, Jesus Christ is your perfection. Seek His wisdom, be teachable, and flexible when other people’s views and methods do not oppose His will and way. Sometimes, others will help you find a character flaw or work defect you can correct to become a better example to others.

When work habits are disliked and there is nothing you can change within moral boundaries to please your supervisor, then just continue to work as unto the LORD while believing and praying He will help him/her see you are doing your best and that your methods are profitable for the organization. He always has your back by carrying burdens too heavy for you.

Eventually, even the toughest critics will be able to see your spiritual growth shown by increasing honesty, integrity, and faithfulness to complete your work well and more respect for others. They will also see you take accountability, repent for misdeeds, correct actions when necessary, refuse to compromise godly morals, and are willing to suffer persecution to let them know about Christ who can fill the gaping hole in their lives. This lifestyle definitely helps other people see their need for Jesus Christ and be drawn to Him. As a result, you will be fruitful, blessed, rewarded, and truly profitable in all your endeavors.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Romans 13:1-8, Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 3:22-25, 4:1, 1Peter 2:12-20

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, October 14, 2018

MoneyWalk 458 Decreeing Then Taking Action Prospers You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You have heard the phrases “Name it and claim it” and “Blab it and grab it.” These phrases are usually spoken of in an irreverent way against preachers who espouse that believers can declare the possession of something and receive it.

Many people’s experiences seem to them to indicate that resources they obtain didn’t come to them through the above process. So, they ridicule these preachers and claim they are focusing people on satan’s kingdom, leading people straight to Hell, and taking advantage of people’s emotions to steal their money. There may be a few charlatans disguised as preachers of the gospel. After all, wheat and tare grow together in the world and in the Church. Thus, there are greedy and covetous tare who use the name of Jesus Christ to take advantage of undiscerning people. Anyone can call himself a Christian and we may not immediately know he is not, yet that does not make the truth of God’s word null and void. He says when the time for harvesting comes, He will command the reapers to separate the wheat (believers in Christ) into a heavenly home and cast the tare (unbelievers) into the fire. Yet, it is a grievous mistake to say most of these preachers are greedy and covetous tare who have only their own interest in mind.

The bible shows there is truth in “Naming and claiming” some things. The key is whether you moved in faith upon what God by His Word identified as being available to you and whether you really intend to utilize your life, gifts, time, skills, money, and resources overall to benefit the spread of the gospel in your family, community, and the world. Mere mortals who are unbelievers often name, claim, and obtain things that have much greater earthly value than things that believers name, claim, or obtain, such as businesses, inventions, jobs, houses, cars, jewelry, etc. So, obtaining things is not really the sign you have sought God’s will, done His will, or received His blessing.

It is only a sign of God’s will when it is accompanied by a lifestyle of steps ordered by God, His Word, and Holy Spirit that show up over time in a fruitful display of actions devoted to sharing the gospel and helping others share it more as the time of His return nears.

Men will not always recognize your faith or fruit. Those who do not believe the LORD at his word (ask anything in my name and you shall have it, call those things that be not as though they were, etc.) may see your words and actions as (1) a violation of doctrine they made up, (2) scientifically unproven, or (3) nonsense. Just because some people say He never allows our words to bring what we declare in His name and for His purposes does not make it so. Their viewpoint goes against biblical instruction and you should continue to declare for His glory the vision and resources that conform to His word and will. No doubt, you should also put your faith & works in action to bring forth good fruit because you are a believer set apart for this purpose. Then, His light will truly shine upon your ways.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Job 22:28, Matthew 7:7-11, Romans 4:17, James 2:20-24, 4:1-4

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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Sunday, October 7, 2018

MoneyWalk 457 Seven Focused Steps For Good Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do not live with your eye on this world, rather live with your eye on the world to come. If you hope to become the good steward God instructs you to be and intends for you to be, then you are going to have to develop a deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit that motivates you to follow the pathway the bible lays out for your life and financial health, wealth, and well-being.

Just like Jesus focused all His energies on obtaining the goal of the Father’s will for all mankind to have hope of salvation and a heavenly home, you too must focus and take the steps necessary to achieve the Father’s goal for you. Your focus should be on the following through which you climb the ladder of spiritual financial success one step at a time. Do not attempt to move to the next step until you are firmly established in accomplishing the task on the step you are on.

1. Tell your income what to do. Draft a 6-month giving, saving & investing, and spending plan that shows:

a. Your after-tax income each month.

b. The tithe and free-will offering to be subtracted from take home pay.

c. Each minimum bill payment that must be paid from that month’s income (mortgage, rent, credit cards, car note, etc.).

d. Other miscellaneous amounts that must be taken from the income (groceries, personal money, gas for car, phone, electric, gas, water, sewer service, monthly amount of annual property tax payment, monthly amount of annual home and car insurance premium, monthly amount of annual life insurance payment, 2 or 3 low cost weekend vacations each year, low cost monthly entertainment, etc.).

e. The surplus or deficit left over after all expenses have been paid. If there is nothing left over then you will need to work with your spouse and a close friend who is good at managing his or her money or a financial advisor to determine ways in which you can quickly and substantially reduce current expenses, determine which bills receive priority for payment at the current time, and find other work that can increase your income to get you out of the bondage you are in.

2. Build a $1,000 emergency fund. Once you have surplus, use it to build or establish, in a government guaranteed savings or money management account (MMA), an emergency fund equal to $1,000. This will help you stop turning to credit cards and loans to take care of problems and emergencies that arise in the future. You will get on the right path to using cash instead of burdening your future with debt. There may be reasons why you want to increase this amount before you engage debt elimination. For example, an impending layoff or job loss or medical emergency that will soon require you to pay a huge out of pocket expense, etc.

3. Pay off all non-mortgage loans. Start with the loan with the lowest account balance and once that is paid off then eliminate the one with the next lowest account balance. It is an easier method for tracking debt elimination and the psychological benefit motivates far more people to stick with the debt elimination process because they quickly see debt eliminated. The few people who stick with eliminating debt using the highest finance charge method only eliminate the same amount of total debt in six weeks less time with not much monetary difference in finance charges paid. The only time you break this cycle is if you have an emergency that needs immediate attention and you must use money in your $1,000 emergency fund. Then, you would take the debt elimination cash flow to build the emergency fund back to $1,000 and afterward resume eliminating your debt.

4. Build a $10,000 emergency fund. After all non-mortgage loans are eliminated use cash flow (which now should be much larger) to build your emergency fund to $10,000. For many people this will now represent approximately three-months of your expenses. Again, there may be reasons why you want to increase this amount before you engage the next step.

5. Invest at least 10% of your gross income each month. If your employer offers a 401k type plan that matches your investment up to a certain amount, start investing the amount necessary to get the maximum matching investment from your employer. Over time, begin to put away even more into investment plans, including Roth IRA’s. For the highest long-term growth, you will do well to invest money in an array of no-load low expense stock index mutual funds, such as total stock market, S&P 500, Large Cap, Mid Cap, and Small Cap Index Funds.

6. Pay off your home loans. Use the remaining monthly cash flow toward additional principal pay off until your home mortgage is eliminated. If you have a desire to purchase another home, make it a debt-free faith goal using the equity in your current home and savings you’re able to build after your current home mortgage is paid off. Contentment and deferred gratification pay off, whereas encumbering yourself in debt negatively affects your future.

7. Increase your giving, saving, and investments. At this point, your cash flow will be huge because it includes the amount you used to pay on your mortgage as well all your past debts. Increase your free-will offering as thanks to God for helping you, to a much greater degree, reach the goals of (1) total debt freedom, (2) fund the spread of the gospel, (3) help those in need, and (4) build wealth to maintain these priorities and care for yourself and family.

Funding college for kids is not a top priority when you are in debt-bondage because your kids with much research, applying for scholarships, and work can fund tuition at a reasonably priced school. In addition, when you are in financial bondage your financial plan must operate like airplane emergency landing instructions. Make sure you are safe and secure before attempting to help your children put on safety equipment. While children may not understand it during their young unwise years, later in life they will be grateful you helped them navigate far less expensive avenues for education that does not leave them with school loans and that they will not have to expend massive amounts of money to care for you.

Using the seven-step plan will help you get become debt-free and build wealth that produces enormous disposable income and assets you can use to brighten your future and the lives of other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 14:28-30, Proverbs 21:20, Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:38

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, September 30, 2018

MoneyWalk 456 Let Love Guide Your Money Management

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

So many people are focused on becoming rich and great in the eyes of other people. While the LORD almighty can immensely prosper you, a heart and mind whose priority focus is set on obtaining riches, fame, high-position, and/or power will ultimately be stabbed and destroyed and experience many sorrows. Gaining the world and losing your soul, which puts you on the road of eternal damnation and earthly destruction, is akin to failing to repent and turn your heart to Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD so that you live, move, and have your being in Him.

Being rich and famous is not sinful. There is no right or wrong assigned to wealth, fame, legitimate positions, and power. However, when they are your priority instead of intimacy with the LORD from which flows instruction and guidance for your life and pursuits, then you will fear sharing the gospel with other people to evangelize and make disciples because you think it will negatively affect your career, business pursuits, net-working, revenue, and income.

This heart and mindset produce money management, giving, investing, and debt accumulation activities that are not pleasing to Him and not helpful in leading other people closer to Him. Some people will see your activities even when you think no one is looking, some will take on your mindset and emulate your negative money activities, and some will put you in high esteem for the success it seems you achieved and unfortunately will get the idea that pursuit of riches and greatness on earth is the highest priority.

Each Christian must be careful to pursue God in Christ more than anything else. This is done only through the love of God poured into your heart by the Holy Ghost. Of course, God wants every person to come to Him via Christ and thus allow His love to be the only motivation for everything we do including working, earning, managing, and growing money. Love never fails and creates for you an everlasting habitation in His presence. Money and greatness cannot do this, but they can be used in a mighty way to further gospel work that needs to be done here on earth to focus and lead many others to Jesus Christ.

So, as you pursue money making, managing, investing, and business pursuits make sure you maintain your love relationship with the LORD, spend time with Him daily, be guided by His Spirit, obey His biblical commands and principles, and speak and act as Christ’s ambassador on the earth. Take instruction from the examples of missionaries we love so much and support. The love of God in them and trust in His care compels them to move into hostile territory when called, face possible death, and endure suffering.

Tens of millions of dollars flow into their hands, yet they do not put their trust in it. Rather, they recognize they are blessed to be a blessing to many others. Love moves them to sacrifice, suffer afflictions, and great personal loss at times on earth to spread this great gospel throughout the world. They shall receive an everlasting crown from almighty God that is much more precious and enduring. This too should be your focus.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 10:21-22, John 14:15, 21, James 1:12

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

MoneyWalk 455b Short-term Pain That Is Long-term Gain

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Working diligently to serve, gain experience, and develop skill to produce income to care for yourself and your family and help provide for others in need is certainly the road to take. It will help you have more provision for worthwhile priorities as opposed to the meager welfare that might be afforded by other people if you chose the sluggard’s route of not seeking to consistently work.

Many forces in the world seek to pull you away from the foundation and pathway of good stewardship by telling you some other pathway is more important or noble in our modern, civilized society, such as having access to as much personal credit (loans/debt) as you can get your hands on. Some advisors are telling people (1) debt is good and they cannot live a good life without having debt throughout their lives; (2) you will always have house loans, student loans, car loans, and revolving loans and should never seek to pay them off except on their normal 30, 20, and 5 to 10-year payment schedules; you need a good amount of debt to keep your credit score as high as possible so you can borrow more in the future to make your life more comfortable and successful.

For the unsuspecting and those ignorant of truth this sounds like savvy advice. However, you should understand the Word says not one jot or tittle of His Word will ever fail to produce the positive or negative consequence it identifies as the result of the pathway and actions you take. Therefore, every pathway, principle, and method of doing something should be carefully studied to ensure it conforms with biblical principles for good stewardship because this is the only pathway that is truly fruitful for this life and eternity. If the path, principle, or method conflicts with biblical instruction, you should refuse to use it.

What good is getting, keeping, and continuing to get more loans when the LORD said this practice will put you in financial bondage, thus thwarting your ability to give and build wealth. To the human mind, in the short haul it may seem like a benefit, however looks are deceiving. There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction & death.

When you choose a path opposite His instruction, you eventually come to a point in time when that path leads to negative consequences that are not pleasant to endure. Consider the 2007 and 2008 economic debacle that turned many people’s lives upside down via bankruptcies, foreclosures, repossessions, loss of jobs and income, etc. Much of it started via unreasonable decisions like maxing out loans for over-priced real estate, cars, and other items. Also, banks and sub-prime lenders offered unreasonable mortgage options and Wall Street packaged these mortgages as investments that ended up losing lots of money when many borrowers could not pay the underlying mortgages. In addition, many people threw investment / asset diversification out the door and engaged in day trading and market timing as though they were stock market gurus.

Individuals and our nation will be in a far better place when we choose to apply biblical principles, thus refusing to be swayed by what looks good in the short-term and to worldly people around us. We would continue to gain long-term favor, blessing, and reward that will positively cover our future short-term periods. A faithful man shall abound with blessings, but he that makes haste to be rich shall not go unpunished. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD!

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 28:20, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Habakkuk 2:2-5, Philippians 4:13, 2Thessalonians 3:10

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, September 16, 2018

MoneyWalk 455a Short-term Pain That Is Long-term Gain

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Scripture teaches that good stewards engage in the following practices and reap blessings from doing so:

1. Understand the LORD owns everything. Manage money and resources like the Almighty owns it all because He does. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word is God, and nothing was made unless it was made by Him. This requires that you seek His will when it comes to spending, saving & investing, and giving decisions.

2. Show contentment. Continue or start tithing to your local church or a worthwhile ministry each time you receive income. Choose delayed gratification instead of instant gratification. Do not buy that bigger house, more expensive car, new furniture, new jewelry, etc. until you have reached the priority goal of being a faithful tithing member of a local church and totally debt-free. Stuff to buy will still be there at prices you can afford to pay after you reach your goal.

3. Sacrifice short-term pleasure for long-term financial soundness. Delayed gratification now (because you need to employ it) results in great benefits accruing to you in the long-run. I buffet (beat my body into submission) lest having told others about the way I myself become a castaway (do not get to receive the benefits of following the principles I've told others about). And Barnabas sold land that he owned and gave it to the Apostles for the work of the ministry!!!

4. Show self-control. This is a fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5, which along with the other eight fruit shows that we walk in the Spirit and not according to the flesh. Pleasing God is the ultimate goals that anyone can have, and this goal can only be displayed by living according to His commands. You must learn to be obedient to biblical principles in order to control your fleshly appetite and put the focus back on fulfilling His purpose for your life. This will help produce wealth in a way that is pleasing to God without compromising your relationship with Jesus Christ.

5. Tithe and give offerings to honor God for His provision and to help fund the spread of the gospel to every person around the world. And the Holy Spirit shall come upon you and you will be witnesses to me in Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the Earth.

6. Work diligently. For even when we were with you, we commanded you that any man who would not work should also not eat.

7. Live on less than your income by budgeting your spending. Know the state of your flocks and herds and write the vision down plainly on paper so that you may successfully use it to reach the desired goal.

8. Eliminate debt and seek to live debt-free. The borrower is a slave to the lender. God desires that you be the head and not the tail.

9. Eliminate cosigning for other people’s debts. Do not cosign for other people’s debts unless you want your coat taken and be subject to ridicule and irresponsibility.

10. Save & Invest a reasonable portion of your income. This prospers you. The master commended the faithful servants who traded with what He gave them and produced double to present to Him. Remember, there is oil and wine in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man spends all that he gets his hands on.

11. Diversify assets. There is safety in the multitude of counselors. Therefore, save and invest with seven or eight different reputable sources and with a similar number of different types of investments.

Though there may be short-term pain in dying to yourself, the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life, always believe what you read and study in the bible over what you see and hear in the world and approach life and finances in the way scripture directs, then you will truly be fruitful and prosperous on earth and in eternity.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 28:20, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Habakkuk 2:2-5, Philippians 4:13, 2Thessalonians 3:10

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Saturday, September 1, 2018

MoneyWalk 454 Forgiving Helps You Manage Better

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

There are numerous people who allow un-forgiveness to wreck their lives and health. Unforgiveness is a bad decision promoted by the carnal nature and demonic forces. It often leads to trying to get revenge on others you think caused the problem. Sometimes, you can’t forgive yourself for acts you’ve done and so you consciously or unconsciously make bad decisions that sabotage the great future the LORD desires you to have. Sometimes these situations lead to unreasonable spending to either get back at someone or to try to appease the unpleasant feeling you have about what you or they have done to you.

For example, a divorce is taking place and one doesn’t like that his spouse committed adultery, so he directs his attorney to try to take everything away from the spouse instead of forgiving and seeking to reasonably and amicably resolve the problem even if divorce proceedings still need to occur.

Or, one had an abortion years ago or a baby out of wedlock and gave him up for adoption and since that time she spends money on many unneeded things to appease that gut-wrenching feeling of remorse because it seems to help for a short time. Sometimes, overspending is an outright attempt to sabotage your life because you don’t believe you deserve any blessings because of what you’ve done in the past.

Forgiveness is the step you need to take to bring yourself to a place where you can be led by the Holy Spirit. It will help you move past remorse from formerly being a poor steward and will let you know that the LORD still loves you and has empowered you in heart, mind, and bodily strength to positively move forward in life and good financial stewardship. Believers must remember His love for them is not based on their goodness and neither is His love for other people. It is based only on Christ’s unstained righteousness that provides us the ability to repent and move forward.

You can be a person of forgiveness and thus discipline who can envision a blessed future, stop unwisely using debt instruments, budget income and expenses to live within your means, and build future wealth for giving, saving, investing, and responsible spending.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Matthew 6:14-15, 18:21-35, Luke 6:37-38, 17:1-4, 2Corinthians 10:3-6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

MoneyWalk 453 God Owns It All

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The first and foremost principle that must be adhered to if you want to be a good money manager who moves into the wealthy place is to recognize that God owns everything. You must believe it and take actions aligned with this belief. Unfortunately, most people never move from a point of believing that their income and wealth is wrought by the work of their own hands or intellect.

This false belief does not lead to their benefit because it does not move them in the purpose for which the LORD created them and thus into the level of blessing He desired them to have and use for building His kingdom in the hearts of men. Many people have financial difficulties in this life brought on by their lack of understanding and failure to act on His will for their lives and finances.

He certainly wants his people to be fruitful and prosper and gives them the ability to get wealth to establish His covenant in the earth. Yet, many people act on a selfish desire to be rich that is produced by the fleshly worldview that surrounds us daily (mind, emotion, will, and body wanting to experience the comforts riches provide without carrying out their responsibility to glorify Him and serve other people). This often leads to marriages breaking asunder, neglecting children, being a workaholic, forsaking local church fellowship, and failing to evangelize and disciple other people. Some have been unwilling to change such behavior because in their hearts the most important thing is making it big and receiving honor from men.

Let’s be clear, there’s a small percentage of people with wrong attitudes, motives, and actions that earn huge incomes and accumulate great riches on earth and they are often honored by people because of what they have; wealth, high status, and notoriety among men and worldly institutions. However, we must not automatically assume that one’s level of earthly riches is evidence that God is pleased with him/her or that he/she is living in His will or handling money in a way pleasing to Him.

Everyone needs to pursue the LORD’s purpose for his/her life by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit to hear His voice tell them which legitimate activities, careers, businesses, and investment opportunities they should pursue and how to pursue them. Believers will sometimes engage endeavors that appear to fail. Yet, according to the Word, (a) we can always be sure what we do for Christ will last, (b) we will accumulate all the wealth needed on earth to help us accomplish our purpose, (c) we will successfully achieve God’s purpose for our lives, and (d) we will receive great eternal reward. Earthly failure is not really failure when it shows what you’re not fashioned for and helps sharpen your skills and abilities so future endeavors can be successful in helping you get to the wealthy place.

Recognizing and acting on the fact that the LORD owns it all will keep you from seeking to obtain riches by engaging in immoral, illegal, criminal, detrimental, and other activities that are not pleasing to Him. It will also help you understand that if you engage such activities eventually you will get caught on earth by men or by Him at The White Throne Judgment. Then, everything you thought was gain will suddenly become a huge loss. The bible is clear that anyone and everyone that does not turn to Jesus Christ before they leave this earth will be eternally disappointed. Finally, acting on the fact that He owns everything will help you understand that being unsaved and judged morally bankrupt by God brings on an eternal consequence that cannot be overcome with accolades of success you might receive on earth (names on buildings, honor of men, awards, etc.). Desire to be in the wealthy place He designed for you by doing things that please Him and doing them in a Christ-like manner. You can never go wrong with this pattern.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalms 90:1-2, Isaiah 43:10-11, Ephesians 3:9-10, Revelations 4:10-11

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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MoneyWalk 452c Unequal Pay High-Income Earner Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Though situations can differ, a basic plan for a person that recently started earning high income might look something like the following. Draft a will, trust, durable financial and healthcare powers of attorney with incapacity clauses, and other documents needed by your dependents in-case of disabling affliction or death. Also, purchase 20 to 30-year equal premium term life, long-term care, umbrella, and other insurance coverages you need and make sure you assign appropriate beneficiaries to all your insurance, savings, and investment accounts.

Let’s say you make $1 million and receive $600,000 after taxes. You should forsake debt. You should not borrow to buy or do things. The tithe, offerings, and alms may be about $112,000. In the first year of earning high income, save $300,000 in an emergency fund (6 months take home pay). Rent a nice apartment for $2000 per month ($24,000 annually). Buy a $30,000 car debt-free. Invest $86,000 in a diversified portfolio of no load low expense stock index mutual funds. And, keep $4,000 of monthly spending money ($48,000 annually) for groceries, utilities, insurances, personal needs, and desires.

The second year, give tithes, offerings, and alms of $124,000. Continue to live in the $24,000 per year apartment, keep your debt-free car, invest $300,000, and increase your monthly spending money to $5,000. The remaining $92,000 could be put into a high-yield money market account for an eventual home purchase after your fifth year of earning high income. Pay increases will help increase giving, saving, investing, and spending. Repeat this plan over the next few years.

In the sixth year, you will have accumulated approximately $1.5 million for retirement and future business endeavors. Do not overlook the fact that if you do not earn as high an income in future years, you will need substantial liquid wealth from which you can draw an income that allows you to live in the manner you are accustomed to. As you get older you will need greater comfort and convenience than you need now. You could also modestly increase spending and purchase a home debt-free with cash you diligently saved (at least $460,000). Any savings remaining could be put toward the debt-free purchase of a new car.

No plan is perfect, however having a plan based on biblical principles is the right way to go. Undisciplined spending with no attention to budgeting, staying out of debt, giving, saving, investing, and purchasing things to impress people will ultimately put you in financial bondage. You will be broke, disgusted, and can’t be trusted like many former high-income earning athletes and entertainers who did not responsibly manage money during their careers. You never have to be in that position because you have Holy Spirit power and ability within you to do better while bringing honor to Him in the process.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 1:27, Exodus 19:5, Psalms 50:10, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Ephesians 3:9

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Saturday, August 11, 2018

MoneyWalk 452b Unequal Pay High-Income Earner Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

On an eternal scale, no one can escape the negative consequences of failing to live out the following principles and most people never escape the earthly consequences of such failure. Therefore, you should resolve to use wisdom in managing your life and income to get the best out of life and godliness:

1. Recognize that everything you have is the LORD’s. You are only a manager who should look to Him for instructions on how to manage life and money. This requires that you show contentment and self-control when it comes to spending.

2. Honor God by tithing and offering the moment you receive any income. Give to ministries and charitable endeavors that please His heart and help you fulfill your purpose while on earth.

3. Sacrifice short-term opulent purchases when you need to. Choose delayed gratification and long-term well-being by living within your means. Otherwise, when your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall!

4. Eliminate all debt. Plan and budget to buy houses, cars, and other merchandise with cash and not borrowed money.

5. Do not cosign loans for anyone and avoid all the cousins who crawl out of the woodwork to help you spend your newfound cashflow.

6. Save at least 10% of gross income in liquid accounts as a rainy-day fund to help you make it through job loss and layoff, emergencies, and catastrophes. Establish at least a $10,000 emergency fund and even more when you’re in an industry where pay is uncertain and unequal from month to month.

7. After all debt is paid and the emergency fund established, invest the 10% and more in no load low expense stock index mutual funds (large cap, midcap, small cap, and international) in equal percentages because they have a history of significantly higher growth than fixed income savings and inflation. People that have high income that is unequal and uncertain from month to month and year to year (entertainers, actors, professional athletes, etc.) should invest at least 30% using reputable brokerages like Vanguard, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, etc. Debt freedom and good stewardship will allow another 10% or more of gross annual income to be set aside for investing in more risky ventures after researching them and noting the purveyors are reputable and offering great opportunity for extremely high growth.

8. Diversify your investments using seven or eight trustworthy brokerages and bank. While you should have a multitude of counselors, it is not best to let any one person have power-of-attorney or ability to spend your income and assets; not your agent, attorney, accountant, manager, personal assistant, etc. Generally, it is best that you and your spouse maintain such control and give specific instructions and limited access to your money and accounts when you want any of your helpers to handle specific financial concerns for you.

9. Have an estate planner help you craft a will, trust, durable power of attorney with incapacity clause and other estate plans / guidance for personal representatives that work best for you and your family.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 1:27, Exodus 19:5, Psalms 50:10, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Ephesians 3:9

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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Sunday, August 5, 2018

MoneyWalk 452a Unequal Pay High-Income Earner Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We’ve all heard about major league sports athletes, singers, musicians, and other famous people going broke after having made enormous incomes during a period of their lives. The minimum salary for some major league sports athletes can be $500,000 per year or more and continues to rise each year. In addition, they normally get generous raises when their service stretches into successive years even if they sit on the bench all those years.

Many of the other celebrities and high-income earners don’t have minimum or maximum salary tables. Their income is dependent on how many sales they can make of their endorsement on products, services, concerts, speaking engagement, etc. Most people have seen the ‘Cribs’ shows that give us a glimpse into the opulent mansions and array of expensive cars they sport. We also hear that they purchase clothes, jewelry, and other items that cost tens of thousands of dollars a whop.

Despite the high incomes many have earned for at least a few years and some for many years, we continue to note a great number who are broke not many years after they reached the height of fame and fortune. Many people think the greatest culprits are:

1) The same amount of income is no longer coming to them.

2) The average longevity for being on top in the entertainment / sports arena is a few years.

3) These stars are at the mercy of industries either don’t have pension plans they can draw from or the plans pay a fraction of what they earned during their careers. This is exacerbated for those who spent many years in the industry and made the highest incomes.

4) Some don’t have much formal education or other skills to fall back on once the high income is gone.

However, all is not as it seems. What really caused most to go broke is the fact that they did not follow scriptural instructions for managing finances. They chose to follow the path so many of their comrades follow and that the world teaches and examples for them: Spend recklessly and spontaneously without planning for the future which often does not provide as much income as one makes at the height of income-earning years. Make it rain baby! Thus, there are minimum salary makers trying to live like industry icons, taking on more debt than they receive in income.

Sure, there is a low percentage who never lose all the fame and high income. Yet, the majority will only have a moment or few years of fame and then their incomes will drastically drop. History and a good understanding show us even icons can fall and go broke when they do not employ good financial & lifestyle stewardship. Thus, we should walk in wisdom leading to a debt-free, giving, saving, and investing lifestyle that is as concerned with our ability to live twenty years from now as it is with our current comfort.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 1:27, Exodus 19:5, Psalms 50:10, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Ephesians 3:9

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

MoneyWalk 451 True Thanksgiving Produces Thanks-Living

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

It’s easy to think you’re giving thanks on the holiday by following the tradition of having family over and eating lots of turkey, ham, and dressing and watching football games. However, true thanksgiving is signaled by acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to provide salvation and eternal life to all who believe and by giving of your time and money to spread His gospel throughout your family, community, and world.

True thanksgiving can certainly take place in family interaction that occurs on the holiday as long as your heart acknowledges the LORD’s grace in all things. Such thanksgiving also needs to take place throughout each year in the giving of resources to help those outside of your family who are truly in need.

Everyone has something to give to help others and sometimes to simply bless someone else. Even when we don’t seem to have much, we have more than we are aware of. You signal that you’re thankful when even in adversity and poverty you give to spread the gospel and help others in need. Those in better positions should do the same to a greater degree.

Scripture signifies that those whose hearts are fixed upon Jesus Christ and truly thankful will give abundantly from their income, assets, skills, and giftings to help others and lead them to Him, so they too can have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life in Heaven. This shows you have the real root of Thanksgiving in your heart because when truly present it results in a wonderful example of Thanks-living throughout your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 9:10-12, Philippians 4:4-7, 14-17, Colossians 4:2-6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

MoneyWalk 450 Biblical Financial Instruction

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Jesus Christ is the only foundation and cornerstone of our faith!!! He tells us within the pages of the bible the principles upon which we should live and manage our lives while on earth, including money management that helps believers rightly earn, produce, build, and reap eternal and earthly wealth and rewards that will glorify Him and serve many people.

Understand that everything is God’s. Through daily worship (including praise, prayer, and bible reading / study tell God that all the income and assets you have and will ever have access to are His and that as His steward you are now willing to follow His instructions and do what He directs with His money and resources.

Show contentment. Continue or start tithing to your local church or a worthwhile ministry each time you receive income. Choose delayed gratification instead of instant gratification. Do not buy that bigger house, more expensive car, new furniture, new jewelry, etc. until you have reached the priority financial goal of being a faithful tithing member of a local church and totally debt-free. Quality stuff to buy using cash flow and savings, instead of loans, will still be available at lower prices best for you after you reach the priority goal.

Show self-control. This is a fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5, which along with the other eight fruit shows that we walk in the Spirit and not according to the flesh. Being intimate with the LORD is the goal everyone should have. Living according to His commands is one way it is displayed. You must learn to be obedient to biblical principles to control your fleshly appetite and put the focus back on fulfilling His purpose for your life. This will help produce wealth in a way that is pleasing to Him without compromising intimacy with Him.

Sacrifice. Short-term pleasure for long-term financial soundness. Delayed gratification now (because you need to employ it) results in great benefits accruing to you in the long-run. I buffet (beat my body into submission) lest having told others about the way I myself become a castaway (do not get to receive the benefits of following the principles I've told others about). Believers like Barnabas sold land that they owned and gave it to the Apostles to fund the work of the ministry!!!

Work in a legitimate field and ministry. Man shall live by the sweat of his brow (caused by the work of his hands). If a man does not work, he also should not eat. Work exercises Christ's command to serve others and properly care for yourself, family, others in need, and the church (local and global). It also gives you a vital mission field in which you can glorify Jesus Christ, find witty ways to evangelize the lost, and disciple (build up) other believers in the workplace. Get-rich-quick schemes fizzle out and leave many people misused, hurt, and broken. This is the only God-given sure-fire method to start and continue making money and build wealth!!!

Tithe and give abundant offerings. This honors God and opens the door for Him to move mightily to rebuke the devourer on your behalf and to pour blessings you don't have room to receive. Even though His authorities (churches/church leaders) receive your tithes and offering on earth, it is witness that the One Who lives receives them in Heaven. This means not only will you receive an abundant supply, but others will receive many benefits through you as well. In addition, faithfully adhering to this principle teaches you to live beneath your income and helps discipline you so you can live by the other principles as well.

Plan how you will earn income, spend it, and build wealth. What man would build a house without first counting the cost! You must know the state of your flocks and herds otherwise wealth will not last through your generation. This is a very important principle that most people do not want to follow. However, all sound businesses and wealthy people adhere to a budget, which is a major reason why they have produced huge financial growth. All worthwhile plans have one thing in common - live well beneath your income. As your income grows your ability grows in giving, saving, investing, and purchasing more products and services that could not be obtained at the lower income level you formerly were at.

Stay out of debt, eliminate the debt you have, and never cosign. God desires that you prosper and be in the position of a lender and not a borrower. He does not desire that you be a slave. But you will be if your eyes and heart are on borrowing to get what you think you need and want. I'm convinced He desires that we live debt-free lives and only use credit as a short-term convenience that we can immediately pay off next month and that He is prepared to guide us to live that way and make it happen. However, you must plan to live this way and budget income and spending to make it happen.

Save and Invest a reasonable portion of your income each pay period. There is much tillage in field of a poor man, but it is all wasted for lack of judgment. There's oil and wine in the dwelling of the wise but a foolish man spends all his income. I believe saving 10% and growing from there is a reasonable starting point. However, start wherever you can immediately (2%, 5%, etc.) by building an emergency fund of 3 to 6 months of income (longer if you're self-employed or your job is not stable). One you have done this begin to invest a significant portion of your excess savings into no load low expense stock index mutual funds, which provide a much higher rate of return than bank accounts. God’s plan helps you build wealth as you adhere to these principles.

Diversifying your money and resources. Give a portion to seven or eight for you do not know what troubles you'll face. There is safety in a multitude of counselors. This means you don't have to be an expert at picking the right stock, bond, or other investment. While you should educate yourself to how these asset building/wealth management tools work, you only must remember not to put all your eggs into one basket but over time into seven or eight types with different investment advisors / brokers.

Putting all your eggs in one basket results in all or a huge portion of your assets getting spoiled in market downturns, whereas putting your eggs in at least seven baskets results in a very small portion of your assets getting spoiled when the market dives or when dishonest brokers attempt to snare you in fraudulent investment schemes.

These good stewardship principles will help you get on and stay on the road He put in place, so together we may glorify Him by doing His will and serving His people!!!

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 28:12, Proverbs 21:20, 22:7, Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 6:38, 14:28-30, Hebrews 7:8, Acts 4:36

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, July 8, 2018

MoneyWalk 449 Do Not Covet Anyone Else’s Stuff

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

I used to wonder what was meant by “the love of money is the root of ALL evil.” It appeared in conflict with logic. I could understand not to love money because this attitude could be the start to a downward spiral spiritually and maybe financially. I understood I was to make the pursuit of God’s will for my live my utmost desire and goal and forsake any mindset that could cause me to make earning income and amassing assets more important than devotion to my LORD and service to His people. However, I wondered what loving money has to do with committing fornication, adultery, and any sin other than those related to finances.

“ALL” stumped me for a long time until I heard a message about satan utilizing covetousness as the temptation to encourage Adam & Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Coveting can be defined as “wanting somebody else’s stuff.” That sly serpent used clever words to entice them into eating the forbidden fruit, however covetousness was the temptation they allowed to enter their hearts that plunged mankind into sin and destructive beliefs and lifestyles. They were convinced the LORD was hiding knowledge and power from them and they could indeed have it by eating of the “Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Satan convinced them they could be omniscient as though this quality is not inherently the LORD and reserved for Him only. They were duped into believing the tree’s fruit would provide this attribute and thus a greater position and power. They wanted something only God Almighty can possess. He only is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent and only He can ever have these attributes. The most we can have is close fellowship with Him, a seat with Christ Jesus in heavenly places, and fruitfulness and immense blessing by righteously managing His possessions and representing His light while on earth.

Satan tricked them with the same temptation (covetousness) that caused Him to be thrown out of Heaven to the earth like a bolt of lightning because he said he would ascend to the throne of the LORD almighty and caused a rebellion of other angels against Him. He still covets the LORD’s position and until Judgment Day also works to cause man to rebel.

The love of money is a root of covetousness that we are commanded to avoid. Want and declare all the LORD wants for you, but never want more than He wants for you. When you love money (or are covetous) you desire to obtain it, hold on to it, and/or spend it primarily for your own earthly pleasures more than you desire to use a lion’s share of it to please God and continue His eternal work in the earth to continually lift Him up and draw other people to Him. This shows up most often in people’s failure to recognize God as their LORD. It shows up most often as people’s failure to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior, weekly fellowship with Him and His Church, and regularly give abundantly to help the Church spread the gospel message throughout the earth.

When you’re too busy to honor and glorify God in the manner He instructed you’re making your utmost priority the pursuit of all the material things you believe are of importance (which the love of money represents) such as riches, fame, power, position, and other stuff. You are acting as though you sit upon the Throne with the ability to provide for yourself and dictate how your life should be lived. This shows you love money more than you love God and more than you love your fellow man. You’re headed for eternal destruction and many times hardship on earth when you covet anything other than a relationship with the LORD and daily fellowship with Him.

Work, career aspirations, business endeavors, wealth building, caring for family, sports, and any other pursuit is not an excuse He will accept as a reason for not honoring Him while coveting His treasures to take care of that which you think is important. He provides access to His manifold treasures, but desires that they flow into your life as a benefit to you and others as a result of intimate fellowship with Him and obedience to biblical instruction. His Word is clear, “He withholds no good thing from those who walk upright before Him.” Let His will, not your own, guide you to walk out love, work, career, business, wealth building, and ministry and you will truly be fruitful & prosperous and will not be a destructive & cursed root attached to the trunk line of covetousness.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 3, Exodus 20:17, Psalm 24, Matthew 6:19-21, 1Timothy 6:10, Revelations 4:11

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Saturday, June 30, 2018

MoneyWalk 448 Do Not Be A False Witness

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Flip Wilson used to say, “The devil made me do it.” Many people have the same mentality when it comes to managing their lives and money. They want to take credit for all the good things that happen to them: I earned my degree, I earned this salary, I earned this position, I earned these riches, I earned this fame, I earned this politically powerful position, etc. However, when the result is not good they blame the devil, some other person, or organization (including the government) for their woes.

Wrecked financial situations are not a direct result of what someone else did to you, rather they are a direct result of you not following principles that lead to fruitfulness. If you want your situation to change:

1. Confess that Jesus is Savior and begin to live like He is LORD of your life and money entrusted to you.

2. Believe and act like He owns everything. He has the right to direct you to use them as He sees fit and does so for His glory and your benefit.

3. Allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten your daily bible study and prayer and help you walk by the Spirit instead of fulfilling the lusts (desires) of your flesh.

4. Work as unto the LORD at least 8 to 10 hours five days each week in a God-honoring occupation and Church ministry.

5. Rest the equivalent of one day each week.

6. Hone your mental and physical skills through training, work, and personal interaction with others.

7. Continually declare a better future and plan all you can do to achieve it and allow the LORD to put super to your natural actions. Never deride your current position, simply seek to do better. The LORD’s ability to prosper you is greater than your current situation.

8. Daily, talk with Christians who are good stewards of the lives, incomes, and assets entrusted to them. Advice of godly counselors allows God-honoring safety.

9. Honor God by tithing to your local Church fellowship.

10. Save at least ten percent of your income in an emergency fund to help cover expenses during job loss, medical situations, etc.

11. Live within your means by budgeting your income to cover necessities (required food, shelter, clothing, and transportation). Then, cover as many other minimum bill payments as possible. When money is left over, pay it toward the lowest balance account. Trust God to provide what you cannot obtain through your own effort.

12. Work toward eliminating debt to live debt-free where you do not purchase anything you do not already have the cash to pay for.

13. Continue to employ these giving, saving, budgeting (disciplined spending) habits and you will reach a point when you are saving so much money each month that you will have no choice but to invest in growth producing assets like no load low expense stock index mutual funds.

One of the great things about the biblical approach to stewardship is that everything that happens to you and for you works out for your good because you love God and are called for His purpose. Therefore, you don’t have to bear false witness by blaming anyone for your condition because the Holy Spirit is guiding you as you spend time necessary to utilize the spiritual and practical principles above to make your life as fruitful as it can be.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:16, Galatians 5:1-2, 16-18, Ephesians 4:25, 1John 2:4

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and LinkedIn

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MoneyWalk 447 You Shall Not Steal

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We normally think of stealing as taking a material possession or legally protected idea belonging to other people without their consent. This is the type we are most familiar with, but interestingly it is not the type of stealing that happens most often.

Stealing from the LORD is the most common type of theft perpetrated by man. To be sure, stealing things from other people is unrighteous and tends to be the type for which perpetrators receive the quickest punishment. It is far more unrighteous to steal from the LORD, your maker, by failing to give Him the tithe He instructs believers by faith to give. When you trust in His provision tithing will not be an issue and you will give offerings above it. When you do not tithe you can come up with a lot of excuses for failing to do so that seem right to the natural / flesh-pleasing mind yet are unacceptable according to His will.

He does not bring judgment upon you with the quickness, like human police / judicial authorities because His plan is to appeal to your spirit so you will at some point trust Him and realize He does not need tithes and offerings rather He designed this faith-based protocol as a means of showing you whether you trust Him above all and are willing to live like He instructs in order to see His Church carry out His plan of worldwide evangelization and disciple-making that leads many to faith in Him and a Heavenly eternity.

Man owns no possessions or ideas of his own worth having. You are only a steward of a portion of the LORD’S manifold possessions – managing them on earth with the possibility of being given leadership authority over eternal jurisdictions and possessions when you do well managing earthly possession for Him. No earthly possession will follow you into eternity: Heaven or Hell. Only what you do with them on earth to advance gospel causes with bring eternal reward to your life.

Never steal any possessions given to another person to manage. More importantly, never steal from the Father: the one person that cares for you more than any human being ever could including wife, mother, or father. By faith, honor Him like He instructed regardless of ridicule by other people for doing so and even when it looks like you might experience lack. The following benefits are experienced by those who do not steal tithes & offerings from Him:

1. He rebukes the devourer of your finances and your soul (spiritually demonic beings with plans to steal, kill, and destroy your life).

2. He opens the windows of Heaven over you to pour out tremendous blessing that glorifies Him, provides your need, and helps you serve other people.

3. He will not let your fruit rot on the vine. You will be successful and bear much fruit (many God-led works).

4. Many will see that you reside under God’s blessing and this will be a platform you can use to point many to Him, so they too can be blessed immensely by following the truth of His Word in every area of life.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:15, Malachi 3:8, Luke 18:22-25, Acts 5:3, Revelation 4:11

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at