Sunday, October 21, 2018

MoneyWalk 459 It Is Most Profitable To Work Unto The LORD

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Making success on your job or entrepreneurial venture your number one priority is a means satan uses try and draw you away from Christian fundamentals. He will say you should not mix business with witnessing and disciple-making. He never wants you to speak about your trust in the LORD and how He’s making you better by guiding you to the purpose for which He created you.

Rightfully, your supervisors should expect you will spend your working time making the widgets and providing service you have been hired to do. The LORD commands you to work as unto Him which includes doing the best you can to please your employer and help make it profitable. Often, you can please the LORD and your employer by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your life and work. He provides lunch and break time opportunities to communicate the gospel with those who may ask about your life or share circumstances in their lives where your experiences may be helpful to them. This will be a great witness and discipleship tool to others in your workplace.

Being a Christian does not mean you will do everything right or be liked by co-workers, supervisors, or other delegated authorities. There will be times when others oppose you and disagree with your view. Just remember, Jesus Christ is your perfection. Seek His wisdom, be teachable, and flexible when other people’s views and methods do not oppose His will and way. Sometimes, others will help you find a character flaw or work defect you can correct to become a better example to others.

When work habits are disliked and there is nothing you can change within moral boundaries to please your supervisor, then just continue to work as unto the LORD while believing and praying He will help him/her see you are doing your best and that your methods are profitable for the organization. He always has your back by carrying burdens too heavy for you.

Eventually, even the toughest critics will be able to see your spiritual growth shown by increasing honesty, integrity, and faithfulness to complete your work well and more respect for others. They will also see you take accountability, repent for misdeeds, correct actions when necessary, refuse to compromise godly morals, and are willing to suffer persecution to let them know about Christ who can fill the gaping hole in their lives. This lifestyle definitely helps other people see their need for Jesus Christ and be drawn to Him. As a result, you will be fruitful, blessed, rewarded, and truly profitable in all your endeavors.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Romans 13:1-8, Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 3:22-25, 4:1, 1Peter 2:12-20

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, October 14, 2018

MoneyWalk 458 Decreeing Then Taking Action Prospers You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You have heard the phrases “Name it and claim it” and “Blab it and grab it.” These phrases are usually spoken of in an irreverent way against preachers who espouse that believers can declare the possession of something and receive it.

Many people’s experiences seem to them to indicate that resources they obtain didn’t come to them through the above process. So, they ridicule these preachers and claim they are focusing people on satan’s kingdom, leading people straight to Hell, and taking advantage of people’s emotions to steal their money. There may be a few charlatans disguised as preachers of the gospel. After all, wheat and tare grow together in the world and in the Church. Thus, there are greedy and covetous tare who use the name of Jesus Christ to take advantage of undiscerning people. Anyone can call himself a Christian and we may not immediately know he is not, yet that does not make the truth of God’s word null and void. He says when the time for harvesting comes, He will command the reapers to separate the wheat (believers in Christ) into a heavenly home and cast the tare (unbelievers) into the fire. Yet, it is a grievous mistake to say most of these preachers are greedy and covetous tare who have only their own interest in mind.

The bible shows there is truth in “Naming and claiming” some things. The key is whether you moved in faith upon what God by His Word identified as being available to you and whether you really intend to utilize your life, gifts, time, skills, money, and resources overall to benefit the spread of the gospel in your family, community, and the world. Mere mortals who are unbelievers often name, claim, and obtain things that have much greater earthly value than things that believers name, claim, or obtain, such as businesses, inventions, jobs, houses, cars, jewelry, etc. So, obtaining things is not really the sign you have sought God’s will, done His will, or received His blessing.

It is only a sign of God’s will when it is accompanied by a lifestyle of steps ordered by God, His Word, and Holy Spirit that show up over time in a fruitful display of actions devoted to sharing the gospel and helping others share it more as the time of His return nears.

Men will not always recognize your faith or fruit. Those who do not believe the LORD at his word (ask anything in my name and you shall have it, call those things that be not as though they were, etc.) may see your words and actions as (1) a violation of doctrine they made up, (2) scientifically unproven, or (3) nonsense. Just because some people say He never allows our words to bring what we declare in His name and for His purposes does not make it so. Their viewpoint goes against biblical instruction and you should continue to declare for His glory the vision and resources that conform to His word and will. No doubt, you should also put your faith & works in action to bring forth good fruit because you are a believer set apart for this purpose. Then, His light will truly shine upon your ways.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Job 22:28, Matthew 7:7-11, Romans 4:17, James 2:20-24, 4:1-4

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, October 7, 2018

MoneyWalk 457 Seven Focused Steps For Good Stewardship

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do not live with your eye on this world, rather live with your eye on the world to come. If you hope to become the good steward God instructs you to be and intends for you to be, then you are going to have to develop a deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit that motivates you to follow the pathway the bible lays out for your life and financial health, wealth, and well-being.

Just like Jesus focused all His energies on obtaining the goal of the Father’s will for all mankind to have hope of salvation and a heavenly home, you too must focus and take the steps necessary to achieve the Father’s goal for you. Your focus should be on the following through which you climb the ladder of spiritual financial success one step at a time. Do not attempt to move to the next step until you are firmly established in accomplishing the task on the step you are on.

1. Tell your income what to do. Draft a 6-month giving, saving & investing, and spending plan that shows:

a. Your after-tax income each month.

b. The tithe and free-will offering to be subtracted from take home pay.

c. Each minimum bill payment that must be paid from that month’s income (mortgage, rent, credit cards, car note, etc.).

d. Other miscellaneous amounts that must be taken from the income (groceries, personal money, gas for car, phone, electric, gas, water, sewer service, monthly amount of annual property tax payment, monthly amount of annual home and car insurance premium, monthly amount of annual life insurance payment, 2 or 3 low cost weekend vacations each year, low cost monthly entertainment, etc.).

e. The surplus or deficit left over after all expenses have been paid. If there is nothing left over then you will need to work with your spouse and a close friend who is good at managing his or her money or a financial advisor to determine ways in which you can quickly and substantially reduce current expenses, determine which bills receive priority for payment at the current time, and find other work that can increase your income to get you out of the bondage you are in.

2. Build a $1,000 emergency fund. Once you have surplus, use it to build or establish, in a government guaranteed savings or money management account (MMA), an emergency fund equal to $1,000. This will help you stop turning to credit cards and loans to take care of problems and emergencies that arise in the future. You will get on the right path to using cash instead of burdening your future with debt. There may be reasons why you want to increase this amount before you engage debt elimination. For example, an impending layoff or job loss or medical emergency that will soon require you to pay a huge out of pocket expense, etc.

3. Pay off all non-mortgage loans. Start with the loan with the lowest account balance and once that is paid off then eliminate the one with the next lowest account balance. It is an easier method for tracking debt elimination and the psychological benefit motivates far more people to stick with the debt elimination process because they quickly see debt eliminated. The few people who stick with eliminating debt using the highest finance charge method only eliminate the same amount of total debt in six weeks less time with not much monetary difference in finance charges paid. The only time you break this cycle is if you have an emergency that needs immediate attention and you must use money in your $1,000 emergency fund. Then, you would take the debt elimination cash flow to build the emergency fund back to $1,000 and afterward resume eliminating your debt.

4. Build a $10,000 emergency fund. After all non-mortgage loans are eliminated use cash flow (which now should be much larger) to build your emergency fund to $10,000. For many people this will now represent approximately three-months of your expenses. Again, there may be reasons why you want to increase this amount before you engage the next step.

5. Invest at least 10% of your gross income each month. If your employer offers a 401k type plan that matches your investment up to a certain amount, start investing the amount necessary to get the maximum matching investment from your employer. Over time, begin to put away even more into investment plans, including Roth IRA’s. For the highest long-term growth, you will do well to invest money in an array of no-load low expense stock index mutual funds, such as total stock market, S&P 500, Large Cap, Mid Cap, and Small Cap Index Funds.

6. Pay off your home loans. Use the remaining monthly cash flow toward additional principal pay off until your home mortgage is eliminated. If you have a desire to purchase another home, make it a debt-free faith goal using the equity in your current home and savings you’re able to build after your current home mortgage is paid off. Contentment and deferred gratification pay off, whereas encumbering yourself in debt negatively affects your future.

7. Increase your giving, saving, and investments. At this point, your cash flow will be huge because it includes the amount you used to pay on your mortgage as well all your past debts. Increase your free-will offering as thanks to God for helping you, to a much greater degree, reach the goals of (1) total debt freedom, (2) fund the spread of the gospel, (3) help those in need, and (4) build wealth to maintain these priorities and care for yourself and family.

Funding college for kids is not a top priority when you are in debt-bondage because your kids with much research, applying for scholarships, and work can fund tuition at a reasonably priced school. In addition, when you are in financial bondage your financial plan must operate like airplane emergency landing instructions. Make sure you are safe and secure before attempting to help your children put on safety equipment. While children may not understand it during their young unwise years, later in life they will be grateful you helped them navigate far less expensive avenues for education that does not leave them with school loans and that they will not have to expend massive amounts of money to care for you.

Using the seven-step plan will help you get become debt-free and build wealth that produces enormous disposable income and assets you can use to brighten your future and the lives of other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 14:28-30, Proverbs 21:20, Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:38

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at