Saturday, June 30, 2018

MoneyWalk 448 Do Not Be A False Witness

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Flip Wilson used to say, “The devil made me do it.” Many people have the same mentality when it comes to managing their lives and money. They want to take credit for all the good things that happen to them: I earned my degree, I earned this salary, I earned this position, I earned these riches, I earned this fame, I earned this politically powerful position, etc. However, when the result is not good they blame the devil, some other person, or organization (including the government) for their woes.

Wrecked financial situations are not a direct result of what someone else did to you, rather they are a direct result of you not following principles that lead to fruitfulness. If you want your situation to change:

1. Confess that Jesus is Savior and begin to live like He is LORD of your life and money entrusted to you.

2. Believe and act like He owns everything. He has the right to direct you to use them as He sees fit and does so for His glory and your benefit.

3. Allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten your daily bible study and prayer and help you walk by the Spirit instead of fulfilling the lusts (desires) of your flesh.

4. Work as unto the LORD at least 8 to 10 hours five days each week in a God-honoring occupation and Church ministry.

5. Rest the equivalent of one day each week.

6. Hone your mental and physical skills through training, work, and personal interaction with others.

7. Continually declare a better future and plan all you can do to achieve it and allow the LORD to put super to your natural actions. Never deride your current position, simply seek to do better. The LORD’s ability to prosper you is greater than your current situation.

8. Daily, talk with Christians who are good stewards of the lives, incomes, and assets entrusted to them. Advice of godly counselors allows God-honoring safety.

9. Honor God by tithing to your local Church fellowship.

10. Save at least ten percent of your income in an emergency fund to help cover expenses during job loss, medical situations, etc.

11. Live within your means by budgeting your income to cover necessities (required food, shelter, clothing, and transportation). Then, cover as many other minimum bill payments as possible. When money is left over, pay it toward the lowest balance account. Trust God to provide what you cannot obtain through your own effort.

12. Work toward eliminating debt to live debt-free where you do not purchase anything you do not already have the cash to pay for.

13. Continue to employ these giving, saving, budgeting (disciplined spending) habits and you will reach a point when you are saving so much money each month that you will have no choice but to invest in growth producing assets like no load low expense stock index mutual funds.

One of the great things about the biblical approach to stewardship is that everything that happens to you and for you works out for your good because you love God and are called for His purpose. Therefore, you don’t have to bear false witness by blaming anyone for your condition because the Holy Spirit is guiding you as you spend time necessary to utilize the spiritual and practical principles above to make your life as fruitful as it can be.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:16, Galatians 5:1-2, 16-18, Ephesians 4:25, 1John 2:4

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You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and LinkedIn

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MoneyWalk 447 You Shall Not Steal

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We normally think of stealing as taking a material possession or legally protected idea belonging to other people without their consent. This is the type we are most familiar with, but interestingly it is not the type of stealing that happens most often.

Stealing from the LORD is the most common type of theft perpetrated by man. To be sure, stealing things from other people is unrighteous and tends to be the type for which perpetrators receive the quickest punishment. It is far more unrighteous to steal from the LORD, your maker, by failing to give Him the tithe He instructs believers by faith to give. When you trust in His provision tithing will not be an issue and you will give offerings above it. When you do not tithe you can come up with a lot of excuses for failing to do so that seem right to the natural / flesh-pleasing mind yet are unacceptable according to His will.

He does not bring judgment upon you with the quickness, like human police / judicial authorities because His plan is to appeal to your spirit so you will at some point trust Him and realize He does not need tithes and offerings rather He designed this faith-based protocol as a means of showing you whether you trust Him above all and are willing to live like He instructs in order to see His Church carry out His plan of worldwide evangelization and disciple-making that leads many to faith in Him and a Heavenly eternity.

Man owns no possessions or ideas of his own worth having. You are only a steward of a portion of the LORD’S manifold possessions – managing them on earth with the possibility of being given leadership authority over eternal jurisdictions and possessions when you do well managing earthly possession for Him. No earthly possession will follow you into eternity: Heaven or Hell. Only what you do with them on earth to advance gospel causes with bring eternal reward to your life.

Never steal any possessions given to another person to manage. More importantly, never steal from the Father: the one person that cares for you more than any human being ever could including wife, mother, or father. By faith, honor Him like He instructed regardless of ridicule by other people for doing so and even when it looks like you might experience lack. The following benefits are experienced by those who do not steal tithes & offerings from Him:

1. He rebukes the devourer of your finances and your soul (spiritually demonic beings with plans to steal, kill, and destroy your life).

2. He opens the windows of Heaven over you to pour out tremendous blessing that glorifies Him, provides your need, and helps you serve other people.

3. He will not let your fruit rot on the vine. You will be successful and bear much fruit (many God-led works).

4. Many will see that you reside under God’s blessing and this will be a platform you can use to point many to Him, so they too can be blessed immensely by following the truth of His Word in every area of life.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:15, Malachi 3:8, Luke 18:22-25, Acts 5:3, Revelation 4:11

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, June 17, 2018

MoneyWalk 446 You Shall Not Commit Adultery

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible describes adultery as immoral and unconscionable. It is usually defined as a sexual relationship between a married person and another person who is not his/her spouse. However, the LORD also described as adulterous human being’s proclivity to make their number one priority the pursuit of money, position, power, fame, and material things. Our chief aim should instead be to spend time with Him to increase intimacy, so we can love Him more and know Him and His ways better.

As Creator, He designed us to have intimacy with Him through worship including thanksgiving, praise, prayer, bible study, fellowship with other believers who desire to have the same type of devotion to Him, and through the legitimate good works He designed and purposed each of us uniquely to do including our day job(s). We should not have intimacy with and devotion to any other spiritual being (satan, angels (fallen or holy), celestial bodies, etc.) through worshipping it. In addition, our intimacy with other humans should be within the boundary lines the LORD set within the bible. Anything outside of these boundaries lead to destruction, spiritual death, and eternal damnation.

Our LORD is the triune God (Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and Holy Spirit) who told us in scripture that every person who will be saved from eternal wrath must come to Him by believing in his/her heart that Jesus Christ is his/her Savior and publicly declaring He was resurrected to new life after being put to death on the cross as the offering to eliminate the sin of all who turn to Him. No person can be good enough on his/her own to gain access to an eternal heavenly home. While the short measure of his/her days on earth might provide some momentary pleasure and happiness, we know this is sprinkled with much temptation, hardship, trials, wrong doing, pain, and hurt. One’s faith and trust in Christ alone, is the only way to be resurrected to abundant life that continues forever beyond the earthly grave we will all experience.

When you are in Christ, it shows in your life by the way in which you employ biblical principles to give glory to Him, become fruitful, and example His ways to other people around you. You are wholly committed to His way of doing everything as instructed via biblical principles knowing they are the absolute best pathway for you to give glory to Him and truly serve other people in a way that can help lead them to Him in hope they will choose the benefits of salvation and eternal life. Failure to follow His principles and use methods that comply with them is not something your heart can tolerate. So, in the financial arena you employ His principles of:

1. Working diligently to serve, gain experience, and develop skill that produce income to care for yourself and your family and help provide for others in need.

2. Tithing and offering to honor God for His provision and help fund the spread of the gospel throughout the earth.

3. Budgeting to live within your means.

4. Eliminating debt and moving forward to live debt-free.

5. Eliminating cosigning for other people’s debts.

6. Saving a reasonable portion of your income.

7. Investing a reasonable portion of your income to produce greater profit.

Following biblical principles in love toward the LORD and other people and refusing to listen to satanic spiritual and worldly voices who would lead you to do otherwise ensures His best for your life, success in His eyes, and a deep and lasting eternal relationship with Him.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:32, Isaiah 43:10, Matthew 15:19, 2Peter 2:9-22

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, June 10, 2018

MoneyWalk 445 You Shall Not Murder

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Even though there are laws punishing murder in every nation on earth, there are still a small percentage of people who murder other people. Let’s define murder as someone in malice killing another person without proper justification via biblical moral standards and authorized police, military, or corrections department authority. If only 1% of people on earth unlawfully murder one person each year that amounts to 60 million murders. Certainly, even a fraction of this number is not acceptable, yet it happens every day and even crooked government officials sometimes do it and try to hide behind the cover of their authority / badge. This ought not be!

Laws should be established based on biblically correct moral values that are meant to be shared by all human beings. They are very important in letting people know what the LORD and the community expect they will not do and the consequences if they violate the moral expectations. Any nation not governed by such laws will be in chaos resulting from each person doing whatever he/she thinks is right in his/her own eyes. It will see a greater number of people willing to murder and commit other heinous acts because they believe doing so will greatly benefit them even when other people are disadvantaged. The morally bankrupt will get the wrong idea about the benefit of such acts and thus continue to commit them because punishment is not immediately exacted for such behavior and unfortunately others will be pulled into such immoral behaviors. For many relativism, which is the epitome of selfishness, would overtake decision-making and the nation would progressively plunge into destruction.

Upright laws are important but alone they will not stop murder, even when punishment is exacted on the lawless. Each person needs a change of heart based on a moral code (standards for behavior) that is upright. I find the best and only one that matters eternally is the one that springs from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Where His love is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost causing you to learn His ways and not want to do anything that would displease Him. The new creation it makes of a person always changes him/her for the better resulting in fruitful actions and growth throughout the remainder of his/her life.

The tie in to finances is that you should not want to murder any area of your life or reputation by being a bad steward of the manifold blessings the LORD allows you to have. He commands everyone to live by moral standards and imparts the Holy Spirit to everyone who accepts Christ as Savior to guide them to do what is right in His eyes. You are acting unlawfully with malice when you trample upon biblical commands by failing to learn them and follow them. Such murderous activity hurts, disadvantages, and destroys you when not repented of (turned away from). It also is an example that hurts others and leads them to similar harmful activities.

Even though some liberty is taken using “murder” in the arena of finances, I hope you get the point. Failing to employ biblical principles in any area of life including finances will harm you and others even when it does not show up right away. God desires that you have the abundance necessary to do what He purposed you to do. Commit from this day forward that you will not murder His plan for you and that you will move forward in love in every area, so you get out of life for yourself and other people everything He created you for. Adhering to biblical financial principles, by grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, will make this a reality throughout your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 19:7-13, Matthew 5:21-26, Mark 7:20-23

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, June 3, 2018

MoneyWalk 444 The Reward for Honoring Parents

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Being blessed financially is about more than money. It is being in a position of peace and joy with the resources you have and allowing God to expand those resources as you need them and as He desires to bless and reward you. You can only attain this position through righteousness that come through Jesus Christ. When you accept Him as LORD and Savior you are elevated from a lowly unrighteous place to the righteousness of God in Christ!

This process begins with the confession of your mouth and belief in your heart that Jesus is the Messiah through whom righteousness is imputed to those who believe. This imputation sanctifies you in God’s eyes and eliminates the eternal judgment that you previously chose by your action or inaction of failing to acknowledge Him as your LORD and Savior. You now actively choose Him because the only One who knew no sin, who was crucified, and who rose again from the dead will raise you up from the dead and present you blameless at the Judgment. Once you believe in and confess Him as LORD, His shed blood eliminates your sins, so the Father can only see the righteousness of Christ in you.

This position of righteous creates that new man in you that longs to live differently than he has in the past. You are put on a path to progressive maturity where the goal is Christ-likeness in every aspect of your life. Over time, others begin to see positive changes in your life that resulted from your belief in and relationship with Christ.

One notable area of change is usually in how you honor your father and mother. Some don’t believe they’ve had much of an issue with this area of life. However, if you’ve ever sinned, disobeyed your parents, been caught doing something that’s wrong, or simply not living in relationship with Jesus Christ you have dishonored your mother and father.

Most don’t want to look at the situation in this manner, however our failure to act in righteousness at any point along our life is dishonoring to our parents and continuing in that pattern is often the difference between living in peace & joy with great reward versus having lots of money & things but no peace & joy. Since you cannot on your own ever fully honor your parents like you should, the blood of Jesus covers your sin in this arena as well as all other sin and the Holy Spirit guides you to a maturity that helps you live better and do things necessary on earth to better honor your parents.

The following things can help you more greatly honor them:

1. Accept Jesus as Lord & Savior.

2. Be led by the Holy Spirit to live morally in every area of life.

3. Fellowship with believers who also desire to live morally and whose action line up with that.

4. When you’re a child or teen, obey your parents and help around the house doing chores so you learn the necessary humility and work ethic to care for your responsibilities once you become an adult.

5. When you’re an adult, work diligently to care for yourself and your immediate family, so they don’t have additional burdens to shoulder.

6. Manage your income in a manner that helps you take care of all your responsibilities, give to help others, and save for rainy days.

7. Manage inheritances and other windfalls in a manner that is responsible and helps provide for future needs.

8. Help look after parents when they are older to provide them with needed transportation, medical services, food, shelter, etc.

9. Check on them regularly and talk with them to help keep their minds fresh and active.

10. Help provide and find services that can help them when they face emergencies, serious illness, or catastrophe.

God’s promise to you for honoring your parents is He will bless you immensely and give you abundant life upon this earth. Not to mention, eternal reward will follow believers.

Please pray for this ministry and email me with any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Exodus 20:12, Matthew 15:3-9, Ephesians 6:1-3, Colossians 3:20, 2Timothy 3:2

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at