Sunday, September 29, 2013

MoneyWalk 213: Arrogance & Riches

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You can be rich without being arrogant! There are many who are not respecters-of-persons. They do not look down their noses at other people because of their station in life and they genuinely try to help lift others up to the spiritual and natural state of blessedness that Christ wants each person to experience.

Yet, there are times when people will call you arrogant because they've mistaken it for godly confidence. We must certainly allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate areas of our life where we may be thinking or acting in an arrogant manner and make practical changes to be more Christ-like because greater natural stature (riches, power, position, fame, etc.) brings bigger demons that tempt you to put off Christ-likeness and believe that self-sufficiency advanced you to the stature you have.

One demon that attacks naturally rich people to a greater degree than the general populace is the spirit of arrogance (especially in the area of dealing interpersonally with others). This spirit tempts the unwary person to become haughty about himself and his accomplishments and leads him to think that he is better than everyone who has not attained a level of wealth set in his mind as the level necessary to be recognized by God and/or man as a prosperous achiever.

No doubt, people who are naturally poor can be arrogant as well. Their arrogance generally initiates from the idea that their poverty makes them more acceptable to God than other people because of their naturally low position. Thus, everyone must recognize the evil intentions of the spirit of arrogance by regularly reading the bible and daily fellowship with the LORD and the church via a local expression of His body in order to understand that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.

Christ’s way is for you to recognize your lowly position in life no matter how tall you stand before men, yet recognize your high position in Him where you and others that are saved, no matter their natural station, are seated with Him in Heavenly places.

By all means, you should practically, according to God’s wisdom, do all you can to increase the blessings and rewards God gives you so that you can be a greater blessing to others. And, you should be an example to others in this endeavor in the same manner as the first two servants in the Parables of the Talents that traded the money entrusted to them and doubled it. They received the encouraging words “Well done my good and faithful servant. Now, enter into the joy of your Lord!”

Do not believe the lie that another person is less desirable to God than you are because of their earthly material wealth or lack thereof. As you prosper in the earth by managing money according to biblical principles, don't accept the spirit of arrogance in your life or else it will ultimately bring negative results into your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 16:18-20, Luke 12:15-34, James 2:1-9, Revelations 2:8-11, 3:14-22

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 22, 2013

MoneyWalk 212: Greater Ministry Ability Via Proper Money Management

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

We’ve all heard someone say, “It takes money to minister at home and abroad.” Those who tell us this realize that much of the ministry performed directly and indirectly comes from volunteer efforts provided by parishioners and other well wishers. These are resources each church does not pay for that is necessary for its survival and for vital ministry.

Yet, it is important to note that even Jesus maintained a treasury for ministry and training of the disciples. The bible shows various women and other people gave money to Jesus in order to help spread the gospel, meet ministry needs, and engage good works among the people.

When money is necessary you can be sure that Almighty God will provide it through faithful tithers, offerers, and supernatural occurrences. This truth exists for the worldwide Church as a whole and each individual church with regard to the mission God desires that they pursue. It also holds true for you.

Yet, you must eliminate in your heart and mind the belief that you cannot currently minister because you have no money. There are plenty of things you can do to deliver the gospel to other people without great monetary expense to you, such as one-on-one witnessing and discipleship, visiting nursing homes and hospitals to pray for the sick, establishing bible study groups in your home, giving unused clothing and utility items with a scripture verse to people in need, as well as volunteering / serving within your local church (usher, alter minister, choir member, or other needed tasks).

So, if you do not currently have great income or assets, do not despise the day of small beginnings. Rather, begin to serve in these ways or many others that are available to you while recognizing that God will bring revenue to you and/or show you how to ask for donations prior to your ministry needing money to pay for resources to help you move to the next phase. In addition, began right where you are to positively manage the income and assets He entrusts to you. This will augment the exterior harvest from other people and will produce an inner harvest from which to tap money and resources for the service to which you’re called. Positive money management will also give people the confidence to donate to you and help you fulfill what God progressively calls you to do.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Exodus 4, Nehemiah 2:1-9, Matthew 6:33-34, 2Corinthians 8:11-12

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 15, 2013

MoneyWalk 211: The Most Important Thing

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Though I teach people how to manage money management according to biblical principles using present day methods that please God, I understand that the result you should seek is not wealth for wealth’s sake or prominence in other peoples’ eyes.

Many people want to succeed in having big incomes, expensive homes, and cars in order to show other people or prove to themselves that they’re somebody. Others want to do it because societal teaching and influence says this is what you should aim for otherwise you’re not successful.

However, these are wrong reasons to pursue careers and ministry that may allow large incomes that can provide expensive homes and cars. The careers and ministry are not the problem, as long as they are not in and of themselves unholy by nature. The large incomes, homes, and cars are also not the problem. The problem is any person’s or societies attitude that makes God’s will secondary or less is the problem.

Many people through immaturity or unbelief have chosen what they perceive to be the better part. Yet, we know the better part is sitting at the feet of Jesus, spending time with Him, getting filled up so that we can go out and do what He created us for including the good works He assigns us throughout our lives. Yet, in the society we live in its pretty natural for the overwhelming majority of people to seek fortune or fame that they believe will bring riches.

Another sizeable segment of society seeks self-expression through artistic or utilitarian endeavors, supposedly not caring anything about making a decent living on which to provide for themselves and family, but also not caring about staying within the bounds of decency in God’s Word as they walk out their lives, professions, and endeavors.

You must realize that it’s natural for hard work at a legitimate job or business to prosper you over the long haul through raises, promotions, greater opportunities, and good management of your income. This situation provides for increased comforts and flexibility throughout your life. Yet, in order to know whether or not you have a proper perspective on prospering and being successful, you should continually ask if things get real tight and my income is drastically reduced and some expenses need to be cut in the short-term so I can continue moving into long-term financial health and vitality will I still claim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, manage my life by His principles, and give up anything that is central to my life in Him and focus upon Him and what He called me to do and be?

I certainly hope your answer is Lord as we move into the future I am ready, willing, and able to sacrifice things and positions in order to be blessed by You so I can be a blessing to many others.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Exodus 20:3-17, Ecclesiastes 9:8-12, Matthew 7:16-23, Revelations 2:8-11, 3:7-13

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

MoneyWalk 210: Avoid Scams In Order To Build Wealth

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

One of the most important ways to build wealth is to avoid scams that deplete your finances. People who pull these tricks to separate you from your money are not often the gruff, dirty, uneducated type. Many of the scam artists who get people to hand over their money and then misappropriate it are very educated, have professional credentials after their names, appear clean cut and respectable, are charismatic, and have great ability to convince people to do what they want them to do. Of course, all of these traits help them get people’s money under false pretenses.

They run scams that range from failure to invest in the manner they told you they would to illegal pyramid schemes to selling expensive advice that will do you no good. Often such scams work because those being scammed are deceitful, greedy, too lazy to research backgrounds of the scammers, or too ignorant to understand the parameters in which good investments operate.

Many of the scammers count on the victim’s greed and desire to be somebody special to motivate the victim to swing at the pitch thinking they will quickly hit a home run out of the ballpark. That is why the scammers communicate in ways that make you think you will be part of an exclusive group of people when you invest through them and they also tout results that everyone else is achieving via their investment prowess like guaranteed high-interest earnings and other get rich quick scenarios.

The old adage is true, when an offer or solicitation sounds too good to be true, it usually is and you will pay dearly for getting caught up in it. So, don’t allow tempters and money-grubbing scam artists to ruin your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ezekiel 34:1-10, Malachi 2:7-12, Matthew 23:1-14, John 15:4-8, Jude 1:10-12

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, September 1, 2013

MoneyWalk 209: Wisdom Concerning Money

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you conform to worldly standards you will engage money management methods that displease God. Such methods hold back your full potential, yet many people use them because they believe a few people have become rich using them.

Worldly methods generally begin with spending all your income, borrowing as much as you can, and getting additional loans as soon as you get your hands on them in order to partake of the American dream of owning fine houses, cars, furniture, and the perceived good life.

Such methods continue through giving very little to spread the gospel and do good works by faith. This is selfishness whether or not acknowledged. Its goal is to maintain your dream throughout life rather than God’s dream for you.

In addition, worldly methods are usually augmented by failure to plan via budgeting income and expenses. You operate out of guesswork which gets you in trouble at various points in your life by forcing you to pay bills late, avoid creditors you owe, and file for bankruptcy.

Jesus Christ, who is wiser than Solomon, said ‘the abundance of life isn’t contained in the things that you possess’ and His word also confirms that it’s best that you refuse to borrow. He also identified that you must give in support of ministry work in order to be truly blessed eternally (which includes the measure of natural blessing that shows up in your earthly life). Do not complain when you’re asked to give to ministry to a greater degree than you have in the past. Simply, seek the Holy Spirit in your time of prayer to find out God’s will for your giving.

Scripture shows that a godly person plans the spending of his or her income and seeks to constantly know the exact state of his or her finances. When you do these things, you’re able to successfully carry out the ministry He’s given you (glorifying God in every way possible while caring for immediate family, other people He assigned you to serve, and evangelizing & discipling other people in the marketplace of your life).

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 13:7, Haggai 1:1-10, Luke 12:20-21, James 1:5-10

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at