Tuesday, September 30, 2008

MoneyWalk #117: Principles That Lead To Abundance

This program will help you undo financial bondage. You should use God's Financial System to bring forth abundance in your life, regardless of how successful you think you’ve been thus far. With Almighty God on your side, you can only move further into the abundant plan He created you for and not be subject to derailing naturally or eternally.

Most people have been disappointed with the results they’ve achieved so far, even though a few have amassed great resources, because you cannot truly be fulfilled on any path other than the one God planned for you. Some of the financial principles people learn when they had no salvation relationship with Jesus Christ line up with biblical instruction, even though they don’t know it. This is because God set the foundation of the world and the operation of all things therein. Satan has attempted to distort these things by tempting man with sin and causing man to believe that his distorted view is the best way. He tries this in every area of your life and attacking you financially is vital to his attempts to cause God’s plan to fail because money and resources touch every area of your life.

He has not been able to distort the entire financial system because he is not all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-present like the Lord God. God’s foundation cannot be moved, by satan or anyone else, and the operations can only be distorted in the life of the particular man that follows the perverted principles the enemy offers. The operation God established is not removed or eliminated it is only suspended for the person who fails to use it until he/she realizes the truth and begins to operate God’s way.

Everyone who faithfully uses biblical principles through a relationship with Jesus Christ obtains an abundant life. Yet, Satan's plan to distort and pervert God’s principles causes bondage such as greed, debt, and insatiable desires regardless of how much money and resources you receive. Your relationship with Christ and following His principles breaks these bondages in your life giving you peace, joy, and fulfillment. Commit to the following principles for life and you'll see real change.

First, give ten percent of your gross income to your local church. It is natural for people who faithfully tithe to also give free-will offerings, but not the other way around. Second, save ten percent of your income. Put this away before you pay others and keep it for emergencies and investments, so you won’t have to go back in debt when things happen. Third, pay down debt you owe other people and businesses. This may mean working available overtime or holding a second job to earn money to eliminate debt. Fourth, spend less than your remaining income. This means adhering to the above principles and delaying purchases that you really want to make until you have saved enough to pay for them with cash.

Fifth, when your savings reach three months of living expenses, invest the rest of the money in instruments that will compound over the years (no load stock, bond, and real estate investment trust mutual funds, etc). When left untouched for twenty or thirty years, which is available to all who believe due to the design of God’s stewardship plan and the power He placed inside you to do His will, the investment instruments will provide huge monetary returns that can be used in retirement to meat future household expenses, support ministry work at home and abroad, and fulfill godly desires. Even when you’re already a senior, following these principles has great benefits because they put you in a place where you can live off the income provided and put the extra money you’ll find to use in building God’s kingdom in the hearts of men. This lifestyle of utilizing God’s principles presents your body as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to Him.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 1:1-3, Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 22:36-40, Romans 12:1-3, 1Timothy 6:3-11 PLEASE FORWARD THESE BONDAGE BREAKING ARTICLES TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO CAN USE HELPFUL INSIGHT!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

MoneyWalk #116: And Now The Rest Of The Story

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Your church probably has an average $50,000 gross household income and should receive a total annual tithe equal to or greater than this: 100 families giving $500,000 or 500 families giving $2,500,000 or 1000 families giving $5,000,000 or 3000 families giving $15,000,000. However, most church congregations don’t give at that level because the ground that the seed (Word) is being sown into (the hearts of the people listening) is not good ground as described in the parable of the sower.

It’s amazing that the parable says 75 percent of people the gospel is sown into are not good ground because they only let the Word penetrate their hearts for a moment or because the cares of this world (direct pursuit of riches instead of the goals of Jesus Christ) quickly crowded out the Word they previously accepted. They couldn't be built up in the Faith because they chose to forsake regular fellowship with believers that truly seek God's will. So, the devil ultimately devoured them. They allowed him to turn them away from God's will.

Only 25 percent were identified as being sown in good ground (hearts that prepared for growth though employing Christ-like discipline). I hope you fall into this category, not just for salvation and eternal life sake, but that you might be fruitful on earth bringing forth 30, 60, and 100 fold returns for the kingdom of God and the sake of lost souls who need Jesus Christ. If you are not currently in this category, then move into it. It’s an exercise of your will motivated by your love for Jesus Christ that allows His work of reconciliation to take place in your life. You then become useful in helping others be reconciled to Him.

I don’t believe that this 75% to 25% relationship is set in stone. I believe it identifies a floor that the church works from because of the devil’s busywork, yet it presents us with a challenge that we can overcome by feeding the congregation biblical principles and showing the saints how to forsake principles constantly aired in the world that do not line up with biblical principles. Such regular teaching will provide believers with the knowledge and understanding they need to help them overcome the hardness of heart, thorns, and bad relationships that brought them to the place of spiritual and/or natural poverty that led them to forsake tithing and ultimately the relationship that God wanted to have with them.

Leaders who want to help members undo financial bondage, prosper greatly, and greatly increase church revenues for the purpose of fulfilling the great commission and edifying believers must teach church members the complete array of godly financial disciplines spoken of in scripture. These disciplines or principles are spending time in God’s presence through worship, daily prayer and thanksgiving, weekly fellowship with the church, volunteering to work with other believers in weekly ministry and outreach to unbelievers, tithing, free-will offering, giving as God speaks specific amounts to you personally, proper outlook toward work, paying taxes, saving and investing, staying out of and eliminating debt, and spending less than you make.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Matthew 13:3-8, John 8:32, Romans 10:17, 2Timothy 2:2, 3:16-17

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

MoneyWalk #115: One Principle That Brings Prosperity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

I was asked to give one financial principle that was more important than all others in helping people prosper. The petitioners expected to hear me say give all you can because you can't out give God and he will give more back to you than you could ever give Him or tithe to the church treasury and financial problems will forever cease or some other seemingly brilliant statement. Frankly, I couldn't give one biblical principle that’s more important than all others because all biblical principles hold equal importance in helping you prosper to do and complete the work God gave you.

Our failure to regularly teach all biblical financial principles has lead to a drastic downward spiral in giving where far less than 20% of all Christians pay tithes and where total giving to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach His body has dipped below 2% of household income. This is pretty sad commentary when the bible shows that a Christian who really loves God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength should be giving over 10% of his gross household income to fund ministry work in order that everyone has an opportunity to hear the gospel, accept Jesus Christ as Savior, and prosper to carry out his/her mission in this life.

Preachers must teach biblical financial principles to their congregations often, letting them know that poverty is a curse. Your failure to obey the Word’s guidance to eliminate poverty from your life will only help tithing and offering continue to spiral down. In addition, it will cause you to lack resources that God intended you to pull from heaven to fulfill the work He plans for you. Also, it may cause you and your family to live beneath the means He intends for you.

Wouldn’t it be great to see 100% of each congregation faithfully tithing and offering each week and people’s lives getting better spiritually and financially. We have an opportunity to bring this to pass if we preach, teach, and example biblical financial principles in our lives no matter what our current station in life. Surely, as others see the blessing of God upon you for obeying His Word, more and more people will want to hear your testimony and gravitate to the same obedient lifestyle.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Psalms 1:1-3, Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 22:36-40, 2Timothy 3:16-17


This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Being a good steward of the manifold blessings of God demands that you start right where you are at the time you invite Jesus Christ to be the Savior and Lord of your life. Understand that presenting your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God and being transformed by the renewing of your mind means that you must follow biblical principles as soon as you learn them because they serve as the gateway to truly doing His will. Principles that seem to be aimed primarily at the financial area of your life like tithing, offering, budget planning, debt elimination, saving, and diversifying your investments speak volumes about your relationship with the true and living God and where you truly stand in readiness to do His will.

The reason you need to start now is because lolly-gagging in this area of your life usually reflects that you are undisciplined concerning the will of God in many other areas of your life. Don’t you find it very interesting that the vast majority of Jesus’ parables focus on our attitude toward, dealings with, and management of money? The scripture also says the love of money is the root of all evil. How you view, spend, and manage money tends to be an outside indicator of the spiritual condition inside you.

You must understand the thermometer by which you should be measuring your condition and the thermostat that allows you to turn up the temperature on the right way to manage money, so that you eliminate the coldness brought on by managing money apart from God’s principles. From time to time you probably watch television shows that display the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Usually, the shows focus on letting you know just how much the rich person has accumulated or it displays the opulence of his/her homes, cars, and material purchases. Everyone does not have to live at the same material level and there is no specific level at which people should forego accumulation and material purchases. However, you must understand that there are two spiritual forces at play in the world (Almighty God versus the god of this world (Satan)) and both would lead you to do things that will bring riches into your life albeit for different reasons, in different ways, and with drastically different results in the end.

God’s plan is to build you up and prosper you to spread the gospel and do good works that lead people to repentance, better lives, and better examples for others to follow. The enemy’s plan seems to prosper you, however he ultimately wants riches to go to your head, lead to arrogance and haughtiness, result in selfishness, further his evil purposes, destroy your family and your opportunity to spend eternity with Almighty God. Indeed, his purpose is to use riches to steal, kill, and destroy. Understand satan’s tricks and refuse to follow his plan and temptations. Doing so, requires that you develop an ongoing, ever growing, God glorifying testimony by seeking to learn biblical principles, applying them, and allowing the Holy Spirit to develop within you the heavenly view for riches He desires to lead you to.

These days, it seems even Christians get pulled into showing off the material things they’ve accumulated and thinking that the purchase of more and more of them is what truly displays God’s glory and ability to enrich His people. We make statements about our desire to be rich in order to fund the kingdom, but they aren’t really meaningful because once we are rich we don’t do what we purported we would. The proof is already in the pudding for most people as shown by their current lack of generosity with God and His church. Those who are not generous with what they currently have won’t be generous if they come into riches. Besides, they will likely come into those riches using the wrong guidance which will lead to negative consequences down the road; on earth and/or in eternity. They may be applauded by men because what they’ve given seems very large, but God will ultimately judge their giving by the scriptural principles of tithing, abundant offering, and giving proportional to income. Will such giving be applauded by God when it doesn’t fall in line with His will and Christian character that is displayed in the bible?

Christian brothers and sisters are waiting for Christians who are currently rich to display something other than the same thing they see and hear from the world. Unbelievers are also waiting. They both want to see us put our money where our mouths are and show God’s great part in producing our prosperous living via our testimony of giving. They no longer want to see great amounts of money spent on more house or houses than a person can reasonably live in, more cars than a person can reasonably drive, etc. They want to hear and see rich Christians identify that they give great proportions of their income to ministry, missions, and charitable endeavors and even greater proportions as their incomes grow. They want a testimony that is drastically different than the world’s testimony. They want examples that challenge and encourage them to live up to such good stewardship, so that they can truly live a life of purpose; that for which God created, guides, and equips them to produce great revenues and income.

Be determined to follow the footsteps of two Christian men who became rich over the years whose personal testimony is never focused on the material things they possess. They don’t diminish the blessing of being rich and promptly exclaim that God gave them the power and wisdom to become rich. It’s clear to see they are humble and do not spend money on opulence they, their families, and their businesses do not regularly use. They also allow other people and gospel ministry to greatly benefit from vacation homes, rental condos, and other investments they own. These men testify of giving 90% of their gross income and sometimes their entire annual income to ministry, missions, and charitable endeavors and yet God continues to bless them so much that the 10% or less remaining income is still more than enough for them to live far better than the masses are living.

This process started when they didn’t have much income at all. They tithed, gave offerings, and budgeted so they could continually increase the proportion of income they could give. A great testimony starts when you are small, not once you become rich. There are likely a few other similar examples in our world today. The day is coming when there will be many more such lights for us to see for such is the greatest financial testimony: the one that God desires you to display.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Luke 16:13-15, Acts 4:36 - 5:11, 1Timothy 6:17-19, James 5:1-6

Sunday, September 7, 2008

MoneyWalk #114: God's Wisdom Confounds The World

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people seek the same thing: to become rich in this life so they can have luxury, happiness, and the praise of men. They're convinced that having riches and the business savvy it takes to obtain them pleases God or it doesn’t matter whether He’s please cause in their mind He doesn’t exist. Many have become arrogant in their knowledge and abilities and disrespectful to those they believe are not as great as they are.

They will use any means to get rich including deceit, oppression of the poor, and other immoral behavior. When men praise their success they oppress even more. Such worship becomes their aphrodisiac and the must get more of it at all costs. They disregard people, sometimes their own family members considering everyone beneath their income, power, or fame level to be lazy, good for nothing, free-loaders who aren't worthy of a gift or a hand up.

In case you currently think this way in any area of your life, beware that worldly knowledge puffs your head up when it is not accompanied by godly understanding and wisdom. Such knowledge doesn’t allow you to see that you aren't worthy to be in God's presence regardless of the millions you amass and industries you control. You have no goodness or deed that can be done to make you acceptable to Him.

Just like He did for those you look down on, He clothed Himself in flesh on earth and shed His blood for your redemption despite all your shortcomings. He’s appointed you to be a child of God, a son of the Kingdom, and one of His heirs but you must accept this powerful and eternal relationship and position by repenting of your sin and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior.

God has no problem with you having riches. He wants to show you the way to obtain them and how to use them to honor Him, spread His gospel, help many other people, and store treasures in heaven for the eternal life He’s able to provide you. Please beware that your continued failure to accept the deep personal relationship He offers will bring about arrogance, pride, and lack of giving to the church. Such a lifestyle will bring negative consequences upon you maybe in this life, but surely after you sit at the Great White Throne Judgment if you do not repent and turn to Christ before you die.

The world’s wisdom overlooks this truth, but God’s wisdom confounds the world by truly prospering you after you make His will your priority and use only moral means to build relationships and wealth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Job 28:28, 32:9, Proverbs 3:7, Daniel 12:3, Romans 1:22, 1Cor. 3:18-22, 2 Tim. 3:14-17