Sunday, July 26, 2015

MoneyWalk 300: This Is Really Important

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

To retain your God-given vision while pursuing business and ministry opportunities, you should constantly declare that you are becoming more and more Christ-like while pursuing dreams and goals that are in accordance with His will for you. Ask Him for knowledge and discipline to successfully employ your gifts, skills, and calling to produce money and resources that enable you to serve many people while becoming a more faithful giver to gospel ministry locally and abroad.

Pray that God will rain down enormous revenues for people who help you prosper and for those who support gospel preaching, holy living, and fruitful works within their spheres of influence. Follow His direction for being a godly example to other people, one who is not ashamed to use any and every platform available to lift up the name of Jesus. As you hear and read stories about people leaving employers, starting businesses, and making million dollar incomes, remember that His purpose for allowing you to prosper is more important than the expensive homes, fancy cars, and earthly toys other people believe will bring them satisfaction. It is more important than notoriety, fame, and power.

The most important purpose is loving God and loving people according to His standards so much that intimacy with Him is of utmost importance to you as is serving people the gospel and making disciples of them. This should become the priority pursuit of your faith, so you are able to complete the work He gave you to do. As you prosper, more expensive trappings are possible without the hindrance of debt, without destroying your marriage, without forsaking weekly fellowship with the Church, and without engaging in the world’s ungodly practices to get them. If not obtained or pursued in a wholesome, Christ-like manner any trappings (expensive or not), will not please the LORD, the pursuit of them will get you off track with regard to the destiny at which He desires you be aimed, and they are meaningless with no value in the scheme of eternity.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 8:17-20, Jeremiah 27:4-7, Matthew 6:25-34, James 4:1-6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, July 19, 2015

MoneyWalk 299: The LORD’s Desire Guides Me

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Good stewardship is maintained by considering the current state of your income and assets to determine what is reasonable to spend on material things that you or family members desire. It is also maintained by determining how spending on desires will affect your future plans and by taking at least one day to meditate on how such spending will affect your future plans and the endeavors that the LORD wants you to put money toward. It is of utmost importance that you learn to forego impulse purchases, for he that is hasty to be rich (or look rich) shall not go unpunished.

Questions you should ask to help the meditation phase of your decision making process are:

• Will the purchase or time using the purchased item lead me to reduce my personal time with my LORD, my spouse, my children, and/or my Church family?

• Will it cause me to reduce my tithes & offerings or go into debt in order to obtain or maintain it?

• Will maintaining the purchase reduce the amount I currently put toward monthly savings and investments?

• If it is a possible home purchase, will the monthly mortgage payment possibly lead to my monthly expenses exceeding my monthly income, now or in the future?

“NO” answers to the above questions will bring financial and spiritual peace to your life. Ask someone, who is leading a debt-free life or seriously pursuing this lifestyle, to help you measure your current and future monthly budgets with consideration of the proposed purchase in order to ensure you do not or will not go into negative (deficit) territory with regard to disposable income and assets.

If you do not exercise self-control over the carnal nature, advertisements, sales calls, and the Joneses will stir you up to buy many things you don’t need and some that do not fit within your current financial situation. A person that does not use self-control in the financial arena or any other arena of life is like a city without protection. The barrage of attacks by the enemy will soon conquer that city (you) due to lack of good stewardship.

Constantly purchasing unnecessary desires and replacing major items (homes, cars, etc.) when you do not have the income and assets to do so will eat money up faster than anything else and will lead you to continually stay in debt to lenders and retailers. It is not God’s desire that you be or remain in bondage to lenders or other people.

Do not accept into your life the changing desires of society, which cries for more earthly pleasures and obtains them in a disobedient, irresponsible, and undisciplined way, without measuring whether such pleasures and what it takes to obtain and maintain them are Christ-like, in compliance with biblical instruction, and thus healthy for you, your family, and God’s desire for you to support the Great Commission and be an example of good stewardship to everyone around you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalms 37:4-5, Proverbs 30:7-9, Matthew 6:19-23, Colossians 3:1-17

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, July 12, 2015

MoneyWalk 298: Always Lift Up Other People

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

God declares grave consequences for anyone who causes one of His saints to stumble from the truth of the gospel and the specific mission for which He made them. As you mature in relationship with Jesus Christ through intimate prayer and listening times, you will learn how to lift up others in this most holy faith and how to eliminate communications and actions that are stumbling blocks to other people.

When you manage money and obtain wealth using worldly principles, you are leading others who watch you secretly and/or openly onto the broad path that leads to spiritual destruction. In order to lead yourself and others into the fullness of relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ that he desires for us, you must learn biblical money management principles and methods that line up with them, consistently use them, and speak positively about your financial future and all those who are doers of the Word and not hearers only.

Allow the Holy Spirit to constantly evaluate by the Word whether you are being a good steward of the possessions God entrusted to you and a good example to other people. Always follow His instructions. Otherwise, you are and will continue to be tricked by the enemy into a following a materialistic, greedy, arrogant, and irresponsible pathway for managing your life and money that will never glorify God and lift up other people.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Romans 15:1-7, Ephesians 4:28-32, 1Thessalonians 5:8-11, Hebrews 10:23-27

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

Sunday, July 5, 2015

MoneyWalk 297: Share The Reason For Your Hope

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Every person is continually tempted, everyone must go through trials, and all will experience loss in this life. Believers will face ridicule, persecution, and some will be killed for their godly witness on earth, but guaranteed victory over obstacles, true prosperity, and a heavenly home await you when biblical principles are patiently applied throughout your life. First, and foremost that you confess in your heart Jesus as LORD & Savior and next that you earnestly desire to follow His instructions for all arenas of life no matter the physical, mental, or emotional cost.

Satan wants to put a kink in your armor to make you feel like you cannot live a victorious life in Christ and be blessed while pursuing His will. So, he’ll plant the thought that you’re only as successful as your title and income. Then, he’ll push you to achieve using principles and methods that are immoral or that leave God out of your day-to-day activities. Further, he’ll use various means to instill the belief that there are no biblical financial and business principles to follow or he’ll say God’s principles are obsolete and do not work in this present world. Finally, he’ll plant minions all around to celebrate the material things they see you purchase as the verifier of your spiritual position in God.

Each of these tactics of the enemy of your soul exert great pressure on you to keep doing things the world’s way in order to obtain coveted titles and income levels. You must keep a sharp focus on God’s will for the church and His plan for your life because the LORD’s agenda for you life combats what satan is plotting and pursuing it guarantees your success in Christ.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!

James 1:2-11, 1Peter 3:15, 1Peter 5:8-11, Revelation 12:10-12

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at