Saturday, December 24, 2016

MoneyWalk 373: Watch Out

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do not allow yourself to become a victim of predatory financial schemes, con men, and those who perpetrate such wicked acts. Rather, be a conqueror who uses godly wisdom to walk in victory by refusing loans and get-rich quick scenarios and focusing all your brain power and money handling energies on being debt-free in a responsible way as quickly as possible and by refusing to engage schemes where people approach you about investing money to tempt you to pursue a return that is higher than the market usually and consistently provides.

Many people are trapped by the nice, friendly, well-dressed, and/or well-spoken perpetrators. Some are even entrapped by those who make them feel guilty about returns they supposedly didn’t get in the past because of their fear of investing. Many now play a mind game with senior citizens by making them fearful of supposed things to come that they will want money to take care of or they play into a temptation of greed that lurks in the inner-man that somehow believes the perpetrators can deliver the jackpot they always wanted, even during a time in life where that really should not be the most important thing to focus on.

You are primed to be tempted by such schemes and perpetrators when you don’t learn and apply biblical principles in your life, you do not refuse to be pulled in by promises of huge short-term returns on savings and investments, you do not refuse high interest loans, you do not budget and consult your asset picture to know exactly what amount of investment you can afford and the timing at which you could make such an investment, and when you don’t crucify your soulish lusts by refusing to love your home, money, and material things more than the LORD’s call on your life and His plan and purpose(s) for entrusting you with money and wealth.

When you’re ignorant of satan’s tactics you will fall prey to him and the hurt they cause. So, search the bible to identify these tactics and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand all the ways they will be manifested if you are not wise in avoiding them. Predatory lending is one such tactic. Lenders who design these schemes get you hooked into applying for loans that charge very high interest and closing costs. They ethically defraud others by providing loans an applicant realistically cannot pay on his/her income or with his/her irresponsible money management style. Some are not interested in your ability to make the monthly payments based on your income and debt picture, rather they intend to put you in a position where they can repossess your home, car, or other major item and move the item onto many other people to whom they can do the same thing. Thus, making a profit as long as they can while putting the unwitting borrowers in even poorer financial shape.

There is a reason why the bible, God’s instruction manual that leads to blessing when we obey and to negative consequences when we rebel, tells you that He desires and empowers His people to refuse to be in debt, that the borrower is a slave to the lender, and that you should owe no one anything but love. You do best to seek Him in thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer, regular bible reading, and consistent regular attendance at Church with other believers so you can be introduced to principles and activities that bless you and help fortify you to avoid those beliefs and actions that bring curses upon your life spiritually, naturally, eternally, and on earth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 28:12, Proverbs 22:6-7, 2Corinthians 11:12-15, 1Peter 5:6-11

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You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

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Monday, December 19, 2016

MoneyWalk 372: Humility Brings Promotion

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people try very hard to obtain promotions to the top of the ladder inside and outside of the organizations they work and socialize in (business, government, Church, etc.). The view leadership / managerial positions as the ultimate prize, the holy grail, the prize that must be obtained if they are to be somebody in their own eyes and those of other people. A small number make it all the way to the top and only a slightly larger number make it to managerial levels. About 90% never make it to owner, leader, manager levels that come with the highest titles, clout, pay, and benefits.

A lot of people wind up being sorely disappointed because they never reach the level they’ve made a priority. Here’s a secret: many at the higher levels also wind up sorely disappointed because they never obtain the joy, peace, and satisfaction they thought these positions would hold. Sure, they may have more material things and greater human comfort, titles, and honor from men around them but the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life from which they pursued these levels bring destructive attitudes, habits, and consequences into their lives. If only because many put pursuit and attainment of these levels at a priority above intimacy with the LORD, fellowship with the Church, and maximum earthly and spiritual help for others via use of the resources allowed them in stairs they’ve landed on along the course of their lives.

There certainly is nothing wrong with gaining higher education, work experience, mentoring, and relationships that can help you progress in life to higher stair steps along the way. But, the attitude with which you do it, the path you take, how you do it, and your feelings of thankfulness and gratitude to Him and others regardless of the level attained will either be odious to the LORD or pleasing to Him. If odious and you remain in that mode and unrepentant then your pursuit and the things attained work destruction instead of the spiritual life with grand benefits He purposed for you. If pleasing to Him, then you produce just what the Master ordained and receive the tremendous benefit He purposed for your life no matter the stair you land on at any point in life.

Thus, you must learn to see that the ability to be more useful to God and helpful to other people is what makes a promotion desirable. Also, you must realize the promotions and levels with powerful natural and supernatural benefit come from the LORD. No matter what work you do or level you attain or do not attain, you are in the heavenly Hall of Fame (see Hebrews 11) when in humility your priority is to have continual intimacy with Him and follow biblical principles (His standards) for spiritual and earthly productivity. Humility leads you to present your life to Him in thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer, bible study, fellowship within the Church, disciplined and fruitful work, planning via intricate knowledge of your monthly income and expenses, living beneath your income, eliminating debt, regular saving, long-term investing, and asset diversification over time. This is a humble lifestyle that brings true and meaningful promotion.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalms 75:6-10, Daniel 4:30-35, James 4:6, 1Peter 5:5-7

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Saturday, December 10, 2016

MoneyWalk 371: Trust The LORD Completely

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

As you become intimate with the LORD in thanksgiving, praise, worship, and prayer the relationship, spiritual vision, and obedience to His will that is developed will relieve past worries and anxieties. Employing such biblical principles and tools is the way to show your trust and guarantees eternal rewards as a result of helping spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the whole earth by the way you talk and walk out your life.

This order is important because talking (declaring and proclaiming) His Word and will precede walking them out. In fact, one often cannot walk out (live Christ-like) what he cannot talk out. This is not boasting in yourself and the filthy rags of your righteousness but it is boasting of Jesus Christ’s righteousness (absolute purity) that cleanses you, as a believer, from all unrighteous. It is being willing to share your testimony of the Savior and LORD of your life that He is and the change He made in your life including the growth He continues to lead you to in the future.

One who trusts Him knows He already made a way even when your natural eyes see uncertainty and no positive pathway ahead because He already filled the void in your heart that was there for so long and continually grants you mercy and grace to help in every situation in the time of need. Trusting Him by using biblical financial principles and tools betters your financial situation on earth and helps you not be moved to take unwise actions when the world around you experiences economic downturns.

Do not continue using worldly methods of living and managing money because they do not work toward an eternal purpose and may ultimately tempt and lead you to deceive, cheat, and abuse people in order to build up greater accumulation that you think will make your life better. No matter how much you build on earth this way of living can never make you rich toward God or be endeavors that please Him and will not really satisfy you even though all the material things and titles men give you will erect a façade of satisfaction.

Yet, you will continue to lack peace and joy on earth until you repent and change your actions. Your income and financial situation may get better on earth, but you will certainly reap eternal damnation for destroying your soul and other people's lives by your un-repented actions. Complete trust in the LORD which leads you to treat others (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, employees, etc.) with love and concern that seeks result that are in each one’s best interest pleases Him to the utmost and gains you far more useful wealth eternally and on earth because you operate in His economy.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 1:32-38, John 3:16-21, Ephesians 3:14-21, Philippians 3:7-11, Hebrews 11:6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

MoneyWalk 370: You Are Unique

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You are loved by the LORD and special. You were born with unique abilities that fit the purpose He has in mind for your life per the life race He desires you to run and the destiny He desires for you. When nurtured by you via intimate fellowship with Him while obeying His voice as He directs your path, you will find your wealthy place of success and fruitfulness. That place, God long ago designed for you, is ministry whether thru business, preaching, government service, music, art or other and varying vocations throughout your life.

Along your journey other people will try to convince you there's a higher calling or another area of work for you than what you know the LORD has called you to do. They will present the fruit from what they have seeded, implore you to give all you have into their ministry, and thus let them do everything that is needed so it can be done right by the one they believe has the great anointing. There are ministries He wants you to give to (money and a helping hand) and to become a disciple of to learn ways in which one can properly follow Christ. Yet, one day you may be called to venture out of that nest to walk the path He prepared you to engage for enhanced fruitfulness in your life that others can eat from and be drawn closer to Him.

By biblical standards you need to measure the lifestyle and fruitfulness of anyone who is or would be your mentor, lest you look upon their fruit, that seems outwardly good to eat, when inwardly it may be full of worms and poisons leading you down a path of destruction and death. Yet, when intimate relationship with someone displays truly good fruit then learn of them by identifying the biblical principles they employ and ask the LORD which methods you should engage to bring these principles alive in your life. Methods are many, principles are few, methods often change, but principles never do. Often various methods they use can successfully be employed in your life, especially in the early stages of your endeavors, and that is one of the reasons He connected you with their ministry.

It is worth repeating that you are loved by the LORD and have been given unique gifts and talents to help you serve other people. You are not your neighbor and God did not create you to be his clone and act exactly like him / her. When you fulfill God's plan for your life and your neighbors do also, together you fit within the perfectly designed body of Christ of which He is the head and all in all who will bring success to the body and every part through all they do.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 25:23-26, Romans 12:3-8, 1Corinthians 12:4-14, Ephesians 4:11-32

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

MoneyWalk 369: Wealth That Pleases God

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The LORD’s will is that you would be wealthy as a result of pursuing intimacy with Him and employing biblical principles in your life, including the arenas that need money and resources to navigate. The only way to avoid the many potholes and consequences that come from pursuing more money and resources using any other way requires that you abstain from fleshly lusts and wrong-headed pursuits in order to allow God to bring you into a unique wealthy place of business and ministry where godliness with contentment is great gain. Otherwise, your life will be an eternal failure even when you seem successful on earth.

The pursuit of riches should never be the primary motivation of any believer. But riches often come and are used in the proper manner when a person sets a goal to become more productive and fruitful in his / her work and entrepreneurial endeavors within the framework of an intimate, dynamic, and disciplined relationship with Christ to help him / her fulfill God-given purpose. Make sure, no matter your opportunities or pursuits, that you always maintain reasonable time for daily devotion including thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer, bible study, weekly fellowship with the saints, and ministry to your family and other people. When these spiritual disciplines take priority in your life, you will not pursue money and material things at all costs rather you will do so within the framework of biblical instruction and the LORD’s specific guidance to you, thereby eliminating harmful effects of anti-Christ-like behavior like deceiving or cheating others to profit your business or ministry.

In this way, you will live out your heritage as a priest and king of the Most High God by exhibiting chaste, godly, and generous conduct that overcomes evil words that some people will speak against you, especially as you prosper more and more. In fact, the example of your life as well as the natural and supernatural wealth it produces will be used by the Holy Spirit to win many people to Christ. He will be pleased with your faith-based efforts and the wealthy place to which He guides you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 139:13-18, Matthew 25:14-15, 1Peter 2:9-12, Revelations 1:5-6

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Monday, November 21, 2016

MoneyWalk 367: From Debt To Poverty

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The title doesn’t sound good does it. I know you would much rather see “From Rags to Riches.” However, getting things you want via borrowed money puts your life under the heading “From Debt To Poverty.” Only when you stop living on this wealth stealing debt-laden merry-go-round will you bring into your domain godly purpose, fruitfulness, and success that comes from employing good stewardship practices confirmed in scripture for the good of man, corporately and individually. This then puts you on the pathway to experiencing firsthand the rags to riches testimony that truly glorifies the LORD and blesses you, your family, and the many others your life is meant to bring goodwill.

Every decade credit card debt increase astronomically. The average person is carrying tens of thousands of dollars in car, recreational vehicle, furniture, appliance, electronics, jewelry, and retail store debt. Also, many people are carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars in home mortgages. Amounts that also greatly increase every decade. The numbers far exceed the level that inflation alone would have had on house prices. Regardless of income and affordability, they are simply choosing to buy larger homes with far more amenities even when family sizes and sometimes paychecks are getting smaller. Many people have also been convinced by the banking system to continual tap supposed equity out of their house to purchase consumer goods that depreciate. These practices leave them with very little to draw from when problems arise that requires substantial savings and investments to resolve.

Spending borrowed money (even when it’s called home equity) to obtain consumer goods leads people to neglect giving to spread the gospel, make disciples of men, and support vital need-meeting ministry. It also leads them to neglect saving for emergencies and future growth through investing. In essence, being a debtor and continuing to take out more and more loans is a major spiritual vehicle that transports people into a life of spiritual and natural poverty no matter what they currently look like on the outside. When you have not built substantial savings and investments, all it takes for you to land in such poverty is a bout of unemployment or business sales falling off for months or years for you to lose many if not all the things you thought you owned and for you to forsake giving to the LORD’s work because you feel you must do all you can to pay the creditor you can see instead of the God who is unseen with natural eyes.

You should avoid debt like the plague it is. Do not use it as the means for obtaining consumer goods, pursuing / maintaining entrepreneurial endeavors, schooling, or anything. Thus, when trials come, as they periodically will, the things in your possession will not be subject to repossession and foreclosure because you will truly own them and you will not become bankrupt. A debt-free lifestyle, which is the LORD’s design for your life, will help you overcome worldly temptations and avoid the spiritual and natural poverty satan is step-by-step trying to lead you into in order to destroy your future and your ability to be used greatly by God.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 12:1-3, Deuteronomy 28:43-48, Proverbs 22:6-7, Romans 13:6-8, James 4:2-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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MoneyWalk 368: The Heart That Opens Heaven’s Windows

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Faith in the LORD and wanting to be of service in planting His kingdom seed in the hearts of men, women, and children all over the world and throughout time should lead you to give a tenth of your income and a free-will offering to the Church for the work of ministry. The tenth is the tithe and an offering is a free-will gift of an amount you choose. Not as an obligation, rather as a representation of the kind of great faith exhibited by the one whom the LORD identified as Abraham, father of our faith. Without any contradiction he gave a tenth unto Melchizedek the priest who without beginning or end is likened unto Jesus Christ. We know Jesus Christ as the only one of whom it is witnessed that He lives and receives the tithe through the loins of His earthly priests.

Wonderful trust is displayed by the father of your faith tithing of his increase long before the Law was given to Israel. Jesus said we should display justice, mercy, and faith and not leave tithing undone. The book of Hebrews admonishes, encourages, and instructs every Christian throughout the ages and explains that men collect believer’s tithes on earth but Jesus Christ receives them in Heaven.

The discipline of tithing helps us trust the LORD using His far better spiritual insight, allows the gospel to be preached and all people discipled by us and other ministers, aligns the spiritual atmosphere to bring about our betterment spiritually and financially, encourages us to utilize the Holy Spirit’s empowerment living inside us, and glorifies our LORD during and beyond our years. Knowing that the New Covenant is far better than the Old Covenant motivates Christians to engage tithing and offering to spread the gospel far more than our desire to obtain things we want and even seem to need. Yet it also makes possible many opportunities to receive far more than needed without having to make a priority of obtaining such things. Scripture expressly affirms that one who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly whereas one who sows abundantly shall reap abundantly.

Tithing and offering represent a principle of proper conduct for everyone who confesses to know Jesus Christ. They should be given consistently in order to produce and support ministry throughout the earth. The prosperity of all faithful tithers is seen by helping thousands of people develop a relationship with Christ while continually being able to plant more resources toward this mission. This moves God’s heart to pour out earthly treasures upon you as well so that being blessed you can continue to be a blessing to even more people. However, your failure to follow God’s instructions will likely cause your debt to rise, separate you from wealth, hamper your ability to simultaneously save and invest, and hamper the life and good works Christ wants you to do.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 14:20, Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 23:23, Luke 12:13-21, Hebrews 7:4-8

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, November 6, 2016

MoneyWalk 366: Contentment Is Not Laziness

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Some believers have been fooled into thinking the LORD does not want His people to prosper financially and thus poverty becomes to them a badge of holiness. Automatic ridicule is then aimed at anyone who obtains a level of wealth above the amount they believe is reasonable. They believe those folks must have violated biblical principle because it does not lead people to high incomes or wealth accumulation.

This could not be further from the truth in scripture. God has spoken words of spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial prosperity for all His people and makes it available to each according to His will and calling for their lives. He simply does not want our pursuits to be based on the love of money. He wants each one to pursue the area of longing He put in his / her heart while realizing that He will make pathways, open, and close doors that bring him / her necessary income to live and live more abundantly as we engage good stewardship practices identified in the Word.

Simply being rich does not mean that a person has done anything to please God, but it is not automatically an identifier that he / she has not walked in a way that pleases Him. No matter how you came into wealth, right now He wants you to be as much about leading people to Him and letting your life express His glory and show that you are His friend as did Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Ruth, King David, Isaiah, Esther, Joseph of Arimathea, Barnabas, Lydia, and the rich who were doing good works like those expressed in 1 Timothy chapter 6.

An import message He wants us to hide in our hearts, whether rich or poor, is that we should not be lazy because faith without works is dead and he who does not properly care for his household is worse than an infidel. Also, we should be content with our current state in terms of not complaining about it, yet faithfully working as unto the LORD to improve ourselves so we may also improve upon our ability to give and expand the Kingdom of God in Christ in the hearts of people on earth. For if they leave this life without Him as Savior & LORD there is no hope of eternal paradise for them and only a reality of outer darkness and torment forever.

When a bigger house, car, or better job is in your future, he simply wants it pursued and accomplished in a way that does not lead you away from intimacy with Him, that does not reduce your ability to tithe and give to your local church and other worthwhile ministry, and that is in line with your ability to handle the purchase of these things via net income, savings, and investments available to you without you lacking resources to continually and faithfully take care of obligations you committed yourself to and without winding up house, car, and relationship poor. Contentment comes into play in a great way in this regard. If you do not utilize it and recognize the LORD planted it in your spirit and wants it exercised in your actions, then you will fall for the worlds tools for bringing you down financially so you are unable to properly care for your calling, family, and Church. Massive marketing and advertisement that appeals to your flesh to get you to quickly pursue your desires is a major tool satan uses to get you to override contentment. Yet, all the things marketed are not evil or opposed by God. Those intended for you simply have a due time attached to them that meets the above noted specifications.

The LORD simply wants you to be content in His current provision for you while being a doer of the Word who lives out biblical principles that help you mature to be a son who can handle more of the treasures of His kingdom while you’re on earth. He doesn’t want you measuring your prosperity by the trinkets that other people possess nor sitting around, doing nothing, waiting for your death or His return. He wants to find you busy doing work that produces reasonable income and provides service He will be proud of because it positively affects family, Church, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.) and that allows you extra by which to prosper even more as the future moves forward. When you are willing and obedient you will have abundance of the land at your disposal.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Luke 12:15, 1Timothy 6:6-11, Hebrews 10:35-36, Revelation 3:17-20

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You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, October 30, 2016

MoneyWalk 365: Invest In Order To Prosper

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Most endeavors that could be good for you do not come with a solid guarantee from someone you can automatically trust. So, you must read, study, and question others to identify the advantages and challenges inherent in each endeavor. Even when something appears viable on the surface, follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, because it will always line up with biblical principles in a way that will truly prosper you and other people you are supposed to bless individually and corporately through church ministry.

In the investment world, you'll likely find that no load, low expense index mutual funds are good vehicles to meet stock and bond allocations of your investment plan because they offer automatic diversification due to the large number of businesses they invest in and do not require you to be a stock and bond expert and require little physical and mental effort to employ. No load means you pay no front end or back end commission to a broker to purchase them. Our definition of low expense is that you choose funds on which you annually pay and expense and marketing fee of no more than one-half a percent on the principal amount of the investment.

By using no load, low expense index mutual funds you will be leveraging the positive history of the stock and bond market and the expertise of reliable professional fund managers who pick the company shares in each fund per the particular index the fund mimics (large cap, mid-cap, small cap, total U.S. market, intermediate bonds, etc.). You will be able to find the best no load, low expense index mutual funds in many 401k type employer retirement plans and in brokerage houses like Vanguard, Fidelity, TIAA-CREF, Charles Schwab, and a few others. They will let you invest directly in the funds using electronic funds transfers from your bank / credit union account. One great thing about them is they have a history of producing higher returns year over year and over 10 to 20-year investment periods than approximately 80% of actively managed funds on which commissions are charged up-front or at the time you withdraw your money (back-end load).

Of course, if you could find actively managed mutual funds that maintain year over year higher growth than no load, low expense index mutual funds, then it would be in your best interest to invest in the active mutual funds. However, most people have no expertise in picking such funds because year over year very few active funds consistently beat the growth of the index, nor do they consistently do better over the long term. Also, they are scared to invest because of the sheer magnitude of the number of active mutual funds they would need to scour and sort thru to find what is believed to be the best funds in which to invest. Also, they are not sure how the associated commissions and investment management and marketing fees will affect their investment in the short or long term period over which investments should be held. Most simply freeze and usually do not invest in anything. The few who did pick an investment withdrew the money a short time later when the first market downturn occurred, thus solidifying their losses.

If such fears keep you from investing even in no load, low expense index mutual funds you should get the help of an adviser who charges less than 0.5% investment management fees and who can point you to funds with good past performance and expense ratios less than 0.5%. The historical track record of most every mutual fund (index and actively managed) is available. This type of information can help you decide which funds to invest in. Services like Morningstar, Yahoo Finance, etc. offer stock research apps that can help you sort thru the historical returns (going back five to ten years or more) and expenses on index and actively managed funds and find those that had higher short and long-term growth records and great overall performance ratings in their market category for many past years up to the current time. Investing in this manner with guidance from wise godly counselors will prosper you immensely as you walk forward on the path the LORD prepared for you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 19:20-21, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Matthew 27:57, Acts 17:10-12, 2Timothy 2:15-17

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and LinkedIn

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

MoneyWalk 364: Long Term Vision Is Necessary

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Over the vast majority of 20 year periods, the stock market experienced greater growth than most other investment vehicle markets (bonds, fixed income, real estate, precious metals, etc.). The up and down swing of stock prices is much more volatile over shorter time periods (a few months or a few years) thus making them riskier during short time periods. By living off less than you make, honoring God with the tithe, establishing an emergency fund, and achieving total debt elimination and afterward putting at least ten percent of each paycheck in diversified investment vehicles, you will soon get to a point where you’re able to let and see much higher long-term stock market growth work for you without having to worry about the short-term risk of the market.

For sure, you will need a wise person or two from whom you seek guidance who will help you get control of your emotions by teaching you not to fear short term downward swings in the stock market. They know that when you move investment money to historically far lower growth vehicles each time you see a downward swing and have experienced what would be a short term loss you solidify that loss throughout your future. In addition, the money will continue to earn much lower growth over the long term as you worry about trying to find something you can be comfortable investing in in a high growth market at a later time. Most people never make the move back into the stock market because they continue to be afraid of risk that has historically been shown to take you higher and higher and provide far greater growth over long term periods. So they languish in low growth investments throughout their lives and cannot be as blessed and rewarded in the financial arena of their lives as the LORD would have them be. An abundant portion of what you lose out on by not taking the reasonable, historically reliable stock market risk could otherwise have been given into the Kingdom to lead people to Christ and disciple them, to take better care of yourself and family, and to pursue other worthwhile endeavors.

Certainly, you should avoid the risk of an undiversified stock market investment. If you invest in single stocks you should own a variety of at least eight solid ones and likely far more. Otherwise, you are going down the road of a get rich quick mentality and will likely suffer great loss over both short and long term periods and then put your tail between your legs and run away from the market never to return again. It is far better to invest in diversified no load, low expense stock index mutual funds like S&P 500, Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, and Total Stock Market offered by reputable brokerages such as Vanguard, Fidelity, TIAA-CREF, American Funds, etc. Investing a smaller portion into a diversified portfolio of other types of investment vehicle like real estate, bonds, entrepreneurial endeavors, etc. can augment your short term and long term growth plan and you might then find that one or more of them become a really big hit for your life.

When you employ this type of long term vision you’ll be able to give abundantly and live abundantly while keeping money invested over the long haul by virtue of the fact that your foresight in planning has helped you live debt-free so you continually have the funds to make such investments and reap the harvests they produce. A great portion of money will remain invested in the stock market until you expire and pass on to your heirs and the Church simply because your increasing prosperity will dictate that you don’t need to live off it. It takes long-term vision, knowledge of historical market returns, and confidence in the fact that Jesus chose you to be a steward over part of His resources in order for you to succeed at properly managing the income and assets He entrusts to you. You'll always be a good steward who prospers immensely when you follow this spiritual and financial roadmap.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 11:14, 29:18, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Lamentations 2:9, Matthew 25:14-15, Luke 19:13

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Sunday, October 9, 2016

MoneyWalk 363: Saving Is Important To The LORD

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The LORD’s return is imminent. It’s certainly closer today than it has ever been and He instructs us that upon His return, we should be found busy completing our part of the Great Commission in our family, workplaces, neighborly relationships, and all arenas of life. We are citizens of Heaven and need to understand that we are seated with Jesus Christ in heavenly places, yet we should not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. Thus, we must understand that biblical principles require a natural action that we are able to take by the power God gave us when He created us and even greater power of His Holy Spirit living in us upon becoming believers in Christ and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The creation of God and its inner-working then causes that natural action to result in supernatural results that glorify Him and bring about the good He intended for you and people around you and many times to those in the uttermost parts of the earth.

Prayer brings great results that we desperately need in our lives and world, yet it must be displayed by the work of opening your heart, mind, ears, and mouth to listen for the LORD and talk with Him. Reading the scripture on a regular basis like we should, or with any regularity, requires that we actually open the book, use the internet, or some other physical tool to distinguish the LORD’s instruction in order to progressively know what is important to Him and for you and other people. Thus, you should recognize that He instructs everyone to take action in the financial and other arenas of our lives that are physical in nature and are good works that bring supernatural results when employed. Saving is one of these principles that require action that you do not want to overlook or think He does not care about lest you fail to receive the great benefits that He stored therein for your life, care of your family, and future involvement with the ministry of the Church to change the lives and trajectories of many other people for His glory.

Proverbs lets us know that a fool quickly spends all he / she receives whereas the wise save for the future. Luke tells us that a wise man would not build a house without counting the cost to know that he has enough to complete it. A reasonable amount of savings and an ongoing pattern of saving a portion of the money the LORD entrusts to you helps you solidly build the house of your life and maintain an ever firmer financial footing as you move deeper into the life and work He called you to. A great method for employing the saving principle that has brought great results in many peoples’ lives is to budget your income and expenses in the way that allows you to build a first tier emergency fund of $1,000 and then after you have paid off all your non-mortgage debt you should save at least $10,000 and up to six months of expenses. You also will want to thereafter employ saving for extra things such as birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary gifts, private school and/or college education costs, and for placement in equity investments that can allow you to amass great wealth for the care of your family, your future, your Church, and your ministry calling.

People that employ a give first, save next, and spend third habit in their financial lives more often have a greater positive impact in life than those whose habit is to spend, spend, spend. Usually, believers who master this principle give abundantly to ministry work and their tithes and offerings grow larger throughout the future. It’s almost impossible to consistently give as the LORD instructs and have something to invest for future growth unless you first live beneath your income and save because the desire for things of this world and massive debt to get them otherwise encompass a greater part of your income and stops you. This brings unnecessary sorrow into your life by stopping the natural and supernatural flow of blessing and increase that God intends for you and your family. Our LORD is all about helping you eliminate unnecessary sorrow and having maximum impact throughout the course of your life and He determined that this could not be done without consistently employing saving as a financial component of your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 8:18, Proverbs 6:6-11, 21:20, Matthew 25:19-21, Luke 14:28-30, 19:15-17

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Monday, October 3, 2016

MoneyWalk 362: Be A Good Steward

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Scriptural instruction leads you to plan to give abundantly and avoid future debt in order to spend within your means for things necessary and desired in this life. This becomes your giving, saving, and spending plan that is a monthly written tabulation used to keep your expenses far less than income and your liabilities far less than assets. Through this discipline you will become debt free not many years into the future and thereafter build substantial wealth for purposes of kingdom advancement and caring for future needs, given that emergencies and catastrophes will be experienced, even while you currently give in a tremendous fashion to the LORD’s work and worthwhile charity.

It gives you greater ability to affect people with the gospel as they see and hear your testimony and example of the LORD’s blessing and reward in your life. Other people’s talents and services are needed to help you reach your full potential because there are things that you may not be good at that they are good at to help you safely navigate the waters you have dominion over, such as budgeting know how, accounting, bookkeeping, taxes, investment knowledge, etc. No man is an island unto himself, thus you cannot accomplish God’s purpose for your life without relationship and inner-working with others. No doubt, some people will come and go and be more or less involved during different periods of your life, but together those with wisdom and a good example serve as the multitude of counselors who identify the LORD’s safe boundary mechanism that propels you into His prosperous purpose.

While consistently tithing and offering and after becoming debt free put into equity investment vehicles at least a seven percent portion of the money entrusted to you by the LORD (via income through employment and other natural and supernatural means). Trade it in the market using at least seven different no load, low expense stock index mutual funds or similar historically reliable high growth investments. Trading is identified in scripture as good stewardship practice that brings great return throughout your life.

Also, put at least three percent of your income in a bank or other financial institution in stable value accounts that pay interest. Though such savings usually grow at a much lower rate of return than stock mutual funds, they provide a hedge against down markets and funds that will help take care of emergencies and catastrophes that arise at various times throughout your life.

In addition, plan for the day when you can soon put at least two to five percent of your income toward entrepreneurial endeavors such as business startups, inventions, angel investing, real estate, etc. Such endeavors have historically shown, for one to two percent of the population, that they provide some of the highest returns that can be obtained. The discipline you learn and additional growth you receive on your money from these good stewardship methods will help you take care of all your God-given responsibilities, give more to the Church than will otherwise be possible, and faithfully complete the plan for which He made you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Job 1:1-3, Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 12:32-34

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, September 25, 2016

MoneyWalk 361: Diversify Your Savings And Investments

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You should separate your savings and investments into roughly 12.5% portions in 8 different accounts order to diversify and spread your risk so that no one event, theft, or mismanagement of it will ruin the whole of what you had available. For safety sake, you should pick large known brokerage house (Vanguard, TIAA CREF, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, etc.) no load, low expense stock index mutual funds for the investment portion, which should be the largest portion of your money because this is long-term money for which you need growth in order to draw future income to retire or augment other retirement income sources. For savings (no matter the stage, $1,000, $10,000, or three to six-month emergency fund, etc.), you should mostly use financial institution accounts guaranteed by FDIC or NCUA because safety and the ability to withdraw the whole amount at any time is what you need in case you encounter an emergency for which you need this money (uncovered medical expense, layoff, extended unemployment, etc.).

Be aware that no bank should have any more than $250,000 of your emergency fund money or other savings, no matter the number of different accounts it is separated into. The same goes for money held in cash equivalent brokerage accounts such as money market funds. The SIPC insures equity and bond type investment accounts for up to $500,000 against loss caused by mismanagement, malfeasance, theft, and some other situations. Putting money the LORD entrusts to you in one account leaves you vulnerable to losing all your money if that company becomes bankrupt. Financial troubles at that one company, whether temporary or permanent, could render you unable to draw a portion of your money from the account when you really need it during an emergency.

Certainly you should study to become financially literate to understand how you can best invest your money based in a risk vs. reward scenario that most closely fits your risk tolerance. Augment this practice by spreading your savings and investments into different instruments to avoid the problem of losing everything in one fell swoop. It is very unlikely that every company holding your money will be in financial trouble at the same time. We hope that none of them are ever in that situation yet it is best to plan and prepare so that you are not in that position because you only have one or two accounts. This principle of diversification may not help you get the highest return on your money but it will keep you from losing everything when the world is experiencing a sour economy and by investing the largest portion of your investment money in no load, low expense stock index mutual funds you will reap the highest returns the market can bear as you move through your future.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 13:2-6, Job 42:12, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Luke 19:1-8, Acts 4:34-37

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You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

MoneyWalk 360: Strength Gained Through Counsel

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

  The bible exhorts believers to seek wise counsel that will help them live according to God’s purpose and enable them to make good decisions in the most difficult situations. Some counsel comes from the Spirit inspired writers of the bible books. Some counsel comes from people who have advanced out of the situations you are currently in. Sometimes good advice comes from people who do not yet follow Christ. God uses these types of counsel in your life in order to mold you into the person He made you to be. Just make sure you continue to study the Word in order to understand that people’s guidance fits the LORD’s design whether they know it or not.

  Failing to utilize godly and wise counselors will cause you to have heartaches and headaches you could have avoided. These counselors have made mistakes that hampered their fruitfulness for a time and could have derailed their success, but you don’t have to make the same mistakes and you won’t if you will seek out and listen to these counselors on a regular basis. For example, your finances would not be in a continual downward spiral for which you cannot see a way out if you obtained counsel from a godly advisor or person who has learned that individuals and couple’s lives are destroyed by massive debt, failure to maintain gainful employment, constant spontaneous spending, and/or failure to craft and follow a giving, saving, and spending plan

  People’s failure to seek godly counsel and follow wise advice turns into great sorrow and they continue to pierce themselves with the sharpness of that sword until they learn they need such counsel in person or via other means (books, social media, magazines, recorded messages, etc.). There are so many outlets for obtaining the counsel you need and the best book of all, the bible, shares commands, principles, and stories to let you know how to rightly divide what you hear against the word of truth so you know what you should incorporate into your belief system and what should be discarded as useless. You will walk out this life learning what He wants many times through those who love Him. You will also learn from them how to discard what is really unimportant to Him or simply not necessary to be fruitful in this life. Know this, those who seek and follow godly counsel find abundance and continue to live in it even when bad economic cycles are upon the land.

  Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

  Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Luke 14:31, Acts 15:6

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  You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

  You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

  You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

MoneyWalk 359: You Will Be Exalted When…

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

If you truly want to be exalted you must humble yourself under the mighty hand of the LORD, not think of yourself more highly than you ought, do all you can to utilize gifts and talents He provided you, serve other people in legitimate and godly ways, and refuse to be envious of platforms He allows other people to be placed upon. Balance your life according to biblical instruction and He will exalt you at the proper time and bring many blessings into your life.

It may take time for this to occur and may not come when you want it, but don’t give up because it always comes on time. God knows exactly what you need and when you need it. He allows tests in your life to help you develop a testimony that will lead other people to Him and enhance their lives as well as your own. Any bad thing that happens to you is only short-term. He uses these situations as a set up for your future 30, 60, or 100-fold blessing. So after doing all you can to bring each situation to a positive conclusion, just trust Him and stand on faith knowing that He is working everything together for your good because you love Him and are called according to His purpose.

It pleases the LORD for you to do the following types of things in order to be a good steward: (a) maintain gainful employment, (b) keep your expenses below your income via proper planning / budgeting, (c) tithe and give abundantly to Kingdom ministry, (d) focus on debt elimination so you have maximum financial freedom from the pull of this world and so you have an abundance from which to serve Him when others are struggling during economic downturns, (e) build wealth via putting at least 10% of your gross monthly income in savings and equity investments, and (f) diversify your assets so no single investment represents more than 10% of your total assets.

As you show humility in nurturing intimate fellowship with the LORD via praise worship, prayer, reading scripture, and obedience to biblical instruction, in priority over every other activity, you will ultimately experience His blessing of exaltation like never before in the sight of your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalms 75:6-10, Daniel 4:30-35, James 4:10, 1Peter 5:6

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You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

MoneyWalk 357: Jesus In You Is Necessary For True Success

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The best blessing can only be obtained by confessing that Jesus Christ is your Savior and LORD. This blessing cannot be earned. It is only available based on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, His righteousness extended to you, and His resurrection as a sign that you also are raised to newness of life upon accepting Him as the only way to be saved.

In Him are many other blessings as well. He provides them to help you fulfill His plan upon the earth for the salvation and disciple-making of other people. True and everlasting success only come as a result of listening to Him to identify ways to engage His plan as you go about your life in every venue (the marketplace, neighborhood, relationships, etc.). Regardless of the money and material things you have or do not have, without Him you can only be successful in the eyes of men. What does that gain you in the light of eternity? It profits a person nothing to gain the world, but lose His soul.

From the foundation of the world, God planned to meet every need and desire of mankind. He knew by giving Adam and Eve freewill they would sin and bring a curse upon mankind that could only be eliminated by the blood of Jesus Christ. Every person engages evil works and will ultimately pay an eternally painful price for it until accepting Jesus Christ.

Even on earth, good (activities that please Him) and evil (ungodly activities that displease Him) have respective positive and negative consequences attached to them. Positive results that bring eternal reward come only when you honor Christ by living for Him in the way that pleases Him. This can only be accomplished by allowing Him to live His life in you and show it outwardly to others. For your eternal and earthly sake, no matter the station in life or career you have been afforded, you must rely on biblical instruction to truly secure blessing for your life. Honor God by living for Him including using His money management principles. Only then are you assured of righteousness, peace, and joy forevermore.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 3:5-10, Malachi 3:6-12, Matthew 6:25-34, Luke 6:38

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

MoneyWalk 356: The Truth Will Make You Free

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Jesus said He saw satan fall like lightning to the earth when he was kicked out of Heaven. This shows the LORD’s almighty power over all things. However, He did not immediately strip satan and the fallen angels of all power because He knew humans he was going to create, place on earth, and give dominion over it would need thorns in the side in order to exercise free will in choosing to accept His love through Jesus Christ, follow Him, and develop character.

Satan roams the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour in every area of life including the financial arena. He works to get people to agree with him, so they develop attitudes, activities, policies, and processes that promote his ungodly principles. For example, he and his earthly spokespeople tell you not to tithe and give abundantly to ministry work because its legalistic and eliminates your fun and control by reducing your ability to buy many things you really should not have, maybe at the current time and maybe not at all. He also pushes manipulative advertising that encourages you to desire many things that will motivate you to purchase them rather than making it a priority to give abundantly for the gospel to be communicated to those who will be lost for eternity if they do not come to Christ. Many choose to disbelieve that satan’s aim seeks to ruins their lives and eternity or they simply will not acknowledge that such things are poor stewardship in which he and his minions are intimately involved.

Prioritizing getting things you desire and saying things you desire are needs seem wise to the flesh, but this mindset destroys the vast majority of people who adopt it and ruins eternity for many because they fail to ever make intimacy with Jesus Christ and good stewardship according to His will the pre-eminent aim of their lives. On earth it also stops the majority from establishing boundaries that really help them care for responsibilities in a God-honoring manner and from establishing funds to take care of emergency needs that will arise throughout life. In addition, it stops them from building wealth for the future to help abundantly care for themselves, family, and the Church as they age and go through the veritable up and down economies that occur throughout life.

To worldly people, the LORD’s principles seem foolish and in conflict but the results are amazing. Many ask how can a person throughout life tithe / give abundantly and live abundantly while at the same time build great wealth. The answer lies in His creation of the universe in which a tightly closed hand will not give as it should and thus cannot receive as He desires. Opening your hand, throughout the remainder of your life, to give abundantly of current and future income and assets, especially toward endeavors that help evangelize and make disciples of others, opens your life to manifold blessings and rewards befitting of an obedient child of the King.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 11:24-26, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Mark 10:29-31, Luke 6:38

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

MoneyWalk 355: A Foolish Move

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible says cosigning for another person’s loan is a foolish move. Yet, people do it every day instead of taking the appropriate action, which usually is exhorting them to work and save money until they can afford to buy the item without debt.

Many people want you to cosign because they have a burning desire for something material. They may even call it a need. Many will ask you even though they have been irresponsible in managing their money, living within their means, and paying debts. Financial institutions will not loan them money on their own record because of their poor credit history. At that point, getting a loan requires a cosigner who has adequate annual income, a reputable loan re-payment history, and a willingness to put his / her financial reputation and situation on the line for the person who wants to take out the loan.

The cosigner will become surety for the bank that gives it a much better chance of getting repaid the loan principle and associated interest, even if the borrower does not follow through on his / her obligation. The best advice is to never cosign. Many people never repay loans that have cosigners. This is the reason the bible says, “when you cosign your garments are likely to be taken.” If you believe the person has a true need and has acted disciplined and responsible with their finances and life, give as much toward the need as you can afford without going into debt or failing to care for your responsibilities.

The bible does not make a distinction between cosigning for people who have been responsible with their finances and those who have not or have never acquired a loan and thus have no re-payment history for financial institutions to bank on. It simply admonishes us to never become surety for another person.

An important lesson we must teach to our extended family, friends, and acquaintances is their need to be godly stewards of the incomes and assets God entrusts to them, to have integrity in repaying debts owed, to pursue needed and desired material things in a debt-free fashion, and to allow God to supernaturally provide them with desires they cannot afford.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 17:18, Romans 13:8, 2Corinthians 8:12, Ephesians 5:17

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, August 7, 2016

MoneyWalk 354: Failure to Plan Produces Failure

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In order to experience good results from your work, you must have spiritual vision that comes from godly / moral values while engaging and cultivating the type of activities / employments that can produce desired results that are a benefit to you and other people. You must see what is not evident by the situation you are in today and call those things that be not as though they are. Declare a thing and so shall it be unto you and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. I understand that Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right” in order to help people see that a can do attitude and employments are the best way to go when you believe you need or want to do something that will positively help others.

Never do what is wicked in God's eyes, however measure guidance and advice from other people by the Word and your intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit before automatically stopping each activity that another person or group of people say you should stop, no matter how respected they may be in your community. Simply listen and take their guidance under advisement until you are clear that the guidance is the best indication that you should change course.

In life you may start as a grocery bagger but may end up a store manager or you may start by sitting in the pews listening to and learning from others but may end up as director of evangelism. You may start as the janitor but may wind up the company president. These scenarios have played out for millions of people over the years because of their faithful and diligent attention to the business and ministry God placed them in. Your increasing spiritual and financial maturity / promotion will be a result of the same type of process that requires faithful planning as commitment to His will.

A net worth statement showing your net financial worth or lack of one shows how past decisions have helped or hampered you overall up to this point in time. Also, at least six months worth of perpetual monthly budgets that you faithfully monitor and utilize to measure and control giving, saving, and spending are a must because you need to see how spending decisions proposed or made today can hamper or help you get to where God wants you to be while also building enormous future wealth to care for family and Church needs and desires. The net worth statement and budget documents serve as plans in the financial arena of your life to help you properly discern whether you are doing good or bad things related to your giving, saving, and spending. Electronic budgeting tools and spreadsheets are available to help ease the pain of having to write the same thing over and over for each budget cycle. These also eliminate the anguish caused by smudging paper documents with an eraser and making them almost unrecognizable when revising income and expense figures during the budget cycles.

Subtract from your gross monthly income federal, state, and city taxes, tithe and offering, each minimum monthly bill payment (rent / mortgage, car notes, utilities, charge cards, etc.). The result (which will be a positive surplus or negative deficit) shows what you have left each pay period for groceries, home maintenance, car maintenance, gas for cars, entertainment, personal money, emergencies, etc.). This information is vital for short and long-term planning of anticipated income and expenses, because it lets you know what you can afford to purchase now so you will not be negatively affected in the future. Failure to plan which leads to overspending, borrowing, and continual spontaneity will not bring God’s best and desired situation for your life. Such failure will produce destructive tendencies, headaches, heartaches, and harm to you and your family (including the Church). Faithful planning and diligent employments guided by biblical instruction will bring God’s supernatural blessing, reward, and success.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 27:23-27, Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 14:28-32, Philippians 4:11-13

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

MoneyWalk 353: You Need Christ

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

When you choose Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD you have chosen abundant life and the blessed eternity that comes with it. When you do not choose Jesus you have chosen a life without meaningful purpose that brings eternal consequences. Certainly you will do some things on earth that help others and some men may consider you great, yet those things will not mean anything when you stand before the LORD on Judgment Day because your righteousness is and always will be like filthy rags. Your works on earth cannot earn salvation and eternal life. Only faith in Christ brings these blessings due to the covering His righteousness and perfection provides you.

This intimate relationship with Him leads to sanctification, which cleanses you and helps you fulfill your purpose on earth. The enemy of your God and your soul certainly does not like this and will do everything he can to turn you back to his plan. However, once you get saved, satan no longer has victory over you because he was created by God and only has the power given to him by God. God and satan are not equals battling it out for control over the earth and human beings. God alone is supreme and almighty and there is no one else like Him.

Because He has authority over all things and every resource you need, He is the only one who can deliver you from the harm and destruction satan desires to bring into your life. He releases to His faithful children everything they need to be victorious, fruitful, profitable, and prosperous. Will you choose abundant life and blessing forevermore or destruction and death? He wants you to choose life and live forever in paradise.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Psalm 1:1-3, Colossians 1:3-14, 2Peter 3:14-18

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

MoneyWalk 352: An Unhealthy Balance Harms You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In order to have the balance that God desires for your life you must first decide to tithe faithfully and give abundantly for gospel ministry to be delivered to your community and around the world. Also, you must determine in your heart that you are going to eliminate all debts not covered by a piece of property considered by expert sources to be greater in value than the debt that has been incurred to purchase it. In addition, you must refuse to take on any debts for depreciable goods in the future. You must also draft and follow a budget / spending plan that identifies the current state of your income and expenses in order to gain and maintain control over your finances so that it serves you, your family, and the Kingdom of God in a way that brings blessing and reward. Finally, you must firmly resolve not to spend more than your net income minus tithes, offerings, at least 10% savings and investments, and an amount that you can put toward debt elimination to totally pay off all of it within the next two to four years. This may mean that you need to find other sources of income to supplement your vision and plan. A second job or a low cost / no cost entrepreneurial endeavor will help fulfill your goals.

Proper balances of ingredients are necessary in cooking edible and tasty meals, in making sure pools stay clean safe from elements that could make you sick, in ensuring that relationships are loving and fruitful, and in many other areas of life. So, it makes sense that you must include in your life and activities all the things needed for financial freedom and wealth building and properly balance them while also keeping out all those things that will lead you astray and keep you in financial and spiritual bondage such as failure to know the state of your financial condition, overspending, failure to save and invest, and failure to say “NO” to people and activities that would waste resources the LORD entrusts to you.

These moves will get you to the place you want to be in one-year, two years, five years, and over the long term. You should draft separate one month budgets for each of the next six months, so you can see how money spent in the near term affects your financial situation six months out. Your spending resolve must be displayed in your budget to keep you inside reasonable spending parameters that keep you on course with the vision you must follow to get you to the place you want to be in financially. Over time this lifestyle will bring the abundant life on earth that Jesus Christ desires for you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 11:1, 27:23-27, Isaiah 55:9-11, Luke 14:28-34, 2Corinthians 9:6-15

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

MoneyWalk 351: Love God’s Way

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Love is what the LORD says it is! Many people try to define love on their own terms, however unless you base your definition of love on what the bible has to say about it, the whole counsel of God not a pet scripture, you will fall short of understanding it, truly describing it, and initiating action based on it in a way that is pleasing to the LORD. Those who truly love Him regularly pray, study scripture to establish His principles in their hearts, and fellowship with other believers. This helps them have greater fellowship and intimacy with Him and equips them to fulfill the purpose for which He created and empowers them.

Managing your life, including your finances, in the way that God identified in the bible is a necessary component of love because it is a witness and example to other people necessary for you to continually grow in Christ to the fullest extent and help them grow. Following this path requires that you love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Otherwise, you’d give up when satan tempts you with something that looks good to your eyes or feels good to your flesh or your pride. God loves you immensely and has provided a way of escape for you to bypass satan’s temptation and the negative consequences and torment that follows it even when you cannot see it at the moment. In the person of Jesus Christ, He made a way for your eternal security that allows you to forsake worldly ways of living through the Holy Spirit living in you and empowering you. He promised to every believer that walks obedient to His commands that He will take care of all your need, make you fruitful, and prosper you.

Now return that love to God by believing His Word and choosing his pathway to life eternal that start here and now on earth. Believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and that no man gets to the Father except through Him. This faith will then produce fruit from repentance bringing forth good works that glorify Him. Those around you will notice your virtuous, sanctified, faithful behavior via living in obedience to Him, including managing income and assets He allows to come into your life. As a result of lifting up Him and His ways many people will be drawn to Him.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 8:17-21, John 14:21, Romans 13:8, 1John 3:10-18

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

MoneyWalk 350: Wealth Building Is Part of God’s Plan For You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Net worth is the value of all your assets minus the amount of all your debts. Assets are items you own that have a value other people will give you money to obtain. Debts are amounts of money you owe someone else via loans for the purchase of material goods and/or services. Debts are liabilities. It is not good to have a lifestyle based on incurring liabilities instead of building assets. Assets are the items that lead to building wealth far beyond what your natural eyes now see.

You should calculate your net worth at least annually to determine how successful your financial plan or lack of one has been for you. You want to see an ever increasing surplus and not a deficit because this means you are continually moving in the right direction. Do not be dismayed if when you first calculate your net worth you have a deficit. Simply understanding that the LORD has given you principles to live by in managing the money He entrusts to you and has given you spiritual power to help you utilize methods that comply with them. In this way, you are sure to reach a surplus within the next few years and build it into more as you move forward throughout this life.

By dividing your average monthly expenses into your net worth, you are able to identify how many months into the future you could pay current debts and expenses if you are laid off or lose your income. This measure is necessary for short-term and long-term planning because income reducing emergencies, hardships, and catastrophes will occur for short periods of your life such as job layoffs, having to leave a job to care for parents, pay reductions due to a poor economy or business troubles, etc. Yet, managing your income to continually grow net worth will help you weather the storms of adversity because the blessing of God and rewards are produced in your life when using His principles, financial and otherwise.

Contrary to popular belief, bible scriptures and stories support wealth building (increased net worth) and shows that it happens for faith-filled people who abundantly give to spread the gospel message, make disciples of other people, and manage the financial areas of their lives in accordance with biblical principles such as planning (goal setting and budgeting), eliminating debt, refusing to cosign, saving, investing, and diversifying assets. It does not make you greater or better than anybody else and it pleases God for you to continue to grow in humility and meekness as you build and not become a respecter of persons. He is definitely pleased when you are intimate with Him and a good steward of His manifold possessions entrusted to you.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 13:2, 1Chronicles 29:2-5, Job 42:12, Acts 4:36-37, Matthew 27:57-60, James 5:1-5

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Monday, July 4, 2016

MoneyWalk 349: The Best of Life Is All Yours

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You have everything at your disposal that pertains to the best of life when using biblical financial principles to govern your affairs. This requires that you develop intimacy with the LORD via daily thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer, bible reading / study, weekly fellowship with a local Church (the expression of His body). It also requires belief in (a) His instruction, (b) trust in the rewards He said would be obtained by following them, (c) adherence to His principles and obedience to His commands, (d) self-control, and (e) sacrifice.

When you don't consistently use biblical financial principles, you'll never realize the earthly rewards God intended for those who are obedient. Adherence to His will shows true faith. It is corresponding action toward His plan for your life. The bible says faith without works is dead and that He created you for good works. Obedience uses initiative, creativity, perseverance, patience, and other godly character traits to help you reach short, medium, and long-term goals that help fulfill His desire for you and others on the earth.

The example and fruit others see shows you really have faith in Him as opposed to empty words with no godly action behind them. Your diligent work will bring forth a bountiful harvest in due time, so you must not get weary doing well even though it sometimes seems as though the harvest won't come. Eventually, you will see the abundant blessing of God such as promotions, raises, bonuses, business growth, and a constantly increasing net-worth as a result of your increased witnessing to and disciple-making of others, increased giving to the Church for engaging the Great Commission, pursuit of debt freedom, saving & investing, and regular service to believers and unbelievers. Truly, the best of life is ready for you to grasp by seeking the LORD and His best for your life. Everything else is eternal rubbish.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 11:26-28, 1Samuel 15:22-23, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 5:29-32

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

MoneyWalk 348: Supernatural Vision Propels You

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

If you want to be truly successful on the earth and throughout eternity you must seek God each day and throughout the day. In intimacy He will share the great purpose for which He made you and show you how to truly be of service to those around you and those in far off lands. In the bible, He’s given you principles with boundaries for managing your life including your income. This brings real freedom – from sin, degradation, and a wasted life.

When you live within these boundaries by adhering to scriptural principles you bring greater blessing and reward into your life. Those that fail to live according to His design bring destruction and damnation upon themselves. Jesus’ intercession before the Father and the Holy Spirit’s guidance helps you overcome every obstacle placed before you by satan, other people, trials, and tribulations. Even though you are humanly weak and cannot see the victory with your natural eyes, the Spirit of God lives in you to strengthen and help you see, pursue, and in your heart attain His purposes and your destiny long before you physically reach that plateau.

Spiritual vision lets you know the outcome of your conduct is abundant life, finances, and resources to carry out the LORD’s will on earth. In addition to daily prayer, bible study, thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer, and regular fellowship with other believers you should adhere to scriptural principles like freely communicating the gospel, teaching others to obey His commands, tithing, offering, expending less than your monthly income, and eliminating debt while expending far less than your income so you can save, invest, and diversify assets to build and maintain wealth. It takes vision, faith, and an intimate love of God to follow these biblical principles because the reason for and way you should do them as a Christian is far different than the world’s motive and way of doing things. Yet, God’s vision and power is in you, surrounds you, and draws others to you to help you greatly bless many others and yourself in so doing.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Habakkuk 2:4, Luke 17:6, Romans 4:17-22, 1Corinthians 2:14, Hebrews 11:1, 6

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You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

MoneyWalk 347: Being Full And Empty

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Believers can always use more money to spread the gospel around the world and into areas that have not been saturated with it. Yet, believers should not love money. Instead, we must love the LORD and engage intimate fellowship with Him in order to know His will, be obedient to His instruction, and fruitful in our activities.

Such love motivates you to learn to live within your current income and assets while having faith that God will do far greater work through you than these resources are able to fund. He will even give you more to give when you are faithful over the little you currently have. Almighty God is able to multiply your seed into a bountiful harvest and great blessing for you, family, and other people. He can turn five-figure incomes into six figures, six-figures into millions, millions into billions, and so on. His power is unlimited. That’s why He wants you to rest in His ability to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can think or ask by being content in your lifestyle with the income and assets He provides you.

He wants you to stay away from greed in all its forms (avarice, covetousness, selfishness, etc.) because they are satan’s tools to destroy your relationship with God, His moral standard in your life, and your godly influence on other people. A few common symptoms of these maladies are “the end justifies the means attitude” and a desire to get-rich-quick while forsaking your family, local church, or ministry service to do so. These lifestyles bring negative natural and eternal consequences whereas godliness with contentment truly is great gain because it will motivate you to move forward and higher in a way that conforms to biblical teaching and pursues your purpose in a way that pleases the heart of God and makes you extremely fruitful and prosperous.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Luke 3:14, Philippians 4:11-13, 1Timothy 6:6, Hebrews 13:5, James 4:3

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

MoneyWalk 346: Blessing Comes By Faith Not Fear

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

It is often said that fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear keeps people from doing things they need to do according to the LORD’s plan in order to truly be fruitful, successful, and prosper in life. It can display different symptoms in different people and at different times in a person’s life. It may show up only in one or a few areas of your life, and often does not make sense in its application.

For example, some people work far more hours than is good for the upkeep of their spousal relationship, because they believe they must work very long hours or else cannot get promoted in life. Also, some people are scared to put money in the stock market because they feel scared to lose money, yet they have no fear of losing thousands of dollars gambling in casinos or at the poker table.

The more you open up to fear in one area the more it tries to grasp other areas to bring them into the same misery. It encourages you to act opposite the manner God intends for you, so it can neutralize the blessing that God has in store for you. This is true wherever it shows up in your life, including in the financial realm. If the enemy can motivate you to fear that you don’t receive enough income to pay tithes, budget, eliminate debt, and eventually save and invest, then the blessing that comes from being a godly steward will not accrue to you.

The LORD imparts to believers faith as the antidote to fear. It is impossible to please the LORD without exercising the faith He imparts into you. It helps you overcome fear, so you can be obedient to His instructions knowing in your heart the positive outcome He will bring to situations that concern you. However, you must use that power in you to truly believe the truths in the bible and to hearken to His commands. For if you are to receive the full blessing and reward the LORD prepared for you, you must believe that He is the almighty, all knowing, omnipresent one He said He is who rewards those who diligently seek Him.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 15:33, Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:5, Galatians 5:6, 2Timothy 1:7, 1John 4:18

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook by looking at the NOTES created by Randy Parlor at!/profile.php?id=100000444069041&sk=notes.

You can connect with Randy Parlor on Twitter and Linkedin

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Monday, June 6, 2016

MoneyWalk 345: Regularly Saving Money Is Godly

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The LORD provides many principles in the bible that help you manage money in order to prosper such as planning (including budgeting), tithing, offering, debt elimination, refusing to cosign, saving, investing, and diversifying. Thanksgiving, praise, worship, prayer to Him, regular scripture reading & study, weekly fellowship with a local representation of the body of Christ, and receiving instruction from wise saints help you employ these principles in the best possible manner. Such engagement invites the Holy Spirit to give you knowledge and understanding so you can make wise actions that are best for you now and in the future.

He understands you will learn and walk these principles out step by step until you finally employ all of them to display a well-rounded arsenal of weapons that fend off satan’s attacks on your life through day to day financial decisions, emergencies, catastrophes, and other situations. His hope is that you will immediately begin to use each principle after hearing He instructed His people to follow it because obedience to His plan for your life is ultimately best for you.

Saving is one of these biblical principles. There are a few methods you can use including saving a reasonable portion of your monthly income before you pay expenses to any other person or entity or save what is left over after you pay the minimum monthly payment to those you owe. Also, there are many tools you can use such as savings accounts, money market accounts / funds, certificates of deposit, etc. Getting yourself in a position to save regularly and consistently in a way that preserves your principal and earns interest on top is necessary before you begin to invest in vehicles that are more speculative on the short-term horizon but provide a far greater ability to increase your wealth on the long-term horizon (no load low expense stock index mutual funds, no load low expense bond index mutual funds, credible real estate ventures and funds, etc.).

Sometimes a conflict arises in your mind that wonders how you can tithe and give abundantly and save money at the same time. Since God put each of these principles into play in the earth, the Holy Spirit is able to show you how both principles work together to fulfill God’s perfect plan for you. After all, abundant tithing and giving is a fraction of your income (starting at 10%) compared to the amount you expend on other desires (upwards of 60% on houses, cars, furniture, clothes, jewelry, etc.). The first step to implementing the saving principle in your life is knowing it is important to the LORD and should be employed for your betterment and for those to whom you are called to be a light and example.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 13:2, Proverbs 21:20, Matthew 25:26-30, Luke 19:22-27, 1Timothy 6:17-19

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