Tuesday, June 30, 2020

7-1-20 Daily Word

Don't lay up treasures on Earth that elements destroy & people steal, rather lay up treasures in Heaven because they cannot be corrupted; your giving shows the condition of your heart.

Monday, June 29, 2020

6-30-20 Daily Word

A person who loves money & wealth will never be satisfied with his/her income, net worth, or material things accumulated; this is vanity at work. Use it to fulfill your God-given purpose in spreading the gospel and serving others.

6-29-20 Daily Word

For the love of money is the root of all evil that some covet after, erring in & wandered away from the faith, piercing themselves with many sorrows.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

MoneyWalk 55 Don’t Borrow Unnecessarily

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

This process starts by saying no to any loan for items that depreciate in value when you cannot pay cash for them without taking on debt. Also, when taking a loan will not immediately benefit you by allowing your investments of the same amount grow at a higher rate than the finance charge you would pay the creditor.

Most people find it impossible to meet these requirements because they have underfunded emergency savings, very small investment holdings, and most institutions have finance charges higher than the growth customers earn on savings and investments. Also, creditors retain the right to raise finance charges down the road when they believe you represent greater risk of payment delinquency. Such delinquency causes fees and penalties to be assessed and will damage your credit history and score.

It seems far less than one percent of business owners have financed business ventures using high finance charge loans and then collected enough revenue to overcome their expenses (cost of products, services, wages, benefits, finance charges, etc.). Don’t be fooled into thinking this is a prudent strategy for financing a business. Most who have tried this method have had to liquidate their businesses.

Biblical instruction strongly guides you to pursue your financial life, personal and business, from a debt-free mindset; asking God and seeking a number of godly counselors who can help you find prudent ways to start and invest in business endeavors and purchase personal merchandise that is desirable to you. The vast majority of people I’ve met who did not follow this method have found themselves in financial turmoil not long thereafter. It continues for many today because they still refuse to utilize biblical money management instruction to guide their financial affairs.

If you have a history of undisciplined use of loans (credit cards, car loans, etc.) then you should immediately discipline yourself to stop using them and build an emergency fund of at least $10,000. You need to cut up credit cards and throw them away when they will continue to bring torment into your life.

If you are a disciplined spender who stays well within established budget boundaries, a low interest revolving credit card will generally not hurt you because you will only use it for convenience and record-keeping purposes where you will only make purchases already accounted for in your budget and you never charge more on these cards than the amount of cash you have available in the bank minus your monthly bills, saving, investing, tithing, and giving.

Though scripture does not absolutely say you cannot take on any debt, it strongly advises you to live debt-free and that God desires debt-freedom for you.  The compounding interest nature of most debt will wreck your ability to build wealth for the future. The enemy knows this and tempts you to satisfy the cravings of your flesh using debt instruments. However, when you commit to God’s plan of living debt-free He will provide your every need without you having to borrow to supply it. When you refuse to take on debt, you enable the LORD to supernaturally provide by moving others to provide needs and desires at no cost when you're unable to purchase them.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Deuteronomy 28:12, Psalms 37:21, Proverbs 22:7, 27:23-24, Romans 13:8

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/randy.parlor by viewing Notes in the More menu on the right side of the computer screen

You can connect with Randy Parlor on



You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnztOIesOKIrSd_H6c-8mQ

6-28-20 A Better Future

6-28-20 Daily Word

To the LORD, a thousand years is like a day. He is not slow in keeping His promise, instead is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, and everyone to come to repentance.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

6-27-20 Daily Word

Get-rich-quick schemes end in disaster, but steady, responsible work endeavors increase income & eventually lead to the huge blessing & reward of exponential growth of wealth.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

6-26-20 Daily Word

Train your children with godly instruction & guidance & they will have a foundation upon which to stand throughout the ages. The rich rule over the poor & borrowers are slaves to lenders.

MoneyWalk 54 Giving Blesses You!

6-25-20 Daily Word

No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

6-24-20 Daily Word

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for the LORD said, He will never leave nor forsake you.

6-23-20 Daily Word

Your faith is imputed for righteousness when you stagger not, through unbelief, at the LORD's promise; be strong in faith, giving Him glory, while fully persuaded He's able to perform His promise.

Monday, June 22, 2020

6-22-20 Daily Word

The LORD saves believers & is their strength in troubled times; He helps & delivers them because they trust Him.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

MoneyWalk 54 Giving Blesses You!

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You honor the LORD when your monthly budget recognizes you will first give to the Church (the local representation of Jesus Christ’s body on earth) the proportion of income scripture instructs. Laws require most employers to automatically take income, FICA, and Medicare tax from employees’ gross pay and forward it to federal, state, and local governments. The fact that you cannot actually give to the LORD first is not dishonoring to Him in this situation because you cannot change this government mandated process. He wants your heart to be aligned with giving first of the after-tax income in your control. Spending first on desires when you have not proportionately given shows you do not trust Him to care for all your need while you follow His instructions.

That house, car, or other material desire is not more important than following His commands. Let your heart be transformed in the area of managing income and giving so you can say like the psalmist, “Obeying your every word is my necessary food!” When you follow scriptural instructions God will take care of all your need and many times way beyond that even though the picture may look grim at the moment.

The scriptures about Abraham, Jacob, faithful Israelites as well as Jesus instructions in Matthew 23:23 and the example in Hebrews 7:8 show your tithe given to Jesus’ (through Church leaders who truly serve Him and His aims) is received by Him in Heaven. It is the starting point for determining faithfulness managing income to glorify Him. He also desires that you give free-will offerings to help the gospel reach unbelievers and lead them to Him and away from the path of destruction. The organism and mechanism He established to carry out that mission is His organized Church lead by elders who equip believers and administer all the physical aspects needed to make it happen (meeting places, tools, classes, volunteers, paid staff, instruction to deacons and volunteers, etc.).

Giving ten percent (the tithe) and an offering do not keep people from having their needs met, living an abundant life, or building wealth. Most often, lack of good financial stewardship (planning / budgeting income and expenses, eliminating debt, and failure to save and invest) causes them to dwell in poverty or a few paychecks away from it. With faith in the Living God, ninety-percent of your income less an offering and required taxes is more than enough to live on and build wealth throughout life.

Being a faithful giver may require you to sacrifice some pleasures and reduce the amount you're currently paying creditors in order to tithe and give offerings to God. However, in due time, He will supernaturally bless your finances and rebuke the devourer for your sake. You will obtain money needed to pay all creditors what you owe them, stay out of debt, and live in abundance well into the future. Wholly put your trust in Him and not in what you think is best based on your limited view of the situation, surroundings, and future. You will be blessed and rewarded beyond measure for doing so!

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Genesis 14:20-24, Malachi 3:8-12, Mark 4:22-25, Luke 6:38, Acts 20:35

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/randy.parlor by viewing Notes in the More menu on the right side of the computer screen

You can connect with Randy Parlor on



You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

A Better Future - Sunday Service

Saturday, June 20, 2020

6-21-20 Daily Word

Observe the one who has faith in the LORD Jesus Christ for the result of that person's life & actions is peace; those who refuse to cease transgression & iniquity bring eternal damnation upon themselves.

6-20-20 Daily Word

Soon, the LORD will help you vanquish the proud & evil people who oppress you; humble yourself under His mighty hand & you will be exalted in due time.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

6-19-20 Daily Word

Evil people observe the righteous trying to find ways to discredit & oppress them, but the LORD will not leave His people in their hands nor condemn them when evil people judge them.

MoneyWalk 53 How Much Is Enough?

6-18-20 Daily Word

The LORD's law is in the righteous person's heart & none of his/her steps shall slide, for his/her mouth speaks wisdom & tongue talks justice.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

6-16-20 Daily Word

The LORD loves justice & fairness & never abandons His people. They remain forever safe in an eternal habitation because they left evil; but all who love wickedness shall perish.

Monday, June 15, 2020

6-15-20 Daily Word

Righteous people show mercy & give to noble causes & those truly in need, whereas the wicked borrow & find excuses not to repay.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

MoneyWalk 53 How Much Is Enough?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible warns everyone not to love money, no matter the income they earn or assets they accumulate in life, because loving money will fail you. While money can help you properly care for many situations, just when you think you’ve earned or accumulated enough, you’ll experience a problem too big for money to resolve.

The bible tells everyone to trust in Jesus Christ because he provides the salvation for everyone who believes in Him that take cares of everything you need eternally. Also, His Spirit living in believers guides you in the way to live out His will on Earth so you can help provide everything needed to take care of your natural earthly responsibilities. In addition, He lets you know only what you do for Him will last. He will not forget your labor of love toward Him and His people. Through relationship with Christ and obedience to His will and ways you are helping build an eternal habitation in Heaven and a portal on Earth for other people to find Him and experience the depth of love and prosperity in Him you’ve come to know.

The bible identifies lifestyle principles and general areas of blessing that all believers can experience while on Earth. There are also some material things He provides for the faithful (rich and poor) that they don't have to pay for. Yet, there are some rewards that even believers do not get when they are lazy, slothful, apathetic, and disobedient in following biblical instruction and the Holy Spirit’s guidance concerning engaging daily / regular spiritual tasks (worship, praise, thanksgiving, prayer, bible study, fellowship with saints, declaring proclaiming His will, vision-casting, evangelizing, making disciples) and natural earthly tasks (working hard, building good relationships, pursuing worthwhile higher education, learning valuable skills and trades, pursuing godly opportunities, promotions, and benefits that are progressively more profitable for you and the Kingdom of God, etc.). Such profitability along with good financial stewardship allows you to tithe and give more discretionary income as offerings to your local church and other ministries so the gospel can be spread in your community and worldwide and be a blessing to many others.

Live in love, humility, and concern for others while you engage good stewardship and the profitability and prosperity it produces. Then you will understand you should never have feelings of superiority toward other people no matter the amount of money, material things, position, power, fame, or prestige you acquire. Fulfilling His purpose for your life according to the gifts and callings He gives you will glorify Him, give you more from which to serve others, and allow you to experience the fulfillment He desires for your life. Following His instruction helps draw into your life the people, resources, money, etc. you need to be the Great Commission partner He wants.
The parable of the talents and minas show He expects you to properly manage your talent, mind, income, and assets according to His commands. No matter the size of your income you can, in an abundant way, deliver the gospel to other people. You can expect great blessings when you follow His instructions.

The opposite form of lifestyle and money management (many people unfortunately choose) is predicated on the belief that the winner of life’s race is the one with the most money, stuff, position, power, and earthly influence. It brings eternal if not earthly destruction and fails to provide you and other loved ones with the principles, fortitude, and activities necessary to be truly successful in God’s eyes.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Proverbs 3:5-24, 27:23-27, Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:12-27

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/randy.parlor by viewing Notes in the More menu on the right side of the computer screen

You can connect with Randy Parlor on



You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at

6-14-20 Daily Word

The LORD observes good works done by godly people, He provides for them in every season & circumstance to ensure they have enough, & rewards them throughout eternity.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

6-13-20 Daily Word

It's better to have little & be godly than to live as a rich evil man, for the LORD cares for those He's forgiven & breaks the power of the wicked & shames them.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

6-12-20 Daily Word

Evildoers draw the sword & bend the bow to oppress & harm the poor & needy & slay those with upright hearts, however their bows will be broken & their swords will pierce their own hearts.

MoneyWalk 52 Diligent People Are Economically Blessed

6-11-20 Daily Word

The wicked plot against the just & try to damage their reputation via lies & deceit, but the LORD laughs at the wicked for He sees their day of judgment coming soon & the eternal vindication of His people.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

6-10-20 Daily Word

The meek (those who in each situation exercise strength & self-control from the LORD) shall inherit the earth & delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Monday, June 8, 2020

6-9-20 Daily Word

Losing your temper, continual anger patterns, & rage lead only to wicked actions & self harm; those who trust the LORD & His path for justice will possess the land, but the wicked will be subdued.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

6-8-20 Daily Word

Do not compete with the same values as those whose feet run to evil, though they seem to prosper; rest in intimacy with the LORD & wait patiently, so the calamity due them will not come upon you.

MoneyWalk 52 Diligent People Are Economically Blessed

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Start working to please the Lord instead of man. This heart attitude positively changes the environment in which you work and moves the LORD to provide more opportunities for your upward mobility. If you become a diligent worker who doesn't complain, your present situation will become a link to the next higher step in God's spiritual and financial development for you. He'll show you how to stretch your current income and He'll increase it at various points in the future through promotions and new opportunities that may be in fields and places other than your current employment.

It is unhealthy to allow a root of bitterness to take hold because you believe God or men owe you something more than your current income. The enemy wants to use this to bring about depression, excessive stress, mental / emotional problems, physical disability, and other ailments as well as unhealthy beliefs and actions against other races of people. In addition, such an ungrateful attitude is normally accompanied by unfaithfulness to assigned tasks. This causes you to suffer emotionally, financially, and spiritually because it does not allow your diligence to be seen by those around you and thus does not provide an avenue for elevation by the mighty hand of God. In fact, the rotten fruit produced by it will ultimately result in your being abased in life and, when unrepentant,  in eternity when it causes you to forsake relationship with Christ.

Be diligent and for the most part aspire to lead your life in quietness and peacefulness while producing good work. When you see your job as a blessing instead of a burden you oil the godly networking machine so it can positively change your financial future. Many opportunities will come your way as a result of a diligent attitude and faithful actions. This will bring promotions and increases that lead to elimination of debt, wealth building, and business ventures that were not possible when you were discontent and full of negativity.

Another benefit that accrues through diligence in living out biblical principles including those related to your finances is that you will overcome the destruction caused by engaging in worldly financial behaviors. For example, people who decided and acted to eliminate debt and live debt-free and stuck with that plan found that they are not negatively affected by ways in which many institutions and employers use credit histories to determine prices, interest, and penalties you pay now and in the future for merchandise and services. Another example is people who saved three months or more in emergency or business surplus funds have a far greater ability to withstand economic disruptions to their employment income and business revenue than those who paid no attention to sound personal and business financial practices and simply continued in good economic periods to rack up debt and financial obligations to get things that were desired but not really necessary.

These folks use debt sparingly and responsibly, if at all, and only on business endeavors or assets that have a long-term history of appreciating in value. Thus, they tend to increase incomes during the course of their careers at a far greater rate than peers, do not experience negative credit history outcomes, and build far more wealth than peers. Living according to biblical principles produces a responsible and dependable character in you and serves as a guard against the financial problems and bondage many other people experience.

Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!

Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 6:6-11, 19:15, 2Thessalonians 3:10-14, James 2:21-26

Please forward these bondage-breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

You can find many other MoneyWalk articles on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/randy.parlor by viewing Notes in the More menu on the right side of the computer screen

You can connect with Randy Parlor on



You can also view and/or listen to MoneyWalk articles at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnztOIesOKIrSd_H6c-8mQ

6-7-20 Family Essentials

Saturday, June 6, 2020

6-7-20 Daily Word

The LORD will validate your life in His light, stamp you with approval, & give all the help you need to succeed when you commit your life, will, & works to Him.

Friday, June 5, 2020

6-6-20 Daily Word

Trust in the LORD & do good & you will safely dwell in the land & prosper.

6-5-20 Daily Word

Don't worry because of evildoers, neither be envious of the wicked who seem to get ahead; they will ultimately wither on their vine & burn like wood put in the fire.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

MoneyWalk 51 Patience Is Required

6-4-20 Daily Word

Your steadfast love is precious, Almighty God, we take refuge in the shadow of Your wings, feast on the abundance in Your house, and drink from the river of Your delights.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Prayer Gathering Live - June 3, 2020

6-3-20 Daily Word

Deep in the heart transgression speaks to the wicked, for they do not fear the LORD's judgment. They flatter themselves believing iniquity will go unpunished, however calamity will soon overtake them.

Monday, June 1, 2020

6-2-20 Daily Word

Great is the LORD, who delights in the prosperity of His servants! My tongue shall tell of His righteousness and praise Him always.

6-1-20 Daily Word

The LORD delivers from lack the desperate who call upon His name, His angels protect & help them gain victories over enemies that want to stop them from prospering.