This program will help you undo financial bondage.
You must calculate your net worth in order to determine the state of your finances. Your net worth is the value of all your assets minus the amount of all your liabilities. Assets are material goods you own that have a market value that can be expressed in dollars. This means they are already in cash based accounts or could be sold to someone for a specific dollar amount.
Cash items and some other accounts are considered liquid assets (e.g., savings, checking, certificates of deposit, mutual funds, most stocks, and most bonds), which means they can be cashed in at a financial institution or sold very quickly to obtain a cash value. Other assets are considered illiquid, which means they cannot usually be converted into cash very quickly (e.g., houses, land, cars, artwork, and artifacts). In fact, you may not get the amount that you believe they’re worth because their value is based on what a willing buyer is willing to give a willing seller. The best assets are those that historically appreciate (rise in value) over a period of time and which history generally shows you can count on getting the appreciated value from the assets quickly after you put them up for sale.
Liabilities are debts you owe someone else for material goods, services, or loans. This includes such items as home mortgages, car notes, revolving charge card balances, personal loans, etc. Liabilities are generally not good to have when it comes to personal finance. Business and other loans usually lead to much trouble down the road after you personally guarantee them with your income and assets. Scripture tells you to avoid borrowing and surety (guaranteeing debt, especially for another person) because you will become a slave to the lender. In addition, you will be likely have assets taken from you and eventually be thrust into a much lower standard of living via exorbitant interest charges, repossession, foreclosure, and bankruptcy when you cannot pay the debt.
At least annually, you should calculate your net worth to measure how successful your financial plan or lack of one has been. This will give you an idea of how far into the future you could pay your current debts or expenses if all income stopped coming in. This measurement is necessary because two decades ago the economy changed and layoffs became commonplace in many industries. Today, we see this in a more extreme way in that it has encumbered many of our main economic engines (e.g., banking, mortgage, housing, commercial real estate, automobile, and retail industries).
The ‘lifetime employment with one company dream’ came to a screeching halt. This current trend of changing jobs every 5-7 years, bouts of unemployment, and untimely emergencies and catastrophes that occur in your life should help you understand that you will suffer financial hardships and great amounts of stress that will negatively affect your relationships when you don’t follow God’s plan for building worth.
A Christian who continuously uses good stewardship will accumulate a greater net worth throughout his life that will allow him to weather economic storms better than others. He will also be motivated to help more people and give more to ministry work than people who are poor stewards who spend all their money on consumer purchases and debt service.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 13:2, Job 42:12 Luke 19:2-10, James 5:1-5
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
MoneyWalk 21: Financial Obedience
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Being obedient to God is of utmost importance when managing your money. If you don't consistently use biblical money management principles, you'll never reap benefits God wants you to have. He wants you to prosper, however true and lasting prosperity is had only when you consistently manage your life and resources according to biblical standards so you can sow time, talent, and money into the lives of other people.
He wants to bless you immensely, rebuke the devourer, and stop satanic forces from causing you many spiritual and financial hardships. This comes only when you consistently work as unto the Lord and pay tithes and give offerings from your produce. This obedience is a necessary extension of faith that enables you to grow in stature with God and man. It helps them see that you have New Testament saving and sanctifying faith instead of empty words with no godly action behind them.
Faith without works (corresponding action) is dead when it doesn’t move you closer to the will of God in Christ. When you don't obey Christ by allowing biblical principles to guide your life, you become a servant to Satan, sin, and those you borrow from. Your life, purpose, and worth will be on a path of destruction that will hinder your ability to live godly, minister to others, and prosper on earth. If left unchanged, this will lead to the destruction of your eternal relationship with Christ and the heavenly home He wants you to have.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 11:27, 1Samuel 15:22, Matthew 28:20, Acts 5:29
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Being obedient to God is of utmost importance when managing your money. If you don't consistently use biblical money management principles, you'll never reap benefits God wants you to have. He wants you to prosper, however true and lasting prosperity is had only when you consistently manage your life and resources according to biblical standards so you can sow time, talent, and money into the lives of other people.
He wants to bless you immensely, rebuke the devourer, and stop satanic forces from causing you many spiritual and financial hardships. This comes only when you consistently work as unto the Lord and pay tithes and give offerings from your produce. This obedience is a necessary extension of faith that enables you to grow in stature with God and man. It helps them see that you have New Testament saving and sanctifying faith instead of empty words with no godly action behind them.
Faith without works (corresponding action) is dead when it doesn’t move you closer to the will of God in Christ. When you don't obey Christ by allowing biblical principles to guide your life, you become a servant to Satan, sin, and those you borrow from. Your life, purpose, and worth will be on a path of destruction that will hinder your ability to live godly, minister to others, and prosper on earth. If left unchanged, this will lead to the destruction of your eternal relationship with Christ and the heavenly home He wants you to have.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 11:27, 1Samuel 15:22, Matthew 28:20, Acts 5:29
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
MoneyWalk 20: Walking By Faith
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is infallible and unable to make mistakes. He's all-powerful and all-knowing and has the ability to make sure that what's translated for you in the bible is complete and whole. He guides born again believers that listen to Him in every area of life and every situation that arises by commanding them to keep specific laws in some areas and giving them principles with boundaries to use in managing other areas. In fact, He lives in us to direct us to His perfect will.
Search the scriptures and you will see that God has identified Himself in these ways throughout the bible. If you're un-saved, your true need is not to be successful in this world to receive the accolades of men nor to simply have free time to do everything you thing is pleasurable to you. Your true need is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord so that:
1) Eternal life with God almighty is yours.
2) Your mind is renewed to pursue your true purpose on earth where your gifts, talents, and skills are meshed and entwined through your vocation(s) with evangelism and discipleship of others. This is the only way that you can mature in God’s will and it happens while you seek to lead other people to Him and be a catalyst for their growth.
3) Eternal blessings, which result from your willingness to labor for His will to be done in earth, can be deposited in your heavenly bank account to await your arrival in the new heavens and new earth.
Then, you need to allow your faith to rise to believe the real truth that God is everything He said He is in the bible: the way, the truth, the life, the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, and the almighty judge of heaven and earth who will one day judge the living and the dead.
If you want to be successful in this life and be accepted in His eternal presence, you must believe on Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, seek His will each day, and be obedient to follow His commands in every area of life. Some think that faith displays itself in praying for riches that it appears you’ll never receive or spending all the income that you receive and believing that God will come through to take care of your needs and future desires or simply not planning the manner in which you’ll spend your assets.
However, it takes faith to do anything that God directed us to do as written in the bible. It takes great faith to write your vision, plan for the future, work to earn a living and build wealth, budget so you don’t overspend your income, stay out of debt, refuse to cosign, save, invest, and teach your children the same. In fact, it takes a faith being built upon day in and day out, year in and year out to overcome all the unbiblical advice you’ll receive to do the opposite and your human nature which desires to handle finances and life in the same manner as the Joneses. Walk by faith and not by sight in the Spirit and not in the flesh and you’ll place yourself in the best possible lifestyle and financial position as you grow more and more in Christ-likeness.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Habakkuk 2:4, Matthew 9:22, Luke 17:5-6, Romans 4:19-22, Hebrews 11:6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is infallible and unable to make mistakes. He's all-powerful and all-knowing and has the ability to make sure that what's translated for you in the bible is complete and whole. He guides born again believers that listen to Him in every area of life and every situation that arises by commanding them to keep specific laws in some areas and giving them principles with boundaries to use in managing other areas. In fact, He lives in us to direct us to His perfect will.
Search the scriptures and you will see that God has identified Himself in these ways throughout the bible. If you're un-saved, your true need is not to be successful in this world to receive the accolades of men nor to simply have free time to do everything you thing is pleasurable to you. Your true need is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord so that:
1) Eternal life with God almighty is yours.
2) Your mind is renewed to pursue your true purpose on earth where your gifts, talents, and skills are meshed and entwined through your vocation(s) with evangelism and discipleship of others. This is the only way that you can mature in God’s will and it happens while you seek to lead other people to Him and be a catalyst for their growth.
3) Eternal blessings, which result from your willingness to labor for His will to be done in earth, can be deposited in your heavenly bank account to await your arrival in the new heavens and new earth.
Then, you need to allow your faith to rise to believe the real truth that God is everything He said He is in the bible: the way, the truth, the life, the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, and the almighty judge of heaven and earth who will one day judge the living and the dead.
If you want to be successful in this life and be accepted in His eternal presence, you must believe on Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, seek His will each day, and be obedient to follow His commands in every area of life. Some think that faith displays itself in praying for riches that it appears you’ll never receive or spending all the income that you receive and believing that God will come through to take care of your needs and future desires or simply not planning the manner in which you’ll spend your assets.
However, it takes faith to do anything that God directed us to do as written in the bible. It takes great faith to write your vision, plan for the future, work to earn a living and build wealth, budget so you don’t overspend your income, stay out of debt, refuse to cosign, save, invest, and teach your children the same. In fact, it takes a faith being built upon day in and day out, year in and year out to overcome all the unbiblical advice you’ll receive to do the opposite and your human nature which desires to handle finances and life in the same manner as the Joneses. Walk by faith and not by sight in the Spirit and not in the flesh and you’ll place yourself in the best possible lifestyle and financial position as you grow more and more in Christ-likeness.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Habakkuk 2:4, Matthew 9:22, Luke 17:5-6, Romans 4:19-22, Hebrews 11:6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
MoneyWalk 19: The Richness of Contentment
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Many people are in financial shambles because they try to match other peoples' lifestyles. They're disenchanted with what they have because other people appear to have more than they do. When they're unable to achieve a greater status, they see themselves as failures. When they do achieve natural power, fame, or riches, they're still unhappy because the God-given purpose for their lives isn't fulfilled. Some even regret the occupational or living situation they've put themselves and their families in: seeking success the way the world said it should look.
Stop measuring yourself by your neighbors' lifestyles and ideals of success. Without godly contentment operating in your life you cannot achieve the success that God wants for you, which is the only form of accomplishment and lifestyle that is truly successful. When your eyes and ears are on men, what they have, what they think, and wanting to be like them, you cannot truly thank God for where you are and what you have and you will not make the most out of it because you've positioned your heart and mind in a way that will not listen to God’s direction.
The plan that God has for your life and the things He wants to bless you with may not be the same as other peoples' blessings, yet the life you live and the path that you follow based on God's purpose for you will ultimately be more fulfilling for you. God will be more pleased with you when you following His instructions and guidance.
You must always remember that life in this human body is but a vapor: here today gone tomorrow. In the scheme of eternity it is like a needle in a haystack, a coffee cup in the ocean, or a thimble in a bottomless pit. It is such a short a time in the realm of eternity that it’s almost non-existent. It passes quickly and sometimes abruptly. So you must take care to make sure that you’re in a place where the Lord will say to you when you leave this earth, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Now, enter into the joy of the Lord!”
This can only be had in right relationship with Jesus Christ, which produces the richness of contentment in lifestyle, relationships, finances, and resources. Such contentment is not a couch potato that believes nothing and works at nothing; rather it seeks God will, instruction, and guidance concerning what it should believe and work toward. Then, it is obedient in following Him and waits patiently for the fruit of its godly works even though at first they seem to not produce much and sometimes seem to bring ridicule, suffering, and lack. It never seeks ungodly or ill-gotten gain but waits for God’s law of reciprocity to bring forth a great harvest that it will use in an even greater way to bring glory to God and take the gospel to the world.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 3:14, Philippians 4:11-13, 1Timothy 6:6-10, Hebrews 13:5
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Many people are in financial shambles because they try to match other peoples' lifestyles. They're disenchanted with what they have because other people appear to have more than they do. When they're unable to achieve a greater status, they see themselves as failures. When they do achieve natural power, fame, or riches, they're still unhappy because the God-given purpose for their lives isn't fulfilled. Some even regret the occupational or living situation they've put themselves and their families in: seeking success the way the world said it should look.
Stop measuring yourself by your neighbors' lifestyles and ideals of success. Without godly contentment operating in your life you cannot achieve the success that God wants for you, which is the only form of accomplishment and lifestyle that is truly successful. When your eyes and ears are on men, what they have, what they think, and wanting to be like them, you cannot truly thank God for where you are and what you have and you will not make the most out of it because you've positioned your heart and mind in a way that will not listen to God’s direction.
The plan that God has for your life and the things He wants to bless you with may not be the same as other peoples' blessings, yet the life you live and the path that you follow based on God's purpose for you will ultimately be more fulfilling for you. God will be more pleased with you when you following His instructions and guidance.
You must always remember that life in this human body is but a vapor: here today gone tomorrow. In the scheme of eternity it is like a needle in a haystack, a coffee cup in the ocean, or a thimble in a bottomless pit. It is such a short a time in the realm of eternity that it’s almost non-existent. It passes quickly and sometimes abruptly. So you must take care to make sure that you’re in a place where the Lord will say to you when you leave this earth, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Now, enter into the joy of the Lord!”
This can only be had in right relationship with Jesus Christ, which produces the richness of contentment in lifestyle, relationships, finances, and resources. Such contentment is not a couch potato that believes nothing and works at nothing; rather it seeks God will, instruction, and guidance concerning what it should believe and work toward. Then, it is obedient in following Him and waits patiently for the fruit of its godly works even though at first they seem to not produce much and sometimes seem to bring ridicule, suffering, and lack. It never seeks ungodly or ill-gotten gain but waits for God’s law of reciprocity to bring forth a great harvest that it will use in an even greater way to bring glory to God and take the gospel to the world.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 3:14, Philippians 4:11-13, 1Timothy 6:6-10, Hebrews 13:5
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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