This program will help you undo financial bondage.
From everlasting, the LORD worked to create everything and set the spiritual and natural realm in motion. Then, He commanded man to work in order to be fruitful; cultivate the soil, raise animals, and engage physical and mental labor in many ways. Adam and Eve’s worship, including their work, was totally enjoyable.
After man chose to sin, he and his seed would eat by the sweat of his brow. Though work would still be enjoyable in many ways the deteriorating conditions that sin caused man to live in on earth would seem to make work more physically and mentally demanding and in some instances unpleasant.
From the time that Adam disobeyed God’s command, the perfect communion they had has been broken for all mankind and man might now choose work that was not meant for him to do in fulfilling the purpose for which God made him. Though he might choose the right line of work, he might also have unclean motives, attitudes, and actions or utilize the fruit thereof for purposes that were not intended.
There is a truth about work that remains constant from the perfect beginning until now and into the saints’ everlasting future; a person will always be fulfilled and thus have peace and joy when working as unto the LORD in the calling whereunto he is called by God. The word of God spoken through King Solomon and the Apostle Paul confirm that the diligent person shall be made fat (have everything that he /she needs to complete his /her purpose on earth) and that a person who doesn't work (is lazy / irresponsible) will not eat (won’t have what is necessary for fulfillment or comfort on earth)!
There is an abundance of scripture confirming that you should engage work (both physical and mental) for as long as you live. Total abstinence from work is not healthy for your body and mind. Lack of challenging work and daily regimen can bring about sickness, mental illness, and premature death. Therefore, God gives you work to accomplish everyday you’re alive: physical labor (for producing income, wealth, and gifts), physical and vocal worship, praise, prayer, bible and vocational study, service to saints and unbelievers, fellowship / hospitality, exercise, etc.
Also, there is an abundance of scripture telling you to stay away from lazy / idle / irresponsible attitudes and behavior at all stages of life. Yet, godliness does not prohibit you from moving from one type of work to another as need or ability arises, unless you would engage in a type that is unholy according to scripture or that violates His will directly spoken to you. Thus, you are not prohibited from taking retirement from a current employer or business as long as you are mindful that you should engage reasonable work in another capacity. All types of work are worship and godly service (ministry) when they are committed to the Lord and engaged with His purpose in mind.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:28, 2:1-3, Proverbs 10:4-5, Luke 12:16-31, 2Thessalonians 3:7-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
MoneyWalk 39: What about retirement?
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
You been on the job for many years and believe a never-ending rest from work is in order and you’re talking about a whole lot longer than the vacation time you’ve been given. For years, you've been taking two-week vacations to relieve stress but you can hardly wait until a time of total rest that you call ‘retirement.’ However, you can't live comfortably in retirement without receiving your current monthly income and living on that is real tough!!!
At this point, you don’t have a pension or you realize your pension will not come close to your current monthly income and you haven't invested much to augment your pension. You've also accumulated lots of debt pursuing a plethora of material pleasures you didn’t need but really desired to have or experience.
This scenario makes for a hard time experiencing the retirement you always envisioned or taking a retirement package from your current employer. You feel like you’ll never make it to that time and you become a little agitated because you see a few others who have taken the plunge and seem to be doing very well. However, you’re financial situation just won’t let you. Otherwise, you either lose many of things you’ve come to enjoy or you’ll just wind up working somewhere else and maybe for far less money than you currently earn.
If you find yourself in this position, it’s good to know that it provides a learning opportunity that can help you greatly in the future if you’ll apply it. First, a basic level of planning is usually needed in order to help us land in a good financial situation that will be a blessing for us later in life when we need it the most. Secondly, there is hope. Though your plan to leave your present employer or line of work may be delayed it doesn’t have to be scrapped altogether. Start planning and take control of your spending, saving, investing, and giving now and you will put yourself in a much better position where you have many more retirement options down the road.
Third, only one scripture seems to mention retirement. This should help you understand that you may leave a particular employer or line of work but you should continue working in some capacity for the rest of your life. This may be strictly ministry work involving evangelism, discipleship, prayer, physical helps, etc. or it could be other charitable, employment, and/ or business endeavors. Obviously, you should look at yourself as a full-time minister regardless of where your work plants you and seek to spread the gospel to those with whom you come into contact while also excellently making your widgets and/or performing your job.
The bible contains many lessons on the responsibility to work and its great value for every person. Recognize that fulfillment, peace, joy, and rest come from work that directly or indirectly funds evangelism and discipleship that leads people into relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s time to understand the purpose of work, the real shape that retirement should take, and to get serious about managing money according to biblical principles no matter how old you are so that very shortly in the future you can help create options to fulfill your purpose that you will not have when you don’t manage wisely.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:28, 2:1-3, Proverbs 10:4-5, Luke 12:16-31, 2Thessalonians 3:7-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You been on the job for many years and believe a never-ending rest from work is in order and you’re talking about a whole lot longer than the vacation time you’ve been given. For years, you've been taking two-week vacations to relieve stress but you can hardly wait until a time of total rest that you call ‘retirement.’ However, you can't live comfortably in retirement without receiving your current monthly income and living on that is real tough!!!
At this point, you don’t have a pension or you realize your pension will not come close to your current monthly income and you haven't invested much to augment your pension. You've also accumulated lots of debt pursuing a plethora of material pleasures you didn’t need but really desired to have or experience.
This scenario makes for a hard time experiencing the retirement you always envisioned or taking a retirement package from your current employer. You feel like you’ll never make it to that time and you become a little agitated because you see a few others who have taken the plunge and seem to be doing very well. However, you’re financial situation just won’t let you. Otherwise, you either lose many of things you’ve come to enjoy or you’ll just wind up working somewhere else and maybe for far less money than you currently earn.
If you find yourself in this position, it’s good to know that it provides a learning opportunity that can help you greatly in the future if you’ll apply it. First, a basic level of planning is usually needed in order to help us land in a good financial situation that will be a blessing for us later in life when we need it the most. Secondly, there is hope. Though your plan to leave your present employer or line of work may be delayed it doesn’t have to be scrapped altogether. Start planning and take control of your spending, saving, investing, and giving now and you will put yourself in a much better position where you have many more retirement options down the road.
Third, only one scripture seems to mention retirement. This should help you understand that you may leave a particular employer or line of work but you should continue working in some capacity for the rest of your life. This may be strictly ministry work involving evangelism, discipleship, prayer, physical helps, etc. or it could be other charitable, employment, and/ or business endeavors. Obviously, you should look at yourself as a full-time minister regardless of where your work plants you and seek to spread the gospel to those with whom you come into contact while also excellently making your widgets and/or performing your job.
The bible contains many lessons on the responsibility to work and its great value for every person. Recognize that fulfillment, peace, joy, and rest come from work that directly or indirectly funds evangelism and discipleship that leads people into relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s time to understand the purpose of work, the real shape that retirement should take, and to get serious about managing money according to biblical principles no matter how old you are so that very shortly in the future you can help create options to fulfill your purpose that you will not have when you don’t manage wisely.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:28, 2:1-3, Proverbs 10:4-5, Luke 12:16-31, 2Thessalonians 3:7-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
MoneyWalk 453: God owns it all
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
The first and foremost principle that must be adhered to if you want to be a good money manager is to recognize that God owns everything. You must believe it and take actions aligned with this belief. Unfortunately, most people never move from a point of believing that their wealth and income is wrought by the work of their own hands or the intellect of their minds or that of their earthly forefathers, in the case of inherited wealth.
Such false belief does not lead to their benefit because they forego the purpose for which God created them and thus a level of blessing that God desired them to have and use for building His kingdom in the hearts of men. In addition, many have financial difficulties in this life that are brought on by their lack of understanding and acting on God’s will for their lives and finances.
Many people act on a desire to be rich that is produced by the fleshly worldview that surrounds us daily (mind, emotion, will, and body wanting to experience the comforts riches provide). Many times their actions lead to breaking marriages asunder, neglecting children, being a workaholic, forsaking service in a local church, and failing to evangelize and disciple other people. They are unwilling to change such behavior because in their hearts the most important thing is making it big or maintaining wealth, regardless of whether they ever say it with their mouths.
Let’s be clear, there’s a small percentage of people with wrong attitudes, motives, and actions that earn huge incomes and accumulate great riches. They are looked up to by men because of what they have; wealth, high status, and notoriety among men and worldly institutions. However, we must not automatically assume their earthly situation is evidence that God is pleased with them nor that they are living in God’s will for their lives or money management. Most people in this category never become wealthy on earth and suffer many disappointments from unrealized dreams. The bible is clear that anyone and everyone that does not turn to Jesus Christ before they leave this earth will be disappointed eternally.
Few people pursue God’s purpose for their lives by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to hear His voice tell them which legitimate careers, business, and investment opportunities they should pursue. This group often has a few and sometimes many endeavors that appear to fail. Yet, they can be sure that what they do for Christ will last, they will accumulate all of the wealth they need on earth to help them accomplish their purpose, they will successfully achieve God’s purpose for their lives, and they will receive great recompense of eternal reward. Earthly failure is not really failure when it’s used to find out what you’re not fashioned for and to sharpen your skills and abilities so that future endeavors can be successful.
Recognizing and acting on the fact that God owns it all will keep you from seeking to obtain riches by engaging in immoral, illegal, criminal, and/or detrimental activities or simply activities not instructed or directed by God. It will also help you understand that eventually you will get caught on earth or at the judgment when you stand before God Almighty. Then, everything you thought was gain will suddenly become a huge loss. Finally, it will help you understand that being unsaved and judged morally bankrupt by God brings on an eternal state of judgment that cannot be overcome with the accolades of success that you might receive on earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:27, Psalms 90:1-2, Isaiah 43:10, Ephesians 3:9, Revelations 4:11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
The first and foremost principle that must be adhered to if you want to be a good money manager is to recognize that God owns everything. You must believe it and take actions aligned with this belief. Unfortunately, most people never move from a point of believing that their wealth and income is wrought by the work of their own hands or the intellect of their minds or that of their earthly forefathers, in the case of inherited wealth.
Such false belief does not lead to their benefit because they forego the purpose for which God created them and thus a level of blessing that God desired them to have and use for building His kingdom in the hearts of men. In addition, many have financial difficulties in this life that are brought on by their lack of understanding and acting on God’s will for their lives and finances.
Many people act on a desire to be rich that is produced by the fleshly worldview that surrounds us daily (mind, emotion, will, and body wanting to experience the comforts riches provide). Many times their actions lead to breaking marriages asunder, neglecting children, being a workaholic, forsaking service in a local church, and failing to evangelize and disciple other people. They are unwilling to change such behavior because in their hearts the most important thing is making it big or maintaining wealth, regardless of whether they ever say it with their mouths.
Let’s be clear, there’s a small percentage of people with wrong attitudes, motives, and actions that earn huge incomes and accumulate great riches. They are looked up to by men because of what they have; wealth, high status, and notoriety among men and worldly institutions. However, we must not automatically assume their earthly situation is evidence that God is pleased with them nor that they are living in God’s will for their lives or money management. Most people in this category never become wealthy on earth and suffer many disappointments from unrealized dreams. The bible is clear that anyone and everyone that does not turn to Jesus Christ before they leave this earth will be disappointed eternally.
Few people pursue God’s purpose for their lives by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to hear His voice tell them which legitimate careers, business, and investment opportunities they should pursue. This group often has a few and sometimes many endeavors that appear to fail. Yet, they can be sure that what they do for Christ will last, they will accumulate all of the wealth they need on earth to help them accomplish their purpose, they will successfully achieve God’s purpose for their lives, and they will receive great recompense of eternal reward. Earthly failure is not really failure when it’s used to find out what you’re not fashioned for and to sharpen your skills and abilities so that future endeavors can be successful.
Recognizing and acting on the fact that God owns it all will keep you from seeking to obtain riches by engaging in immoral, illegal, criminal, and/or detrimental activities or simply activities not instructed or directed by God. It will also help you understand that eventually you will get caught on earth or at the judgment when you stand before God Almighty. Then, everything you thought was gain will suddenly become a huge loss. Finally, it will help you understand that being unsaved and judged morally bankrupt by God brings on an eternal state of judgment that cannot be overcome with the accolades of success that you might receive on earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:27, Psalms 90:1-2, Isaiah 43:10, Ephesians 3:9, Revelations 4:11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
MoneyWalk 452: Athlete & entertainer financial planning
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
We’ve all heard about major league sports athletes, singers, musicians, and other famous people going broke after having made enormous incomes from their talents and fortuitous opportunities. The minimum salary for major league sports athletes approaches $500,000 per year and continues to rise for those new to the league. In addition, they normally get generous raises when their service stretches into successive years even if they sit on the bench all those years.
Many of the other celebrities don’t have minimum salary tables. Their income is dependent on how many of some product, service, etc. their work or persona can sell. Yet, we’ve all seen the ‘Cribs’ shows that give us a glimpse into the opulent mansions and array of expensive cars they sport; at least the low percentage who have made it big. We also hear that they purchase clothes, jewelry, and other items that cost tens of thousands of dollars a whop.
Despite the high incomes many have earned for at least a few years and some for many years, we continue to see in our communities those who have returned and hear of a great number who are pretty much broke not many years after they reached the height of fame. What seems to be the greatest culprit is the fact that they stopped making the same amount of money.
Other situations that seem to play a part are the average longevity for being on top in the entertainment arena is a few years and the fact that many of the industries either don’t have pension plans these former stars can draw upon when they are seniors or the plans pay a fraction of what they earned during their careers. This is exacerbated for those who spent many years in the industry and made the highest incomes. Finally, some don’t have much formal education or generally needed skills to fall back on once the high income has turned into much lower income.
However, all is not as it seems. What really caused them to go broke is the fact that they did not follow God’s universal instructions for managing money and resources that can be found in the bible. Instead, they chose to follow the path that they see so many of their comrades follow and that the world teaches and examples for them: the minimum salary makers trying to live like the icons taking on more debt than they receive in income. Sure there is a low percentage who never lose all the fame and the high incomes that go with it. Yet, there are many more that will only have their moment or few years of fame and then their incomes will drastically change. If there’s one thing history has shown us it is that even icons can fall and lose it all.
Let us all take a lesson away from this; we must use wisdom in managing current incomes and our lives. On an eternal scale no one can escape the negative consequences of failing to live out the following principles and most people never escape the earthly consequences of such failure. Therefore, you should resolve to:
1) Recognize that everything you have is God’s and has been provided for you to manage while on earth. You are only a manager who should look to the Owner for instructions on how to manage money and resources.
2) Honor God through tithing and offering the moment you receive each portion of income. Give to ministries and charitable endeavors that please the Owner’s heart and help you fulfill your purpose while on earth.
3) Sacrifice short-term opulent purchases for deferred gratification and long-term comfort when you most need it by living within your means. Even though it’s difficult to see from the current vantage point, remember if your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall!!!
4) Stay away from and eliminate all debt; high interest debt first. Plan and budget to buy debt-free mansions (houses), cars, and other desired merchandise.
5) Do not cosign loans for anyone and avoid all the cousins who crawl out of the woodwork to help you spend your newfound fortune.
6) Save a substantial amount of your income in liquid accounts to help you make it through eventual downturns, rainy days, emergencies, and catastrophes. Put away at least 6 months of income and even more if you’re in an industry where pay is uncertain from month to month and year to year.
7) Invest a sizeable portion of your pay in good high quality vehicles that have a history of significantly higher growth than the inflation rate. At least 10% starting off and then more as your income grows. Very high income people may want to start off saving and investing at least 30% of their income.
8) Diversify your investments into seven or eight trustworthy institutions and vehicles. While you should have a multitude of counselors, it is not best to let any one person have power-of-attorney or ability to spend your income and assets; not your agent, attorney, accountant, manager, personal assistant, etc. Generally, it is best that you and your spouse maintain such control and give specific instructions when you want any of your helpers to handle specific financial concerns for you.
9) Work with your attorney and other financial professionals to craft a will, trusts, durable power of attorney and other estate plans that work best for you and your family in case of an early demise.
Though situations can differ a basic plan for a beginning high income earner might look something like the following. You make $1 million and receive $600,000 after taxes. You forsake debt and tithe, offer, and give to the needy $112,000. In the first year, you save $300,000 in your emergency fund (6 months take home pay), rent a nice apartment for $2000 per month ($24,000 annually), buy a $30,000 car debt-free (two year old Cadillac, Lincoln, Jeep, Lexus, Mercedes, etc.), invest $86,000 in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds, stocks, etc, and keep $4,000 of monthly spending money ($48,000 annually) for groceries, utilities, insurances, personal needs, and desires.
The second year, you might tithe, offer, and give $$124,000. You would probably not need additional emergency savings, you continue to live in the apartment, keep your debt-free car, invest $300,000, and increase your monthly spending money to $5,000. The remaining $92,000 would be put into a high-yield money market account for an eventual home purchase after your fifth year of earning such high incomes.
At this point, you would likely have over $300,000 in your emergency fund and over $1.5 million in your investment accounts to help you through a downsizing and build for the future. Increases in pay could be used to increase giving and the home fund. If longevity in the industry and high yearly incomes seem inevitable for you at this point you could purchase a home for no more than the cash you have diligently saved in the fund (at least $368,000). If not, this money could be spent on a home that would accommodate your new income level and the remaining amount should be put into your investment accounts and allowed to grow for your latter years when you’ll need the comfort and resources more than you do now.
Though this plan is not perfect, no plan is. However, a plan based on the right principles is better than no plan or one based on wrong-headed principles. The latter plans include willy-nilly spending and purchases to impress others and will ultimately leave you like a former athlete we know; broke, busted, and disgusted. We don’t want you to end up in that position when you have an ability to do better and bring honor to God in the process.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:27, Exodus 19:5, Psalms 50:10, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Ephesians 3:9
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
We’ve all heard about major league sports athletes, singers, musicians, and other famous people going broke after having made enormous incomes from their talents and fortuitous opportunities. The minimum salary for major league sports athletes approaches $500,000 per year and continues to rise for those new to the league. In addition, they normally get generous raises when their service stretches into successive years even if they sit on the bench all those years.
Many of the other celebrities don’t have minimum salary tables. Their income is dependent on how many of some product, service, etc. their work or persona can sell. Yet, we’ve all seen the ‘Cribs’ shows that give us a glimpse into the opulent mansions and array of expensive cars they sport; at least the low percentage who have made it big. We also hear that they purchase clothes, jewelry, and other items that cost tens of thousands of dollars a whop.
Despite the high incomes many have earned for at least a few years and some for many years, we continue to see in our communities those who have returned and hear of a great number who are pretty much broke not many years after they reached the height of fame. What seems to be the greatest culprit is the fact that they stopped making the same amount of money.
Other situations that seem to play a part are the average longevity for being on top in the entertainment arena is a few years and the fact that many of the industries either don’t have pension plans these former stars can draw upon when they are seniors or the plans pay a fraction of what they earned during their careers. This is exacerbated for those who spent many years in the industry and made the highest incomes. Finally, some don’t have much formal education or generally needed skills to fall back on once the high income has turned into much lower income.
However, all is not as it seems. What really caused them to go broke is the fact that they did not follow God’s universal instructions for managing money and resources that can be found in the bible. Instead, they chose to follow the path that they see so many of their comrades follow and that the world teaches and examples for them: the minimum salary makers trying to live like the icons taking on more debt than they receive in income. Sure there is a low percentage who never lose all the fame and the high incomes that go with it. Yet, there are many more that will only have their moment or few years of fame and then their incomes will drastically change. If there’s one thing history has shown us it is that even icons can fall and lose it all.
Let us all take a lesson away from this; we must use wisdom in managing current incomes and our lives. On an eternal scale no one can escape the negative consequences of failing to live out the following principles and most people never escape the earthly consequences of such failure. Therefore, you should resolve to:
1) Recognize that everything you have is God’s and has been provided for you to manage while on earth. You are only a manager who should look to the Owner for instructions on how to manage money and resources.
2) Honor God through tithing and offering the moment you receive each portion of income. Give to ministries and charitable endeavors that please the Owner’s heart and help you fulfill your purpose while on earth.
3) Sacrifice short-term opulent purchases for deferred gratification and long-term comfort when you most need it by living within your means. Even though it’s difficult to see from the current vantage point, remember if your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall!!!
4) Stay away from and eliminate all debt; high interest debt first. Plan and budget to buy debt-free mansions (houses), cars, and other desired merchandise.
5) Do not cosign loans for anyone and avoid all the cousins who crawl out of the woodwork to help you spend your newfound fortune.
6) Save a substantial amount of your income in liquid accounts to help you make it through eventual downturns, rainy days, emergencies, and catastrophes. Put away at least 6 months of income and even more if you’re in an industry where pay is uncertain from month to month and year to year.
7) Invest a sizeable portion of your pay in good high quality vehicles that have a history of significantly higher growth than the inflation rate. At least 10% starting off and then more as your income grows. Very high income people may want to start off saving and investing at least 30% of their income.
8) Diversify your investments into seven or eight trustworthy institutions and vehicles. While you should have a multitude of counselors, it is not best to let any one person have power-of-attorney or ability to spend your income and assets; not your agent, attorney, accountant, manager, personal assistant, etc. Generally, it is best that you and your spouse maintain such control and give specific instructions when you want any of your helpers to handle specific financial concerns for you.
9) Work with your attorney and other financial professionals to craft a will, trusts, durable power of attorney and other estate plans that work best for you and your family in case of an early demise.
Though situations can differ a basic plan for a beginning high income earner might look something like the following. You make $1 million and receive $600,000 after taxes. You forsake debt and tithe, offer, and give to the needy $112,000. In the first year, you save $300,000 in your emergency fund (6 months take home pay), rent a nice apartment for $2000 per month ($24,000 annually), buy a $30,000 car debt-free (two year old Cadillac, Lincoln, Jeep, Lexus, Mercedes, etc.), invest $86,000 in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds, stocks, etc, and keep $4,000 of monthly spending money ($48,000 annually) for groceries, utilities, insurances, personal needs, and desires.
The second year, you might tithe, offer, and give $$124,000. You would probably not need additional emergency savings, you continue to live in the apartment, keep your debt-free car, invest $300,000, and increase your monthly spending money to $5,000. The remaining $92,000 would be put into a high-yield money market account for an eventual home purchase after your fifth year of earning such high incomes.
At this point, you would likely have over $300,000 in your emergency fund and over $1.5 million in your investment accounts to help you through a downsizing and build for the future. Increases in pay could be used to increase giving and the home fund. If longevity in the industry and high yearly incomes seem inevitable for you at this point you could purchase a home for no more than the cash you have diligently saved in the fund (at least $368,000). If not, this money could be spent on a home that would accommodate your new income level and the remaining amount should be put into your investment accounts and allowed to grow for your latter years when you’ll need the comfort and resources more than you do now.
Though this plan is not perfect, no plan is. However, a plan based on the right principles is better than no plan or one based on wrong-headed principles. The latter plans include willy-nilly spending and purchases to impress others and will ultimately leave you like a former athlete we know; broke, busted, and disgusted. We don’t want you to end up in that position when you have an ability to do better and bring honor to God in the process.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 1:27, Exodus 19:5, Psalms 50:10, Ecclesiastes 12:1, Ephesians 3:9
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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