This program will help you undo financial bondage.
God recognizes that you honor Him first when your heart is conditioned to budget your income so that your plan is always to first make sure He will receive (thru His church – the local representation of Jesus Christ on earth) the portion of your income that scripture instructs.
Actually giving the amount to Him first may be possible if you’re an entrepreneur who makes the decision how all disbursements from your gross business revenue will be given out. However, it is impossible for most people who work for employers that are obligated by Uncle Sam to automatically take income and payroll tax from your gross pay and forward it federal, state, and local governments.
The fact that you cannot actually give to God first is not dishonoring to Him in this situation because you cannot exert control over this government mandated process. The Lord is more interested in you not giving Him blemished, spotted, wrinkled, and crippled sacrifices with regard to the after tax income that is in your control. Spending first on all your desires and even things you feel you need when you have not set aside the tithe and an offering for Him and His kingdom use is dishonoring God because it shows that you do not trust Him to care for all your need while you follow His instructions.
That house, car, kid’s camp, private school tuition, food, clothing, etc. is not more important than following His commands and instructions. We must let our heart be transformed in the area of managing income and giving so that we can say like the psalmist, “Obeying your every word is my necessary food!” When you follow scriptural instructions God will take care of all your need and many times way beyond that even though the picture looks grim right now.
The scriptures about Abraham, Jacob, faithful Israelites as well as Jesus instructions in Matthew 23:23 and the example in Hebrews 7:8 show that the tithe given to Jesus’ under-shepherd’s on earth (church leaders) and received by Him in Heaven is the starting point for determining our faithfulness managing our income to glorify God. Beyond that He desires that we willingly give an offering because we love Him and other people and desire to see them reached with the gospel and saved from destruction.
The organism and mechanism He built for carrying out that mission is His organized church lead by elders such as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers who equip believers and administer all the physical aspects needed to make it happen (meeting places, tools, classes, volunteers, paid staff, instruction to deacons, etc.).
It is not the ten percent tithe and an offering that keep people from having their needs met or living an abundant life. It is their lack of planning and budgeting to honor God with the first fruits of their income when they receive it that causes them to dwell in the land of broke, disgusted, and can’t be trusted. Ninety percent of your income less an offering and required taxes is more than enough to live on when you have the Living God supporting you.
They simply don’t trust the truth of His word that if they obey He will:
1) Open the windows of Heaven over them and pour them out a blessing they don’t have room enough to receive.
2) Rebuke the devourer for their sakes so that they are abundantly fruitful.
3) Add all the other things to them.
4) Inspire people to give into their lives full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.
5) Cause all grace to abound to them so that they have all sufficiency in all things and more than enough for every good work they are supposed to do and help with.
6) Provide all their need according to His riches in glory in Jesus Christ.
Being a faithful giver may require you to sacrifice some pleasures and reduce the amount you're currently paying some of your creditors in order to tithe and give offerings to God. However, in due time, He will supernaturally bless your finances by getting the devil off your case. This allows you to eventually obtain money you need to pay all creditors what you owe them, stay out of debt, and live in abundance well into the future. Let’s wholly put our trust in Him and not in what we think is best based on our limited view of the situation, surroundings, and future.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 14:20-24, Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 7:2, Mark 4:24, Luke 6:38, Acts 20:35
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
MoneyWalk 53: How Much Is Enough?
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
The bible warns everyone not to trust in money no matter what assets or income they hold in life because it will fail you. Just when you think you’ve obtained enough you’ll experience a problem too big or too relationship-based for money to take care of.
In contrast, scripture tells everyone to trust in Jesus Christ because what you do for Him will last. Through this relationship God is helping you build an eternal habitation in heaven and a portal on earth for other men to find Him and experience the depth of love that you’ve come to know in Him.
God provides lifestyle principles and material things for the faithful (rich and poor) that they don't have to pay for; allowing them to tithe and give more of their income in offerings to their local church and other ministries in order for the gospel to be spread worldwide and be a blessing to many others.
The biblical model of money management recognizes that more money and more things will not make you happier or better, rather fulfilling His purpose for your life will bring fulfillment. Thus, the lifestyle that helps draw into your life the kind of people, resources, money, etc. that God will use to help you fulfill His plan for your life is the kind that meets your true needs and builds wealth that lasts throughout many generations and into eternity.
No matter the size of your income you can, in an abundant way, deliver the gospel of Christ to other people. The parable of the talents and minas in the books of Matthew and Luke show that God expects you to properly manage your talent, mind, income, and assets according to His commands. You can expect great blessings when you follow His instructions.
The opposite form of lifestyle and money management thinks the winner is the one with the most money, stuff, position, power, and earthly influence. It brings eternal if not earthly destruction and fails to provide you and other loved ones with the principles, fortitude, and activities necessary to be truly successful in God’s eyes.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9-18, 27:23-27, Matthew 25:14-31, Luke 19:12-27
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
The bible warns everyone not to trust in money no matter what assets or income they hold in life because it will fail you. Just when you think you’ve obtained enough you’ll experience a problem too big or too relationship-based for money to take care of.
In contrast, scripture tells everyone to trust in Jesus Christ because what you do for Him will last. Through this relationship God is helping you build an eternal habitation in heaven and a portal on earth for other men to find Him and experience the depth of love that you’ve come to know in Him.
God provides lifestyle principles and material things for the faithful (rich and poor) that they don't have to pay for; allowing them to tithe and give more of their income in offerings to their local church and other ministries in order for the gospel to be spread worldwide and be a blessing to many others.
The biblical model of money management recognizes that more money and more things will not make you happier or better, rather fulfilling His purpose for your life will bring fulfillment. Thus, the lifestyle that helps draw into your life the kind of people, resources, money, etc. that God will use to help you fulfill His plan for your life is the kind that meets your true needs and builds wealth that lasts throughout many generations and into eternity.
No matter the size of your income you can, in an abundant way, deliver the gospel of Christ to other people. The parable of the talents and minas in the books of Matthew and Luke show that God expects you to properly manage your talent, mind, income, and assets according to His commands. You can expect great blessings when you follow His instructions.
The opposite form of lifestyle and money management thinks the winner is the one with the most money, stuff, position, power, and earthly influence. It brings eternal if not earthly destruction and fails to provide you and other loved ones with the principles, fortitude, and activities necessary to be truly successful in God’s eyes.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9-18, 27:23-27, Matthew 25:14-31, Luke 19:12-27
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
MoneyWalk 52: The Diligent Person Is Made Rich
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Start working to please the Lord instead of man. This heart attitude positively changes the environment in which you work and moves the LORD to provide more opportunities for your upward mobility. If you become a diligent worker who doesn't complain, your present situation will become a link to the next higher step in God's spiritual and financial development for you. He'll show you how to stretch your current income and He'll increase it at various points in the future through promotions and new opportunities that may be in fields and places other than your current employment.
Allowing a root of bitterness to take hold because you believe God or men owe you something more than your current income provides causes depression. In addition, such an ungrateful attitude is normally accompanied by unfaithfulness to assigned tasks. This causes you to suffer emotionally, financially, and spiritually because it does not allow your diligence to be seen by those around you and thus does not provide an avenue for elevation by the mighty hand of God. In fact, the rotten fruit produced by it will ultimately result in your being abased in life and in eternity, when un-repented it causes you to forsake relationship with Christ.
Be diligent and aspire to lead your life in quietness and peacefulness while producing good work. When you see your job as a blessing instead of a burden you oil the godly networking machine so it can positively change your financial future. Many opportunities will come your way as a result of a diligent attitude and actions. This will bring promotions and increases that lead to elimination of debt and business ventures that were not possible when you were discontent and full of negativity.
Another benefit that accrues through diligence in living out biblical principles including those related to your finances is that you will overcome the destruction caused by engaging in worldly financial behaviors. For example, people who decided and acted to eliminate debt and live debt-free and stuck with that plan found that they are not negatively affected by ways in which many institutions and employers use credit histories to determine prices, interest, and penalties you pay now and in the future for merchandise and services.
These folks use debt sparingly and responsibly, if at all, and only on business endeavors or assets that have a long-term history of appreciating in value. Thus, they did not experience negative outcomes with regard to the review and scoring of their credit histories. Living in God’s principles produces responsible and prudent people and served as a guard against the financial collapse that many others suffered.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 6:6-11, 19:15, 2Thessalonians 3:10-12, James 2:21-26
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Start working to please the Lord instead of man. This heart attitude positively changes the environment in which you work and moves the LORD to provide more opportunities for your upward mobility. If you become a diligent worker who doesn't complain, your present situation will become a link to the next higher step in God's spiritual and financial development for you. He'll show you how to stretch your current income and He'll increase it at various points in the future through promotions and new opportunities that may be in fields and places other than your current employment.
Allowing a root of bitterness to take hold because you believe God or men owe you something more than your current income provides causes depression. In addition, such an ungrateful attitude is normally accompanied by unfaithfulness to assigned tasks. This causes you to suffer emotionally, financially, and spiritually because it does not allow your diligence to be seen by those around you and thus does not provide an avenue for elevation by the mighty hand of God. In fact, the rotten fruit produced by it will ultimately result in your being abased in life and in eternity, when un-repented it causes you to forsake relationship with Christ.
Be diligent and aspire to lead your life in quietness and peacefulness while producing good work. When you see your job as a blessing instead of a burden you oil the godly networking machine so it can positively change your financial future. Many opportunities will come your way as a result of a diligent attitude and actions. This will bring promotions and increases that lead to elimination of debt and business ventures that were not possible when you were discontent and full of negativity.
Another benefit that accrues through diligence in living out biblical principles including those related to your finances is that you will overcome the destruction caused by engaging in worldly financial behaviors. For example, people who decided and acted to eliminate debt and live debt-free and stuck with that plan found that they are not negatively affected by ways in which many institutions and employers use credit histories to determine prices, interest, and penalties you pay now and in the future for merchandise and services.
These folks use debt sparingly and responsibly, if at all, and only on business endeavors or assets that have a long-term history of appreciating in value. Thus, they did not experience negative outcomes with regard to the review and scoring of their credit histories. Living in God’s principles produces responsible and prudent people and served as a guard against the financial collapse that many others suffered.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 6:6-11, 19:15, 2Thessalonians 3:10-12, James 2:21-26
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
MoneyWalk 51: Patience Is Required
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
In order to truly prosper on earth and throughout eternity, you must sow seed by doing the things that God told believers to do. You will have a mind to follow His commands only when you diligently seek Him in praise, worship, and prayer. Such intimacy will cause you to by faith honor God in doing good works, tithing, and offering.
Struggles and difficult financial situations will arise because giving to support ministry allows the gospel to spread throughout the Earth thereby positively changing the lives of men. Satan and his demonic forces don't want your money used for this purpose because they hate humans and want us destroyed.
Never fear, walk by faith and not by sight believing God's word that He will work all situations for good for those who love Him. So, faithfully serve, tithe, and give offerings to Christian ministries to meet the needs of other people at home and abroad. Then exhibit patience by waiting for the fruit of God's economic plan to ripen so that you may harvest them for the benefit of others and yourself.
Patiently seeking the Lord, waiting on Him to provide when the time is right, using biblical principles to order your life and your finances throughout your life will ensure that the windows of Heaven remain open to you with blessings poured upon you. You will not have room enough to contain them and thus you will get to pour much of it out upon other people. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Remember Jesus did not come to earth to be crucified until 4,000 years of life on earth had passed. Once here, He could not begin His earthly ministry at 12 years old instead He had to be patient and wait until He was 30 years old. He couldn’t bypass the ridicule, persecution, and suffering but had to endure 3.5 years until He was hung on and nailed to a cross. Then, he could not immediately come down but in agony suffered for awhile. Finally, He died and had to wait 3 days for His resurrection to be made evident.
In this same manner, you will suffer persecution, ridicule, embarrassment and some other distasteful acts and rules against you when you serve Christ to the world. While doing all you can to be His witness and find ways to spread His Word and share His Life with others, you must exhibit patience and let it produce its perfect work. God will continue to give you ultimate victory over satan, demons, and wicked people in eternity and in this life and you will lack nothing that is needed.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 20:21, Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 5:3, Galatians 6:9, James 1:2-8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
In order to truly prosper on earth and throughout eternity, you must sow seed by doing the things that God told believers to do. You will have a mind to follow His commands only when you diligently seek Him in praise, worship, and prayer. Such intimacy will cause you to by faith honor God in doing good works, tithing, and offering.
Struggles and difficult financial situations will arise because giving to support ministry allows the gospel to spread throughout the Earth thereby positively changing the lives of men. Satan and his demonic forces don't want your money used for this purpose because they hate humans and want us destroyed.
Never fear, walk by faith and not by sight believing God's word that He will work all situations for good for those who love Him. So, faithfully serve, tithe, and give offerings to Christian ministries to meet the needs of other people at home and abroad. Then exhibit patience by waiting for the fruit of God's economic plan to ripen so that you may harvest them for the benefit of others and yourself.
Patiently seeking the Lord, waiting on Him to provide when the time is right, using biblical principles to order your life and your finances throughout your life will ensure that the windows of Heaven remain open to you with blessings poured upon you. You will not have room enough to contain them and thus you will get to pour much of it out upon other people. You are blessed to be a blessing.
Remember Jesus did not come to earth to be crucified until 4,000 years of life on earth had passed. Once here, He could not begin His earthly ministry at 12 years old instead He had to be patient and wait until He was 30 years old. He couldn’t bypass the ridicule, persecution, and suffering but had to endure 3.5 years until He was hung on and nailed to a cross. Then, he could not immediately come down but in agony suffered for awhile. Finally, He died and had to wait 3 days for His resurrection to be made evident.
In this same manner, you will suffer persecution, ridicule, embarrassment and some other distasteful acts and rules against you when you serve Christ to the world. While doing all you can to be His witness and find ways to spread His Word and share His Life with others, you must exhibit patience and let it produce its perfect work. God will continue to give you ultimate victory over satan, demons, and wicked people in eternity and in this life and you will lack nothing that is needed.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 20:21, Isaiah 55:10-11, Romans 5:3, Galatians 6:9, James 1:2-8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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