This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Rest assured that your business can be debt-free, when that is the vision and goal that you pursue. In fact, it is best to start a business using the debt-free principle and grow the business in employees, location, and equipment as God opens the windows of heaven upon your business and it brings a greater number of customers and sales.
The debt-free / debt-elimination principle that one should employ for his personal finances also applies to the way that God desires us to run businesses. Just like you shouldn’t make personal lifestyle decisions and purchases based on what the Joneses purchase, you also should not make business decisions just because the Business Joneses operate that way. Otherwise, you will fail to have the vision of God for your business and its growth and you will accrue a mountain of debt.
Certainly, you could point to a very small number of businesses that started and appear to be thriving even though the founders borrowed to the hilt from their credit cards and families. Yet, do not think that this one or two percent of the businesses set the standard for how you should start business and fund it along the way. After all, the businesses that go bankrupt and have properties foreclosed on (and it happens to some everyday) are those that have debt that they cannot pay.
You should recognize the manner in which the bible identifies business owners starting and operating business and that God owns everything including the business you manage and that He is able to make all grace abound to you so that you will have all sufficiency in all things in Christ to allow your business to be everything that He wants it to be without you going into debt to make it happen.
One thing is certain, when you use methods outside of the principles of God to start or maintain anything, including your business, you will be faced with consequences at some point in the future that will bring problems into your life and family, which normally include a separation from Him, destruction of the family unit, debt-bondage, and stress.
Businesses that operate without debt have a much better opportunity to stay out of bankruptcy, foreclosure, and stress inducing situations even when on a cyclical basis the economy goes south. So don’t pattern yourself after this world system and believe the lie that you need to get all the loans you can in order to make your business work and grow.
When you follow the world, you are bound to come crashing down and lose everything or have significant financial problems just like the many people who pursued ever larger homes and mortgage loans. They believed that the bubble would never burst. Well, Murphy is waiting at your door for you to make imprudent decisions so he can mess you up good. Don’t be fooled by the enemies design for your life and your business. Stick with God’s plan and way of doing things and you’ll find that He will provide for you according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Business with no debt is certainly available to you when you keep your eyes on the author and perfecter of your faith.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 28:12, Psalm 37:4,5,21, Proverbs 22:7, Luke 14:28, Romans 13:8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
MoneyWalk 464: God blesses entrepreneurial endeavors
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Everyone is designed to work and many people are fashioned and skilled to work for others, yet some people are gifted with a vision that thrusts them into entrepreneurial endeavors. Work in any of these forms God created and good for allowing people to exercise their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and take dominion over the earth and everything that God created in it.
Each person should realize that he is no more special than any other person regardless of the role that he plays in the work environment: that of a business-owner / CEO or secretary / worker bee. We simply play different roles and each one is ordained by God and honored by Him as long as the type of work falls within the bounds of biblical morality.
Many of those truly gifted, called, and trained as business-owners and corporate executives generally have a different level of vision that allows them to see the end goal that seems impossible to achieve at the moment. They are also able to formulate a plan of attack that will allow them to realize the goal or obtain something very close to it using, in the beginning, resources that seem too meager to get them where they want to be.
In order to grasp the fact that God will bless people who pursue entrepreneurial endeavors and even more so when they present them as a sacrifice to Him, one only needs to read and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding concerning the entrepreneurial endeavors of Abraham, Jacob, Job, Boaz, Jesse-father of King David, Joseph of Arimathea, Lydia-seller of purple, and many others contained in scripture. He is delighted when people use the gifts He has given them in order to serve other people in a positive manner by providing employment, products, and services that can help them live a better and more fulfilling life.
Now, everyone cannot at the same time become entrepreneurs otherwise those truly called to such endeavors would not be able to meet staffing needs to bring forth the vision God has given them. Thus, those called to business should honor and treat well those that are employees recognizing that they are partners in the grand plan that God is using to make products and provide services for the betterment of mankind.
Unfortunately, some people on both sides of the ledger (business-owner / CEO and employee / worker bee) do not realize the unique place that God positioned the other and sometimes this causes them to have a respecter-of-persons attitude that distrusts, belittles, and considers those at the other end of the spectrum unworthy of God’s greater blessing and reward.
You can be delivered from this type of attitude by understanding that each work role is vital and honorable before God and is to be done with all your might and skill as unto the Lord. Also, you will overcome haughty and high-minded mentalities by understanding that an entrepreneur will often go through years of training as an employee before coming into His own. He should desire respect from other people and display the same respect to others no matter what their employment positions.
If he has been mistreated and looked down on by those at the top levels of former employers, this should be a lesson to him to not mimic that same mistreatment to those that will eventually work for him. Rather, he should treat them with the utmost respect and allow this consideration to help him and his board of advisors set workplace rules, safety procedures, employee compensation, benefits packages, etc. in accordance with the scriptural command to love his neighbors as he loves himself.
If you truly want to be fulfilled and know that God is pleased with your endeavors, make sure that the type of work is not immoral or illegal and make a habit of frequently announcing to yourself, and others when necessary, that God is the true owner of the business and you are the manager of His affairs for this endeavor. Frequently, invite Him to speak to you and your board of advisors about the vision, goals, organization, workflow, and witty ideas and ways to fulfill the calling that He has given you via the entrepreneurial endeavor.
He is able to keep you from falling and point you in the right direction concerning business needs and pursuits. He will strengthen you to overcome the trials, obstacles, and hardships that you will face in this arena. Ultimately, He will let you know or let situations tell you when, for how long, and for what purpose you are to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. For some this lasts a lifetime and spans many generations and for others it may be a much shorter time period. Trust Him and look to Him and He will ensure that you will reach the finish line He destined for you!
A couple of other tips to keep in mind, many of the same practices that make for successful stewardship of personal finances also make for successful stewardship of entrepreneurial endeavors:
Plan and budget income and expenses, eliminate / pay off debt, work to operate on a debt-free basis, refuse to cosign, establish a six-month to one year emergency fund, invest profits, and diversify investments and asset. Using these tools as part of the spiritual moral foundation outlined above will greatly prosper your endeavors.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalm 90:17, 128:1-2, Proverbs 12:11, Acts 20:24, James 2:26, 5:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Everyone is designed to work and many people are fashioned and skilled to work for others, yet some people are gifted with a vision that thrusts them into entrepreneurial endeavors. Work in any of these forms God created and good for allowing people to exercise their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and take dominion over the earth and everything that God created in it.
Each person should realize that he is no more special than any other person regardless of the role that he plays in the work environment: that of a business-owner / CEO or secretary / worker bee. We simply play different roles and each one is ordained by God and honored by Him as long as the type of work falls within the bounds of biblical morality.
Many of those truly gifted, called, and trained as business-owners and corporate executives generally have a different level of vision that allows them to see the end goal that seems impossible to achieve at the moment. They are also able to formulate a plan of attack that will allow them to realize the goal or obtain something very close to it using, in the beginning, resources that seem too meager to get them where they want to be.
In order to grasp the fact that God will bless people who pursue entrepreneurial endeavors and even more so when they present them as a sacrifice to Him, one only needs to read and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding concerning the entrepreneurial endeavors of Abraham, Jacob, Job, Boaz, Jesse-father of King David, Joseph of Arimathea, Lydia-seller of purple, and many others contained in scripture. He is delighted when people use the gifts He has given them in order to serve other people in a positive manner by providing employment, products, and services that can help them live a better and more fulfilling life.
Now, everyone cannot at the same time become entrepreneurs otherwise those truly called to such endeavors would not be able to meet staffing needs to bring forth the vision God has given them. Thus, those called to business should honor and treat well those that are employees recognizing that they are partners in the grand plan that God is using to make products and provide services for the betterment of mankind.
Unfortunately, some people on both sides of the ledger (business-owner / CEO and employee / worker bee) do not realize the unique place that God positioned the other and sometimes this causes them to have a respecter-of-persons attitude that distrusts, belittles, and considers those at the other end of the spectrum unworthy of God’s greater blessing and reward.
You can be delivered from this type of attitude by understanding that each work role is vital and honorable before God and is to be done with all your might and skill as unto the Lord. Also, you will overcome haughty and high-minded mentalities by understanding that an entrepreneur will often go through years of training as an employee before coming into His own. He should desire respect from other people and display the same respect to others no matter what their employment positions.
If he has been mistreated and looked down on by those at the top levels of former employers, this should be a lesson to him to not mimic that same mistreatment to those that will eventually work for him. Rather, he should treat them with the utmost respect and allow this consideration to help him and his board of advisors set workplace rules, safety procedures, employee compensation, benefits packages, etc. in accordance with the scriptural command to love his neighbors as he loves himself.
If you truly want to be fulfilled and know that God is pleased with your endeavors, make sure that the type of work is not immoral or illegal and make a habit of frequently announcing to yourself, and others when necessary, that God is the true owner of the business and you are the manager of His affairs for this endeavor. Frequently, invite Him to speak to you and your board of advisors about the vision, goals, organization, workflow, and witty ideas and ways to fulfill the calling that He has given you via the entrepreneurial endeavor.
He is able to keep you from falling and point you in the right direction concerning business needs and pursuits. He will strengthen you to overcome the trials, obstacles, and hardships that you will face in this arena. Ultimately, He will let you know or let situations tell you when, for how long, and for what purpose you are to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. For some this lasts a lifetime and spans many generations and for others it may be a much shorter time period. Trust Him and look to Him and He will ensure that you will reach the finish line He destined for you!
A couple of other tips to keep in mind, many of the same practices that make for successful stewardship of personal finances also make for successful stewardship of entrepreneurial endeavors:
Plan and budget income and expenses, eliminate / pay off debt, work to operate on a debt-free basis, refuse to cosign, establish a six-month to one year emergency fund, invest profits, and diversify investments and asset. Using these tools as part of the spiritual moral foundation outlined above will greatly prosper your endeavors.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalm 90:17, 128:1-2, Proverbs 12:11, Acts 20:24, James 2:26, 5:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
MoneyWalk 97: Your testimony is powerful
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
People are trying to measure whether or not your testimony is significant or not. Some want to measure it simply because they desire to continue in unbelief, so that their chosen beliefs and lifestyles are not challenged by the truth of God’s word declared in the bible. Thus, they will ridicule anything that is based on that truth. Others want to measure it because they feel a need for change in their lives and are wondering if your testimony will lead them to the person or path they need to take to obtain the changes they need.
What you must remember is that your testimony should lead them to Jesus Christ, his earthly life, death on the cross, shedding of blood, and resurrection life for evermore regardless of the measurement people would put on it. You must become immune to the attacks and the praise that others would heap upon you because it is not about you. It’s about Jesus and what He has done and can do for those who will hear your testimony.
When you have accepted Jesus Christ, salvation and eternal life are yours. Rest assured that you have a powerful testimony no matter what others think. Your testimony will dovetail with the gospel and be used by the Holy Spirit as a means to lead many people to Christ. You only have to believe it and be unafraid to share it in whatever relationships and forums you have available to you (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, social groups, etc.).
People who are or would be spiritual-minded understand the great value your testimony represents concerning the progressive removal of worldly impurities that engulfed your life. While the greater treasure awaits you when you are resurrected to dwell with Christ in your heavenly home, the renewal of your life begins immediately upon accepting Christ in that:
1. You actively desire and seek to become more like Jesus Christ and live in intimacy with Him each day.
2. You actively utilize biblical principles in every area of life and learn to live a truly fulfilling life on this temporary home called earth by doing what God’s word says is good to do and staying away from what His word says is wicked and sinful.
3. You give a tithe and offering of your income to further what's truly important to the Lord: bringing other people closer to Christ and help train them in His way of living and serving others.
Temptations, trials, hurt, and loss challenge every person. The fact that you go through such situations is not a sign of weakness! Your strength is shown by responding to these situations in faith with obedience to scriptural principles and with an eye toward sharing your testimony to serve others by leading them to the One who can change their lives for the better. When you patiently apply biblical principles through every situation that you go through, Christ promises you true significance, fulfillment, victory, success, and prosperity on this earth and throughout eternity.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Revelation 12:11, Proverbs 3:1-4, Ephesians 6:10-18, James 1:2-12, 1Peter 5:8-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
People are trying to measure whether or not your testimony is significant or not. Some want to measure it simply because they desire to continue in unbelief, so that their chosen beliefs and lifestyles are not challenged by the truth of God’s word declared in the bible. Thus, they will ridicule anything that is based on that truth. Others want to measure it because they feel a need for change in their lives and are wondering if your testimony will lead them to the person or path they need to take to obtain the changes they need.
What you must remember is that your testimony should lead them to Jesus Christ, his earthly life, death on the cross, shedding of blood, and resurrection life for evermore regardless of the measurement people would put on it. You must become immune to the attacks and the praise that others would heap upon you because it is not about you. It’s about Jesus and what He has done and can do for those who will hear your testimony.
When you have accepted Jesus Christ, salvation and eternal life are yours. Rest assured that you have a powerful testimony no matter what others think. Your testimony will dovetail with the gospel and be used by the Holy Spirit as a means to lead many people to Christ. You only have to believe it and be unafraid to share it in whatever relationships and forums you have available to you (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, social groups, etc.).
People who are or would be spiritual-minded understand the great value your testimony represents concerning the progressive removal of worldly impurities that engulfed your life. While the greater treasure awaits you when you are resurrected to dwell with Christ in your heavenly home, the renewal of your life begins immediately upon accepting Christ in that:
1. You actively desire and seek to become more like Jesus Christ and live in intimacy with Him each day.
2. You actively utilize biblical principles in every area of life and learn to live a truly fulfilling life on this temporary home called earth by doing what God’s word says is good to do and staying away from what His word says is wicked and sinful.
3. You give a tithe and offering of your income to further what's truly important to the Lord: bringing other people closer to Christ and help train them in His way of living and serving others.
Temptations, trials, hurt, and loss challenge every person. The fact that you go through such situations is not a sign of weakness! Your strength is shown by responding to these situations in faith with obedience to scriptural principles and with an eye toward sharing your testimony to serve others by leading them to the One who can change their lives for the better. When you patiently apply biblical principles through every situation that you go through, Christ promises you true significance, fulfillment, victory, success, and prosperity on this earth and throughout eternity.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Revelation 12:11, Proverbs 3:1-4, Ephesians 6:10-18, James 1:2-12, 1Peter 5:8-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
MoneyWalk 95: Tell the truth in love
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Jesus Christ’s will and way is for His Church to love all people even though we may not like their attitudes or what they do. Heck, sometimes you shouldn’t love your own attitudes and actions but He still loves you and you should still love you. How much more then should you extend His mercy and grace to other people? The answer is always.
Thus, by the power of the Holy Spirit through faith we work to spread the gospel in our families, communities, and around the world using words and deeds. The bible tells us that the foolishness of preaching the gospel one-on-one or to a congregation brings people of every race, creed, or nationality to Jesus Christ. It also lets us know that our nature was created in Christ to do good works. Our stewardship of money plays an important role in helping expand our reach. Over time, it helps enlarge our efforts in building relationships with many people because it adds great force and effect to our words and deeds.
One important area of your witness of God’s glory is your desire and discipline in properly managing the money He entrusts to you. Everything you have comes from Him and your position in life would not be possible without His intervention and favor in your life.
People want to know that Jesus Christ made a tremendous difference in your financial life as a witness of His power because this is one of the foremost areas in which they are suffering. Conversations that help them eliminate financial bondage in their lives will be a road that leads them to Christ. While you don't have the power to make them choose salvation and produce good fruit in their lives, you do have the ability to tell the truth in love about:
1) Eternal consequence of not accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord;
2) Ignorance of and rebellion against biblical instruction that causes people to dwell in a dry land;
3) Financial habits and mismanagement that is destroying their earthly purpose;
4) God’s faithfulness in this life and throughout eternity in bringing His people victory over every temptation, trial, and obstacle they face.
Answer the call. In humility, seasoned by God’s grace, extending mercy, tell others the truth in love and do not forget that your management of money plays a tremendous role in your effectiveness and reach. You can make a tremendous difference for good in many other people’s lives.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 5:14-16, Matthew 6:21, Luke 16:11, Ephesians 4:15-16, 2Peter 3:11-15
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
Jesus Christ’s will and way is for His Church to love all people even though we may not like their attitudes or what they do. Heck, sometimes you shouldn’t love your own attitudes and actions but He still loves you and you should still love you. How much more then should you extend His mercy and grace to other people? The answer is always.
Thus, by the power of the Holy Spirit through faith we work to spread the gospel in our families, communities, and around the world using words and deeds. The bible tells us that the foolishness of preaching the gospel one-on-one or to a congregation brings people of every race, creed, or nationality to Jesus Christ. It also lets us know that our nature was created in Christ to do good works. Our stewardship of money plays an important role in helping expand our reach. Over time, it helps enlarge our efforts in building relationships with many people because it adds great force and effect to our words and deeds.
One important area of your witness of God’s glory is your desire and discipline in properly managing the money He entrusts to you. Everything you have comes from Him and your position in life would not be possible without His intervention and favor in your life.
People want to know that Jesus Christ made a tremendous difference in your financial life as a witness of His power because this is one of the foremost areas in which they are suffering. Conversations that help them eliminate financial bondage in their lives will be a road that leads them to Christ. While you don't have the power to make them choose salvation and produce good fruit in their lives, you do have the ability to tell the truth in love about:
1) Eternal consequence of not accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord;
2) Ignorance of and rebellion against biblical instruction that causes people to dwell in a dry land;
3) Financial habits and mismanagement that is destroying their earthly purpose;
4) God’s faithfulness in this life and throughout eternity in bringing His people victory over every temptation, trial, and obstacle they face.
Answer the call. In humility, seasoned by God’s grace, extending mercy, tell others the truth in love and do not forget that your management of money plays a tremendous role in your effectiveness and reach. You can make a tremendous difference for good in many other people’s lives.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 5:14-16, Matthew 6:21, Luke 16:11, Ephesians 4:15-16, 2Peter 3:11-15
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
Monday, May 2, 2011
MoneyWalk 96: This Is Interesting
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
It’s interesting that most people give away far more money in interest and fees to financial institutions than they do to honor God. It's also interesting that people on average give less than 2% of their income to the church and promote the argument that God doesn't require anyone to tithe as their basis for giving whatever their will decides to give or feels they can afford to give.
It's interesting that the employer or customers you get income from couldn't give it to you, helping you derive income and accumulate wealth, without God having long ago created the world with all the natural resources and human gifting / skill necessary for you to make products and provide services that they are willing to purchase with the income and assets He provided them.
It's interesting that He’s the One who loves you and allows you to obtain 100% of your income and all of the money you will ever receive. Giving Him a tithe and having 90% left over is a great help to your financial plan and family well being, because He’s promised to give more to manage to each good steward who abundantly gives through His church to spread the gospel.
The Old Testament and The New Testament clearly show that tithing is a faith principle that blesses those who do not shut their mind and hands to it. It is a practice that helps improve our spiritual and natural well-being so that we can show ourselves that we love God more than anything on this earth including the money that He provides. It also helps us discipline ourselves to live within our means and organize our stewardship of the resources God provides so that we can build the structure of our lives and ministry in the marketplace according to His principles and not the rudiments of the world.
As the old saying goes, when your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. Many people do not realize how much the failure to display the principle of tithing has led to their failure to properly discipline themselves financially. This has led to dishonoring the Maker /Giver of all things good and the financial troubles that many experience.
Alas, many oppose this insight because they cannot see an earthly link between the two, many oppose it because they say they cannot afford to tithe, and many claim that they oppose it because they do not interpret scripture to show that it is something God calls His people to do in New Testament times, many oppose it because they believe it is works based and therefore not to be regarded in this dispensation of grace, and many oppose it because they see some people on earth have great resources at their disposal even though they have never tithed.
What they fail to see is that no man will force them to tithe, but it would be a great blessing to them and their families if they do it by faith as the Holy Spirit leads believers to do. For it is better to be in the will of God, helping to spread His kingdom, and being a part of bringing other people into it, than to have the resources of any other man (no matter how rich) at your disposal.
What man would say that the following would be works that by grace he should not believe in, commit to, and do?
1) Saying the Lord’s name only in ways that will honor and respect it.
2) Worshipping the Lord only and not worship idols in any respect.
3) Honoring a Sabbath and keeping it holy.
4) Honoring his spouse and everyone else by not commit adultery.
5) Honoring his father and mother.
6) Speaking only truth and not witnessing falsely against another person.
7) Being content with what the Lord provides him and not coveting the resources in the care of other people.
8) Working with his hands to provide that which is good instead of stealing.
Even though these are instructions given in the Old Testament law, they emanate from the command to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself, which can only be done by faith in God while knowing that the above things are pleasing or displeasing to Him. In like manner tithing is done by faith knowing what pleases God, with a desire to be obedient to His will. Thus, it is not works based but faith based before the law was given to Moses and spoken to the people of Israel and even today faith without good works is dead.
Unfortunately, many people have more faith in the worldly way of doing things, impressing people, and fulfilling their own desires than they do in truly pleasing God and following His instruction. Many complain and blame God for their tight financial situation although He is not the one who bought houses, cars, clothing, boats, campers, and other products and services that are too expensive for their current income. It's interesting that, if only they would honor God with the tithe and wait on His timing, He would give them the real desire of their heart without the financial turmoil and hardships that accompany indebtedness and poor stewardship.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalm 24:1, 37:4, Proverbs 22:7, Luke 12:20-21, 1Corinthians 10:26, Hebrews 7:8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
It’s interesting that most people give away far more money in interest and fees to financial institutions than they do to honor God. It's also interesting that people on average give less than 2% of their income to the church and promote the argument that God doesn't require anyone to tithe as their basis for giving whatever their will decides to give or feels they can afford to give.
It's interesting that the employer or customers you get income from couldn't give it to you, helping you derive income and accumulate wealth, without God having long ago created the world with all the natural resources and human gifting / skill necessary for you to make products and provide services that they are willing to purchase with the income and assets He provided them.
It's interesting that He’s the One who loves you and allows you to obtain 100% of your income and all of the money you will ever receive. Giving Him a tithe and having 90% left over is a great help to your financial plan and family well being, because He’s promised to give more to manage to each good steward who abundantly gives through His church to spread the gospel.
The Old Testament and The New Testament clearly show that tithing is a faith principle that blesses those who do not shut their mind and hands to it. It is a practice that helps improve our spiritual and natural well-being so that we can show ourselves that we love God more than anything on this earth including the money that He provides. It also helps us discipline ourselves to live within our means and organize our stewardship of the resources God provides so that we can build the structure of our lives and ministry in the marketplace according to His principles and not the rudiments of the world.
As the old saying goes, when your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. Many people do not realize how much the failure to display the principle of tithing has led to their failure to properly discipline themselves financially. This has led to dishonoring the Maker /Giver of all things good and the financial troubles that many experience.
Alas, many oppose this insight because they cannot see an earthly link between the two, many oppose it because they say they cannot afford to tithe, and many claim that they oppose it because they do not interpret scripture to show that it is something God calls His people to do in New Testament times, many oppose it because they believe it is works based and therefore not to be regarded in this dispensation of grace, and many oppose it because they see some people on earth have great resources at their disposal even though they have never tithed.
What they fail to see is that no man will force them to tithe, but it would be a great blessing to them and their families if they do it by faith as the Holy Spirit leads believers to do. For it is better to be in the will of God, helping to spread His kingdom, and being a part of bringing other people into it, than to have the resources of any other man (no matter how rich) at your disposal.
What man would say that the following would be works that by grace he should not believe in, commit to, and do?
1) Saying the Lord’s name only in ways that will honor and respect it.
2) Worshipping the Lord only and not worship idols in any respect.
3) Honoring a Sabbath and keeping it holy.
4) Honoring his spouse and everyone else by not commit adultery.
5) Honoring his father and mother.
6) Speaking only truth and not witnessing falsely against another person.
7) Being content with what the Lord provides him and not coveting the resources in the care of other people.
8) Working with his hands to provide that which is good instead of stealing.
Even though these are instructions given in the Old Testament law, they emanate from the command to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself, which can only be done by faith in God while knowing that the above things are pleasing or displeasing to Him. In like manner tithing is done by faith knowing what pleases God, with a desire to be obedient to His will. Thus, it is not works based but faith based before the law was given to Moses and spoken to the people of Israel and even today faith without good works is dead.
Unfortunately, many people have more faith in the worldly way of doing things, impressing people, and fulfilling their own desires than they do in truly pleasing God and following His instruction. Many complain and blame God for their tight financial situation although He is not the one who bought houses, cars, clothing, boats, campers, and other products and services that are too expensive for their current income. It's interesting that, if only they would honor God with the tithe and wait on His timing, He would give them the real desire of their heart without the financial turmoil and hardships that accompany indebtedness and poor stewardship.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalm 24:1, 37:4, Proverbs 22:7, Luke 12:20-21, 1Corinthians 10:26, Hebrews 7:8
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at
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