This program will help you undo financial bondage.
You’ve encountered so many different voices in the world. You've heard numerous messages putting different twists on money management, evangelism, marriage, childrearing, tithing and offering and other important areas of the Christian life. In addition to sermons from your local church pastor, you are hearing messages by television evangelists, visiting preachers, and other Christians. These messages contain instructions on how each speaker believes you should or should not engage these activities.
You may be confused by the different twists coming from each of these speakers. You're wondering how to know which message is biblically based, so you can utilize it in your life. God has a simple plan to help:
1) You must study the bible to show yourself an approved workman who learns how to rightly divide the word of truth and who isn't ashamed to do so.
2) You must ask the Holy Spirit for the ability to understand and apply biblical instruction and messages received from others.
3) You must hide the Word in your heart so the chances are much greater that you won't sin against God.
4) You must be a doer of the word and not a hearer (reader) only.
Let understanding be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses or by the braiding of a three-fold cord. Study all the scriptures that speak about a specific subject to identify whether they all point to only one method to carry out the principle, several methods that could be used, or if they point to caveats or traps you should be aware of as you live out the principle. Instruction, guidance, and/or advice that is contrary to the whole counsel of God in the bible should not be acted upon.
While messages from people can conflict with scripture or simply not give us the entire picture that we need, scriptures are not in conflict. With the help of the Holy Spirit we can rightly divide them to understand how God is instructing us to walk in His will. Many times there are different methods for carrying out God's plan that fit within the principles He has given. Unless He tells you to use a specific method for a specific initiative, He is pleased with any method that fits within the boundaries of scriptural principles.
A model to remember as you consider how to live out biblical principles is:
• Methods are many, principles are few, methods often change, principles never do.
Only the bible can confirm that the guidance you're hearing fits within the moral boundary given by God. This is the means for testing opinions and advice to see if it is of God. When it is, you can safely utilize it and receive the blessings thereof (financial, marital, family, church, work, business, etc.).
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 24:11-14, 1Timothy 4:1-2, 2Timothy 4:3-4, 2Peter 2:1-3, 1John 4:1-3
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
MoneyWalk 106: Essential Elements Of Enduring Prosperity
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Due to the power of the gospel (including biblical instruction on stewardship and the law of sowing and reaping), the following pattern of money management will work to prosper every individual who uses it and the countries whose leaders use it to guide government affairs.
This is not to say that on earth a person could not prosper by deviating there from, by adding other criteria, developing greater investment skill, inheriting great wealth, and/or complicating the pattern in some other way. However, the simple methods identified below are the only ones you need to experience the blessing God has in store for you.
Keys to prospering on earth and throughout eternity are:
1. Accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD
2. Shun occupations, entrepreneurial endeavors, and methods that do not glorify God
3. Be diligent at your work over a 30 to 40 year work span and at everything you do in ministry throughout your life
4. Give a tithe and offering to ministries that please God by spreading the gospel in the earth
5. Spend less than 80 percent of your after tax income on needs and desires
6. Trust God and allow Him to supernaturally provide needs and desires you do not currently have money to purchase
7. Diligent plan and take action to eliminate current debt to live debt-free in the future
8. Save at least 10 percent of your income throughout your work years in investment vehicles that compound growth and interest.
This pattern of adhering to biblical principles helps you appropriately maintain and grow resources God has entrusted to you for building His kingdom and caring for your family. It also helps you do your God-given part to overcome financial problems that arise and moves God to make a way in areas that are beyond your ability to overcome.
Failure to use this pattern shows a lack of focus on and pursuit toward what God created you to do in the earth. Ultimately, such failure will cause you to be unfulfilled deep down in your soul. You might otherwise accumulate great sums of money, but you won't have everlasting peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit because you fail to give God glory by employing biblical principles.
At the end of your life, you'll recognize that all the money in this world is not worth forsaking an intimate relationship with Christ that would have lasted throughout eternity, nor will it be worth the destruction your attitude and activities cause to you and many other people.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 6:6-8, 10:4, Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 14:28-30, 19:1-10, James 5:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Due to the power of the gospel (including biblical instruction on stewardship and the law of sowing and reaping), the following pattern of money management will work to prosper every individual who uses it and the countries whose leaders use it to guide government affairs.
This is not to say that on earth a person could not prosper by deviating there from, by adding other criteria, developing greater investment skill, inheriting great wealth, and/or complicating the pattern in some other way. However, the simple methods identified below are the only ones you need to experience the blessing God has in store for you.
Keys to prospering on earth and throughout eternity are:
1. Accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD
2. Shun occupations, entrepreneurial endeavors, and methods that do not glorify God
3. Be diligent at your work over a 30 to 40 year work span and at everything you do in ministry throughout your life
4. Give a tithe and offering to ministries that please God by spreading the gospel in the earth
5. Spend less than 80 percent of your after tax income on needs and desires
6. Trust God and allow Him to supernaturally provide needs and desires you do not currently have money to purchase
7. Diligent plan and take action to eliminate current debt to live debt-free in the future
8. Save at least 10 percent of your income throughout your work years in investment vehicles that compound growth and interest.
This pattern of adhering to biblical principles helps you appropriately maintain and grow resources God has entrusted to you for building His kingdom and caring for your family. It also helps you do your God-given part to overcome financial problems that arise and moves God to make a way in areas that are beyond your ability to overcome.
Failure to use this pattern shows a lack of focus on and pursuit toward what God created you to do in the earth. Ultimately, such failure will cause you to be unfulfilled deep down in your soul. You might otherwise accumulate great sums of money, but you won't have everlasting peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit because you fail to give God glory by employing biblical principles.
At the end of your life, you'll recognize that all the money in this world is not worth forsaking an intimate relationship with Christ that would have lasted throughout eternity, nor will it be worth the destruction your attitude and activities cause to you and many other people.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 6:6-8, 10:4, Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 14:28-30, 19:1-10, James 5:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Sunday, July 17, 2011
MoneyWalk 105: Truly Successful Money Management
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
God has made each believer a new creation (peculiar to those still in the world) with a spiritual appetite that by faith looks for and engages opportunities that bring the gospel message to unbelievers and equips people to serve in ways that glorify God.
Each person who confesses that Jesus Christ is Savior and LORD, believing in the atoning power of His godly blood and the eternal victory obtained by His resurrection, is already a king and priest with power and authority from Christ over all satanic beings and evil strategies seeking to oppose God’s will. God has given every believer the heavenly plan, tools, and treasures necessary to fulfill his or her:
1) Part of the church’s mission
2) Specific godly calling
3) Earthly responsibilities to family, church, and community.
You can say that you live in faith toward God and are a good manager of His treasures. However, your faith is only evident by the godly works that it produces. Such fruit is the material evidence of your true desire. It displays that Jesus Christ is your foundation. It also attests to the fact that you have, by the power of the Holy Spirit, crucified your sinful fleshly nature (the ways of the world) and the lust thereof to overcome bondage formerly imposed on you by satan and his demonic forces.
Do not let carnal lusts direct your life or money management strategy, otherwise if un-repented, destruction will result (eternal and earthly) due to the constant effort and use of any means possible to obtain material things. Rather, be lead by the Holy Spirit to use biblical principles because they help you build treasures in heaven and reap fulfilling rewards on earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 37:1-6, 21-26 Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 6:31-33, 1John 2:15-17, Jude 1:11-13
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
God has made each believer a new creation (peculiar to those still in the world) with a spiritual appetite that by faith looks for and engages opportunities that bring the gospel message to unbelievers and equips people to serve in ways that glorify God.
Each person who confesses that Jesus Christ is Savior and LORD, believing in the atoning power of His godly blood and the eternal victory obtained by His resurrection, is already a king and priest with power and authority from Christ over all satanic beings and evil strategies seeking to oppose God’s will. God has given every believer the heavenly plan, tools, and treasures necessary to fulfill his or her:
1) Part of the church’s mission
2) Specific godly calling
3) Earthly responsibilities to family, church, and community.
You can say that you live in faith toward God and are a good manager of His treasures. However, your faith is only evident by the godly works that it produces. Such fruit is the material evidence of your true desire. It displays that Jesus Christ is your foundation. It also attests to the fact that you have, by the power of the Holy Spirit, crucified your sinful fleshly nature (the ways of the world) and the lust thereof to overcome bondage formerly imposed on you by satan and his demonic forces.
Do not let carnal lusts direct your life or money management strategy, otherwise if un-repented, destruction will result (eternal and earthly) due to the constant effort and use of any means possible to obtain material things. Rather, be lead by the Holy Spirit to use biblical principles because they help you build treasures in heaven and reap fulfilling rewards on earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 37:1-6, 21-26 Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 6:31-33, 1John 2:15-17, Jude 1:11-13
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Sunday, July 10, 2011
MoneyWalk 104: The Self-Controlled Money Manager
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Satan employs a major strategy of introducing you to ideas that put the greatest priority in life on earning great amounts of money, seeking success among men, and pursuing pleasures that it seems a lot of money could buy. His demonic cohorts constantly bombard you with such ideas through media articles, infomercials, internet spam, person to person communication, and some pulpits.
They know the love of money is the root of all evil and that covetousness and idolatry is able to eternally destroy your life. They also know you will have little to no time to learn truth by fellowshipping with God in prayer and bible study, if they can convince you that it’s better to spend your time trying to get rich.
Their age old strategy includes trying to convince you that God is okay with any activity or business endeavor that makes lots of money. They try to convince you that the Lord rejoices when you spend all your time working to obtain more money and situations that might bring you power, fame, and notoriety on earth. These mistaken beliefs have caused many divorces, neglected children, oppression in the workforce, and people to be eternally separated from God. This is not God’s best for you.
Faithfully maintaining daily devotions with God, fellowship with believers, and managing your activities and finances according to biblical principles eliminates such problems and produces everything you need for life and godliness on earth and throughout eternity. It also produces an abundance of resources in your life that is far beyond most people’s wildest dreams and it shows the priority upon which your heart is focused: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
1Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 5:16-24, 1Timothy 6:6-10, James 5:1-7
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Satan employs a major strategy of introducing you to ideas that put the greatest priority in life on earning great amounts of money, seeking success among men, and pursuing pleasures that it seems a lot of money could buy. His demonic cohorts constantly bombard you with such ideas through media articles, infomercials, internet spam, person to person communication, and some pulpits.
They know the love of money is the root of all evil and that covetousness and idolatry is able to eternally destroy your life. They also know you will have little to no time to learn truth by fellowshipping with God in prayer and bible study, if they can convince you that it’s better to spend your time trying to get rich.
Their age old strategy includes trying to convince you that God is okay with any activity or business endeavor that makes lots of money. They try to convince you that the Lord rejoices when you spend all your time working to obtain more money and situations that might bring you power, fame, and notoriety on earth. These mistaken beliefs have caused many divorces, neglected children, oppression in the workforce, and people to be eternally separated from God. This is not God’s best for you.
Faithfully maintaining daily devotions with God, fellowship with believers, and managing your activities and finances according to biblical principles eliminates such problems and produces everything you need for life and godliness on earth and throughout eternity. It also produces an abundance of resources in your life that is far beyond most people’s wildest dreams and it shows the priority upon which your heart is focused: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
1Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 5:16-24, 1Timothy 6:6-10, James 5:1-7
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
Sunday, July 3, 2011
MoneyWalk 103: The joy of proper money management
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
There are two ways to manage money:
1) You can follow the world's way of managing money which appeals to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life by presenting you with a seemingly quick way outside of the will of God for obtaining high income, many assets, and opulent material things (homes, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.)
2) You can utilize God's instructions for managing money which puts seeking Him first in fellowship and service as the number one priority in your life with an understanding that He will grow you and show you when and how to gain income and material blessings in a way that allows your joy to be full at all times and your purpose to be fulfilled.
The world's way of managing money leaves you unfulfilled because it is destructive and does not lead to joy and peace. It makes you a slave to material things, retailers, and/or creditors and often leads you to lose inordinate amounts of money on get rich quick schemes and can lead to prison when you get caught up in money making schemes that are ungodly and illegal.
Retailers and lenders continually advertise that you deserve the best and should spend and borrow as much as necessary to get it. However, the Lord Jesus wants you to recognize that if you make Him the desire of your heart then He will provide the desires of your heart.
You should recognize that the investment advisors, CEO’s, crime bosses, drug dealers, etc. that have been sent to prison would not have been convicted had they operated their lives based on the principle What Would Jesus Do? We have often idolized them and sought to be like them in our pursuits because of their position, power, fame, notoriety, wealth, and material trappings and have thus bound ourselves up in lifestyle and financial struggles trying to live like them on a smaller scale in hope of that scale getting bigger by engaging the methods that made them wealthy.
Yet, the only way to obtain lasting joy, peace, fulfillment, and meaningful treasure throughout your life is to seek Jesus Christ first and let the things of this world be strangely dim to the point where you pursue His will and only make purchases that will not cause you to become a debtor. The bible shows that debt-based living is not the way of life God desires for Christians.
Being debt-free is entirely possible and many more Christians are now open to the fact that it is God’s stated desire in scripture that they live debt-free. Blessings obtained by living out biblical principles, financial and otherwise, truly make you rich and no sorrow comes with it; only an abundance of joy.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Zephaniah 3:17-20, Matthew 25:14-30, John 15:9-11, Luke 19:11-27
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
There are two ways to manage money:
1) You can follow the world's way of managing money which appeals to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life by presenting you with a seemingly quick way outside of the will of God for obtaining high income, many assets, and opulent material things (homes, cars, boats, jewelry, etc.)
2) You can utilize God's instructions for managing money which puts seeking Him first in fellowship and service as the number one priority in your life with an understanding that He will grow you and show you when and how to gain income and material blessings in a way that allows your joy to be full at all times and your purpose to be fulfilled.
The world's way of managing money leaves you unfulfilled because it is destructive and does not lead to joy and peace. It makes you a slave to material things, retailers, and/or creditors and often leads you to lose inordinate amounts of money on get rich quick schemes and can lead to prison when you get caught up in money making schemes that are ungodly and illegal.
Retailers and lenders continually advertise that you deserve the best and should spend and borrow as much as necessary to get it. However, the Lord Jesus wants you to recognize that if you make Him the desire of your heart then He will provide the desires of your heart.
You should recognize that the investment advisors, CEO’s, crime bosses, drug dealers, etc. that have been sent to prison would not have been convicted had they operated their lives based on the principle What Would Jesus Do? We have often idolized them and sought to be like them in our pursuits because of their position, power, fame, notoriety, wealth, and material trappings and have thus bound ourselves up in lifestyle and financial struggles trying to live like them on a smaller scale in hope of that scale getting bigger by engaging the methods that made them wealthy.
Yet, the only way to obtain lasting joy, peace, fulfillment, and meaningful treasure throughout your life is to seek Jesus Christ first and let the things of this world be strangely dim to the point where you pursue His will and only make purchases that will not cause you to become a debtor. The bible shows that debt-based living is not the way of life God desires for Christians.
Being debt-free is entirely possible and many more Christians are now open to the fact that it is God’s stated desire in scripture that they live debt-free. Blessings obtained by living out biblical principles, financial and otherwise, truly make you rich and no sorrow comes with it; only an abundance of joy.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Zephaniah 3:17-20, Matthew 25:14-30, John 15:9-11, Luke 19:11-27
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
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