Be committed to God's money management principles, don't be envious of other people's promotions, and keep doing what the bible shows will glorify God and serve other people and God will bring many promotions to bless you and your family throughout your life. Some will ultimately come through other people, yet many will come simply as positive consequences (rewards and blessings) of following biblical principles.
You’re right to think your employer should appreciate your hard work. However, you can't make your employer respond with appreciation and unfortunately many will not respond in the way you want them to or the way they should. At most, you can influence your employer by godly actions and responses while relying on the LORD to promote you at the proper time.
He can move on your employer’s heart at the appropriate time. Therefore, you should trust Him and exhibit patience by allowing Him to work in your supervisors’ hearts without you trying to force the issue. Simply continue to do the great work that you do, show proper respect for their workplace authority, and show continued initiative and creativity toward enhancing products and services. In due time, your employer will see your true value to the organization.
Sometimes, you fail to see the promotion you have received because you’re only considering what you believe man should have done for you or you think you should've received a larger raise or should have been give a certain prestigious title or a corner office. Remember that promotions come in many different forms and are sometimes not so easy to see.
I know many people whom God showed how to manage their incomes according to biblical principles long before their supervisors began to promote them at work. In a few short years they eliminated all debts including their home mortgages and were well on their way to becoming wealthy way beyond what they could naturally envision a few years earlier. Some moved on to start successful businesses. During this time, those they thought should have been instrumental in promoting them didn’t do anything special for them. They were in reality promoted by the Lord due to their willingness to properly manage the money and relationships He entrusted to them.
The Lord’s promotion process stores treasures in Heaven that you have access to when you need them or when He desires to give them to you. Don't think more highly of yourself than you ought to! God has the master plan for your life and He's more pleased and you have more peace and joy when you follow His plan. You can only obtain the greatest treasure by working as unto the LORD in your current position, using biblical money management principles, and being patient as the Lord makes room in the marketplace for your gifts.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 75:6-10, Proverbs 3:35, Daniel 4:30-35, 1Peter 5:6-7
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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