Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Promotion You Want

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Be committed to God's money management principles, don't be envious of other people's promotions, and keep doing what the bible shows will glorify God and serve other people and God will bring many promotions to bless you and your family throughout your life. Some will ultimately come through other people, yet many will come simply as positive consequences (rewards and blessings) of following biblical principles.

You’re right to think your employer should appreciate your hard work. However, you can't make your employer respond with appreciation and unfortunately many will not respond in the way you want them to or the way they should. At most, you can influence your employer by godly actions and responses while relying on the LORD to promote you at the proper time.

He can move on your employer’s heart at the appropriate time. Therefore, you should trust Him and exhibit patience by allowing Him to work in your supervisors’ hearts without you trying to force the issue. Simply continue to do the great work that you do, show proper respect for their workplace authority, and show continued initiative and creativity toward enhancing products and services. In due time, your employer will see your true value to the organization.

Sometimes, you fail to see the promotion you have received because you’re only considering what you believe man should have done for you or you think you should've received a larger raise or should have been give a certain prestigious title or a corner office. Remember that promotions come in many different forms and are sometimes not so easy to see.

I know many people whom God showed how to manage their incomes according to biblical principles long before their supervisors began to promote them at work. In a few short years they eliminated all debts including their home mortgages and were well on their way to becoming wealthy way beyond what they could naturally envision a few years earlier. Some moved on to start successful businesses. During this time, those they thought should have been instrumental in promoting them didn’t do anything special for them. They were in reality promoted by the Lord due to their willingness to properly manage the money and relationships He entrusted to them.

The Lord’s promotion process stores treasures in Heaven that you have access to when you need them or when He desires to give them to you. Don't think more highly of yourself than you ought to! God has the master plan for your life and He's more pleased and you have more peace and joy when you follow His plan. You can only obtain the greatest treasure by working as unto the LORD in your current position, using biblical money management principles, and being patient as the Lord makes room in the marketplace for your gifts.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalms 75:6-10, Proverbs 3:35, Daniel 4:30-35, 1Peter 5:6-7

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, August 12, 2012

MoneyWalk 157: The Most Rewarding Lifestyle

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Honor God by living according to biblical principles, if you want a financially peaceful, joyous, and blessed life with treasure in Heaven awaiting you.

1) Understand that everything is owned by God and you are only a manager and heir of His great estate.

2) Show contentment with what God has provided you to manage by being humble and grateful and by refusing to get involved with get rich quick schemes and attempts to get rich through immoral behavior or at any cost.

3) Show self-control by making God’s will the priority in your life and management of money.

4) Sacrifice your own desires to pleasing the One for whom you manage and faithfully endure hardship when needed to bring about His will in the earth. 5) Fellowship with a local church at least weekly and be faithful to God through interaction with that body.

6) Work diligently at every earthly job or career that you engage, so that a great witness and disciple-making ability is available to you when others ask the reason for your hope.

7) Tithe and give abundant offerings.

8) Budget your spending so it is less than your income and to prioritize needs versus wants.

9) Stay out of debt and eliminate the debt you have.

10) Refuse to cosign for other people’s debts: even family.

11) Save a reasonable portion of your income each pay period in a way that attempts to protect the principle amount up to six months worth of income.

12) Invest your excess savings in a way that takes greater but reasonable risk, in which you might lose some principle over short-term periods but will have great expectation of much higher growth of the money than you could obtain through your saving accounts; by measuring historical data of various types of investments that verify the probable long term growth pattern.

13) Diversifying your money by dispersing your savings and investments with several different FDIC or NCUA insured banks and credible brokerage houses that you confirm with state and federal finance and securities regulators as duly licensed with no notable fraudulent or troubling pattern of investment or customer service behavior. Also, make sure that agents, investment advisors working for them have the same credible licensing and behavior.

The bible shows that worthwhile blessing and reward are only obtained by faithfully keeping God's commandments. Such blessing and reward are available to every person who asks Jesus to be Savior and LORD and who honors God by letting good works be the result of his faith.

From the foundation of the world, God planned the pathway for people to be abundantly blessed and rewarded in a way that every need and many desires would be met. This comes when you give God respect by living in a way that is pleasing to Him. The bible makes it emphatically clear that ‘blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD!’ The same is just as true in your own life in that ‘blessed are you when God is your LORD!’

Don’t treat material things, passions, and the pursuit of privilege and honor like they're gods by giving them the importance and attention you should give to almighty God. Such things, passions, and pursuits cannot truly fulfill you or provide what is best for your life and family. For your eternal and earthly sake, it is best to rely on God's principles to secure blessing and reward.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 3:5-10, Malachi 3:6-12, Matthew 6:25-34, Luke 6:38

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, August 5, 2012

MoneyWalk 156: Give Abundantly In Order To Receive Abundantly

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Weekly giving a tithe and offering to your local church is the way to make the Lord’s desire a priority in your life. In order for this to be ignited in you, the first thing you must do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord. Then, giving abundantly in order to help get the gospel message to other people show that your priority is the Lord’s will.

Jesus was a giver in every way and He taught that people should have all the other righteous qualities such as justice, mercy, and faith and not use those qualities as an excuse for failing to give as instructed. So, if you really want to be like Him you must apply His teaching to your life. Not in words, but in deeds.

Let’s be perfectly clear, you ought to give your life to Christ and you ought to trust Him to provide in every situation. He is sure to give you everything that you truly need for life and godliness. As you fix your hand to give abundantly, you begin to see the result of such giving. It begins to produce for you an abundant and continual receiving. You did not have to pray for it, search for a prophecy to get it, or pursue it through hook and crook. His word simply states the result of abundant giving is abundant provision.

You see your posture must be to give the tithe and offering in Christ-likeness and humility and be content with what you currently have. When you do, His posture shows up in your life through the operation of the giving/receiving principle He laid down. You will receive abundantly. You can expect that He is always faithful to fulfill His Word! You should never be demanding of Him or have a greedy, envious, or covetous heart when approaching other people. If He truly is your Lord, and you give like He is, then He will take care of all your need.

I am a living witness and I know countless others who tell the same story. I searched the bible for answers to financial problems that hampered me throughout my twenties and the Holy Spirit led me to passages which confirmed that God uses methods that seem foolish. Then He amazes onlookers with the results.

I know a man who was raised in the hood, without a silver spoon in his mouth, whose parent did not teach him to build wealth. He forsook the will of God for a decade and got himself into $135,000 of debt. He realized he was lost eternally and accepted Christ into His life, yet was still burdened with great debt. He searched for financial solutions in the world and they did not work for him. He came across biblical money management principles via a financial seminar held by His church.

In his late twenties, he began utilizing the principles one by one once he confirmed that they were biblical instruction. The results in his life have been astounding for this man of low estate. Sixteen years after making God’s financial plan his financial priority, he gives over 25% of his gross income to the church and he lives totally debt free in comfort on 35% of his gross family income, paid his home mortgage off in thirteen years, has a net worth approaching a million dollars, is legally paying an extremely low amount of taxes due to legal charitable giving deductions, and he is able to give to those in need in ways and amounts he never could have given in the past.

As you commit to consistently give the tithe and offerings, the discipline it builds will produce abundance in your life and you will wind up continually reaping the harvest of the seeds you have sown. Remember, this principle works in the opposite direction also. If you don’t abundantly give to fulfill His purposes, then you cannot expect to abundantly receive from God!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 3:9-10, 11:24-26, 19:17, Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:38, 2Corinthians 9:6-8

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at