Sunday, May 26, 2013

MoneyWalk 195: Purchasing A Car?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many people have been duped into buying expensive vehicles long before they were really able to afford them. They’ve believed the lie that it’s their heritage to live the American dream no matter what the cost. So, they’ve allowed satan to destroy their lives by making the ownership of new cars every couple of years a need instead of a desire.

They’ve done such crazy things as purchased or leased a brand new car with $400+ monthly payments instead of paying $500 worth of repairs to a vehicle with low or no monthly payments that would run tens of thousands more miles without great amounts of additional cost for repairs. Their minds have been blinded to believe that they had to purchase the newer or more expensive vehicle because they could foresee the old vehicle costing them more in the long run.

All the while, their voracious appetite for new cars and SUVs along with that of many millions of other people have allowed manufacturers to jack up prices to ratios of income unseen in times past. Uneducated consumers will keep getting loans because they’ve bought the lie. However, pressure and stress mounts with each reckless purchase and disregard for your budgetary situation. Soon you have no peace and joy because you owe everybody a huge piece of your monthly income.

Well God’s plan is vastly different from the tricks and enticements of the world. He wants to give you the best, without debt and the grave consequences that result from it. Affordable, debt free purchases of cars that you really enjoy are made possible when you seek Him first and take care of your godly responsibility of being a good steward who properly sets priorities through budgeting that allows you to appropriately care for your family and your church.

His plan pays much greater dividends in the end without all of the headaches and troubles that accompany the loans you have been using to fulfill your desires. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 16:20, 21:17, Matthew 6:19-34, John 10:10, 1Peter 5:6-10

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 19, 2013

MoneyWalk 194: A Husband’s Gift That Lasts

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Husbands have an awesome responsibility that comes with a pathway to greater prosperity. Yet, many of them are not aware that the greater blessing is reserved for husbands that love, understand, pray for, and care for their wives according to the will of God for marriage and the family unit.

Hardships, trouble, divorce, and broken family units are the by-product of a husband’s failure to love their wives like Christ loves the Church. He laid down His life for it so that we could have an abundant everlasting life filled with the positive vibe of belonging to the Father’s family and be of great use on the earth in His service to bring Him glory.

Some husbands provide what they consider to be the needs of the wife, but once done they believe they can move on to satisfying their own pleasures such as purchasing boats, season sport tickets, going to the bar with friends, etc. In most cases they have not organized their finances, budgeted their income and expenses, and set the family on a pathway to consistent good stewardship by tithing, eliminating debt, saving, and investing.

Some even pressure wives for agreement or mentally or physically bully their wives into accepting such purchases by lording it over them with comments like “God made me the head so I get to make the decisions around here” or “I don’t know why you don’t want me to have anything when you always get what you want” etc.

It may be true that the wife is afforded some leeway to purchase things she wants, but in some instances it is meant to help alleviate the husband’s guilty feelings that come from spending too much time at work, hanging out with friends too much, buying toys the family really can’t afford, and not spending enough quality time with the wife and kids.

Some of our harmful marital attitudes and actions were formed when we were kids socialized by watching interactions between our parents and our friend’s parents and some of our problems come from mimicking the worldly interactions we see all around us today. We mimic them without using biblical truth, instruction, and guidance to sift the beliefs, customs, traditions, and behaviors to know which ones we should and should not mimic.

Of course, your parents, other parents, and even some unbelievers may have been great examples in some areas that you chose not to follow. No matter the reason for your current dysfunction you can stop the flow of negativity in your marriage, see the dysfunction and lack of leadership for what it really is, and correct it to greatly enhance your marital unity and financial condition.

Here are a couple of suggestions. First, surprise your wife every now and then with a bouquet. Second, make sure you honor her birthday and special days with a gift that fits your budget. Third, always be open to her input, suggestions, and ideas that will help discipline you all to be good stewards. Fourth, reduce your monthly expense that is going out to pay for desires to a level that fits well within your budget, savings, and investment goals. The increased marital care and discipline will greatly increase the blessing on your life and annually increase your net worth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Malachi 2:14-15, Matthew 19:3-6, Ephesians 5:28-29, 1Peter 3:7-8

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 12, 2013

MoneyWalk 193: Prosperity’s Two Extremes

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Some preachers teach that nothing will come to you unless you plant a seed for it and whatever type of seed you plant is the type of plant that will grow. They believe that people are stressed and not blessed because they plant weed seeds that grow up and choke the good plants out. They also believe that nothing, including millions of dollars, will come to you unless you plan for it to happen and plant a natural seed for it. In essence, they believe that no good thing comes by mistake. It must be obtained by hard work directly related to obtaining the material good.

Other preachers believe that work profits you little. Therefore, you must faith-demand the material things that you want in order to receive them. These are two extremes: prosperity by faith demand versus works based prosperity. The truth is in the middle including these scenarios:

• God provides your need because He loves you

• His principles, that require work to employ, provide a level of comfort above your need

• He provides some of your desires without you having to work to earn them

• He blesses a small percentage of people to inherit riches.

• He blesses others with wealth through ideas and inventions they never thought would lead to riches or the level of riches they ultimately obtained

• Others had a vision that what they were pursuing would make them rich

• Many rich people over the centuries have worked very hard and that hard work has been a great part of the reason they are rich

Stories of patriarch and matriarch’s lives in the bible as well as many testimonials throughout the history of man and contemporary today confirm all of these scenarios and probably a few others and each have been ways through which great wealth came into people’s lives.

Vision, declaration, giving, and faith are very important and should be a part of everyone’s life plan. You will certainly do better speaking into existence those things that be not as though they were. And, you will often do worse when you fail to have a vision, fail to make positive declarations, refuse to be a giver, and fail to take action by faith (work) to achieve the aim of the vision and declarations.

It is even more important for you to know that it does not profit a person to gain the world (riches, power, position, fame or even opposite things that one might desire) but lose his or her soul. Therefore, you should look to the Lord (who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent) to set the vision for your life according to His will for you in the marketplace and ministry service He designed you for and gave you innate ability to effectively use and enhance.

Be on guard against prosperity extremes and poverty acceptance (that lead to idolatry and foolishness), rather look to the Father, accept Jesus Christ, and be led by the Holy Spirit to pursue His plan for your life so that you will prosper on earth and throughout eternity.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 25:5, 1Samuel 16:6-13, Matthew 6:26, 2Thessalonians 3:10-14

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 5, 2013

MoneyWalk 192: Teaching Children To Manage Money

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many children are being left to raise themselves because parent are making other issues more important than spending quality time teaching principles that will make the children’s lives more purposeful, meaningful, balanced, peaceful, and joyful, as they grow into adulthood.

A lot of parents are giving children the impression that:

1) It is important to have every material thing and career position you want and to be willing to pay any cost to get it.

2) Keeping up with the Joneses is the priority of life.

3) Being in debt is a great way to live and obtain all the comforts of life.

4) You should work as many hours as seems humanly possible to make as much money and gain as much notoriety as you can even if when it means spending little time with the family (in essence destroying the marriage and the family unit).

Most parents are not teaching biblical money management principles that will help their children be content, self-controlled, service-focused, and prosperous in life nor are they directing them to sources that could help them learn these valuable virtues and the methods that can help employ them.

Leading children to Jesus Christ should be the first priority of every parent and guardian. They should also be led to pursue God’s will for their lives and incomes and any money and resources that come into their hands.

This will not happen when the parent or guardian is not focused on pursuing God’s will in his or her own life. Children usually absorb what they see in parents and guardians more than they absorb what parents and guardians say and usually to a greater degree.

When the children see a continually ungodly (bad) example, many times they develop a greater addiction to it and bring greater destruction into their lives than the parents experienced. When they hear and see what is good (a godly example), most times the children will have a much greater influence that keeps them in the Light that enables them to achieve greater levels of prosperity on earth than the parents achieved.

You will probably not teach the correct principles and lessons of life if you don’t follow them yourself. Is your child’s future important enough to make sure he / she inherits eternal life and has the tools to live prosperously on earth using money management principles that please God?

Thank God there is hope even when parents have not taught or exampled the right lifestyle and money management principles and methods because the Holy Spirit never stops reaching out to people, including children, with the truth of eternity and of living in purpose and meaning here on earth. You simply do not want to be used as a tool of satan that serves as a stumbling block whose attitudes and actions lead your children, teens, young adults, and those you influence away from the Truth, biblical principles, faith in action, and good stewardship that lead to eternal and earthly prosperity.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Proverbs 22:6-7, Luke 2:39-52, Ephesians 6:1-4, 1Timothy 3:4-5

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at