Sunday, February 23, 2014

MoneyWalk 230: Diversification

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Do not put all of your eggs in one basket or else dropping the basket may cause most if not all of your eggs to be broken. However, if you place the eggs in several different baskets while transporting them, the odds are much greater that most of the eggs will survive and be useable in the future.

The same is true when it comes to investing, however many people do indeed put all their eggs in one basket. They have not considered the loss that will occur if the one company they have used were to become bankrupt or begin to swindle investors. Their whole life savings could be lost.

Even if you only invest in government guaranteed instruments like Certificates of Deposit and treasury bills, it’s a good practice to divide your money up and invest it with seven or eight different financial institutions. This protects you in case of late claim payments by an account guarantor and it enables you to have some money at your disposal if one of your investment companies were to take a precipitous slide.

You may not be able to start off with great diversification, but as your wealth grows over time to ten thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars by using biblical money management principles, separate portions of into different investments vehicles with different financial institutions (banks, brokerage houses, real estate).

You will find blessing and rewards overtaking you when you adhere to the principle based upon there being safety in the guidance of godly counselors and every action being established by the guidance of at least two godly counselors and a three-fold cord being not easily broken and that you should invest a portion with seven or eight different endeavors because by it God will help you overcome the troubles that rear their head in your life.

Diversification is the key to not putting in jeopardy the money God entrusts to you and of hearing no one say, “They Made-Off with all your money.”

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Luke 19:13, Acts 6:3

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

MoneyWalk 229: True Promotion

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

God gives each person free will and sometimes your earthly authorities will withhold promotions that could well be yours. While you may be right to believe that your excellent work effort and quality ought to be appreciated in the form of an acceptable promotion into greater responsibility, ministry, and/or pay, you might actually be wrong in your assumption of who will and should appreciate it and what promotions or pay increases will come from it and when they should come.

You must remember that God has a master plan for your life and He is more pleased and you have more peace and joy when you follow it. Recognize that the greatest thing to be obtained by working hard as unto the LORD and being a good steward over the resources He’s given you is that you build treasures in Heaven that you have access to when you need them or when God desires to give them to you.

Sometimes, people are promoted by God but fail to see that they are promoted because they have not received a worldly symbol of success from the authority they serve under, such as another title or pay increase. Yet, a deeper look shows that God has given you everything you need to be a better steward of the income and resources that come into your hands in order to allow them and your influence to grow immensely.

Every person committed to working hard as unto the LORD that uses biblical money management principles throughout their lives will be promoted to greater responsibility in His kingdom and will build wealth in a manner that pleases Him and will increase their influence through serving and giving.

Do not let people's failures to promote you strip you of peace and joy. Just realize that God moves the heart of the leader like rivers of water, He promotes and takes down, and in His due time for your blessing or reward it is delivered to you. Keep on working as unto the Lord in all you do for he is the one you ultimately want to please.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalms 75:6-10, Proverbs 3:35, Daniel 4:30-35, Colossians 3:23-24, 1Peter 5:6-7

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

MoneyWalk 228: Consolidating Debt

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Consolidating debt is combining the debts you owe from more than one loan and using a single loan to pay off some or all of it. This should be done only when the finance charge on the consolidating loan will be lower than the annual finance charge that you are paying on the loans that you would consolidate and there are no other fees that make the overall charges higher. For example, you would take three loans at 10%, 12%, and 15% finance charges and consolidating the amounts owed into one loan at a 6% finance charge.

This strategy allows you to more quickly eliminate debt by reducing the interest you pay to the lowest possible level and helps simplify your budget by replace many different payments with one payment. For this to work at its best to get you out of debt and into financial freedom you must resolve that you will not take out other consumer loans.

Before using this approach it is best to close all retail store charge accounts and cut up the cards, so you won't be tempted to use them again. Most of these accounts charge you interest at nearly twenty-five cents on the dollar. If possible, consolidate your higher interest debt into a fixed-rate low interest credit card or consolidation loan. The latter are normally closed-ended, which means the amount paid off each month is not re-usable. This is good for people prone to undisciplined spending to stop them from utilizing more debt.

Almost never consolidate a debt for which you are currently being charged interest at a lower rate than the credit card or consolidation loan’s interest rate. Read the credit card agreement to make sure it will not at some point raise your interest rate to a level that is higher than what you currently pay.

If you have home equity, you could consider consolidating your debts using a second mortgage or home equity loan. Normally, you could obtain a lower interest rate than that provided by other types of loans and you might be able to reduce the amount of income taxes you owe each year by itemizing the home equity loan interest on your federal tax return. However, you should be aware that failure to pay on this type of loan could result in the foreclosure of your home. So, faithful discipline and diligence sticking to a budget and employing you income to get out of debt as soon as possible is necessary to avoid problems down the road.

If you can pay off your debts in a short time (1 to 2 years) without taking other loans, then it is usually best to avoid doing so and simply use great budgeting focus to pay your debts off.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 28:12, 15, 44, Proverbs 22:7, Luke 16:8-9, Romans 13:8

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

MoneyWalk 227: Choose Blessing Not Cursing

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The bible identifies the blessed life given to us by God when we accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD and faithfully honor Him by obeying His commands and living by His principles.

Numerous Old Testament passages promised the nation of Israel blessings in return for loving God and living holy and the New Testament contains the same pattern for the Church (those who truly are members of the body of Christ by virtue of faith in Him).

Blessings such as being the head and not the tail, being lenders and not borrowers, having barns filled with increase and vats overflowing, and having more resources poured out from Heaven than you can contain are still available for any person of any race, culture, or nationality that will honor God by accepting Jesus Christ and doing His will.

Thank God we do not have to rely on human power or ability to obey God’s Word rather we have the Holy Spirit living in and empowering us to perform good works. Our works do not save us; our faith in Jesus imputes His righteousness to us covering all our sin and making us acceptable to God so that He does not have to judge us unworthy of Heaven and eternal life once our days upon this earth are over.

All along, God planned to reward mankind for reverencing Him and living in a way that pleases Him. If you want to have a blessed, peaceful, and joyous life with treasures awaiting you in Heaven and more than your needs taken care of on earth, honor God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord and by using biblical principles to manage your life and money.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Proverbs 3:5-10, Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:33, Luke 6:38-39

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at