Sunday, May 25, 2014

MoneyWalk 242: Insurance Purchases

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

In order to provide your loved ones with the amount of money that's necessary to maintain the standard of living to which they've been accustomed in case an accident were to kill you or render you unable to earn a living, you should purchase life, disability, automobile, homeowners, and other types of insurance as mechanisms to cover the loss of expected future income. However, you should analyze your true need for insurance in discussions with family members and trusted advisors before you purchase non-mandatory insurance and decide the limits of liability and benefits that are best suited for you and your family.

The decision on what’s needed should consider the amount of household income expected before and after an occurrence, amount of savings, emergency funds, and liquid assets available to cover living expenses or a portion thereof, amount of bills, how much you income you have left after bill payments to faithfully pay the premium so coverage does not lapse, time period during which you need particular types of coverage, how long the insurance benefits will need to cover living expenses for surviving dependents, etc. Also, you should consider the benefits different types of insurance will provide if future claims are made against them and what you and your family stand to lose if accidents occur.

Once you've purchased the amount of risk protection that is best for you or available to you, just stand on the fact that God will take care of you and give you peace through Jesus Christ to guard your heart and mind in situations. He will provide for you far beyond what you could prepare for or take care of if a situation occurs. Remember that God is your true source of protection and other tools are resources He allows and equips you to use. This should help you avoid purchasing unnecessary and unaffordable insurances that eat up dollars that can be invested for your future financial growth and stability. In most instances, insurance should be used to manage risk and not as investments that provide high returns.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalms 124, 127:1-2, Matthew 6:30-33, Philippians 4:6-7

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You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Monday, May 19, 2014

MoneyWalk 241: On-line Bill Payments

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Everyone uses a computer system when withdrawing, depositing, or paying utilities at automated teller machines. Also, direct deposit and electronic fund transfers of our incomes and savings to banks, brokerage houses, and creditors are remitted using computerized systems. Many investment companies will allow you to use the internet to make electronic transfers to and from your bank accounts to your brokerage accounts as the need arises. Most electronic fund transfers and automated clearinghouse bill payment systems remit your payment on a specific due date each month that is set by the creditor who accepts payment in this manner, whereas many on-line bill payment programs require you to enter the system from your computer and remit payments from your account to your creditors by their payment due dates.

Today, many systems have been vetted well enough that you can generally feel comfortable that your banks, credit unions, and major on-line payment sources will have adequate security systems so you do not have to be worried about making allowing your payroll checks to be direct deposited into your bank account or making online payments via your computer. You certainly want to make sure that the website is the one for the company you generally deal with and that its payment website link starts with https:// and meets other reasonable safety protocol.

One system is not necessarily better than another, however some companies that offer on-line payment programs charge substantial fees per transaction. Compare costs and security features of on-line, electronic fund transfer, and automated clearinghouse systems to identify the ones that are best for you. An on-line bill payment system or paying bills on-line via the websites of the various companies you make payments to is often a great way to save time and money by reducing postage and check ordering expenses and getting rid of all the paperwork you’ve been maintaining. You can maintain verification of your payments on your computer, in cloud storage, and also find it at the vendors’ websites.

There is generally no need to fear this method of payment. One caution, if you have run into financial problems and are dealing with creditors it is best not to give them access to your bank accounts and credit card accounts because on occasion people have found their accounts raided for more than they expected to be remitted. In this instance, it is best to get your situation organized and under control and pay the creditors with a check or money order once you know the amounts you are able to pay them and still keep enough on hand to take care of your priorities (shelter, food, transportation, etc.).

Technology increasing to allow us such benefits such as on-line payment is a gift from God that we can take advantage of as long as we make reasonable safety checks and verifications of legitimacy of the vendors we use.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Joshua 1:8, Proverbs 2:6-15, 1Corinthians 6:12, Philippians 4:6-7

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

MoneyWalk 240: Get Someone Who Can!

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Most of us have needed various types of work done on our homes and cars, but did not have the ability to perform it ourselves. You've probably faced the same type of situation. When faced with this situation, search for a friend or professional with skills you need who is known for doing a good job and who will charge you an affordable rate.

Rest assured, God has already introduced you to a skilled person or will send him / her your way to help take care of your need to get the work done efficiently, effectively, and affordably when you lack ability and/or time to do it. You simply need to know the limitations of your skill and keep your eyes open for someone who can admirably do the work.

Don't be a freeloader who abuses other people by always expecting them to repair your belongings and provide service to you at no cost. While you can accept a no cost or low cost blessing they offer you, always be prepared to pay a fair price for the work and to bless them with more if God equipped you financially and/or impresses on your heart to do so.

Slothfulness in doing the work if you are able or in seeking the person who can do it will cost you more money, comfort, and flexibility in the long run than not recognizing where your skills end and someone else's begin.

It is generally wise to get estimates from a few different practitioners and inspect work they've done for others before you consummate a work contract. Also, it is best to have some type of written contract spelling out the parameters and necessary specifics of the work to be completed as well as down-payment requirement and total price for satisfactory completion of the work. These things ensure the person you choose performs good work in the field you need them for and that there is a guiding document to help settle disagreements or disputes that could arise.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Exodus 18:18-23, Jeremiah 45:1, Matthew 25:14-15, 2Timothy 4:11

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at

Sunday, May 4, 2014

MoneyWalk 239: The Way To Retire

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You've been doing the same type of work for many years and you can hardly wait for retirement. Throughout your career you've only taken one or two week vacations when you wanted to relieve stress, but now you want a lot longer than the vacation time allotted to you because you can feel a restlessness and possibly dissatisfaction toward the work, environment, or atmosphere.

Scripture gives numerous lessons on the responsibility to work and its value throughout one’s life. It seems, you'll find only one scriptural situation that speaks of something akin to retirement. The Levites were to retire from being primary workers in the service of the tabernacle, yet it is suggested that they continue to assist their brothers in the service of the tent of meetings. There is no indication that retirement meant that they sit around for the rest of their lives doing nothing or only looking to please themselves.

As a Christian, you have a godly mission to support and be an active participant in, no matter what your age or bodily condition. Christians never retire from serving in the Great Commission even though they may retire from a career path in which they served in this world or move from a long-time ministry that they’ve been involved with. First of all, you should do your work (career, ministry, etc.) as unto the LORD. He will bless and reward you for your labor, diligence, and faithfulness and the blessing and reward may show up on earth via many different avenues (employers, customers, well-wishers, donations, gifts, ravens, manna from Heaven, etc.).

What you long for is not a time of doing nothing or doing only what pleases you. Rather, the longing in your heart is leading you toward another area of service that God created and equipped you to do. It could be wholly different than the arena you’re leaving or it could piggyback off of the skills, platform, or network you devoted prior years to. Talking and listening to the LORD and following His heart will determine the service (work) you should engage in this refirement period. Could be in another arena traditionally considered secular or something that seems more spiritual. Remember, whatever legitimate service you do pleases Him when you make His will and way the priority of your life and seek to glorify Him through it.

Looking forward to God’s next step for you is something to look forward to and not to fear or despise. It may be wise to take an extended time (months) between the work from which you retire and the area of service you will engage to a greater degree in the future. Just make sure it’s not so long that you fall into slothfulness because this will bring unfruitfulness and ruin. When you retire with God’s will in mind, you’ll be able to have peace, joy, and needed rest in a way that refires you and brings fulfillment to your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Genesis 1:28, Numbers 8:24-26, Proverbs 10:4-5, Acts 20:32-35, 2Thessalonians 3:6-12

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy Parlor and Karen Parlor at