You have a gift to give and serve for the sake of the unsaved who need to come to Jesus Christ and people who are already believers that need encouragement to live holy, be an example for, witness to, and disciple others. God will use every person who opens their heart to Him and He will bless them financially and in many other ways to continue the work He gives them.
Everyone who has put his / her faith in Jesus Christ is a member of the body of Christ. That person realizes that Christ is the head of all things and thus the Church organism and operation and that he / she must die to him / herself and allow His life to be lived in and through him / her. You will never be on the wrong path and your life will be a complete success no matter what the situation looks like on the surface when you follow His directions for using your gifts, money, and resources.
As more members are added and taught to live, talk, and walk like Christ, the body becomes stronger and stronger in the earth by the power of God and it positively affects our communities, workplaces, and nation. You represent a unique part of the body with gifts that supply exactly what the other parts need. The unique gifting of other parts of Christ’s body also supply your need. We show the harmony that God wants for His body when we consistently and regularly use our respective gifts, skills, and abilities to faithfully tithe for the spreading of the gospel in our communities and beyond, for serving others who have spiritual and physical needs, and for upkeep of facilities and tools that meet fellowship needs.
Giving of our time, talent, money, and other resources is a sweet smelling aroma in God’s nostrils and it allows you in partnership with the Church to help organize and maintain fruitful ministries that reach out to pull many unsaved people to Christ and to teach and help those who are already saved to continually mature in Christ-likeness. When you join this giving plan, your example shows other people that Jesus Christ is Savior & Lord who is worthy of eternal adoration and allegiance.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 6:38, Romans 12:4-9, 1Corinthians 12:7-26, Ephesians 4:16, 1Timothy 4:14-16
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