People and advertising constantly lead you to immediately pursue a lifestyle above what your income can currently provide. They entice you to spend everything you receive and to borrow even more money as the way to have it all. The problem is you have not been told about the grief that accompanies indebted-ness and the financial situations that often result from it like inability to pay all your bills, repossession, foreclosure, and bankruptcy. On top of that creditors continue to contact you and press you to get the money you owe them. The stress of these situations often negatively affect your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
Those in debt generally feel like they work to support their creditors! They see creditors building great wealth for their businesses and personal lives. The purchase of many material things over the years is not leading to the indebted person’s wealth accumulation because the value of those items depreciated rapidly, far below the purchase price, after they were bought. Many have absolutely no value.
Debt is insidious because the seemingly small monthly payments leads people to get even more debt, which eventually ac-cumulates to monthly payments and other bills close to or higher than their take home pay. They experience a cash flow shortage in their personal and/or business finances. While it leads them down this path their credit history gets much worse and they are charged higher interest rates which give creditors more of their money on top of principal payments. We have been consciously and subconsciously bombarded with messages and trained to follow this pathway such that we have now incorporated it in most every area of our life, such as buying cars, recreational vehicles, furniture, jewelry, clothing, mortgages, education (school loans), etc.
How many lenders or financial counselors told you the bible says, "The borrower is a slave to the lender" or “a wise man builds wealth but fools spend everything they get. Probably none. If you want misery throughout your life, continue to follow the ways of the world by continuing to borrow more and more and re-fusing to pursue debt freedom. However, you do have another option. You can put on the mind of Christ to engage good money management. By doing so, you heap to yourself the financial benefits you otherwise pay to those you borrow money from.
This process starts by (a) refusing to borrow any more money, (b) seeking additional income you can use to totally eliminate debt over the next year or two, (c) budgeting responsibly, (d) foregoing purchase of all unneeded material things until you are debt-free, and (e) trusting God to provide needs when you don’t have cash to purchase them. Your debt will be eliminated shortly and over time you'll accumulate massive savings and investments and a heart to give abundantly to endeavors that glorify the LORD. For the rest of your life, instead of creditors making lots of money off you, you will make lots of money off the interest and growth you get from your savings and equity investments.
Please pray for this ministry, email me with any questions, and contact me to speak at your business or ministry conference or workshop. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
Deuteronomy 28:12, Psalms 37:21, Proverbs 22:7, 27:23-24, Romans 13:8
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