This program will help you undo financial bondage.
You’ve encountered so many different voices in the world. You've heard numerous messages with different requirements on tithing and offering and you’ve experienced a similar pattern concerning money management, evangelism, marriage, childrearing, and other important areas of the Christian life. In addition to sermons from your local church pastor you’re hearing them from television evangelists, visiting preachers, and other Christians. These messages contain instructions on how the speaker believes you should or should not engage these activities.
You may be young and immature in Christ or old as Methuselah, yet you may be somewhat confused by the different requirements coming from the mouth of so many people, some of whom you admire greatly. You're wondering how to know which set of instructions is biblically based, so you can utilize it in your life. God has a simple plan to help you. You must study the bible to show yourself an approved workman who learns how and isn't ashamed to rightly divide the word of truth. Also, you must ask the Holy Spirit for the ability to understand and apply biblical instruction and messages received from others. In addition, you must hide the Word in your heart so the chances are much greater that you won't sin against God. Finally, you must be a doer of the word and not a hearer (reader) only.
A good saying to remember as you consider ministry that may be like or unlike how others serve is: Methods are many, principles are few, methods often change, principles never do. A principle that can help you better understand what God is saying to you is let understanding be established by the mouth of two or three faithful witnesses or by the braiding of a three-fold cord. A method for using this principle is studying all scriptures that speak about a specific subject to identify whether they all agree there is only one way to carry out the principle, whether there are several ways, or if some ways are negatively spoken of. Instruction, guidance, and/or advice that are contrary to the whole counsel of God in the bible should not be acted upon.
Scriptures and some of the guidance from pastors and other Christians don't conflict. They're just different methods of carrying out God's plan. He is pleased with any of them as long as they fall within the boundaries of scriptural principles and He didn’t tell you to use another method. Only the bible can confirm that the guidance you're hearing fits within boundaries given by God. This is a means for testing spiritual instruction to see if it’s of God. When it is, you’re usually safe using methods mentioned and will receive the financial, marital, family, church, and other blessings attached to use of the principle in your life.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 24:11-14, 1Timothy 4:1-2, 2Timothy 4:3-4, 2Peter 2:1-3, 1John 4:1-3
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
MoneyWalk #106: Essential Elements Of Enduring Prosperity
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Keys to prospering on earth and throughout eternity are: to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD; to be diligent at your work over a 30 to 40 year work span; to shun occupations and methods that do not glorify God; to pay a tenth of your income to church ministry (tithe); to give freewill offerings to ministries that please God; to spend less than 80 percent of after tax income on needs and desires; to trust and allow God to supernaturally provide needs and desires you cannot currently afford; to eliminate current debt to live debt-free in the future; and to save at least 10 percent of your income throughout your work years in investment vehicles that compound growth and interest.
Due to the law of sowing and reaping and biblical instruction on stewardship, this pattern of money management will work to prosper anyone who uses it. You could still prosper if you add additional criteria, develop greater investment skill, inherit great wealth, and/or complicate the pattern in some other way. However, the simple methods identified are the only ones you need to experience great earthly and eternal security.
This pattern helps you appropriately maintain and grow resources God has entrusted to you for building His kingdom and caring for your family. It also helps you overcome any financial problems that arise. Failure to use this pattern shows a lack of focus on and pursuit of what God created you to do in the earth. Ultimately, such failure will cause you to be unfulfilled deep down in your soul. You might otherwise accumulate great sums of money, but you won't have everlasting peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. Chances are you'll look back at the end of your life and wonder if obtaining all the money was worth forsaking eternal life and destroying many people and relationships.
May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 6:6-8, 10:4, Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 14:28-30, 19:1-10, James 5:1-6
Keys to prospering on earth and throughout eternity are: to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD; to be diligent at your work over a 30 to 40 year work span; to shun occupations and methods that do not glorify God; to pay a tenth of your income to church ministry (tithe); to give freewill offerings to ministries that please God; to spend less than 80 percent of after tax income on needs and desires; to trust and allow God to supernaturally provide needs and desires you cannot currently afford; to eliminate current debt to live debt-free in the future; and to save at least 10 percent of your income throughout your work years in investment vehicles that compound growth and interest.
Due to the law of sowing and reaping and biblical instruction on stewardship, this pattern of money management will work to prosper anyone who uses it. You could still prosper if you add additional criteria, develop greater investment skill, inherit great wealth, and/or complicate the pattern in some other way. However, the simple methods identified are the only ones you need to experience great earthly and eternal security.
This pattern helps you appropriately maintain and grow resources God has entrusted to you for building His kingdom and caring for your family. It also helps you overcome any financial problems that arise. Failure to use this pattern shows a lack of focus on and pursuit of what God created you to do in the earth. Ultimately, such failure will cause you to be unfulfilled deep down in your soul. You might otherwise accumulate great sums of money, but you won't have everlasting peace, joy, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. Chances are you'll look back at the end of your life and wonder if obtaining all the money was worth forsaking eternal life and destroying many people and relationships.
May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 6:6-8, 10:4, Malachi 3:8-12, Luke 14:28-30, 19:1-10, James 5:1-6
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
MoneyWalk #105: Truly Successful Money Management
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
You can say that you live in faith toward God and are good manager of His treasures, but only godly works show it’s true. Such fruit is the material evidence of your true desire. It displays that Jesus Christ is your foundation. It also attests to the fact that you have, by the power of the Holy Spirit, crucified your sinful fleshly nature (the ways of the world) and the lust thereof to overcome bondage formerly imposed on you by satan and his demonic forces.
Each person who confesses that Jesus Christ is Savior and LORD, believing in the atoning power of His godly blood and the eternal victory obtained by His resurrection, is already a king and priest with power and authority from Christ over all satanic beings and evil strategies seeking to harm or oppose him or her. Thus, if you're a believer, you have at your disposal every heavenly plan, tool, and treasure necessary to fulfill your part of the church’s mission, your specific godly calling, and your earthly responsibilities to family, church, and community.
God has made each believer a new creation (peculiar to those still in the world) with a spiritual appetite that by faith looks for and engages opportunities that bring the gospel message to unbelievers and equips people in service that glorifies God. Don't let carnal lusts direct your life or money management strategy. Otherwise, ultimate destruction will result from the constant effort and use of any means possible to obtain material things. Rather be lead by the Holy Spirit to use biblical principles because they help you build treasures in heaven and reap fulfilling rewards on earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 37:1-4, 21-26 Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 6:31-33, 1John 2:15-17, Jude 1:11-13
You can say that you live in faith toward God and are good manager of His treasures, but only godly works show it’s true. Such fruit is the material evidence of your true desire. It displays that Jesus Christ is your foundation. It also attests to the fact that you have, by the power of the Holy Spirit, crucified your sinful fleshly nature (the ways of the world) and the lust thereof to overcome bondage formerly imposed on you by satan and his demonic forces.
Each person who confesses that Jesus Christ is Savior and LORD, believing in the atoning power of His godly blood and the eternal victory obtained by His resurrection, is already a king and priest with power and authority from Christ over all satanic beings and evil strategies seeking to harm or oppose him or her. Thus, if you're a believer, you have at your disposal every heavenly plan, tool, and treasure necessary to fulfill your part of the church’s mission, your specific godly calling, and your earthly responsibilities to family, church, and community.
God has made each believer a new creation (peculiar to those still in the world) with a spiritual appetite that by faith looks for and engages opportunities that bring the gospel message to unbelievers and equips people in service that glorifies God. Don't let carnal lusts direct your life or money management strategy. Otherwise, ultimate destruction will result from the constant effort and use of any means possible to obtain material things. Rather be lead by the Holy Spirit to use biblical principles because they help you build treasures in heaven and reap fulfilling rewards on earth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 37:1-4, 21-26 Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 6:31-33, 1John 2:15-17, Jude 1:11-13
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
MoneyWalk #104: The Self-Controlled Money Manager
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Satan employs a major strategy of introducing you to ideas that put the greatest priority in life on earning great amounts of money, seeking success among men, and pursuing the pleasures that lots of money can buy. His demonic cohorts constantly bombard you with such ideas through media articles, infomercials, internet spam, everyday communication, and sometimes pulpits.
They know the love of money is the root of all evil and that such covetousness and idolatry is able to eternally destroy your life. They also know you'll have little to no time to learn the truth by fellowshipping with God in prayer and bible study, if they can influence you to spend most of your time pursuing actions and situations you think can produce money and the power, fame, and notoriety it can give you on earth.
Their clever age old strategy has convinced some men that God is okay with any activity or business endeavor that makes lots of money. They believe He condones and is even happy that they spend all their time working and neglecting family and church as long as they’re pursuing money and situations that can bring more of it. Such heart and mindsets have caused many divorces, neglected children, oppression in the workforce, and people to be eternally separated from God. This is not God’s best for you or anyone else.
Faithfully maintaining daily devotions with God, fellowship with believers, and managing your activities and finances according to biblical principles eliminates such problems and produces everything you really need for life and godliness on earth and throughout eternity. In many instances, it also produces an abundance of resources in your life that is far beyond most people’s wildest dreams. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
1Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 5:16-23, 1Timothy 6:6-10, James 5:1-7, 1Peter 1:3-9
Satan employs a major strategy of introducing you to ideas that put the greatest priority in life on earning great amounts of money, seeking success among men, and pursuing the pleasures that lots of money can buy. His demonic cohorts constantly bombard you with such ideas through media articles, infomercials, internet spam, everyday communication, and sometimes pulpits.
They know the love of money is the root of all evil and that such covetousness and idolatry is able to eternally destroy your life. They also know you'll have little to no time to learn the truth by fellowshipping with God in prayer and bible study, if they can influence you to spend most of your time pursuing actions and situations you think can produce money and the power, fame, and notoriety it can give you on earth.
Their clever age old strategy has convinced some men that God is okay with any activity or business endeavor that makes lots of money. They believe He condones and is even happy that they spend all their time working and neglecting family and church as long as they’re pursuing money and situations that can bring more of it. Such heart and mindsets have caused many divorces, neglected children, oppression in the workforce, and people to be eternally separated from God. This is not God’s best for you or anyone else.
Faithfully maintaining daily devotions with God, fellowship with believers, and managing your activities and finances according to biblical principles eliminates such problems and produces everything you really need for life and godliness on earth and throughout eternity. In many instances, it also produces an abundance of resources in your life that is far beyond most people’s wildest dreams. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
1Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 5:16-23, 1Timothy 6:6-10, James 5:1-7, 1Peter 1:3-9
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