Tuesday, June 17, 2008

MoneyWalk #104: The Self-Controlled Money Manager

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Satan employs a major strategy of introducing you to ideas that put the greatest priority in life on earning great amounts of money, seeking success among men, and pursuing the pleasures that lots of money can buy. His demonic cohorts constantly bombard you with such ideas through media articles, infomercials, internet spam, everyday communication, and sometimes pulpits.

They know the love of money is the root of all evil and that such covetousness and idolatry is able to eternally destroy your life. They also know you'll have little to no time to learn the truth by fellowshipping with God in prayer and bible study, if they can influence you to spend most of your time pursuing actions and situations you think can produce money and the power, fame, and notoriety it can give you on earth.

Their clever age old strategy has convinced some men that God is okay with any activity or business endeavor that makes lots of money. They believe He condones and is even happy that they spend all their time working and neglecting family and church as long as they’re pursuing money and situations that can bring more of it. Such heart and mindsets have caused many divorces, neglected children, oppression in the workforce, and people to be eternally separated from God. This is not God’s best for you or anyone else.

Faithfully maintaining daily devotions with God, fellowship with believers, and managing your activities and finances according to biblical principles eliminates such problems and produces everything you really need for life and godliness on earth and throughout eternity. In many instances, it also produces an abundance of resources in your life that is far beyond most people’s wildest dreams. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

1Corinthians 9:24-27, Galatians 5:16-23, 1Timothy 6:6-10, James 5:1-7, 1Peter 1:3-9

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