This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Many people get laid off, receive less pay, and have their overall assets reduced during times of stock market correction, recession, and depression. One has only to review the history of the U.S. and world economies to recognize that these times will come. Yet, many people act as if they’re oblivious to the fact and others act in such a risky investment manner that they override the fact that these economic situations will arise at some point.
People in these two extremes normally engage in personal money management practices that will land them in financial turmoil at some point in their lives, especially when several of the major markets are down, such as stock and real estate. Turmoil occurs because they merrily, or so they think, continue to do things the world’s way like taking on ever increasing debt to purchase material things beyond the reach of their current income and assets. Many also fail to honor God by giving him a tithe for the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the work of the ministry. At the same time, others spend all their resources on get rich quick business ventures and high-earning investment schemes marketed by people whose promises turn out to be untrustworthy.
They fail to realize that you cannot listen to anyone who tells you a specific method is successful for everyone who uses it. The only time you want to listen to such talk is when the bible says that all believers should engage in specific methods, such as tithing, not living beyond your means, forsaking debt, etc. Otherwise, the heavy concentration you make in one investment or industry will usually turn into a financial downfall for you, especially if you do not become an expert in how that market operates so you can avoid the downturns or have enough income and assets to weather them. You might even suffer foreclosure, bankruptcy, unrecoverable losses, and discomfort for a lengthy time in order to get back to the place where God wanted you to be all along.
God has done preventative maintenance by putting investment principles in the bible that help us overcome the severe effects of economic downturn. This doesn’t mean that you’ll never be touched or that you should take no risks. We know that every person will face obstacles and catastrophes in life and that all investments deal with the risk that they may not grow and you might lose principal. However, you always have a better chance of maintaining your giving, your lifestyle, and recovering losses when you consistently make two actions part of your financial plan.
First, you should diligently work to get out and stay out of debt by regularly paying down and ultimately paying off everything from credit card debt to car loans to home mortgages. Secondly, you should diversify your assets by buying seven or eight different types of investments. These principles help you overcome the downturns that affect every investment market. Historically, down markets do not affect every industry or investment at the same time, so using these two principles allows you to be in a place where you’re not negatively affected or moved by the current economic winds. You can spend whatever income you receive to meet your needs without having bill collectors chasing you to pay debts you cannot afford. Also, you have a much greater possibility of annual asset growth when only a few markets are down at the same time because the growth of investments you have in markets that are up have an opportunity to outweigh the losses you will experience in markets that are down.
As you can see, God has provided insulation against economic upheaval, but you must do your part to employ His plan so you are always able to come out ahead no matter what obstacles are thrown in front of you.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 28:12, Ecclesiastes 11:1-2, Acts 6:3, Romans 13:8
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
This program will help you undo financial bondage!!!
Consistently giving your tithe and offerings to your local church is the way to make God’s will through Christ a priority in your life. Certainly, the first thing you need to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord. Yet, how you handle the money that comes into your life shows whether being more Christ-like is truly your priority. Jesus was a giver in every way and He taught that people should have all the other righteous qualities such as justice, mercy, and faith and not use those qualities as an excuse for failing to tithe. So, if you really want to be like Him you must apply His teaching to your life. Not in words, but in deeds.
It has been said that tithing and offering is the best barometer of whether or not a person is truly committed to Christ and the Great Commission that is His priority for the earth. For if one does not fund it the way that is spoken of in scripture can one really say that Christ and His will are his/her priority. If your money is too good for God, too little for God, or He is too little to take care of your need after you’ve given the tithe and offering to Him then He is not your priority and should not be your God because in your mind He is too small to care for your need. Why serve a God who is too small to care for your need? For instead of believing that He will care for all your need according to His riches in glory, you really believe that He does not have the riches and glory to care for your need and so you must take care of them with the money you earned or received on earth.
Let’s be perfectly clear, you ought to give your life to Christ and you ought to trust Him to provide in every situation such that it’s easy to consistently tithe and give offerings. For if He’s the great big God you say you serve, you will have everything that you truly need for life and godliness. As you fix your hand to give in this manner, you begin to see the result of such giving. It begins to produce for you an abundant and continual receiving. You did not have to pray for it, search for a prophecy to get it, or pursue it through hook and crook. His word simply states the result of abundant giving, which is abundant receiving. You see your posture must be to give the tithe and offering in Christ-likeness and humility and be content with what you currently have. When you do, His posture shows up in your life through the operation of the giving/receiving principle He laid down. You will receive abundantly. You can expect that He is always faithful to fulfill His Word! You should never be demanding of Him or have a greedy, envious, or covetous heart when approaching other people. If He is truly your Lord and you act like it when it comes to the money that flows through your life, then He is your Provider and will take care of all your need.
I am a living witness and I know countless others who tell the same story. I searched the bible for answers to financial problems that hampered me throughout my twenties and the Holy Spirit led me to passages which confirmed that God uses methods that seem foolish. Then He amazes onlookers with the results. I know a man who was raised in the hood without a silver spoon in his mouth whose parent failed to teach Him how to properly manage money. He had also forsaken the will of God for over a decade and got himself into $125,000 of debt. He realized he was lost eternally and accepted Christ into His life, yet was still burdened with great debt. He search for financial solutions in the world and they did not work for him. He came across biblical money management principles through committed local church attendance and a financial seminar held by His church.
In his late twenties, he began utilizing the principles one by one as he confirmed them by the Word and understood them. The results have been astounding for this man of low estate. 16 years after making God’s financial plan his financial priority, he’s giving roughly 25% and sometimes more of his family income to ministry work, lives totally debt free in comfort on 35% of his gross family income, paid his home mortgage off in thirteen years, has grown a net worth approaching a million dollars, is legally paying an extremely low amount of taxes due to legal charitable contributions and deductions, and is able to give to many people in need in ways he never could in the past. As you commit to tithing and offering regularly in good and bad times, the discipline it builds will bring financial abundance in your life and you will wind up continually reaping the harvest of the seeds you have sown. Remember, this principle produces in the opposite direction also. Christian or not, if you don’t abundantly give then you cannot expect to abundantly receive from God!
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9-10, 11:24-26, 19:17, Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:38, 2Corinthians 9:6-8
Consistently giving your tithe and offerings to your local church is the way to make God’s will through Christ a priority in your life. Certainly, the first thing you need to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord. Yet, how you handle the money that comes into your life shows whether being more Christ-like is truly your priority. Jesus was a giver in every way and He taught that people should have all the other righteous qualities such as justice, mercy, and faith and not use those qualities as an excuse for failing to tithe. So, if you really want to be like Him you must apply His teaching to your life. Not in words, but in deeds.
It has been said that tithing and offering is the best barometer of whether or not a person is truly committed to Christ and the Great Commission that is His priority for the earth. For if one does not fund it the way that is spoken of in scripture can one really say that Christ and His will are his/her priority. If your money is too good for God, too little for God, or He is too little to take care of your need after you’ve given the tithe and offering to Him then He is not your priority and should not be your God because in your mind He is too small to care for your need. Why serve a God who is too small to care for your need? For instead of believing that He will care for all your need according to His riches in glory, you really believe that He does not have the riches and glory to care for your need and so you must take care of them with the money you earned or received on earth.
Let’s be perfectly clear, you ought to give your life to Christ and you ought to trust Him to provide in every situation such that it’s easy to consistently tithe and give offerings. For if He’s the great big God you say you serve, you will have everything that you truly need for life and godliness. As you fix your hand to give in this manner, you begin to see the result of such giving. It begins to produce for you an abundant and continual receiving. You did not have to pray for it, search for a prophecy to get it, or pursue it through hook and crook. His word simply states the result of abundant giving, which is abundant receiving. You see your posture must be to give the tithe and offering in Christ-likeness and humility and be content with what you currently have. When you do, His posture shows up in your life through the operation of the giving/receiving principle He laid down. You will receive abundantly. You can expect that He is always faithful to fulfill His Word! You should never be demanding of Him or have a greedy, envious, or covetous heart when approaching other people. If He is truly your Lord and you act like it when it comes to the money that flows through your life, then He is your Provider and will take care of all your need.
I am a living witness and I know countless others who tell the same story. I searched the bible for answers to financial problems that hampered me throughout my twenties and the Holy Spirit led me to passages which confirmed that God uses methods that seem foolish. Then He amazes onlookers with the results. I know a man who was raised in the hood without a silver spoon in his mouth whose parent failed to teach Him how to properly manage money. He had also forsaken the will of God for over a decade and got himself into $125,000 of debt. He realized he was lost eternally and accepted Christ into His life, yet was still burdened with great debt. He search for financial solutions in the world and they did not work for him. He came across biblical money management principles through committed local church attendance and a financial seminar held by His church.
In his late twenties, he began utilizing the principles one by one as he confirmed them by the Word and understood them. The results have been astounding for this man of low estate. 16 years after making God’s financial plan his financial priority, he’s giving roughly 25% and sometimes more of his family income to ministry work, lives totally debt free in comfort on 35% of his gross family income, paid his home mortgage off in thirteen years, has grown a net worth approaching a million dollars, is legally paying an extremely low amount of taxes due to legal charitable contributions and deductions, and is able to give to many people in need in ways he never could in the past. As you commit to tithing and offering regularly in good and bad times, the discipline it builds will bring financial abundance in your life and you will wind up continually reaping the harvest of the seeds you have sown. Remember, this principle produces in the opposite direction also. Christian or not, if you don’t abundantly give then you cannot expect to abundantly receive from God!
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9-10, 11:24-26, 19:17, Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:38, 2Corinthians 9:6-8
Sunday, August 10, 2008
MoneyWalk #112: Building Wealth God’s Way
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
You're assured of building godly riches when you submit your desires to God’s will through thanksgiving, praise, worship, and meditation. Let Him direct your plans and work diligently in service to others in your employment, church, and outside ministry. Also, faithfully honor God by paying a tenth of your gross income each pay period to the church. Give free will offerings to various ministries and set aside a portion of your net income to give to those in need directly and through organizations that help the poor.
Make sure you budget spending so you don't spend more than 80% of your net income on pleasures and household needs. Refuse to take on debts to obtain the material things you need and want. Be willing to sacrifice by not worrying about needs and desires you cannot pay for at the current time. Thus, allowing God to provide for you and your family when you cannot. You will find that many things you consider a need are not truly a need and that you can wait on desires until you are able to purchase them without the burden of debt and consequences that follow it.
In addition, save 3 to 6 months of take home pay in vehicles that pay the highest compound interest in the most frequent intervals. Invest at least another 10 percent of your take home pay in seven or eight reliable equity investment vehicles that as an industry have netted the highest historical returns of any investments that are easy to understand and contain broad diversification (stock mutual funds, REITS, etc.). Let a professional help you draft a will and necessary trusts to plan how your accumulated assets will provide for immediate family members and church ministry after you go home to be with the Lord.
Finally, learn how to present your Christian testimony in everyday conversation with unbelievers so everyday you can tell them about the wonderful life changing experience you've had since accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD. While studying the bible continually, you'll notice that men and women who accepted God’s sovereignty didn't seek riches, they sought the wealth of relationship with God produced by honoring God and utilizing biblical principles when walking out this earthly life. For this commitment, God prospered them throughout their lives to fulfill His calling and the earthly mission He gave them.
Even though some experienced death, persecution, ridicule, and the like, these light afflictions cannot be compared with the wealth of the glory of God that will only be revealed once we leave this earthly body. So let’s do all we can while on earth to use methods conforming to biblical principles that build wealth and spread it around according to God’s will, so that we can usher His glory in and bring as many people as we can under His umbrella of eternal protection and wealth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 6:38, 12:15-21, 14:28-30, Romans 13:8, Ephesians 4:28, 2Thessalonians 3:6-12, Hebrews 7:8
You're assured of building godly riches when you submit your desires to God’s will through thanksgiving, praise, worship, and meditation. Let Him direct your plans and work diligently in service to others in your employment, church, and outside ministry. Also, faithfully honor God by paying a tenth of your gross income each pay period to the church. Give free will offerings to various ministries and set aside a portion of your net income to give to those in need directly and through organizations that help the poor.
Make sure you budget spending so you don't spend more than 80% of your net income on pleasures and household needs. Refuse to take on debts to obtain the material things you need and want. Be willing to sacrifice by not worrying about needs and desires you cannot pay for at the current time. Thus, allowing God to provide for you and your family when you cannot. You will find that many things you consider a need are not truly a need and that you can wait on desires until you are able to purchase them without the burden of debt and consequences that follow it.
In addition, save 3 to 6 months of take home pay in vehicles that pay the highest compound interest in the most frequent intervals. Invest at least another 10 percent of your take home pay in seven or eight reliable equity investment vehicles that as an industry have netted the highest historical returns of any investments that are easy to understand and contain broad diversification (stock mutual funds, REITS, etc.). Let a professional help you draft a will and necessary trusts to plan how your accumulated assets will provide for immediate family members and church ministry after you go home to be with the Lord.
Finally, learn how to present your Christian testimony in everyday conversation with unbelievers so everyday you can tell them about the wonderful life changing experience you've had since accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD. While studying the bible continually, you'll notice that men and women who accepted God’s sovereignty didn't seek riches, they sought the wealth of relationship with God produced by honoring God and utilizing biblical principles when walking out this earthly life. For this commitment, God prospered them throughout their lives to fulfill His calling and the earthly mission He gave them.
Even though some experienced death, persecution, ridicule, and the like, these light afflictions cannot be compared with the wealth of the glory of God that will only be revealed once we leave this earthly body. So let’s do all we can while on earth to use methods conforming to biblical principles that build wealth and spread it around according to God’s will, so that we can usher His glory in and bring as many people as we can under His umbrella of eternal protection and wealth.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 6:38, 12:15-21, 14:28-30, Romans 13:8, Ephesians 4:28, 2Thessalonians 3:6-12, Hebrews 7:8
Sunday, August 3, 2008
MoneyWalk #111: Rich People's Responsibility
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
When prosperity is preached many peoples’ eyes get real big and their hearts start racing, similar to what happens when they read an article about someone who has made millions. For many, the reason they want riches is to spend it upon their own lusts believing the greatest priority is to live in ease with the finest material trappings. Others simply don't know what God’s purpose is for them and thus what they should pursue and love.
Scripture tells us not to love money or have our eyes set on the pleasures of this earth as the highest priority. Yet, it lets us know through many stories and instructions that money, bartering, and resources are necessary mediums of exchange that everyone will deal with to some extent, great or small and that faithful followers should make efforts to increase our resources for furtherance of the gospel in the earth. In fact, the bible clearly shows that, even in the midst of persecution, God blessed many believers with great material riches and they were able to live in some level of comfort while partnering with Him to minister in the earth.
Though most people want the lifestyle that comes with riches, many don’t want the responsibility of doing what God requires and don’t want to hear about good stewardship because they might be convicted by not doing it. Yet, in order for your riches to have any meaning and benefit beyond this temporal life on earth, you must do the things that make your life fruitful regardless of whether riches have yet come your way. Walking in such principles while you have little allows the windows of heaven to be opened to you so God’s treasures can be poured out upon you. Continuing to walk in them when you become rich keeps the windows open and heavenly treasures poured upon you.
Biblically speaking, rich men are supposed to honor God, give abundantly to spread the gospel and do good works in proportion to the riches with which they've been blessed. So, if you truly dream of being rich understand your responsibilities in Christ and begin to perform them now without excuse because it’s very unlikely that you would perform them if at once you come into riches. Begin your wealth-building plan by consistently giving one tenth of your gross income plus an offering to your local church and continue throughout your life by giving as abundantly to ministry as you desire to lavish upon yourself.
No matter what your current status in life, true fulfillment comes only from relationship with God and the best financial growth comes only by employing His system of managing money and resources. Remember only what you do for Christ will produce rewards that last throughout eternity!
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 12:15-21, 2Corinthians 9:6-13, 1Timothy 6:17-19, James 5:1-11
When prosperity is preached many peoples’ eyes get real big and their hearts start racing, similar to what happens when they read an article about someone who has made millions. For many, the reason they want riches is to spend it upon their own lusts believing the greatest priority is to live in ease with the finest material trappings. Others simply don't know what God’s purpose is for them and thus what they should pursue and love.
Scripture tells us not to love money or have our eyes set on the pleasures of this earth as the highest priority. Yet, it lets us know through many stories and instructions that money, bartering, and resources are necessary mediums of exchange that everyone will deal with to some extent, great or small and that faithful followers should make efforts to increase our resources for furtherance of the gospel in the earth. In fact, the bible clearly shows that, even in the midst of persecution, God blessed many believers with great material riches and they were able to live in some level of comfort while partnering with Him to minister in the earth.
Though most people want the lifestyle that comes with riches, many don’t want the responsibility of doing what God requires and don’t want to hear about good stewardship because they might be convicted by not doing it. Yet, in order for your riches to have any meaning and benefit beyond this temporal life on earth, you must do the things that make your life fruitful regardless of whether riches have yet come your way. Walking in such principles while you have little allows the windows of heaven to be opened to you so God’s treasures can be poured out upon you. Continuing to walk in them when you become rich keeps the windows open and heavenly treasures poured upon you.
Biblically speaking, rich men are supposed to honor God, give abundantly to spread the gospel and do good works in proportion to the riches with which they've been blessed. So, if you truly dream of being rich understand your responsibilities in Christ and begin to perform them now without excuse because it’s very unlikely that you would perform them if at once you come into riches. Begin your wealth-building plan by consistently giving one tenth of your gross income plus an offering to your local church and continue throughout your life by giving as abundantly to ministry as you desire to lavish upon yourself.
No matter what your current status in life, true fulfillment comes only from relationship with God and the best financial growth comes only by employing His system of managing money and resources. Remember only what you do for Christ will produce rewards that last throughout eternity!
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 12:15-21, 2Corinthians 9:6-13, 1Timothy 6:17-19, James 5:1-11
Friday, August 1, 2008
MoneyWalk #110: Prosperous in Persecution, Part 2
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Managing money by employing biblical principles makes you a better person by enabling you to grow wealth to bless your family, church, and other people while leading them to God. Yet, you will suffer persecution when you commit to managing money the way God commanded. Many people will think and some will say your beliefs and actions are silly and illogical because they won't let you enjoy life. Many will say taking out loans to obtain things is the only reasonable way to live especially when the loan would be obtained for education, real estate, and cars when you cannot afford to pay cash for them. Still others will say refusing to purchase stock in companies with sinful products and services will seriously hamper your ability to accumulate enough money to live on comfortably in the future when you need it the most.
When this type of persecution (ridicule) comes because you decide to follow godly principles for managing money, you must remember that God’s glory is what you seek and His ways are higher than your ways and always lead to the blessing He has in store for you that you cannot see right now. That’s what faith is all about! You will be better off in the end managing money God’s way than managing it your way or any other person’s way because the Lord gives a blessing to people who use His way and adds no sorrow to the blessing.
Patiently plowing and sowing seeds of biblical principles causes blessings, peace, and joy to fill your life, even in the midst of persecution. More importantly, you'll build treasures in heaven for your arrival there after this life is over. This will replace the great sorrow you would have endured for following the path of disobedience the world is on.
Many people will wonder how you became wealthy while letting Christ live in you when you refused to follow conventional worldly wisdom. Your life will become an example for all to follow in placing God’s priorities and ways of doing things above their own. Through your actions, many will see it’s not about money; rather it’s about glorifying God with the money and resources He entrusts to them. They will desire a loving and saving relationship with Jesus Christ and will lead others to Him because that is what they see in your life and the methods by which you manage money.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 5:11-12, 10:29-31, 1Corinthians 4:10-16, 1Thessalonians 2:14-16, 2Timothy 3:10-17
Managing money by employing biblical principles makes you a better person by enabling you to grow wealth to bless your family, church, and other people while leading them to God. Yet, you will suffer persecution when you commit to managing money the way God commanded. Many people will think and some will say your beliefs and actions are silly and illogical because they won't let you enjoy life. Many will say taking out loans to obtain things is the only reasonable way to live especially when the loan would be obtained for education, real estate, and cars when you cannot afford to pay cash for them. Still others will say refusing to purchase stock in companies with sinful products and services will seriously hamper your ability to accumulate enough money to live on comfortably in the future when you need it the most.
When this type of persecution (ridicule) comes because you decide to follow godly principles for managing money, you must remember that God’s glory is what you seek and His ways are higher than your ways and always lead to the blessing He has in store for you that you cannot see right now. That’s what faith is all about! You will be better off in the end managing money God’s way than managing it your way or any other person’s way because the Lord gives a blessing to people who use His way and adds no sorrow to the blessing.
Patiently plowing and sowing seeds of biblical principles causes blessings, peace, and joy to fill your life, even in the midst of persecution. More importantly, you'll build treasures in heaven for your arrival there after this life is over. This will replace the great sorrow you would have endured for following the path of disobedience the world is on.
Many people will wonder how you became wealthy while letting Christ live in you when you refused to follow conventional worldly wisdom. Your life will become an example for all to follow in placing God’s priorities and ways of doing things above their own. Through your actions, many will see it’s not about money; rather it’s about glorifying God with the money and resources He entrusts to them. They will desire a loving and saving relationship with Jesus Christ and will lead others to Him because that is what they see in your life and the methods by which you manage money.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 5:11-12, 10:29-31, 1Corinthians 4:10-16, 1Thessalonians 2:14-16, 2Timothy 3:10-17
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