Sunday, August 24, 2008


This program will help you undo financial bondage!!!

Consistently giving your tithe and offerings to your local church is the way to make God’s will through Christ a priority in your life. Certainly, the first thing you need to do is confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord. Yet, how you handle the money that comes into your life shows whether being more Christ-like is truly your priority. Jesus was a giver in every way and He taught that people should have all the other righteous qualities such as justice, mercy, and faith and not use those qualities as an excuse for failing to tithe. So, if you really want to be like Him you must apply His teaching to your life. Not in words, but in deeds.

It has been said that tithing and offering is the best barometer of whether or not a person is truly committed to Christ and the Great Commission that is His priority for the earth. For if one does not fund it the way that is spoken of in scripture can one really say that Christ and His will are his/her priority. If your money is too good for God, too little for God, or He is too little to take care of your need after you’ve given the tithe and offering to Him then He is not your priority and should not be your God because in your mind He is too small to care for your need. Why serve a God who is too small to care for your need? For instead of believing that He will care for all your need according to His riches in glory, you really believe that He does not have the riches and glory to care for your need and so you must take care of them with the money you earned or received on earth.

Let’s be perfectly clear, you ought to give your life to Christ and you ought to trust Him to provide in every situation such that it’s easy to consistently tithe and give offerings. For if He’s the great big God you say you serve, you will have everything that you truly need for life and godliness. As you fix your hand to give in this manner, you begin to see the result of such giving. It begins to produce for you an abundant and continual receiving. You did not have to pray for it, search for a prophecy to get it, or pursue it through hook and crook. His word simply states the result of abundant giving, which is abundant receiving. You see your posture must be to give the tithe and offering in Christ-likeness and humility and be content with what you currently have. When you do, His posture shows up in your life through the operation of the giving/receiving principle He laid down. You will receive abundantly. You can expect that He is always faithful to fulfill His Word! You should never be demanding of Him or have a greedy, envious, or covetous heart when approaching other people. If He is truly your Lord and you act like it when it comes to the money that flows through your life, then He is your Provider and will take care of all your need.

I am a living witness and I know countless others who tell the same story. I searched the bible for answers to financial problems that hampered me throughout my twenties and the Holy Spirit led me to passages which confirmed that God uses methods that seem foolish. Then He amazes onlookers with the results. I know a man who was raised in the hood without a silver spoon in his mouth whose parent failed to teach Him how to properly manage money. He had also forsaken the will of God for over a decade and got himself into $125,000 of debt. He realized he was lost eternally and accepted Christ into His life, yet was still burdened with great debt. He search for financial solutions in the world and they did not work for him. He came across biblical money management principles through committed local church attendance and a financial seminar held by His church.

In his late twenties, he began utilizing the principles one by one as he confirmed them by the Word and understood them. The results have been astounding for this man of low estate. 16 years after making God’s financial plan his financial priority, he’s giving roughly 25% and sometimes more of his family income to ministry work, lives totally debt free in comfort on 35% of his gross family income, paid his home mortgage off in thirteen years, has grown a net worth approaching a million dollars, is legally paying an extremely low amount of taxes due to legal charitable contributions and deductions, and is able to give to many people in need in ways he never could in the past. As you commit to tithing and offering regularly in good and bad times, the discipline it builds will bring financial abundance in your life and you will wind up continually reaping the harvest of the seeds you have sown. Remember, this principle produces in the opposite direction also. Christian or not, if you don’t abundantly give then you cannot expect to abundantly receive from God!

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9-10, 11:24-26, 19:17, Matthew 23:23, Luke 6:38, 2Corinthians 9:6-8

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