Tuesday, September 30, 2008

MoneyWalk #117: Principles That Lead To Abundance

This program will help you undo financial bondage. You should use God's Financial System to bring forth abundance in your life, regardless of how successful you think you’ve been thus far. With Almighty God on your side, you can only move further into the abundant plan He created you for and not be subject to derailing naturally or eternally.

Most people have been disappointed with the results they’ve achieved so far, even though a few have amassed great resources, because you cannot truly be fulfilled on any path other than the one God planned for you. Some of the financial principles people learn when they had no salvation relationship with Jesus Christ line up with biblical instruction, even though they don’t know it. This is because God set the foundation of the world and the operation of all things therein. Satan has attempted to distort these things by tempting man with sin and causing man to believe that his distorted view is the best way. He tries this in every area of your life and attacking you financially is vital to his attempts to cause God’s plan to fail because money and resources touch every area of your life.

He has not been able to distort the entire financial system because he is not all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-present like the Lord God. God’s foundation cannot be moved, by satan or anyone else, and the operations can only be distorted in the life of the particular man that follows the perverted principles the enemy offers. The operation God established is not removed or eliminated it is only suspended for the person who fails to use it until he/she realizes the truth and begins to operate God’s way.

Everyone who faithfully uses biblical principles through a relationship with Jesus Christ obtains an abundant life. Yet, Satan's plan to distort and pervert God’s principles causes bondage such as greed, debt, and insatiable desires regardless of how much money and resources you receive. Your relationship with Christ and following His principles breaks these bondages in your life giving you peace, joy, and fulfillment. Commit to the following principles for life and you'll see real change.

First, give ten percent of your gross income to your local church. It is natural for people who faithfully tithe to also give free-will offerings, but not the other way around. Second, save ten percent of your income. Put this away before you pay others and keep it for emergencies and investments, so you won’t have to go back in debt when things happen. Third, pay down debt you owe other people and businesses. This may mean working available overtime or holding a second job to earn money to eliminate debt. Fourth, spend less than your remaining income. This means adhering to the above principles and delaying purchases that you really want to make until you have saved enough to pay for them with cash.

Fifth, when your savings reach three months of living expenses, invest the rest of the money in instruments that will compound over the years (no load stock, bond, and real estate investment trust mutual funds, etc). When left untouched for twenty or thirty years, which is available to all who believe due to the design of God’s stewardship plan and the power He placed inside you to do His will, the investment instruments will provide huge monetary returns that can be used in retirement to meat future household expenses, support ministry work at home and abroad, and fulfill godly desires. Even when you’re already a senior, following these principles has great benefits because they put you in a place where you can live off the income provided and put the extra money you’ll find to use in building God’s kingdom in the hearts of men. This lifestyle of utilizing God’s principles presents your body as a living sacrifice that is holy and acceptable to Him.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 1:1-3, Proverbs 3:5-10, Matthew 22:36-40, Romans 12:1-3, 1Timothy 6:3-11 PLEASE FORWARD THESE BONDAGE BREAKING ARTICLES TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO CAN USE HELPFUL INSIGHT!!!

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