Sunday, November 15, 2009

MoneyWalk 38: What are your assets worth?

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

You'll find that the market value of furniture, appliances, clothing, tools, and cars drop in value drastically over a short period of time. In certain neighborhoods and economic situations, the value of houses, commercial buildings, and land can also drop in value as opposed to the usual appreciation in value that takes place over many years of ownership. This reality of the value of your material goods should help you exercise godly wisdom when making purchases.

Don't put all your effort in accumulating money and goods for earthly purposes. They decay, lose value, and have no eternal worth. Rather, build treasure in heaven by giving abundantly to spread the gospel. The value of this treasure increases throughout eternity and where your treasure is your heart will be also.

God’s highest desire is that you seek a more intimate relationship with Him. Through this fellowship He is likely to provide you with many material blessings. Bible accounts of patriarch/matriarchs with great wealth clearly show that their wealth came from intimacy with God and obedience to His will.

Earthly assets have true worth and eternal value only when they are used to spread the gospel and build the kingdom of God in the hearts of men. So take your cue from these leaders. Engage an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Understand that He owns everything ever created and thus has the right to decide its purpose and direct its use. Be wise in acting this out by making sure that everything you do is pleasing to God and every resource you receive is used to serve others, your family, and yourself according to His will. Then your assets will truly have worth.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 6:33, Mark 10:28-30, Luke 12:32-34, 1Timothy 6:6-10
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

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