Saturday, March 27, 2010

MoneyWalk 456: Love compels me

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

So many people are focused on becoming rich and great in the eyes of other people. While God is able to prosper you and to do so in a very immense way so that your prosperity exceeds that of all your fellows, a heart and mind focused on a priority to obtain riches and fame will in the end pierce your heart with many sorrows. If you fail to repent and turn your heart to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord the consequences are as eternally damning as committing sin because failure to turn to Christ and live and move and have your being in Him is sin.

Don’t get me wrong, being rich and famous in and of itself is not sin. These things are amoral having no right or wrong assigned to them. However, a sinful lifestyle is shown when you pursue or have riches and fame and you also:

1) Have an attitude that places them higher in priority than having relationship with Christ.

2) Take actions that pursue them from a heart that is not focused on using them to do God’s will.

3) Fail to use them to evangelize and disciple other people and care for your family in a godly manner.

Whether you call yourself Christian or not, this type of heart and mindset can lead to engaging in money management, investing, giving, and other money related activities that are not pleasing to God and that may not be helpful to other people. Some will see your activities even when you think no one is looking, some will take on your mindset and emulate your negative money activities, and some will put you in high esteem for the success it seems you achieved and unfortunately will get the idea that pursuit of riches and greatness on earth is the highest priority.

Therefore, a Christian must be careful to pursue God in Christ more than anything else. This is done only through the love of God poured into your heart by the Holy Ghost. Of course, God wants every person to come to Him via Christ and thus allow His love to be the only motivation for everything we do including earning, managing, and growing money. Love never fails and creates for you an everlasting habitation in the presence of God. Money and greatness cannot do this, but they can be used in a mighty way to further the work of the kingdom that needs to be done here on earth to focus and lead men to Christ.

So as you pursue money making, managing, investing, and business pursuits make sure you maintain your love relationship with Lord, spend time with Him daily, be guided by His Spirit, obey His biblical commands and principles, and speak and act as Christ’s ambassador on the earth. Take instruction from the examples of missionaries we love so much and support. The love of God in them and trust in His care compels them to move into hostile territory when called, face possible death, and much suffering.

Tens of millions of dollars flow into their hands, yet they do not put their trust in it. Rather, they recognize as children of Abraham they are blessed to be a blessing to many others. Love moves them to sacrifice, suffer afflictions, and great personal loss at times on earth in order to spread this great gospel throughout the world. They shall receive an everlasting crown from almighty God that is much more precious and enduring. This too should be our focus.

Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 10:21, John 14:15, James 1:12
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

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