This program will help you undo financial bondage.
On a sheet of paper, describe each individual asset you own (property, stocks, bonds, savings, etc.) and list its dollar value next to it under Asset column.
Then describe each debt that you owe (mortgages, car notes, credit cards, loans, etc.) and list the full amount owed next to it under Debt column.
Total the amount of all assets, and then total the amount of all debts.
Now subtract total debt from total assets.
The result is your net worth.
If your net worth is negative or low in comparison with income that has come your way over the years, you're not in a hopeless situation. I had a negative net worth and owed more than ten creditors when I first learned of God's money management plan. Now is the time to start managing your life and money differently in order to accumulate resources for rainy days, future expenses, and giving.
God’s money management instructions are designed for people of all ages, backgrounds, income levels, and occupations to help them prosper, take care of their families, and fund ministry at home and around the world.
Your true worth is not dependent on how much money you’ve accumulated at any one time, rather it's determined by your relationship to Jesus Christ. However, calculating your net worth annually can be an indication of how well you are following God’s principles for managing the earthly estate He entrusted to you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis 13:2, Job 42:12, Proverbs 27:23-27, Luke 19:2-10, James 5:1-5
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
MoneyWalk 64: Obedience Is Essential
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
God will guide you when you’re consistent in reading the bible, praying, fellowshipping with believers, and staying away from complainers and scorners. You’ll know it’s Him because what He communicates to you will never conflict with commands and principles in the bible.
Scripture gives parameters within which you can make decisions about managing money and your lifestyle and remain safe and secure in His arms while doing so. In some situations, the Holy Spirit tells you specifically what to do. It is always best to do what He directs even though your immediate reaction may be fear of unknown results or loss of comfort. What you feel you cannot do because of the weakness of your flesh, God gives you the power to do by the indwelling of His Spirit when it is in accordance with His will.
Rebellion against the LORD's biblical financial principles in an attempt to prosper by following the ways of the world and using its advice causes you to dwell in a dry land where you find pressure to perform, stress, distress, unhappiness, and eternal failure in God's eyes.
Obedience to His commands and principles concerning money management brings about manifold blessings in your life including peace, joy, an ability to overcome problems, natural comfort, and righteousness in the eyes of God through Jesus Christ. The love, hope, and faith God imparts as you walk in His ways allow you to obtain victory over every temptation and attack of the enemy.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 11:26-28, 1Samuel 15:22, Matthew 28: 20, Acts 5:29
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
God will guide you when you’re consistent in reading the bible, praying, fellowshipping with believers, and staying away from complainers and scorners. You’ll know it’s Him because what He communicates to you will never conflict with commands and principles in the bible.
Scripture gives parameters within which you can make decisions about managing money and your lifestyle and remain safe and secure in His arms while doing so. In some situations, the Holy Spirit tells you specifically what to do. It is always best to do what He directs even though your immediate reaction may be fear of unknown results or loss of comfort. What you feel you cannot do because of the weakness of your flesh, God gives you the power to do by the indwelling of His Spirit when it is in accordance with His will.
Rebellion against the LORD's biblical financial principles in an attempt to prosper by following the ways of the world and using its advice causes you to dwell in a dry land where you find pressure to perform, stress, distress, unhappiness, and eternal failure in God's eyes.
Obedience to His commands and principles concerning money management brings about manifold blessings in your life including peace, joy, an ability to overcome problems, natural comfort, and righteousness in the eyes of God through Jesus Christ. The love, hope, and faith God imparts as you walk in His ways allow you to obtain victory over every temptation and attack of the enemy.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 11:26-28, 1Samuel 15:22, Matthew 28: 20, Acts 5:29
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
MoneyWalk 461: Budgeting by giving first, then saving and spending
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Some people teach that you should not budget any other way than to set aside the level of savings each pay period that you can afford and then be free to spend all the rest of the money that is at your disposal. They say that you can start with 2 to 3% of your pay and later save more when you can afford to. They believe that other types of budgeting do not work and are unnecessary even if they did work.
The problem with this view is that it puts a person’s focus on the importance of making sure you always have enough money available to spend to get more things that you want. This is not the proper priority of heart and mind that you should have. You should think and act upon GIVING first, SAVING next, and then upon SPENDING to care for responsibilities. Fulfilling the bulk of your desires through spending should come well after you are adhering to the first two principles of giving and saving that God wants you to be focused on.
The improper spending-based view of managing money makes it easy to condone taking on debt to keep up the lifestyle you want instead of shedding debt in order to be in good financial condition. In the spending-based form of budgeting (which people try to identify as saving based budgeting) the debt monster will eat you up and bring turmoil into your life. Because the focus is much too much on the spending side of the equation, you will have set aside only a little savings and later on have to deplete those savings to pay on debts you should not have incurred in the first place. Finally, not knowing what to do, you will inevitably stop saving altogether and continue to take on more debt to do your own thing until you are stressed and pressed with monthly debt payments and high interest charges as your payment history and FICO scores get worse and worse.
Satan always attacks us with thoughts to fulfill the lust of the flesh and eyes and to operate in the pride of life. He wants us to have our priorities in the wrong order and to keep them there. He knows that when he can keep you focused upon your material desires your ability to serve and be an example of Christ-likeness will remain hidden from view and may be entirely non-existent.
How you manage money that comes into your life is a very telling barometer of your spiritual condition because if you love Jesus Christ you will keep His commandments and where your treasure is there will your heart be also. The Word has given us specific instructions as to how true faith motivates us to good works through the acquiring of income and the giving, saving, and spending of it. No one can serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Budgeting does not have to be complicated. If you will remember the priority that is in God’s heart and faithfully use it as you write down on paper / computer how you will manage the income God has blessed you with, then you will do well in the budgeting arena and thus bring blessing into your life.
GIVING to the work of Christ should be thought of first and accounted for first in your budget. Tithing and then a free-will offering of your choosing should be given to your local church and/or worthwhile gospel teaching / preaching / good works ministries.
Next, you should SAVE a reasonable portion of your income. Focus on an amount now that with compounding interest and future growth will be meaningful and worthwhile, such as 10%, because you will get older, have increased monetary needs in the future, and will want rainy day funds when the inevitable rainy days arise in your life.
Finally, you should focus on making sure that you SPEND without taking on debt. Spending should be primarily focused on taking care of the most important priorities such as reasonable housing, food, clothing, and transportation. Fulfilling desires can and will come in the future once you have put yourself on good financial footing and find that you have much greater disposable income.
You may simply be unable to afford some things you want or have right now and it would be wise to forego purchasing them or to sell them to ease the payment and maintenance costs you are incurring each month. Getting in God’s financial flow will please Him and allow you to afford some of these things in the future while you are also able to avoid irresponsible money management behavior that leads to foreclosure, bankruptcy, and the inability to properly care for your family and personal responsibilities.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 6:38, 12:29-34, John 14:15, 1Timothy 6:5-19, 2Corinthians 9:6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Some people teach that you should not budget any other way than to set aside the level of savings each pay period that you can afford and then be free to spend all the rest of the money that is at your disposal. They say that you can start with 2 to 3% of your pay and later save more when you can afford to. They believe that other types of budgeting do not work and are unnecessary even if they did work.
The problem with this view is that it puts a person’s focus on the importance of making sure you always have enough money available to spend to get more things that you want. This is not the proper priority of heart and mind that you should have. You should think and act upon GIVING first, SAVING next, and then upon SPENDING to care for responsibilities. Fulfilling the bulk of your desires through spending should come well after you are adhering to the first two principles of giving and saving that God wants you to be focused on.
The improper spending-based view of managing money makes it easy to condone taking on debt to keep up the lifestyle you want instead of shedding debt in order to be in good financial condition. In the spending-based form of budgeting (which people try to identify as saving based budgeting) the debt monster will eat you up and bring turmoil into your life. Because the focus is much too much on the spending side of the equation, you will have set aside only a little savings and later on have to deplete those savings to pay on debts you should not have incurred in the first place. Finally, not knowing what to do, you will inevitably stop saving altogether and continue to take on more debt to do your own thing until you are stressed and pressed with monthly debt payments and high interest charges as your payment history and FICO scores get worse and worse.
Satan always attacks us with thoughts to fulfill the lust of the flesh and eyes and to operate in the pride of life. He wants us to have our priorities in the wrong order and to keep them there. He knows that when he can keep you focused upon your material desires your ability to serve and be an example of Christ-likeness will remain hidden from view and may be entirely non-existent.
How you manage money that comes into your life is a very telling barometer of your spiritual condition because if you love Jesus Christ you will keep His commandments and where your treasure is there will your heart be also. The Word has given us specific instructions as to how true faith motivates us to good works through the acquiring of income and the giving, saving, and spending of it. No one can serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Budgeting does not have to be complicated. If you will remember the priority that is in God’s heart and faithfully use it as you write down on paper / computer how you will manage the income God has blessed you with, then you will do well in the budgeting arena and thus bring blessing into your life.
GIVING to the work of Christ should be thought of first and accounted for first in your budget. Tithing and then a free-will offering of your choosing should be given to your local church and/or worthwhile gospel teaching / preaching / good works ministries.
Next, you should SAVE a reasonable portion of your income. Focus on an amount now that with compounding interest and future growth will be meaningful and worthwhile, such as 10%, because you will get older, have increased monetary needs in the future, and will want rainy day funds when the inevitable rainy days arise in your life.
Finally, you should focus on making sure that you SPEND without taking on debt. Spending should be primarily focused on taking care of the most important priorities such as reasonable housing, food, clothing, and transportation. Fulfilling desires can and will come in the future once you have put yourself on good financial footing and find that you have much greater disposable income.
You may simply be unable to afford some things you want or have right now and it would be wise to forego purchasing them or to sell them to ease the payment and maintenance costs you are incurring each month. Getting in God’s financial flow will please Him and allow you to afford some of these things in the future while you are also able to avoid irresponsible money management behavior that leads to foreclosure, bankruptcy, and the inability to properly care for your family and personal responsibilities.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Luke 6:38, 12:29-34, John 14:15, 1Timothy 6:5-19, 2Corinthians 9:6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
MoneyWalk 63: Hope Begets Faith
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
If you're born again by Jesus Christ, you'll one day see God face-to-face and have a heavenly home in His presence. It is your hope to live, move, and have your being in Him. Now, faith to do what He commands by His Word and spirit comes from this hope because you innately and intuitively know you're much better off eternally and on earth when you do His will. You must believe this truth when it comes to managing your money as well as other areas of your life.
Many people don't want to believe that God has biblical principles related to managing money and some don’t want to follow them because the world's way of handling money and possessions appears more lucrative and require less of them. It seems they can obtain highly valuable things much quicker than the biblically correct way without having to measure the methods based on godly principles. This attitude represents a lack of faith in God's Word and His promises in both the short and long run it and ultimately leads to:
1) Missing blessings God had in store for you.
2) Spiritual and financial bondage.
3) Eternal consequences.
Take the path that will truly help you eternally and naturally. Let God’s love and plan for your life bring hope that causes you to take action by faith to bring forth that currently unseen substance that God desires for you to receive and achieve to fulfill His plan for your life. Begin to look for the money management principles contained in the bible and faithfully use them. You'll find that God is a rewarder of people who diligently seek Him. Let an unshakeable hope in God produce faith that will lead you to Him and the treasures He has available for you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Habakkuk 2:4, Luke 17:6, Romans 4:19-25, 1Corinthians 13:13, Hebrews 11:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
If you're born again by Jesus Christ, you'll one day see God face-to-face and have a heavenly home in His presence. It is your hope to live, move, and have your being in Him. Now, faith to do what He commands by His Word and spirit comes from this hope because you innately and intuitively know you're much better off eternally and on earth when you do His will. You must believe this truth when it comes to managing your money as well as other areas of your life.
Many people don't want to believe that God has biblical principles related to managing money and some don’t want to follow them because the world's way of handling money and possessions appears more lucrative and require less of them. It seems they can obtain highly valuable things much quicker than the biblically correct way without having to measure the methods based on godly principles. This attitude represents a lack of faith in God's Word and His promises in both the short and long run it and ultimately leads to:
1) Missing blessings God had in store for you.
2) Spiritual and financial bondage.
3) Eternal consequences.
Take the path that will truly help you eternally and naturally. Let God’s love and plan for your life bring hope that causes you to take action by faith to bring forth that currently unseen substance that God desires for you to receive and achieve to fulfill His plan for your life. Begin to look for the money management principles contained in the bible and faithfully use them. You'll find that God is a rewarder of people who diligently seek Him. Let an unshakeable hope in God produce faith that will lead you to Him and the treasures He has available for you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Habakkuk 2:4, Luke 17:6, Romans 4:19-25, 1Corinthians 13:13, Hebrews 11:1-6
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
MoneyWalk 460: A work plan for the unemployed
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Many people have complained that no one is hiring and that as hard as they’ve tried they cannot find a job. I’m very empathetic toward them because I understand that we have a national unemployment rate of roughly 9% and that people need to be able to provide for themselves and their families. However, I also know that God can make a way out of no way.
Most of those I talk to share with me how they’ve applied at a few places and haven’t received return calls offering them jobs. A few tell me that they’ve sent out a few resumes and have not received any responses from employers. However, when I get down to the nitty-gritty with most of them I find that they have not followed a few important principles and methods for creating income in their lives.
First, they speak very negatively about their situations, past employers, and the economy much too often. Thus, they tend to eat bad from the fruit of the lips. Complaining and speaking negatively about the availability of jobs and opportunities will not get your situation back on track if you happen to be in a poor personal economic cycle right now.
Second, they do not recognize the gifts, talents, skills, and abilities they are endowed with. Some gifs and talents they’ve used in the past and should know they have and some are latent and haven’t been used yet.
Third, they fail to look for a job like it’s a job. Many fail to also stop the flow of spending they had when they were employed and have not set priorities for funds they do have access to. Also, some still engage in habits like smoking, drinking, gambling, etc. that take away money necessary for them to make it more comfortably through the period of unemployment they are experiencing.
Fourth, they fail to recognize that blessings often come in small packages. Thus, they should not despise the day of small beginnings even when the new beginning comes after you were on a large stage previously and you would have liked to continue in that stature.
You must remember that your actual worth and stature is not based on the position, notoriety, fame, or income you have or had in the past. It is based on you being a creation of God almighty and should be augmented by your born again relationship with Jesus Christ.
I often implore those I speak with to write out a plan in which:
1) The first four hours of their working day even while unemployed is spent going from business to business in a two to three mile radius. Choose a radius that you can walk from business to business if possible so you can save on gas or in case you don’t have a car. In such commercially rich districts you will normally find 50+ employers to reach out to.
They should complete applications over and over as necessary until they saturate these employers with the knowledge that they are unlike all the other people who complete an application and then sit at home or do other non-work related stuff while waiting for their phone to ring.
They should show each possible employer that they have patience and perseverance by continuing to come back over and over and over completing more applications and asking to speak with owners and managers of the business.
There could come a time 3 to 4 months later where you may choose another commercially rich location to augment your search, but if you approach this situation like a job and do it day in and day out Monday thru Friday and maybe Saturday you will often find that employment is offered to you because of the passion and hard work ethic you display even while currently unemployed.
2) Next, the last four hours of the day should be spent going door to door in residential areas with business cards or flyers offering to provide some type of personal service that you are able to perform. We underestimate in this current society the mass numbers of people who need or want personal services performed for them and their families.
I’ve known people who have provided at the homes of others hair braiding, animal watching and walking, handyman services, lawn maintenance, snow removal, painting, mural painting in bedrooms, babysitting, home health aide, cleaning, cooking, etc. All of these things have been done without the help of employers.
In essence, the people who accomplished these tasks created their own businesses that either grew to very gainful incomes or helped tide them over until an employer hired them at a higher income.
It is not a bad thing to let the people on whose doors you knock know that you are out of work and would appreciate them giving you an opportunity to work hard performing a service that is helpful to them.
3) They should take a short break mid-morning and mid afternoon and a short lunch time. They should especially spend time fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in worship, praise, and prayer presenting their petitions to Him so that His heart is moved to help them find a suitable income producing situation for them. Also, they should not forsake the assembly with other believers in order that they receive encouragement, uplift, and help in the time of need. They can return the favor to others later on when they are gainfully employed. Praise be to God who always causes us to triumph.
4) They augment the physical search with the mailing of resumes to businesses that they can get to if a job was offered and at which they may desire to work because of gifting, talent, skill, etc. They should shortly and often follow up with phone calls asking to speak with managers who would hire prospective employees and who would be willing to share more about the employer.
Additional resume mailing and phone calls should be made every few weeks in order that these prospective employers see your perseverance and understand your passion for working with them and working hard when they employ you.
5) They should further augment their continuous hard work and effort looking for a job like it’s a job by listing all of the family, friends, and associates in the area they are located in or they might choose to relocate to and let them know they are out of work and looking for employment.
Ask them to put in a kind word for you with their employers or any other business they may have associations with. Also, ask if they have any insight into job openings or opportunities that you could take advantage of. One of the best ways to find employment is networking with the many friends you have associated with over the years.
Again, the contacts with these friends, etc. should be made over and over every few weeks until employment is found because you want to keep it foremost in their minds that you are still searching for employment to provide income to help you care for yourself and family.
6) They should also look for opportunities to volunteer at churches and charities as many times these stints help you network into employment and friendships that can tide you over until a better ship comes in.
7) Certainly, if you are able to get some free or low cost education and training during this time that can help you get on the path to gainful employment, then by all means do so. You may also be able to obtain some needed free education and tools to help you at your local library. Usually though, the thing that most unemployed people need is some amount of income to help pay the priority bills and get them through to a better economic time.
I’ve had numerous people tell me they weren’t going to work for the little bit that people might pay them for personal services. My response has been, so is it better to sit around doing nothing most of the day than to make the few dollars that you can make doing something worthwhile with your time and talent. Inevitably, I continue to see many of them stay in the poor economic situation they were in when I spoke with them. However, all those who have taken the position that it is better to earn something and spend their time expediently have been blessed and have moved on to better economic times. This is my hope for every currently unemployed person.
If you’ll take reasonable steps daily to find gainful employment and income producing opportunities God will provide helps and tools to get you to your destiny. The determination of how long and how much other people will lend themselves to help you will often come down to the effort they see you putting into making your situation better. So give them absolutely nothing to look negatively on and remember if a man will not work (even when he is so called “unemployed,”) he also shall not eat.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis3:17-19, Proverbs 19:24, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 25:20-21, Luke 19:16-17, Romans 12:6-13
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Many people have complained that no one is hiring and that as hard as they’ve tried they cannot find a job. I’m very empathetic toward them because I understand that we have a national unemployment rate of roughly 9% and that people need to be able to provide for themselves and their families. However, I also know that God can make a way out of no way.
Most of those I talk to share with me how they’ve applied at a few places and haven’t received return calls offering them jobs. A few tell me that they’ve sent out a few resumes and have not received any responses from employers. However, when I get down to the nitty-gritty with most of them I find that they have not followed a few important principles and methods for creating income in their lives.
First, they speak very negatively about their situations, past employers, and the economy much too often. Thus, they tend to eat bad from the fruit of the lips. Complaining and speaking negatively about the availability of jobs and opportunities will not get your situation back on track if you happen to be in a poor personal economic cycle right now.
Second, they do not recognize the gifts, talents, skills, and abilities they are endowed with. Some gifs and talents they’ve used in the past and should know they have and some are latent and haven’t been used yet.
Third, they fail to look for a job like it’s a job. Many fail to also stop the flow of spending they had when they were employed and have not set priorities for funds they do have access to. Also, some still engage in habits like smoking, drinking, gambling, etc. that take away money necessary for them to make it more comfortably through the period of unemployment they are experiencing.
Fourth, they fail to recognize that blessings often come in small packages. Thus, they should not despise the day of small beginnings even when the new beginning comes after you were on a large stage previously and you would have liked to continue in that stature.
You must remember that your actual worth and stature is not based on the position, notoriety, fame, or income you have or had in the past. It is based on you being a creation of God almighty and should be augmented by your born again relationship with Jesus Christ.
I often implore those I speak with to write out a plan in which:
1) The first four hours of their working day even while unemployed is spent going from business to business in a two to three mile radius. Choose a radius that you can walk from business to business if possible so you can save on gas or in case you don’t have a car. In such commercially rich districts you will normally find 50+ employers to reach out to.
They should complete applications over and over as necessary until they saturate these employers with the knowledge that they are unlike all the other people who complete an application and then sit at home or do other non-work related stuff while waiting for their phone to ring.
They should show each possible employer that they have patience and perseverance by continuing to come back over and over and over completing more applications and asking to speak with owners and managers of the business.
There could come a time 3 to 4 months later where you may choose another commercially rich location to augment your search, but if you approach this situation like a job and do it day in and day out Monday thru Friday and maybe Saturday you will often find that employment is offered to you because of the passion and hard work ethic you display even while currently unemployed.
2) Next, the last four hours of the day should be spent going door to door in residential areas with business cards or flyers offering to provide some type of personal service that you are able to perform. We underestimate in this current society the mass numbers of people who need or want personal services performed for them and their families.
I’ve known people who have provided at the homes of others hair braiding, animal watching and walking, handyman services, lawn maintenance, snow removal, painting, mural painting in bedrooms, babysitting, home health aide, cleaning, cooking, etc. All of these things have been done without the help of employers.
In essence, the people who accomplished these tasks created their own businesses that either grew to very gainful incomes or helped tide them over until an employer hired them at a higher income.
It is not a bad thing to let the people on whose doors you knock know that you are out of work and would appreciate them giving you an opportunity to work hard performing a service that is helpful to them.
3) They should take a short break mid-morning and mid afternoon and a short lunch time. They should especially spend time fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit in worship, praise, and prayer presenting their petitions to Him so that His heart is moved to help them find a suitable income producing situation for them. Also, they should not forsake the assembly with other believers in order that they receive encouragement, uplift, and help in the time of need. They can return the favor to others later on when they are gainfully employed. Praise be to God who always causes us to triumph.
4) They augment the physical search with the mailing of resumes to businesses that they can get to if a job was offered and at which they may desire to work because of gifting, talent, skill, etc. They should shortly and often follow up with phone calls asking to speak with managers who would hire prospective employees and who would be willing to share more about the employer.
Additional resume mailing and phone calls should be made every few weeks in order that these prospective employers see your perseverance and understand your passion for working with them and working hard when they employ you.
5) They should further augment their continuous hard work and effort looking for a job like it’s a job by listing all of the family, friends, and associates in the area they are located in or they might choose to relocate to and let them know they are out of work and looking for employment.
Ask them to put in a kind word for you with their employers or any other business they may have associations with. Also, ask if they have any insight into job openings or opportunities that you could take advantage of. One of the best ways to find employment is networking with the many friends you have associated with over the years.
Again, the contacts with these friends, etc. should be made over and over every few weeks until employment is found because you want to keep it foremost in their minds that you are still searching for employment to provide income to help you care for yourself and family.
6) They should also look for opportunities to volunteer at churches and charities as many times these stints help you network into employment and friendships that can tide you over until a better ship comes in.
7) Certainly, if you are able to get some free or low cost education and training during this time that can help you get on the path to gainful employment, then by all means do so. You may also be able to obtain some needed free education and tools to help you at your local library. Usually though, the thing that most unemployed people need is some amount of income to help pay the priority bills and get them through to a better economic time.
I’ve had numerous people tell me they weren’t going to work for the little bit that people might pay them for personal services. My response has been, so is it better to sit around doing nothing most of the day than to make the few dollars that you can make doing something worthwhile with your time and talent. Inevitably, I continue to see many of them stay in the poor economic situation they were in when I spoke with them. However, all those who have taken the position that it is better to earn something and spend their time expediently have been blessed and have moved on to better economic times. This is my hope for every currently unemployed person.
If you’ll take reasonable steps daily to find gainful employment and income producing opportunities God will provide helps and tools to get you to your destiny. The determination of how long and how much other people will lend themselves to help you will often come down to the effort they see you putting into making your situation better. So give them absolutely nothing to look negatively on and remember if a man will not work (even when he is so called “unemployed,”) he also shall not eat.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Genesis3:17-19, Proverbs 19:24, Ecclesiastes 11:4-6, Matthew 25:20-21, Luke 19:16-17, Romans 12:6-13
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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