Monday, August 23, 2010

MoneyWalk 64: Obedience Is Essential

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

God will guide you when you’re consistent in reading the bible, praying, fellowshipping with believers, and staying away from complainers and scorners. You’ll know it’s Him because what He communicates to you will never conflict with commands and principles in the bible.

Scripture gives parameters within which you can make decisions about managing money and your lifestyle and remain safe and secure in His arms while doing so. In some situations, the Holy Spirit tells you specifically what to do. It is always best to do what He directs even though your immediate reaction may be fear of unknown results or loss of comfort. What you feel you cannot do because of the weakness of your flesh, God gives you the power to do by the indwelling of His Spirit when it is in accordance with His will.

Rebellion against the LORD's biblical financial principles in an attempt to prosper by following the ways of the world and using its advice causes you to dwell in a dry land where you find pressure to perform, stress, distress, unhappiness, and eternal failure in God's eyes.

Obedience to His commands and principles concerning money management brings about manifold blessings in your life including peace, joy, an ability to overcome problems, natural comfort, and righteousness in the eyes of God through Jesus Christ. The love, hope, and faith God imparts as you walk in His ways allow you to obtain victory over every temptation and attack of the enemy.

Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Deuteronomy 11:26-28, 1Samuel 15:22, Matthew 28: 20, Acts 5:29

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

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