This program will help you undo financial bondage.
When obtaining money is their highest aim, people do many foolish things. Some commit murder while robbing people or to obtain life insurance payouts, some prostitute their bodies and some engage in drug deals. Others forsake their wives and children hoping to obtain prestige among movers and shakers in the corporate and political arenas. Still others spend more time pursuing higher incomes and accumulating wealth rather than establishing and developing a relationship with God in Christ.
When getting rich becomes the most important thing in your heart and mind, there’s usually a temptation to become haughty toward other people, considering them less because you think their level of income or wealth shows they aren’t ambitious. Some people pursue titles, positions, and material things in order to showcase their riches or fool people into thinking they are rich. When people honor them, some don't immediately give glory to God recognizing that God's favor and His use of many other people played the major role in the riches bestowed upon them whereas their work effort played a minor role.
Don't get caught in such arrogant attitude traps from hell because the end never justifies immoral means. When your methods are immoral and go against biblical instruction on how to honor God and treat your fellow man, the big payday and extravagant lifestyle you seek may turn into devastating problems on earth and bring eternal damnation if not repented of before you leave this earth.
Stay humble and utilize biblical principles and your financial wherewithal and ability to minister to others will definitely greatly increase as you diligently employ the methods of a good steward of the manifold blessings God bestows upon you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Ecclesiastes 10:19, Luke 12:13-21, 1Timothy 6:6-12, Revelation 3:16-18
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
MoneyWalk 73: Diversification Is Good
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
The bible says there is safety in the multitude of counselors and that you should give a portion to seven or eight. This is sound instructions from the mind of God because He knows that the future on occasion will include economic downturns. He loves us so much that He guides us to live by the right principles that help us avoid upheaval or overcome it.
When you own stocks, bonds, and company issued investments, you risk the possible loss of the entire investment or having to wait behind other classes of investors in order to receive a small amount on the dollars you invested if a company behind the investment that you own goes bankrupt. This is not a usual happenstance and this happening to one investment doesn't mean that all investment vehicles of the same type are bad. However, the risk of this being extremely devastating for your life is multiplied immensely when all your savings and investments are in one account. Thus, no one should put all the money entrusted to him or her in one investment, one financial institution, or with one advisor.
You should diversify your assets among various investment vehicles based on your personal risk tolerance, the future date you intend to use the money, and positive long, medium, and short-term history of returns of different stock, bond, and fixed-income investment vehicles. Do not put money into any instrument that doesn't have a good long-term history of profits. Savings should generally be put in vehicles where the principle is safest and the account earns a competitive amount of periodic interest. Investments may be put into vehicles that carry some amount of risk of loss of principle that is offset by the possibility of earning higher long-term returns.
Your allocation of investment money should place more of it in vehicles that provide better protection for more of your principle as you get older because as you get older you cannot usually afford to lose great amounts of your money and you may not have time to let the markets work in order to re-grow your assets to adequate levels after a market decline.
One of your major investments should be to tithe and give an abundant offering to your local church and other ministries from the income God provides for the purpose of spreading the gospel in expectation of Jesus return for His saints. This is your greatest investment while on earth, which has an eternally positive effect for you and many others who come into the kingdom as a result of your giving. After all, any mental or physical ability that allows you to earn or receive income of any kind indeed originates from God and could not be obtained without Him endowing you with such intellect, skill, etc.
In your faith walk, you should take prudent risk which requires godly vision to help carry out your earthly purpose and diversification in the area of saving and investing. I recommend managing your lifestyle and money in a manner that allows you to save and invest a portion of your income equal to a tithe and offering. Such an amount when consistently invested over several decades in a diversified manner with the discipline to forego pulling it out except in extreme emergencies has been shown to provide the kind of wealth that people need to help weather economic storms and provide for them in their latter years.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Luke 19:13, Acts 6:2-3
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
The bible says there is safety in the multitude of counselors and that you should give a portion to seven or eight. This is sound instructions from the mind of God because He knows that the future on occasion will include economic downturns. He loves us so much that He guides us to live by the right principles that help us avoid upheaval or overcome it.
When you own stocks, bonds, and company issued investments, you risk the possible loss of the entire investment or having to wait behind other classes of investors in order to receive a small amount on the dollars you invested if a company behind the investment that you own goes bankrupt. This is not a usual happenstance and this happening to one investment doesn't mean that all investment vehicles of the same type are bad. However, the risk of this being extremely devastating for your life is multiplied immensely when all your savings and investments are in one account. Thus, no one should put all the money entrusted to him or her in one investment, one financial institution, or with one advisor.
You should diversify your assets among various investment vehicles based on your personal risk tolerance, the future date you intend to use the money, and positive long, medium, and short-term history of returns of different stock, bond, and fixed-income investment vehicles. Do not put money into any instrument that doesn't have a good long-term history of profits. Savings should generally be put in vehicles where the principle is safest and the account earns a competitive amount of periodic interest. Investments may be put into vehicles that carry some amount of risk of loss of principle that is offset by the possibility of earning higher long-term returns.
Your allocation of investment money should place more of it in vehicles that provide better protection for more of your principle as you get older because as you get older you cannot usually afford to lose great amounts of your money and you may not have time to let the markets work in order to re-grow your assets to adequate levels after a market decline.
One of your major investments should be to tithe and give an abundant offering to your local church and other ministries from the income God provides for the purpose of spreading the gospel in expectation of Jesus return for His saints. This is your greatest investment while on earth, which has an eternally positive effect for you and many others who come into the kingdom as a result of your giving. After all, any mental or physical ability that allows you to earn or receive income of any kind indeed originates from God and could not be obtained without Him endowing you with such intellect, skill, etc.
In your faith walk, you should take prudent risk which requires godly vision to help carry out your earthly purpose and diversification in the area of saving and investing. I recommend managing your lifestyle and money in a manner that allows you to save and invest a portion of your income equal to a tithe and offering. Such an amount when consistently invested over several decades in a diversified manner with the discipline to forego pulling it out except in extreme emergencies has been shown to provide the kind of wealth that people need to help weather economic storms and provide for them in their latter years.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 11:14, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Luke 19:13, Acts 6:2-3
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
MoneyWalk 72: The LORD Promotes
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
A great promotion may be something other than a higher-level position with an employer. For example, knowing the state of your income versus expenses, refusing to enslave yourself in debt, living beneath your income, and faithfully saving money promote you in life far ahead of your peers regardless of whether you receive an employment promotion because most refuse to adhere to such principles and thus bring themselves and their families much heartache and financial strain in life no matter what employment promotions they attain.
When promotion seeking comes from the desire to meet man’s requirements, which are outside of what God wants for your life, discontent will usually appear. This pursuit of promotion encourages you to think negatively about your current position, income, and resources instead of continually thanking God for allowing you to be in the place that you are. Even though your position may be great among men you’ll develop an attitude where the current situation is never enough.
This brings about negative comments about your employer, supervisor, and position, which usually follow an initial bout of pride, haughtiness, and disregard for living Christ-like. Failing to realize that there is a character building reason why God has allowed you to be in your current position and thanking Him for the maturity He’s allowing you to develop as a result, leads to blessings in your life turning out to be curses to you because you will fail to manage in a godly manner your tongue, lifestyle, ministry to others, income, and material resources. You may continue to get promoted on earth but you will experience an empty void in your soul and relationships with God and man.
On the other hand, Godly promotions come through humility and meekness in fellowship with and allegiance to Christ. His elevation of your earthly status will usually grant you the things that matter most: eternal life, better relationships with family, strong and enduring friendships with reliable people, a worthy career, job, and ministry role with more than enough resources to fulfill your purpose, and respect in the eyes of your peers and superiors who have spiritual eyesight.
God guaranteed that using biblical principles will bring fruitfulness and promotion in your life regardless of whether man ever promotes you or not. When you’re humble before Him, He will raise you up in due time and will make room among influential men for the gift He’s given you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 75:6-10, Proverbs 3:35, Daniel 4:30-35, 1Peter 5:6-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
A great promotion may be something other than a higher-level position with an employer. For example, knowing the state of your income versus expenses, refusing to enslave yourself in debt, living beneath your income, and faithfully saving money promote you in life far ahead of your peers regardless of whether you receive an employment promotion because most refuse to adhere to such principles and thus bring themselves and their families much heartache and financial strain in life no matter what employment promotions they attain.
When promotion seeking comes from the desire to meet man’s requirements, which are outside of what God wants for your life, discontent will usually appear. This pursuit of promotion encourages you to think negatively about your current position, income, and resources instead of continually thanking God for allowing you to be in the place that you are. Even though your position may be great among men you’ll develop an attitude where the current situation is never enough.
This brings about negative comments about your employer, supervisor, and position, which usually follow an initial bout of pride, haughtiness, and disregard for living Christ-like. Failing to realize that there is a character building reason why God has allowed you to be in your current position and thanking Him for the maturity He’s allowing you to develop as a result, leads to blessings in your life turning out to be curses to you because you will fail to manage in a godly manner your tongue, lifestyle, ministry to others, income, and material resources. You may continue to get promoted on earth but you will experience an empty void in your soul and relationships with God and man.
On the other hand, Godly promotions come through humility and meekness in fellowship with and allegiance to Christ. His elevation of your earthly status will usually grant you the things that matter most: eternal life, better relationships with family, strong and enduring friendships with reliable people, a worthy career, job, and ministry role with more than enough resources to fulfill your purpose, and respect in the eyes of your peers and superiors who have spiritual eyesight.
God guaranteed that using biblical principles will bring fruitfulness and promotion in your life regardless of whether man ever promotes you or not. When you’re humble before Him, He will raise you up in due time and will make room among influential men for the gift He’s given you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 75:6-10, Proverbs 3:35, Daniel 4:30-35, 1Peter 5:6-11
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
MoneyWalk 70: Choose Your Reward
This program will help you undo financial bondage.
Anything worth having will cost you directly or indirectly. For example, being saved requires that you die to your selfish, pride-filled heart and mind-set in order to accept in you the life of Jesus Christ. It also requires that you take up your cross and follow Him by desiring and seeking to do His will in every area of life.
Likewise, heavenly rewards and God’s blessing upon your life, money, and resources managed on earth require allegiance to Christ, obedience to His commands, and adherence to scriptural principles by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Proclaiming Jesus as Savior and seeking His kingdom and righteousness is the only doorway through which worthwhile rewards can be obtained.
When you’re truly intent on loving and following Christ, the scriptures come alive to tell you how to honor Him in general and to give you specific methods for doing so. For instance, faithfully paying tithes and giving offerings to your local church cause the Father to pour blessings upon you that you'll not have room enough to receive. Also, giving to people truly in need directly or through various ministries moves Him to inspire men to give to you full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over for the purposes of allowing you to be a continuous and greater blessing to His kingdom, other people, and your family.
People who have the mind of Christ recognize that money and material items aren't the principle things to be obtained by following these principles. Rather, pleasing God is the ultimate desire with a mind toward creating a place where the peace of God and joy in the Holy Ghost permeate your life in the natural and eternal realms.
Using biblical money management principles gives worthwhile purpose and meaning to your life and moves God to bless and navigate you to be a blessing. Failing to utilize His principles generally perpetuates earthly problems, physical or spiritual poverty, and eternal suffering no matter the level of money and resources you have on earth. The bottom line is: you choose your reward by the principles you follow.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9, Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:31, Luke 6:38
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Anything worth having will cost you directly or indirectly. For example, being saved requires that you die to your selfish, pride-filled heart and mind-set in order to accept in you the life of Jesus Christ. It also requires that you take up your cross and follow Him by desiring and seeking to do His will in every area of life.
Likewise, heavenly rewards and God’s blessing upon your life, money, and resources managed on earth require allegiance to Christ, obedience to His commands, and adherence to scriptural principles by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Proclaiming Jesus as Savior and seeking His kingdom and righteousness is the only doorway through which worthwhile rewards can be obtained.
When you’re truly intent on loving and following Christ, the scriptures come alive to tell you how to honor Him in general and to give you specific methods for doing so. For instance, faithfully paying tithes and giving offerings to your local church cause the Father to pour blessings upon you that you'll not have room enough to receive. Also, giving to people truly in need directly or through various ministries moves Him to inspire men to give to you full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over for the purposes of allowing you to be a continuous and greater blessing to His kingdom, other people, and your family.
People who have the mind of Christ recognize that money and material items aren't the principle things to be obtained by following these principles. Rather, pleasing God is the ultimate desire with a mind toward creating a place where the peace of God and joy in the Holy Ghost permeate your life in the natural and eternal realms.
Using biblical money management principles gives worthwhile purpose and meaning to your life and moves God to bless and navigate you to be a blessing. Failing to utilize His principles generally perpetuates earthly problems, physical or spiritual poverty, and eternal suffering no matter the level of money and resources you have on earth. The bottom line is: you choose your reward by the principles you follow.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Proverbs 3:9, Malachi 3:8-12, Matthew 6:31, Luke 6:38
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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