This program will help you undo financial bondage.
When obtaining money is their highest aim, people do many foolish things. Some commit murder while robbing people or to obtain life insurance payouts, some prostitute their bodies and some engage in drug deals. Others forsake their wives and children hoping to obtain prestige among movers and shakers in the corporate and political arenas. Still others spend more time pursuing higher incomes and accumulating wealth rather than establishing and developing a relationship with God in Christ.
When getting rich becomes the most important thing in your heart and mind, there’s usually a temptation to become haughty toward other people, considering them less because you think their level of income or wealth shows they aren’t ambitious. Some people pursue titles, positions, and material things in order to showcase their riches or fool people into thinking they are rich. When people honor them, some don't immediately give glory to God recognizing that God's favor and His use of many other people played the major role in the riches bestowed upon them whereas their work effort played a minor role.
Don't get caught in such arrogant attitude traps from hell because the end never justifies immoral means. When your methods are immoral and go against biblical instruction on how to honor God and treat your fellow man, the big payday and extravagant lifestyle you seek may turn into devastating problems on earth and bring eternal damnation if not repented of before you leave this earth.
Stay humble and utilize biblical principles and your financial wherewithal and ability to minister to others will definitely greatly increase as you diligently employ the methods of a good steward of the manifold blessings God bestows upon you.
Please email any questions and pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Ecclesiastes 10:19, Luke 12:13-21, 1Timothy 6:6-12, Revelation 3:16-18
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
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