Sunday, April 17, 2011

MoneyWalk 94: The two extremes

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Scripture tells us that Christians should be lead by the Holy Spirit who lives in them. He will lead us to Jesus Christ, His will, and His way of being and doing things. In other words, in Christ your life will have the balance that is ordered for you to accomplish the things you need in accordance with scriptural principles.

Christ’s balance will look unbalanced to some people and they may express negative comments about His way of doing things. However, when you are not balanced according to His calling, your life is ripe for destruction initiated by satan and brought about by ungodly morals and the actions produced by them. People who get off God's narrow path usually fall into one of two financial extremes:

1) Stinginess, which is displayed by failing to faithfully support gospel work in the earth through their local church, evangelistic, and discipleship ministries.

2) Materialism, which is displayed by not adequately preparing for a rainy season in proportion to the money that has been entrusted to them.

They wrongly think that money provides the protection and security they need. Also, they think they will miss something in life if they don't spend all their income and credit getting material things to appease their flesh and impress others. These mindsets are unproductive for your future and allow problems to overtake you at some point in your life. In addition, they fail to display the kind of trust you need to have in God’s grace to help you be and do everything you are called to do.

Only God in Christ can provide truly valuable eternal and earthly blessings. Failing to use godly stewardship to manage the money entrusted to you, which includes saving and investing, will put you in an uncomfortable position because catastrophic and emergency situations will arise throughout your life. These situations will require money and resources to alleviate.

Don’t succumb to the two extremes that result from falling off of God’s path for you. Instead, allow the Lord to instill in your life the proper balance in life and money management. From this pathway, you will do the things that will help you proceed and succeed throughout your life such as faithfully tithing, give offerings, caring for your family, and filling your life with fellowship and ministry with God and His people.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ecclesiastes 10:19, Psalms 17:4-5, Isaiah 55:10, Luke 12:20-21

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

MoneyWalk 93: Always be ready to share the gospel

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

As you walk on the road of good stewardship by using biblical money management principles, some people will ask how you came to have so much contentment, peace, joy, and blessing in your life. These are perfect opportunities to be a witness of the gospel concerning how Jesus Christ changes lives, so be prepared to share Him in overt and covert ways.

Your testimony of the salvation, eternal life, and service to others that God introduced you to and how He continues to work His will and ways in you will be a great blessing to others and will lead many to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and LORD at some point in their lives.

Even when you do not speak in Christian legalese, it's important that your answers be based on sound biblical doctrine, so the inquirers have a story (HIStory) they can research and confirm to help lead them to belief and faith. This also allows them to have a firm foundation to build their future Christian success upon.

You won’t need to quote scripture or be a theologian. You’ll only have to share the gospel along with biblical principles and/or methods you followed that have moved you forward to where you are now. For example, we always give glory to God in Christ first and foremost. Then, we explain that having a relationship with Jesus has been the most important thing in our lives because He saved us and gave us eternal life along with the ability to have peace and joy no matter the situations we face in this life.

Next, we serve faithfully in our local church and enjoy our relationship with Christ. We crucify the urge to be materialistic and show this by annually giving more in tithes, offerings, and charitable giving than we separately spend on pleasures or invest for the future. Also, we do not overwork ourselves to obtain more money or material things. But, we do plan to work a reasonable amount of time each week in order to be responsible and productive as well as good stewards of the gifts, talents, and skills God has so graciously given us.

Along the way, just like Jesus said that He would build His church and the Holy Spirit would give the increase, He also provides in our life great peace, joy, more opportunities to serve, fulfillment, and blessing. Finally, we let other people know that we await our heavenly home in the presence of God with everlasting peace, joy, and treasure that cannot be compared to anything that this world has to offer.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Colossians 4:5-6, 1Peter 3:15, 1Timothy 6:9-12, 2Corinthians 8:7-9

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

MoneyWalk 92: Don't Argue Just Explain

This program will help you undo financial bondage. My wife had an encounter with a person whose lifestyle didn't include saving because she believed that two siblings that died young missed out on expensive material things they could have purchased if it weren't for their saving habits. After hundreds of discussions with people with different lifestyles, we developed standards we use when discussing finances with other people.

1) We don't argue with anyone about money management. When given the chance, we explain that we use the biblical basis we understand for managing the resources God entrusts to us.

2) If given the opportunity, we back up our comment with scripture.

3) We explain that each person can choose to obey or disobey biblical instruction and thus reap the rewards of obedience or the consequences of disobedience. We choose to obey the LORD’s commands in order to bear fruit acceptable to God in order to partner in building His kingdom and our life on a firm foundation.

4) We direct them to resources that can shed more light on the stewardship areas they’re interested in. For instance, we will lead them to websites that provide Christian Financial Advice and other resources that can help them in a way that does not negate the word of God concerning good stewardship.

We understand that we cannot make people believe the way we do because they have the power of choice. They must hunger and thirst for righteousness in order for God’s wisdom and revelation to be understood and accepted. We know that unbelievers will find reasons to dispute and ridicule information that we provide them. People treated Jesus this way, so they'll do it to His servants! But that’s okay! We recognize that we’re planting and/or watering seeds that can take root at some point in their lives as they soften their hearts toward God and desire to be good stewards of the incomes and resources He entrusts to them.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalms 33:11, Proverbs 4:4-5, Matthew 5:6, 2Timothy 2:15, James 2:17

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!