1) We don't argue with anyone about money management. When given the chance, we explain that we use the biblical basis we understand for managing the resources God entrusts to us.
2) If given the opportunity, we back up our comment with scripture.
3) We explain that each person can choose to obey or disobey biblical instruction and thus reap the rewards of obedience or the consequences of disobedience. We choose to obey the LORD’s commands in order to bear fruit acceptable to God in order to partner in building His kingdom and our life on a firm foundation.
4) We direct them to resources that can shed more light on the stewardship areas they’re interested in. For instance, we will lead them to websites that provide Christian Financial Advice and other resources that can help them in a way that does not negate the word of God concerning good stewardship.
We understand that we cannot make people believe the way we do because they have the power of choice. They must hunger and thirst for righteousness in order for God’s wisdom and revelation to be understood and accepted. We know that unbelievers will find reasons to dispute and ridicule information that we provide them. People treated Jesus this way, so they'll do it to His servants! But that’s okay! We recognize that we’re planting and/or watering seeds that can take root at some point in their lives as they soften their hearts toward God and desire to be good stewards of the incomes and resources He entrusts to them.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 33:11, Proverbs 4:4-5, Matthew 5:6, 2Timothy 2:15, James 2:17
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
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