Monday, June 20, 2011

MoneyWalk 99: When to purchase what you desire

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Many products and services are amoral, having no good or bad qualities. The way people use them will determine whether they serve a good purpose or an immoral one. However, some products and the push to sell them are satanically conceived because the inventors and sales people would have you partake of immorality such as pornography, impure thoughts, life without Christ, etc.

Fulfilling desires can destroy your financial well being more than anything else can. If not properly budgeted and carefully planned your push to have everything that seems good to your eyes, flesh, and pride will put you in debt bondage. It will obstruct your ability to honor God, fulfill your calling, and responsibly provide for your family and church.

Our desires rage because we are fallen humans, yet we are also pushed these days via millions of advertisements to buy or rent thousands of products and services we really don’t need. They tend to show us only the glamorous side of having them but not the burden of being debt-ridden trying to obtain it all. Nor do they show us the fallacy of thinking that these things make you special or a gift from God to other people. You are special because God created you, never because of material things you’ve obtained.

It’s good that we have so many options and that companies can prosper in selling their products and services. However, before they make a purchase, many people don’t measure their ability to truly afford desires and the cost that constant indebtedness will have on them and their families. Also, they don’t measure if the purchase is wholesome in God’s eyes in a way that will help propel the gospel or truly take care of a responsibility important to God (such as caring for family, serving others, etc.).

Therefore, you should use godly measures by asking the following question in order to know whether to fulfill each desire that comes to mind. First, is the desire, product, and/or service moral according to the bible? Second, can I continue to provide for the needs of my family and will the product or service augment godly relationships? Third, can I continue to pay my tithe each time I’m paid if I purchase the desire? Fourth, can I purchase it without taking on debt? Fifth, after the purchase will I still have a large savings and investment cushion? Purchasing only after “yes” answers to these questions will help you maintain good stewardship.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, 7:18, Matthew 6:19-21, 2Corinthians 9:6-15, Colossians 3:1-11

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

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