When you're a prisoner of debt and lack, it seems no one cares. However, Jesus cares and provides a way for you to escape the bondage. Starting a relationship with Him begins the process that helps you take the shackles off your feet. He's the only person who can show you how to solve your problems.
You must declare that He's your Savior and LORD and discipline yourself to read the bible daily, pray daily, and attend a bible believing local church where you'll receive godly instruction that can help you prosper in every area of your life. These disciplines help you get to know Him better, teach you His ways, encourage you to follow His ways, connect you with people who have godly wisdom you desperately need, and help you get out of the spiritual and financial trouble that has entrapped you.
Your alternative is to keep doing what you've been doing and continue your downward spiritual and financial spiral. People who rebel at God's word eventually suffer destructive, chaotic, and joyless situations. Such rebellion normally focuses on people who are unsaved, however there are believers who haven't been diligent in applying the disciplines of regularly reading scripture, praying, fellowshipping with believers, and utilizing biblical money management principles.
The believer’s confession and heart-felt faith in Christ caused them to inherit a home in Heaven, but on earth they are suffering spiritual and financial hardships because they fail to mature in obedience to scriptural principles. Certainly, this is heads and shoulders above the unbeliever because each unbeliever will suffer damnation and torment throughout eternity simply due to the fact that he / she has chosen not to make the confession of faith in Jesus Christ that would have saved him / her from such never ending pain.
Yet, the earthly and eternal inheritance God holds in trust for believers should lead them to renew their commitment to Christ-likeness by repenting of following worldly instruction and examples. In this way, they can become as fruitful as possible on earth by investing money and resources in heavenly endeavors that truly serve people’s needs and help populate the Kingdom of God. With such renewed commitment, believers are able to understand biblical instruction, receive guidance from the Holy Spirit, and surround themselves with a group of mature believers who serve as examples and inspiration for living in a biblically productive manner.
The great thing about this pattern is that it works for unbelievers as well. As soon as they make the commitment to Jesus Christ, not only do they bypass eternal damnation, they are also able to incorporate true and lasting prosperity into every area of their lives. Their hearts and minds become open to a level of understanding, revelation, and discernment that helps them walk in godly wisdom. Such enlightenment brings devotion to the LORD, His people, and His mission and produces eternally prosperous fruit in their lives. This is the way by which one truly escapes financial bondage.
Please email me with any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Psalms 1:1-6, 68:6, Proverbs 15:22, Matthew 6:9-12, Hebrews 10:23-27
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at www.Amazon.com.
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