Monday, June 4, 2012

MoneyWalk 148: What You Need

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

The Holy Spirit provides guidance for each person who confesses with his mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead to secure salvation and eternal life for every believer. He provides guidance for every area of life and every circumstance by instructing believers to obey the instructions of Christ, which contain boundaries for managing their lives including money.

It is a mystery not fully understood or explainable in this life that the Holy Spirit is a separate person within the Godhead (the Trinity) who is completely God and one with God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. He lives in each believer to direct us to Christ and help us know His mind that we may be in Father God’s perfect will. Simply put, He like the Father and the Son wants everyone to have life and have it more abundantly and thus He continually aims each person at entering a relationship with and developing intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ because this is the only way we can have abundant life starting on earth and throughout eternity.

Such life moves us ever closer to doing the impossible. When He lives in us and we in Him, we have the power and creative ability to carry out endeavors and perform services that are far beyond our natural abilities.

The Holy Spirit also works in the lives of unbelievers. He continually uses people and situations to show them the error, danger, and consequences of not accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. In other words, He convicts them of sin, righteousness, and judgment. He works through believers while they are on earth to convince unbelievers that they need and should accept Christ.

Father God desires that all would repent and accept Christ as Savior and thus none would perish. Unfortunately, some unbelievers will not bow their knee or confess that Christ is Lord until they stand before almighty God on Judgment Day. Because God sheds His love abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, every true believer desperately wants unbelievers to accept Christ right now, so that they will definitely bypass the wrath of God that will be evident on that great and terrible day.

Secondarily, the Holy Spirit desires that believers and unbelievers utilize the many gifts and talents that the Godhead bestowed upon them at creation in order to glorify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and be of service to other people. God created each of us with the latent ability and faith to call down help from Heaven in order to do the impossible.

It doesn‘t matter whether you were born normal or abnormal or how long you have lived, your very presence and abilities have the opportunity to touch someone in a very special way and help them see the great good that can come from their lives. Unfortunately, we sometimes see the impossible being done in perverse, wicked ways (i.e., greedy business people, rich drug dealers, wealth obtained via pornography, evil dictators, false religious leaders, and other wicked occupations and practices that have grown in acceptance and scope). Every person engaged in such endeavors could have used his / her gifts and abilities to forge a godly, moral path that would provide great honor to God and service to everyone around him / her. However, they chose to take the negative, hurtful, unfruitful route.

Choosing to follow the Holy Spirit’s instruction is the only way we can walk the right path and be all that God created us to be. Each unbeliever should recognize the same and choose to let Christ save him / her from the wrath to come and allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify him / her to produce good works. Only, then can he / she move on to truly do the impossible.

All that an unbeliever does or builds on earth will not save him / her from eternal damnation, be meaningful, or worthy of any reward when he / she stands before God in judgment. But, God forgives and forgets the past sins of every believer and gives him / her eternal life. No one can be saved by the works he does, yet the grace of God that saves him also leads him to do good works from a heart that loves God. He deposits eternal blessings in that person’s heavenly bank account and often showers him with blessings on earth as he goes about doing God’s will.

The blessings of God brought forth by obedience to His will come in every area of life. They are not limited to those who preach the gospel from a pulpit each Sunday. Those being called and / or serving in such a capacity are engaging a worthwhile and God-honoring endeavor. Yet, the Holy Spirit plants people in every arena of life and commerce (family, parenting, business, finance, politics, economics, money management, military, church ministry, culture, entertainment, sports, etc.).

He will not lead you to do anything that goes against His will or biblical principle. So, whether you’re a believer or un-believer allow this to be the qualifier for the type of work you will engage and allow your faith to increase so that you will believe that God is everything He said He is: the only Way, the only Truth, the only Life, and the Almighty Judge of Heaven and Earth.

If you want to do the impossible in life invite the Holy Spirit to guide you each day and seek to know Him better every day through praise, worship, and prayer. Then, He is sure to continually tell you of the great purpose He has for your life and show the way you can glorify Him, be of utmost service to other people, and allow for the greatest blessings in your life.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Habakkuk 2:4, Matthew 9:19-22, Luke 17:5-6, Romans 4:18-22, Hebrews 11:1-6

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

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