Sunday, November 11, 2012

MoneyWalk 169: Your Place of Prosperity

This program will help you undo financial bondage.

Prosperity is the will of God! He desires that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Our souls need to be led and taught by the Holy Spirit to our spirit the will of God and the way He wants us to live and take action. The Lord does not want you to be broke, busted, and disgusted. That is the plan of the enemy. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But, relationship with the Lord is available so that you may have life and have it more abundantly.

Except for each person utilizing biblical principles for living and managing money, it is a misconception that every person will be prosperous using the same industry, vehicle, or technique. Biblical principles are the only avenue that allows every possible legitimate means to work to prosper people, yet each individual will be guided by the Holy Spirit to the industry, vehicle, or technique that fits the purposes for which he is made and that God wants him to operate in based upon the part of the body of Christ they are meant to represent.

Not everyone will become prosperous creating computer apps or developing oil refineries or owning a restaurant or engaging in multi-level marketing, etc. In fact, it has been historically true that the vast majority of prosperous people never become prosperous via the same industry, vehicle, or technique though most every legitimate industry is directly or indirectly connected in some way in the economic systems used by the world; just as those in the body of Christ are different and unusual, yet interconnected and used by Jesus, the head, to fulfill his purpose in the earth.

Many people who are identified as successful leaders and examples for others to follow have pursued earthly riches and material things at all costs using the excuse that it's alright to do so because being prosperous is the will of God. They believe the desire to succeed and expectations of future profit gives them the moral high ground to divorce spouses, neglect their families, and deceive other people when necessary in order to have what they want to have.

People that don't pursue the same level of profit or high-living are called un-ambitious, even lazy, and declared to be operating outside of the will of God and of nature. Many of the so called "elite" cannot stand to be around people for very long when they don't consider them high achievers, high income, or in pursuit of such. Given this respecter of persons' attitude, they wind of following worldly advice instead of biblical principles and separate themselves from fellowship with men of low estate that they were intended to have relationship with. Common people serve only as stepping stones to use / abuse to get more of the earthly riches they seek.

Don't let the motivations, attitudes, and endeavors of the elite influence you, when they are operating via principles outside of biblical instruction. You were created to be successful using skills and abilities that God gives you. He does not intend that you mimic the lives of those who have gone astray, even when they are rich, famous, and considered to be wise by the world. Every person that men call successful is not successful in God's eyes.

Your prosperous place is unique and you can only please God in your pursuits when your attitude, action, and motivation lines up with biblical principles. The Word promises that you will come into your prosperous place when you pursue godliness, use biblical principles to guide your life and money management, treat all people well no matter their station in life, and seek to use your gifts and abilities in service to others.

Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!

Psalm 1:1-6, 139:13-18, Matthew 6:31-33, 25:14-15, Revelations 5:9-10

Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!

You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at

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