You should search the bible to find out the tactics of the enemy. Also, you should ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand all the ways in which these tactics will come against you or be presented to you as though they are good.
Be aware that upon Jesus beginning His earthly ministry, satan presented instructions to Jesus taken from Old Testament scriptural descriptions:
• Turn these stones to bread to relieve you hunger
• Throw yourself down from the pinnacle to show you are great by angels catching you
• Fall down and worship me and I’ll make you king and give you earthly riches (you’ll gain the world)
To many people, these instructions would have appeared acceptable to the human mind (the flesh, the eyes, and human intellectual capacity), especially given the natural situation that Christ was experiencing (hunger, thirst, weakness, desire for safety, etc.) and the desires that rage in humans (wanting pleasure, notoriety, power, etc.). However, they were off the mark for Christ because the attempted to lead His heart away from trusting the Father to complete the work of the gospel.
Following such instruction was not the heart of the Father, especially when spoken by the evil one (the father of lies). It would have turned Jesus to toward satisfying selfish desires instead of trusting the Father and hearing His voice to know how to move forward. Worse yet, there would have been no way for us to be redeemed from the eternal death brought about by sin.
Like Jesus, we should also refuse to follow satan’s instructions, no matter what way it is given (through worldly counselors, the Joneses lifestyle, or our ungodly thoughts). When you are not ignorant of satan’s tactics, you have the information you need to stay away from being satan’s prey. You can avoid the hurt he would otherwise bring into your life.
One tactic to be aware of is predatory lending. Lenders who employ such techniques generally get you hooked into closing loans that charge very high interest rates and closing costs. They ethically defraud you by offering loans that are too much for your income to handle in the future.
They’re not interested in truly serving you for your good by helping you get out of debt and stay out of debt. They intend to place you and many other people in a position that keeps you locked into a continual series of loans or payments with very high interest payments. When you can no longer sustain the payments, they will repossess the material things you’ve become so accustomed to and attempt to gain further profit from them.
Many people feel trapped by these lenders because they do not apply godly wisdom to their stewardship of resources the Father entrusts to them. They fail to:
• Refuse high interest loan offers
• Budget to know exactly what amount of payment they can afford
• Crucify their lusts by refusing to love their homes, cars, etc. so much that they won’t part with them even when they can no longer afford them.
Don’t be a victim of these schemes and those who perpetrate them, be more than a conqueror that uses godly wisdom to walk in victory by refusing such predatory loans and the poor money management and lifestyle practices that precede and follow obtaining them. Remember, the borrower is slave to the lender: no son or daughter becomes entangled in pursuits conflicting with the Father's instruction when his / her aim is to satisfy the one that enlisted him / her.
Please pray for this ministry and email any questions. May God bless you richly as you follow His plan!!!
Deuteronomy 28:12, Proverbs 22:7, 2Corinthians 11:13-15, 1Peter 5:8-9
Please forward these bondage breaking articles to other people who can use helpful insight!!!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
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